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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Wow that's amazing wish I had one of my babies. Such a beautiful girl
  2. That's my cat all over haha and Dozer
  3. Banana flavoured mixed with malteasers mmmmm yummy Now I want ice cream dammit! Too cold for ice cream though
  4. I mainly play WoW (world of warcraft) addicting to me because it makes me forget about everything lol Other than that there's -rollercoaster tycoon (old game) -zoo tycoon -a few hidden object games -the sims (on the iPad)
  5. Great pics and wow Kodiak is MASSIVE! He makes Skye look like a midget in that photo haha
  6. We have two indoor dogs, an out door dog (that adores kids) and my cat which is an indoor cat so they will be introduced very early on. I don't think ill have a problem with Delta as she's normally a quiet cat with exception of maybe twice a week at night where she does backflips up the hallway walls haha thanks for the reply Thanks
  7. It was extremely hard too, I went and cleaned up my kitchen to stop myself going out there lol Well weekend is over and the so and so's didnt turn up not that I expected them too. Ill be getting my OH to ring them tomorrow to see what there excuse is and I'm pretty sure it'll be 'you weren't home' we were home all day except for about 40mins in the late afternoon. I'm sick of being stuffed around so ill be telling my other to tell them that they have two choices 1: they come and sign the papers or 2: I take legal action and they explain why they abandoned Dozer here to the authorities and they will have till next Sunday to show there faces if they don't then they can face the consequences at this present time I would love to take a drive but I know ill end up behind bars if I do lol or not a good idea. If they turn up unannounced again I won't hold back I will be saying every single thing on my mind and what I think about them there's only so much I can take and I've had enough I'm two and a half mths off giving birth I don't need there crap on top of everything else.
  8. Well its 6.10pm and they haven't shown up yet. I'm assuming now that what ever they had to say yesterday including the 'apology' was all BS but never know they might turn up later (highly doubt it) unless there driving back home at night I'm really starting to want to slap them both silly! But if they don't turn up ill be taking it further and taking the legal path. The many circles this is taking me through just don't seem worth the stress but then I look at Dozers face and his big goofy smile and it breaks my heart but once its all over when ever that may be his happiness will be all worth it.
  9. Looks like you lot had fun lol great pics
  10. I tried to set up PayPal once but I got confused lol I don't know how though might look into setting it up again these so many things I want but can't get because I don't have PayPal
  11. I refused to see them last night I think it annoyed my OH though but like my mum told me I don't need the stress of them. I'm good at pretending nothing is wrong so it comes in handy but I'm unsure if years of doing that is going to help this case so avoiding them is my best option at the moment. I did make it clear to my OH last night that there's one thing you don't do with me and that's make me this angry when it comes to animals he knew as soon as I said it that putting me in the same room as them would be an extremely bad idea lol so hopefully he doesn't. And thank you for the replies its good to be able to vent on here and have people either feel the same way I do about it or give advice on how to deal with it
  12. Good on you there will be times like that but you'll get through it keep it up
  13. Bambi92


    Looks nice. I'm not a fan of the green colours but that looks good
  14. I always do that but I'm also very wary of it as I've been stuffed around so much I was ready to take the legal way around it and have them explain the abandonment to the authorities there sort of lucky they turned up when they did. If they don't stick to it this time ill be taking it further I'm so sick and tired of them. Hard part is I know my OH is going to want to still talk to them (not sure why after everything that's been done and said but that's upto him) and for me not to want to rip there heads off and for me to 'get over' what they have done to Dozer will take a very long time if at all but I guess ill have to be civil for my OH sake and bite my tongue like I always do
  15. Some may remember the story of Dozer and his owners and the arguements caused by a vet bill. Well we rang them nearly 2 months ago for the 3rd time about either paying the bill or signing him over they said they would talk to each other about it and ring us back they never rang back like normal, tbh I wasn't expecting them too do anything they said, instead they decided to turn up on our doorstep at 6.30pm unannounced (which I hate at the best of times) my dad and OH we're outside I was inside, OH called me I asked him what he wanted he didn't answer, dad comes in and says "you've got visitors" here I was thinking it might of been OHs family or something but no it was them my OH was talking to them I went from happy to overly angry at the fact that they thought it was ok to show up unannounced after what they did, said and not bothering with Dozer for the over 9mths he's been with us. I didnt go out to see them because I would of said everything I thought of them for what they did. Once they left I asked what they wanted OH says "oh they just wanted to know how things were going and that there going to sign Dozer over to us and they will be back tomorrow sometime" me being me doesn't believe a word that comes out of there mouth regarding Dozer so if they turn up tomorrow to sign him over ill be very surprised. Later on my OH said they said sorry for putting me through this. I don't care for there apologies mainly because it wasn't said to me and because its most likely BS. I am honestly hoping they finally do the right thing by Dozer I never had any intentions of keeping Dozer I would have been happy to give him back even though I didnt agree with how they treated him but after them not asking about him or even slightly attempting to pay for his flea treatment there was no way in hell they were getting him back! If they do come back then Dozer has found his furever home and he will be loved and spoilt just like the rest of the animals we have he's already apart of the family but it will be official from Monday (as I will have to go to the council and change it over) Fingers crossed they come back even though I don't want to see them lol
  16. That sounds entertaining lol I'm up for it if ya don't mind?
  17. I'd love to get a few things off there but I don't have PayPal That's the sort of harness my little shit needs lol ill have to ask my mum or brother if I can borrow there account lol thanks for the reply
  18. http://www.ezydog.com.au/convert-harness/ Is this harness similar to the k9 harness a lot of people on here have? I'm trying to find a good harness for Sasha that will help with her pulling, can be used in water without becoming lose like her one does now, is comfortable for her and she won't be able to slip out of or would be hard for her to slip out of. She almost slipped her harness last week and if she does now there's no way I'm going to be able to chase after her What would you recommend for her? I'm not very good at choosing harnesses because none of my other dogs have had a harness except for a car one and Sasha is a lot different and bigger then the other dogs I've had. Thanks for the inputs in advance
  19. Haha I wouldn't do such a thing Been doing that for years haha
  20. Near the rocks somewhere? I like the look of trees near rocks or the base of the tree surrounded by rocks
  21. Didnt know there was a show? I love the movies. I don't like this we are behind with tv shows bates motel is only just starting here looks good though I think I might have missed the first ep though
  22. Aww diamond is gorgeous love his coat On a side note in the first few pics are your floors tiled? If so that's a really nice floor lol (I know I sound strange for commenting on your floor haha I have a thing for nice tiles lol)
  23. She looks so happy. One beautiful looking doggie too the flower pics are adorable
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