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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Awesome pics! Love the one where Skye is hugging the other dog sooo cute! Those stairs would be the death of me and to do it with 3 dogs attached to you (sorry not sure who it is in the pic lol) I would of been flat on my face within seconds haha
  2. Awwwwww that's way to cute! Love when they stick there tongues out
  3. Wow those photos are amazing! Wish I could take photos like that. I can only take good photos if the object doesn't move at all haha
  4. Aww that's so cute! Sasha does that but she rarely does it unless she does sit, paw, other paw, both paws, raise (which is the same thing Mishka does), beg and kiss lol odd dog she is.
  5. Bambi92


    That's a disgusting way of them handling it. Agree with everyone else find a new vet and like also suggested take photos and report them. We had no choice but to take one of our dogs to a vet we had not been to before and the vet would hit the animals that were there if they didnt behave even if they were in extreme pain like our baby was, she went to snap at him because he was being rough with her and he hit her across the head in front of us, my brother punched him in the face for it and we took it further and he is no longer a vet and was charged with multiple counts of animal cruelty. There's no need to treat animals badly or be in it for the money they can't help themselves. Hope your little one gets better soon xx
  6. Sasha must be a broken husky lol she sniffs the bin but has never knocked it over or tried to get Into it and my OH has left it open while we weren't home and she didnt touch it (he was the one in trouble for that lol) and thankfully Sasha doesn't counter surf but that might be because the two counters we have are only just big enough to prep food on. Glad he is ok
  7. Glad Dyson is getting better did you find out what it was that causes it? My cat has skin issues Hers is caused by a flea allergy every now and then she will get really bad if there flea treatment isn't on time but its manageable thankfully.
  8. Bambi92


    Wow she has gotten so big! She's such a cutie though her colours have changed too.
  9. Bambi92

    Teo Update

    Glad it's going well
  10. Haha that looks awesome. Looks like your all enjoying yourselves
  11. Haha Sasha looks at me like 'really your brushing my teeth' lol She had a bone a few days ago but I don't give them to her much because she gets over protective of it and gets really snappy so unless we are with her and she's on her towel I'm still trying to teach Missy to stay away from Sasha when she's eating but its not really working lol
  12. Toothbrush and toothpaste for Sasha and roo meat for Sasha and i didnt buy it got it for free lettuce for the rabbit its always something for the many animals lol
  13. Haha that'll be me in a few months when my baby comes along. I didnt know you could get vegetable chews for dogs knew you could for rabbits lol Update: I bought Sasha a toothbrush and toothpaste yesterday and to my suprise she let me brush her teeth I didnt do it for long mainly did her front teeth until she gets use to it she didn't try to eat the toothbrush just tried to take off with the toothpaste haha
  14. Haha that's about what it was too the water was getting deeper it ended up at my chest and Sasha ended up on my hip like a baby wish I got a photo of it everyone that was around was laughing lol one person went to the extent of saying she's a spoilt brat and she should be swimming not being carried. Sasha gave her a look of 'up yours at least my mummy loves me' lol I ignored her otherwise I would of said some not so nice things. I think that might have been what she was doing lol not sure though
  15. Aww yay Mishka congrats to you and Mishka she is a beautiful doggie and deserves it!
  16. Haha that's soo cute I love when they protest to something can't help but laugh as they do it so well haha
  17. Have a great time! And take lots of pics haha I miss out being on the other side of the world and all
  18. Beautiful pics. Love the second one!
  19. Is it easy to make them? I want to try and make them again but don't know how lol
  20. What does the raw diet consist of? I just changed Sasha to kangaroo mince but she still gets her kibble but I'm not sure if I give her enough meat or not. She eats it all and goes looking for more and tries to open the fridge lol but not sure if that's because she likes it so much or because I haven't given her enough. How much should I be giving her?
  21. Insane but hey for Star Trek I'd do the same thing haha LOVE Star Trek!
  22. Sasha has had bush ticks when we first moved into our place I used my nails to get them out there were about 10-15 of them mainly on her paws and a few on her face and took her to the vet pretty much straight after because I wasn't sure if they were bush ticks or paralyses ticks. As said above though when taking them off you have to make sure you remove the head and nipper things they attach themselves on with (sorry not sure what they call them) as they can still release there toxins (if there paralyses ticks). I asked the vet about removing them and they said your better off using the tool or taking them in.
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