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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Is 21 today and who else woke me up at 6am but Delta with a 2hour meowing session because I wouldn't get up in the cold to give her food!

    1. Sarah


      Ohhh Happy Birthday hun xxxx

    2. Bambi92
  2. Wow he's beautiful! Do they bite? I don't know anything about them don't even know if we have them here lol I'd love one though so pretty
  3. Not sure on that one from the looks of it they own the place they wouldn't be able to keep a rental property in the state they do and they have done renovations on the place recently but not exactly sure, The only other thing mum can do is take the dogs to the pound next time they get in the yard otherwise nothing will be down about it
  4. My own birthday present haha a dyson vacuum because our one ended up being thrown out the front door and broke oops! Haha
  5. Nope-I avoid people haha I'm not a people person but i have a lot of people come upto me and talk to me if they have a husky or mal with them ill talk to them but if they don't and ask stupid questions I look at them funny and hope they leave lol
  6. I haven't changed much in the house 1:covered the holes at the bottom of the fence (although Sasha had no interest in them) 2: put stuff she isn't allowed to have up higher (she still manages to get certain things down is really like to know how she does it) 3: gave her a blanket for the floor so she can sleep on it 4: did have covers on the lounge but Sasha didn't like them on there and constantly pulled them off so I stopped putting them on lol we had white leather lounges now they have scratches all over them and marks that don't want to come off luckily we didnt pay for these ($2500 lounges if we did) which is another reason I'm not bothered by it. 5: now that Sasha has taken interest in our two fish tanks I might have to block them off haven't yet though because at the moment she just watches the fish. And all animals will be blocked out of the babies room when he comes along
  7. My brother rang the council yesterday when the dogs were in the yard and they said they couldn't do anything even though the dogs jump the fence at least 4 times a week. The owners come into my mums yard to get the dogs without there permission, mum and my brother weren't able to take there dogs back straight away because they were busy so they left them in the yard until they got back and the dogs were back in the owners yard and the dogs can't jump back out the fence its to high for them. Mum has tried talking to the owners about the dogs jumping the fence and all they do is put a board up but the dogs just knock it down. Like mum said she wouldn't mind them being in the yard every now and then if they didnt have Chewie he's getting very old and has arthritis and these two dogs are a lot bigger then him and try to play with him and the last thing they want is Chewie being hurt by accident. I wasn't judging them I was just saying what there've been told sorry if it sounded like I was.
  8. She said it was for a headache, she is known in the area to use drugs though
  9. My mum and brother live in Queensland and the people that live behind them and two golden retrievers, they are the most sweetest, friendly and cute dogs but the owners are useless the female was pregnant one time when I went up to visit my oh and I had to jump there fence to help the dog because she had no idea what she was doing and the pups were all over the yard I sent my oh up to there back door it took at least 4 times of bashing on the door for the owner to come out her excuse was "sorry I just took morphine and didnt hear you" nothing about why we were in her yard, she said the dog wasnt ment to have the pups for another 3weeks or so we helped her put the mother and pups in there laundry and left. They feed there dogs a few times a week after 12am. The dogs keep jumping the fence into mums backyard and going straight for Chewie (there German spitz) water and drinking it all. To me that says the dogs don't have water and the yard is always a mess the grass is nearly always long. It annoys me because I can't help the dogs and they are gorgeous there owners are just so and so's (can't say what I really think of them lol) What would you do? My brother has rang the council and they haven't done anything yet I told him to ring the rspca inspector and see what they say.
  10. Haha looks like he's fitting in so well he's lucky to have you, Cloud and Yuki
  11. There's so many of these types of cases around now there's been two thats made it to the news in two days here (animal cruelty cases though) its so sad. With one case here a 19 yr old walked free from brutally attacking and killing a dog they wonder why people get keep doing it the laws need to be changed! Poor dog and owners of this poor baby over here dogs have to be safely secured in the car or you can be fined but I see so many people with there dogs on there laps while driving or hanging out the window.
  12. Naaawwwww he's such a beautiful boy! Hopefully for Links sake he gets to stay with you he looks so happy with Yuki
  13. Aww poor Meeka Sasha doesn't really have recall once she runs she runs she will only look back to see how far away I am from her if I'm too far away she slows down let's me catch up then bolts again its like a game to her, I don't know what she would do if she got out on her own without me or my oh chasing her though which scares the crap out of me she has only gotten out once which is a suprise.
  14. Once we eventually get enough money to get married I've told my partner I want Sasha to be our ring bearer haha everything thinks I'm joking but I'm not and they all think im crazy lol ill have my son and Sasha walk down the isle.
  15. Hopefully she will be ok with the changes. I'm going to attempt to teach her that she isn't aloud in the babies room not sure if that's going to work haha once we put the cot and cradle up I let Sasha and Delta in to sniff them because they insist on checking everything out when it comes in the house and Sasha hasn't been in there since she just stands at the door and Delta went in there twice and was asleep behind the door so hopefully it won't be to hard to keep them out of there when the baby is here.
  16. That's what I was thinking it might be, I've noticed Sasha doing similar stuff lately too Sasha is always near me if she's asleep next to me she will put her head on my belly lol it's so cute!
  17. I don't know what to say this is so sad yet so heart warming it made me cry http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2013/04/28/14/47/cancer-stricken-pet-clings-to-life-for-owner-reunion Hopefully the link works
  18. Delta has been super clingy the last 2 and a half months. Delta is the type of cat to sleep a lot and go crazy at night bolting up and down the hallway doing backflips on the walls and doors lol she isn't very affectionate unless she wants food then she's your best friend until you give her the food Then She goes back to ignoring everyone. One night she was even sleeping with her head on Sasha's tail which never happens they don't normally get that close to each other. Lately she has been sleeping either on my hip between my legs or half under the blackest next to me either place she sleeps she has to be touching my belly which she's never done. The time frame she has been doing it in is about the same time that the baby has been kicking a lot. The first time she was laying between my legs and the baby started kicking and delta moved up and put her paws and head right where he was kicking. Does delta like the baby kicking her? Or could I be because she is cold? Or something else? I like that she is paying more attention to me but I'm a bit worried that it has something to do with the baby and once the baby is born delta might try and hurt or suffocate the baby out of jealousy or something like that. What does everyone think is it something I should be worried about? Every now and then she will come and lay on my lap but nothing like she is doing now. This is how she was sleeping this morning And this is how she was sleeping from 7am-10am the other day she only moved to stretch.
  19. That's adorable! He's such a handsome boy!
  20. I guess all we can do is try to teach them. Sasha ran past dogs that were on the other side of the road which I didn't think she would do not sure if she would do it again if she got out here although I think she would go 3 houses away looking for the staffs pup that she met there one day (haven't seen it since) but not sure what she would do when she couldn't find it. I dread the day she ever gets out of here although I do everything in my power to keep her safe it may happen one day we live on the corner of a main road with lots of trucks I've never taken her along that road I've always walked away from it. Sasha always goes away from it on a walk.
  21. Do you believe dogs can be taught road sense? Today on our way home there was a husky that ran across the road near a set of lights but there were so many cars around lucky the poor thing didnt get hit it had a collar on was happily running along the foot path. On our way back past I made my partner have a look around the area we seen it but couldn't find it (hopefully the little baby made it home or someone picked it up to help it). I've taught Sasha to stop, sit and look both ways when she comes to a road (she does it majority of the time) when she got out of where she was staying when I couldn't have her with me she followed the footpaths and looked before she crossed the roads she didnt stop and sit she just looked. I was so surprised and so proud of her and at the same time so scared that she would end up running in front of a car and being hit. Is it because I have taught her to stop at roads or just a natural instinct? Dozer just walks out but I'm slowly teaching him the same as Sasha he picks up things quickly so its easier to teach him haha Do you teach your dogs road sense? Or anything of the like?
  22. Bambi92

    Coming Home

    Welcome back how was your trip?
  23. 7 days until I'm 21 and 13 weeks until I get to meet my baby boy :)

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