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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Glad you made out safely! Looks like husky heaven haha
  2. Welcome home Howler. You sure are one handsome big boy!
  3. Not sure about today we have been out all day yesterday Sasha was a bit softer then usual but nothing to worrying and not sure about dozer didn't see him poop. There both running around a lot more though I filled up there shell pool before we left and dozer went crazy over the water lol Sasha just watched and looked at me like she was saying turn that damn thing off lol
  4. Sorry i haven't updated been really busy. There doing better dozer still has a bit of a hard tummy but it's not as bad as before they both should be right in a day or two
  5. Hey Jase will it be ok to give Sasha some as well her belly is a bit hard as well not as bad as dozer though? And is normal honey from the shop ok to put with it? I didn't have enough money to get the other honey you were talking about
  6. Thanks Jase will give it ago when we get home
  7. body part donation Bank open floor business: in need of a right eye, two whole needs, a spine and a few others for just in case pile!!

    1. Emma


      lol. for some reason this is reminding me a bit of sweeny Todd. Hope things pick up for you soon. xxx

  8. I got the powder it was cheaper I said it was for the dog and the lady said oh are you sure you can use it on a dog lol what do I do with it? once I'm finished at the Dr and get home I'll give it to him
  9. He hasn't eaten that I know of today they get fed at night. It was one of those big meaty bones Sasha had one as well but she only ate a bit of meat of it and then left it. I massaged his belly last night but didn't feel anything out of the ordinary I'll check again when I get home hopefully he will be ok. I'll check the health food shop that's here it's only a small one not sure what they have. Or at least I think there's one here lol I can't remember will let you know if I find one Thanks everyone I'm hoping so to
  10. His belly is still hard but he is still drinking and running around not that I want him to he went straight to his for bowl but it's empty lol poor thing looked disparities disappointed He just did a poop wasn't runny or anything
  11. I don't think it's bloat he isn't doing any of the signs. He had a bone about an hour or two before this happened which is why I think it was that from now on he's not getting any bones I'm about to check on him we just woke up will let you know how he's doing soon And thank you for the help
  12. That's what his belly looks like I tried to get one of him standing but he wouldn't let me. I just massaged hots belly and he likes it he wanted more one side is harder then the other. I don't have any bread left to try it
  13. I don't think I have any bread left to try it I'll have a look I'm going to check him again now he isn't crying or anything now I think he might be asleep.
  14. Wow that's beautiful! I'd be scared of the dog falling.
  15. So sorry :'( I don't know what to say either must be so hard for all of you :'( hugs xxxxx
  16. Dozer was just chasing his tail barking I thought he was just being a goof ball like always but then he sniffed his bum I felt his tummy and it's hard at the top near his ribs isn't but the rest is he had a bone earlier could it be obstructed again? It's sort of like he was when he had the last obstruction but he isn't pooping blood or anything else he just ate half his dinner and is still drinking. What do I do? I don't have the money to take him to an after hours vet last time it cost us nearly $900 and we just don't have that much :'( I'll keep checking on him for now see if anything changes. Is there anything I can do to help him if that's what it is? Please help I'm really worried
  17. I walked Sasha for 14 kms one day 7 there, 7 back she laid down for 5 mins and it was like we never went for a walk lol
  18. Good luck hope you can work it out
  19. Dog: Sasha is very picky but is starting to play with soft toys And she doesn't really like treats. Me: like anything really, more into unique things and anything goth (sort of style) lol but I'll be happy with anything. Love things to do with other countries Dislikes: sweets, most chocolates, pink lol
  20. RIP Admire Rakti - he passed away in his stall after the Melbourne cup race :( sad result to a sad industry

  21. LOL! True but do have to prepare the package and everything haha
  22. They should lol they'd get more business if they did haha Yay we're excited hurry up Nix joking
  23. Oh awesome! Can't wait for that hopefully they will all still be available then I know two of them would be loved by all but the other one I'm not sure about
  24. I'm torn between three things now one girly and the other two would suit anyone arrhh what to do lol
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