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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Aww Willow is sooo cute! Love the pics! Also love your sig!
  2. Haha I love that pic! You beat me to it lol was going to post this one the other day but it wouldn't let me
  3. I feel for you Sasha was like that last week she sleeps in our room but the door is open a bit for my cat Sasha just so happens to stink the room out enough to wake you up then walks out waits for it to not smell so bad and comes back in only to do it again!
  4. Aww looks so proud lol Sasha is yet to do that in a muddy puddle she has only been in the river and ended up with sand all over her haha
  5. We've used diluted vinegar for fleas before it helps but doesn't get rid of them. We didnt add any type of soap to it though our vet also said if you use too much vinegar it can cause a reaction on the dog and can harm them (can't think of how this was at least 8years ago) I'm not sure how much vinegar we put on though.
  6. Bambi92


    Good luck Storm! You'll be fine
  7. Aww she's such a cutie! When Sasha does that I don't even last 60secs haha and if I do she takes what ever I'm doing or puts her head and paws on it lol How long did you end up lasting?
  8. Wow! Congratulations! Take care of yourself xx
  9. Haha Sasha does that to people she knows either don't like dogs or aren't interested in her, she just doesn't leave them alone until she gets what she wants lol My OHs cousin isn't a dog person yet every time he comes here he says he wants to take Sasha home haha
  10. Good luck! Fingers and paws crossed for you!
  11. Wow there such funny creatures. Sasha isn't a people person unless she knows them if they will play with her she will be friends with them otherwise she ignores most people or barks at them lol
  12. As the title says does your dog love having certain people around? Sasha is in awe with my OHs cousin. Eg: my OHs cousin came over last night and stayed the night, Sasha heard his car pull up and she was looking out the front window all excited and wooing we were out the front doing stuff to the car and she was inside when we were almost finished I went inside and Sasha wouldn't let me back out unless she came with me lol so I put her on the leash took her out and she run to him tail wagging and the biggest smile on her face (dragging me along behind her mind you haha) we all came inside and she doesn't leave him alone she will sit between his legs and make him pet her and play with him. She even gave him a kiss before she went to bed (you'd think he was her boyfriend the way she acts haha) Sasha got up this morning went out to the toilet came back in ran all excited to the lounge and realised he wasn't there so she went looking for him in the kitchen the toilet then looked out the front door. Now she is sulking and looks sad lol Normally when Sasha meets people for the first time even if we let them in the house she will bark, sniff and be a bit distant at first then she will go to them and let them pat her if she likes them but with my OHs cousin she went straight to him, sniffed him and then wanted cuddles and wanted to play and since then she hasn't left him alone when he comes over. Do your dogs do that with people other then you? Sasha sulking lol
  13. Wow that's amazing. Now you've given me ideas for when I get the money up to respray my car grrrr lol must.start.saving haha
  14. That looks like so much fun! Wish there was a group over here that did meets Sasha has only met two mals and seen two huskies run passed with there owner on a bike
  15. Awwwww they are soooooo cute!
  16. Bambi92


    Glad your mum is doing better xx
  17. Thought I'd share a story of a 10month old named Mally. This beautiful boy was rescued by ABR (Arctic Breed Rescue) and has been through hell and back since then he was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease causing his bone marrow to attack itself. Normal white cell counts are between 6 and 14 Mally's were 0.2 and his platelets were non-existent and was also being treated for pneumonia. He required several blood transfusions and some surgeries and extensive vet care he is still fighting but he is a lot better now with all the help and support he has gotten from ABR and there supporters from people all over the world. ABR have done several fundraising events as well as there endless help for the other bears in there care they do an amazing job and are wonderful people I know its not much but ill be going to there market stall on Sunday where they are selling things for Mally's vet bill with at least $200 plus my OH is also going to be helping out whether I buy some stuff or just give it to them I'm not sure yet. I've been following Mally's story since day one and I had to help out in some way it may not be much but it helps them out and he's such a beautiful boy and still so young and he has had all this happen and he has pulled through! He's an amazing doggie! The endless support and care given by ABR for these bears is like none other they amaze me as to the extent they go to, to help them and to give back even if its only small they are so darn great full and that is what made me follow them in the first place not only the way they are with the bears but the fact that they go out of there way to do what they do!
  18. Nice! Love the colours what others do you have? I love snakes but I can't own one I did have a Blue Tongue Lizard though her name was Lizzie she went everywhere with me use to sit on my shoulder the kids at shops loved seeing her when they realise she was there they always wanted to touch her lol
  19. I play candy crush I'm stuck on level 68 have been for a few weeks grrrr lol Also play draw something and the 4 pics 1 word game lol
  20. I know what people will think when I say this but ill say it anyway Sasha and Delta are left alone in the house when we go out but Delta has a few hiding places Sasha can't get to eg under the fish tank, in the box in our room, or on top of our draws. In saying that when we are home they chase each other around the house if Sasha gets too close Delta will tap her on the nose without her claws out if Sasha doesn't listen to that she will do it again with the claws out. Delta is the one that hurts Sasha, Delta has put three tiny holes in Sashas nose I don't know if that's why Sasha doesn't try and hurt her or not that was in the first few weeks of them meeting each other more then 4years ago now and they have always been allowed out with each other. Like others have said though you do have to be careful as you said they do have high prey drive. I can't exactly comment on whether Balto is playing or not because Sasha is a bit of a strange husky with the way she is with smaller animals. I agree with Nix (if I may call you that) not all wagging is good.
  21. Haven't heard of them before but there super cute! How do you keep up with 9 sled dogs lol I'd go insane haha
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