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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. We had our house sprayed when the ticks were in the back yard and once he sprayed the inside of the house she rolled where he sprayed lucky it was pet friendly. All we could do was laugh he said that it was a first for dogs to roll in it lol
  2. Normally when she has been in pain before she would normally hide and not go near anyone and not want to go for a walk or anything but now she is being really sooky and she isn't going far from my side unless she goes and lays on our bed during the day she doesn't really want to go out the back on her own either. We tried to get a video of what she does when a dog surprises her yesterday but it didnt work all she wanted to do was play with the dog and go for a walk with her we went for a walk and she seemed fine she was happy like her normal self we got back to my OHs friends house and she said hello to the family (which she hasn't met yet went straight to them and let them pet her) normally she won't go near people she doesn't know. Some of the time she acts 'normal' and other times its like she's a completely different dog and she doesn't know she's doing it. Thank you for your replies I'm definitely taking her to the vet ill have to take her Friday when I have enough money I know they will want to do a blood test for the seizures (they said that last time) but what else they will do I have no idea I just hope I can get some answers. I'm not wrong in saying I don't want kinda around her at the moment just in case she lashes out at them am I? My OHs nieces and nephews stay some times and I know his family will have a cow if I say no to the kids coming here.
  3. I've given up on them my OH can deal with them I've got my baby girl to worry about now and the added stress of them on top of it isn't doing me any favours the only time he's been to the vet so far didnt cost me anything so that part is a bonus but having an agreement should be kept to what's was agreed but it hasn't been so ill have to deal with them later
  4. Sasha has been very different in the last few weeks. Shes gone from being gentle (majority of the time) to almost being aggressive. She has been having the seizure type things a lot more frequently not sure if its relatedvto that or not. If I sit on the floor she comes up puts her head in my chest and won't move until she has cuddles kisses and a 5-10min scratch (she hasn't done this before) she also puts her head on my leg when I go to pat her she goes into crazy play mode (at least it seems like shes trying to play) but its different to how she normally plays and I don't know if its on the lines of aggression she bites my hands, shows her teeth, talks, woos, jumps around like a spastic and then all of a sudden she just lays down next to me (pretty much on top of me like she can't get close enough) puts either her head or her front paws on my legs and goes straight to sleep. If we are sitting on the lounge she sits near our feet (like normal) but she puts her head up and just starts talking to us like she's having a conversation with us (its really cute when she does it lol). Then we get to food she use to let me take her bowl if she's eating and I could touch her face/muzzle which I wanted her like because she was around kids (they use to go near her while eating and touch her and she would look at them then go back to eating) now (this has been since I moved in with my OH) she was ok for the first two months then when Missy started taking food from her bowl or going near her when she had a denta stick Sasha has started snapping at Missy like a warning to get away and she is also growling at me if I go near her or touch her while she's eating she's snapped at me a few times I tell her no and to calm down and she won't snap again till the next day. Need to get her out of that before the baby is born I'm trying to get Missy to stay away from her food but she doesn't listen to me and trying to tell my OH to teach her not to is an endless battle all he says is sasha eats her food. My reply is yeah but missy isn't going to bite sashas head off for it sasha is! It's frustrating! Yesterday sasha sort of yelped when I touch her front paw but when I checked her over she didnt do it again. It was cold this morning she went out to the toilet came back in jumped on our bed and yelped again and tonight when I went to give her the denta stick I asked for her paw like normal she gave it to me and yelped again when I touched near her Jew claw (if I spelt that right) I check her paw nothing seemed to be wrong and she didnt yelp. She isn't limping or anything she still jumps around and plays zoomies with Dozer so I don't know why she is doing it. And the part that im most worried about is what she did to me this morning. OH got up to get ready for work put sasha and missy out to toilet let them back in and sasha jumped on the bed like she always does but because its cold i wanted the blankets and she was laying on them i asked her to move most of the time she will and other times i have to touch her to get her to move this time i asked her to move again and touched her after she was looking at me and she bit my hand it hurt but she didnt draw blood and she gave me this look like she was really going to hurt me :-( its scareing the crap out of me :-( Do they normally just change like this or should I be worried and look into it further? And how do I get her to stop with the food? What I did last time isn't working now. As im writing this im crying because all i can think is "what have i done to make her want to hurt me" i dont know what to do i have to take her back to the vet about the seizure things but i havent got enough money until friday unless i borrow it i need to do something about it but what do i do? I dont know why shes acting like this. This is the sort of behaviour the pound was describing when i first got her but this is the first time shes done it since ive had her have i or someone shes around done something to remind her of her passed and she thinks were going to do the same? Sorry this is so long and im pretty much begging for help or some advice but this is really starting to hurt me she is my baby and i feel like ive failed her in some way :-(
  5. Aww they are gorgeous pics! Love the nose to nose that's just toooo cute
  6. I'm not sure if its related or what but Sasha has been very different in the last two weeks I didn't think of it till the other day. If I sit on the floor she comes up puts her head in my chest and won't move until she has cuddles kisses and a 5-10min scratch (she hasn't done this before) she also puts her head on my leg when I go to pat her she goes into crazy play mode but its different to how she normally plays and I don't know if its on the lines of aggression she bites my hands, shows her teeth, talks, woos, jumps around like a spastic and then all of a sudden she just lays down next to me (pretty much on top of me like she can't get close enough) puts either her head or her front paws on my legs and goes straight to sleep. If we are sitting on the lounge she sits near our feet (like normal) but she puts her head up and just starts talking to us like she's having a conversation with us (its really cute when she does it lol). Then we get to food she use to let me take her bowl if she's eating and I could touch her face/muzzle which I wanted her like because she was around kids (they use to go near her while eating and touch her and she would look at them then go back to eating) now (this has been since I moved in with my OH) she was ok for the first two months then when Missy started taking food from her bowl or going near her when she had a denta stick Sasha has start snapping at Missy like a warning to get away and she is also growling at me if I go near her or touch her while she's eating she's snapped at me a few times I tell her no and to calm down and she won't snap again till the next day. Need to get her out of that before the baby is born I'm trying to get Missy to stay away from her food but she doesn't listen to me and trying to tell my OH to teach her not to is an endless battle all he says is sasha eats her food. My reply is yeah but missy isn't going to bite sashas head off for it sasha is! It's frustrating! Yesterday sasha sort of yelped when I touch her front paw but when I checked her over she didnt do it again. It was cold this morning she went out to the toilet came back in jumped on our bed and yelped again and tonight when I went to give her the denta stick I asked for her paw like normal she gave it to me and yelped again when I touched near her Jew claw (if I spelt that right) I check her paw nothing seemed to be wrong and she didnt yelp. She isn't limping or anything she still jumps around and plays zoomies with Dozer so I don't know why she is doing it. Do they normally just change like this or should I be worried and look into it further? And how do I get her to stop with the food? What I did last time isn't working now. Sorry for it being long I just thought of it all lol
  7. I would love to keep him but they want him back which I don't see why they want him back or had him in the first place they never played with him hardly ever walked him the most attention he got was when they were yelling at him or pushing him out of the way. He's so happy here every time I go to the back door he's there tail going like crazy with the biggest, goofiest smile on his face its going to break my heart if they take him back and don't bring him back to visit (which will be the likely case) unless they surrender him to the pound or sign him over to me I won't be able to keep him and I don't see them doing that no matter what affect it has on me or Sasha. It was so easy for them to hand him over to us to look after him yeah ok they were happy about it and that he didnt have to go to a shelter but I've been in the same position with my cat and my dog they were at my OHs two cousins houses and I was over seeing Sasha everyday and seeing my cat every second day and was always asking if they were ok and I supplied everything for them both I was forever crying and trying so many different things to save money to get them back with me yet they haven't even tried to contact us or anything I don't understand how that works how can they not want to know how he's doing no matter what it took to find out
  8. We are going to try getting the video on Monday hopefully she doesn't work it out and completely ignore Sandy whenever there's a camera around she doesn't do what I want to get on camera it's like she knows lol She is doesnt do it when people scare her she just jumps and turns her head to them with her mouth open really quick and it scares them and they jump away. An example of that would be today we took her to meet the rspca groomer to see if she would like her (sasha wasn't really interested in her lol) we were sitting outside and a group of people come past and one of the guys stupidly went to touch her face without asking to touch her or letting sasha know what he was going to do and sasha did her normal thing and move her head with mouth open towards his hand never seen someone jump back so quick lol. But on there way back passed one of the girls kept saying that husky is so beautiful and asked a few questions about her and the other guy asked if she bites I said she might (because if I don't and she goes to bite them then I'm i get in trouble for it) all sasha did was stare at them as if to say "go away I don't want to talk to you" haha the girl kept saying I've never seen a husky with eyes like her there so beautiful. Then the guy killed it and said but aren't they viscous (sorry if I spelt that wrong mind blank lol) some hes met have been and he assumed sasha would be to but the girl was quick to say she doesn't look like she would hurt a fly lol Thankfully sasha didn't fall over today she was calm and just wanted to be out and about
  9. Thank you for that info it really does seem more like that I'm going to try and get the video of it this weekend some time if there not busy as I said above its happening more frequently now which if it is that isn't good I knew what you ment by it lol and ill keep everyone updated
  10. Ill have to pay more attention to what the rest does I was more worried about her being on the road today her tail is normally under her when she falls not sure whether she had to between her legs in the first place or if it goes between them as she falls it happens so quick. She did this once 2years ago but didnt do it again till recently. I've taken her to the vet I tried to explain it to them and they said it could be the start of a seizure but they can't do anything about it because she doesn't do it much and now its becoming more frequent its really scarring me. I'm thinking about seeing if I can find someone Sasha doesn't know with a dog she doesn't know and trying to video it maybe that way instead of my bad explaining I can upload it and you'd be able to see it and the vet can see what I'm talking about so I don't seem crazy (the first vet I seem about it kind of looked at me funny when I tried to explain it) only problem is finding someone that will do it the only dog I can think of is my OHs best friends brothers dog Sandy and maybe his brother if he has the time only thing is Sandy knows us I'm not sure if that would make a difference or not.
  11. Some may remember a topic about Sasha falling over. Well we just come back from a walk and she done it again and I notice something that didnt click before it happens when another dog she doesn't know is running towards her barking. I seen the little white fluff ball before she(i say she because her owner was there and called her roxy lol) spotted Sasha and started to cross the road I was almost on the other side when the dog started running towards barking and Sasha turned looked at the dog and her back legs come out for under her and she fell to the ground this time her whole body fell to the ground but she didnt seem there for a few seconds because she was on the road still I had to get her off the road I said to her "Sasha get up baby off the road" (she knows what i mean when i say off the road) she sort of stumbled to the grass then when the owner took the dog out of sight she was fine and wanted to keep walking. Sasha has only started doing this recently before when dogs went towards her barking she would get defensive towards most of them and lunge forward now she does this. I've never seen a dog do it what could it be? I'm so damn confused as to what's going on with my baby girl it's scarring me because I don't know! Has anyone else's dog done this? It wouldn't be a submissive thing would it? She isn't normally submissive though. Could she go into some sort of panic and that's how she responds to it? Sort of like a panic attack like we have? I'm just throwing things out there because I don't know what it is
  12. At the moment if I talk to them in any way it won't end well for anyone so ill be asking my partner to ring them some time this weekend and talk to them about it like you said I can't keep doing this. I love Dozer and ill do anything to help him for his benefit not there's he's an amazing dog everyone loves him. I highly doubt they even know when they will hav there own place they have a free ride living where they are now I'm not really bothered by how long he's here for because I love having him here but the not knowing if they really want him back or want to take responsibility for him is getting to me. If they tell me what they honestly want and keep to there end of the agreement if they want him back it would be so much easier! Seems like everything I get involved with turns to crap or ends up me being like this
  13. Hahaha the positions they choose to sleep in never a dull moment when you own a husky!
  14. Well they replied said they didnt know we were trying to contact them and they dont have a working phone at the moment but stated they have a house phone and gave me the number. I questioned why they havent asked about Dozer and they said they know my partner doesnt use his facebook (his mum does) and that they checked reguarly on the ps3 to see if either of is went online (my partner has been on he was online for hours for the week i wasnt here) but they never seen him online (you can send offline messages so dont see why they didnt if they were 'trying') i didnt bother asking about the money which i said in those words but it was ignored. My issues arent about the money im use to having almost no money because of all the animals i choose to have its about the lack of contact. I dont know what to do or believe. Do i give them another chance to see if they bother now they know im not impressed with it? I laid in bed crying for nearly an hour because i finally lost it wondering why i try and do the right thing. This stress isnt good for me right now i dont deal with stress very well in the first place let alone when i have a baby to think about as well :'(
  15. Cute! Sasha does the same thing came home to her in the window one day haha scared the crap outta me
  16. Honestly doesnt seem to be around much anymore. We asked the vet his opinion while we were there he said the only way to legally have him as ours if they don't reply is to take him to the pound and tell them the situation and he will have to be held there for a week or 2 to see if they can contact them if they can't then if they choose to then he can be transferred into our name and he will he ours legally but knowing what the pound is like we more then likely won't get called and we will lose him and the fact that the pounds are full here I don't know what would happen. The vet also said we could just keep him but if he gets lost or if for some reason if we have to take him to a different vet and they check his microchip info they can take him off us because he's not in our name now I really hope to heck they do the right thing and hand him over to us!!!! I could bare to see him be taken off us or to have to go to the pound for that long with not knowing if we will get him back garrrrrhhhh this is getting so much more frustrating and I'm starting to stress something shocking! Why do I have to get so attached to animals all I've tried to do is the right thing by Dozer and its starting to get thrown back in my face I look at him and want to cry because I know what there doing to him and its starting to look like a losing battle I also told my OH they aren't welcome in our house again if they don't do the right thing and get in contact with us and that if I see them ill lose it at them! He didn't say anything I think he knows I've had enough and they deserve everything coming for them
  17. Thanks The vet said its more then likely not ZRD he gave her an injection and a different type of antibiotic said see how she goes the injection is the same as the first one she had for it and it worked for a week that time was ment to last for a month if this works for her she might have to have the injection every month have to wait and see.
  18. Sasha doesn't have a toy box she just leaves her toys around the edge of the lounge room haha then proceeds to steal my cats toys. She has an obsession with my cats black squeaky mouse throws it around and at us haha so funny!
  19. Wow that's oh soo pretty like doesn't help that I love blue haha
  20. Some may remember my post about Sasha's chin and the vet thinking it was just a reaction to something and he gave her antibiotics well they didnt help her and its getting worse and really is starting to look more like ZRD so I'm taking her this afternoon to see what they think and hope Sasha will let them look at it although I might have to get her a sedative to calm her down so she will let them look if it works or not is a different story hopefully it does. Fingers crossed they can help her I hate seeing her scratch her chin and nose the way she does I shall let you know what happens
  21. I sent them a message today surprisingly it came out polite haha I've given them till the 23rd to reply if they don't ill take that as they no longer want to take responsibility or ownership of Dozer and from then he will be my responsibility. I don't think my OH liked the fact that I did it and it will more then likely end up in an arguement when he gets home but oh we'll I'm over being used and taken advantage of its about time I. Stand up for myself and what I believe is right
  22. That's a beautiful video made me cry I also hope to foster in the near future
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