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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. She is the cutest pup! With a face like that I feel sorry for the boys haha
  2. Dozer isn't a pedigree and I don't think hes registered. We know the suburb they live in lol wouldn't take me long to find them if I went there haha they live with there parents as far as we know only way to contact any of them is through fb so ill attempt to word it nicely and send it see what happens how long is enough time for them to reply though is a week or 2 ok? Considering this person wants to join the police force like his father was he isn't honest or reliable at all! I'm sooooo frustrated I just want to scream lol ill send them a message tomorrow attempting not to vent the frustration yet (that will be very hard lol) and see what happens if they don't reply ill ring the rspca and see what they say or ill ask my vet they have always been very helpful I use to have a habit of bringing abandoned dogs and a litter of kittens home when I was younger they always helped us out with them mum still has one dog I brought home today (hes a German spitz the vet knew he had a microchip but didnt say anything because we wouldn't have gotten him back if he went to the pound haha love my vet) Time to cross my fingers and toes in hope they do the right thing (highly doubt it) I love Dozer like he is my own hes hard not to love so I'm hoping this goes in my favour I know they can't take him to the place there living they don't have a fenced yard or a safe yard at that to take him to.
  3. I felt the same way and sort of still do but at the same time I'm happy and over excited and can't wait for our baby boy to be born (I'm only 20 and I'm currently 20wks pregnant) I always said if I'm going to have a child I'm going to have it before I'm 25 and I only want one where my OH wants more then one but I said to him I'm going to find it hard with this one and hope I can control my depression and anxiety issues. And I don't have my family to help me my mum is in one state 14hrs away and dad is on the other side of Australia. As everyone else has said it is your life no one else's you'll be with the child 24/7 no one else if your not ready or want to have the child it'll affect the way you are with the child and how you raise it (that's my belief anyway) It's entirely your choice what you choose family and friends should support you either way Good luck with what ever you choose
  4. That's awesome! Wonder if sasha would do it haha
  5. Sooo fluffy and adorable! Her face just makes me want to give her a big hug! Lol
  6. Awws too cute! That was sasha at 3am this morning except she was laying on top of me lol
  7. The only real way we can contact them is through Facebook I don't know if sending a text will get through to them because knowing them as soon as they see my name on the text they most likely delete it I don't know there address or I'd be taking a trip there. Is sending it through Facebook a good idea? At least ill know if they read it they can't really get out of that part facebook says if its been read or not. Thank you that's what I've been trying to say to my OH but it never comes out that way I'm not very good at putting thoughts into words that are in a polite way. He's tried to ring and message more then I have he's annoyed at them but no were near as much as I am he doesn't see it the way I do though because I've paid for everything other then the dog meat he gets out of it easy he only puts $10 a week to all the animals in the house except the fish I get the most expensive part
  8. Sorry will remember next time
  9. I'm not even sure if he is microchipped if it is the info wouldn't be up to date anyway. I don't think they would go as far as court but if they did I'd be more then willing to go I've got more then enough proof that they have done nothing for him since we have had him.
  10. I think I've made a post about Dozer and his owners previously not sure. We took Dozer in because his owners had to move 4-5hrs away and couldn't take him with them and were just going to dump him in a shelter! That should have been my key that something was going to go wrong! Dozer is a beautiful friendly affectionate boy and just loves attention. My rant to this story goes like this: We have had Dozer for four months maybe a bit longer the agreement for us taking him in was that they would pay for his flea treatment ($20) a month, vet bill if needed and they can come get him when they have there own place with a yard that was it we supply the food, toys (which he never had) and everything else for him. A week or two after he came here it was there wedding and they stayed with us for the weekend they gave us money for his flea stuff for that month that's were it ended. We have heard from them once or twice since then that's how many times they have asked about him he had to go to the vet last week we tried calling several times and sent text messages and no reply we have tried many more times to contact them but nothing looked on there facebooks and they have been having a good old time going away and what not (which has made me extremely angry). I'm at the point where I'm almost ready to send them one very long and very rude/mean text message telling them they aren't getting him back because they don't deserve him! They are ment to be my OHs friends but you wouldn't think so I've been told by my OH that I'm not aloud to send this message or anything because they are his "friends" I've told him and he knows full well what I'm like with animals that I'm extremely angry and there's only so long ill put up with it which made an argument between us but that was my fault because I have anger issues and take it out on the wrong people (really need to find something to help with that lol) What's your opinion on what I should do? What would you do in this situation? I'm at the end of my calmness (you could call it) To make things worse Sasha and Dozer love each they love playing with each other they have since the day they met so if they take him away after this long and after not giving a crap not only is it going to be hard on me its going to be worse for Sasha and Dozer! Sorry it's long I have no one to vent this too (no one that will understand my frustrations anyway). Thanks for listening (reading) and thanks in advance for any advice
  11. She's a cutie :)love her face! Soooo pretty
  12. everyone wonders why I love animals and dislike people haha I use to have a chihuahua she had a bag but that was it and I had people ask me why she didnt have "clothes" or bows in her hair one person even said "but that's what there made for to be 'pampered'" my reply was always the same "she is a DOG not a little child four legs and she barks not two legs and talks" Now it's the opposite why a husky there aggressive garrrrh I always have to walk away from people that say anything wrong about my girl or ill end up in a never ending argument haha
  13. Sasha refuses to take tablets in anything the flea one she had she ate which I didn't think she would the only one that didnt eat it was my cat haha Sasha goes out of her way to make sure the tablet goes on the floor and not in her mouth I even tried putting a tablet in a little bit of donut but she spat it out.
  14. Thank you ill read through that tomorrow
  15. She only gets mash and veggies once or twice a week and doesn't have a lot of it she has her normal dog food which is meat and kibble and she also gets our meat scraps.
  16. That's exactly right! Kids over here get away with way too much they do what they want when they want because they know nothing can happen to them. Kids from this generation have hardly any respect for others let alone themselves and the government and laws are part of the cause of it and parents that shouldn't have children if they can't handle them (not saying all are like that of course) I'm only 20 and even when I was on school kids were getting away with everything I was a brat of a teenager but there were many reasons behind the way I was and still am today but for everything I did to my family I realised one day when I lost everything that no matter what was going on with me there was no reason to hurt my family for wanting to help me and now that I'm about to become a mother myself I'm scared that my child is going to be like I was I dread the day if it happens. In say that kids these days don't realise what they are doing and hardly ever do anything about it!
  17. Sasha likes to eat mashed potatoe and veggies but today I ran out of veggies and she had to have her flea tablet which she had to have a full stomach to have I made her some potatoe and made myself mac and cheese she ate a bit of the potatoe mash but it was plain and didnt have anything mixed in like veggies normally I mixed in a bit of my mac and cheese and she ate over half of it. My question is how can I make it taste better and still ok for her to eat? When we have dinner if we have mash and veggies we normally have gravy with it or I mix potatoe with either pumpkin or sweat potatoe with it she goes crazy for it so I always find myself making extra just for her or if I don't have enough I always leave her some from what I had (always get in trouble for doing it though haha) What other sort of foods that can be made from 'normal' foods you would have in the house?
  18. That's cute. Sasha does the same thing if the other dogs and cat are around when she has a bone haha
  19. Haha I thought the same thing I can never remember when mothers/fathers day is only way I know is the shops have signs everywhere lol Happy Mother's Day
  20. My little rant for a while is all about a male with no values, morals or anything along the lines!!! Tonight my partner and I were driving to his mums place we were about 6 houses away when we wen to drive past a few kids on the side of the ride with stuff in there hands when one of them decides to throw one something at my car (which is my other pride and joy) my partner had no choice but to stop because I would of got put of the car even while it was moving which I did I went over to there parents and was greeted by the father of the kid who's first words were "don't f-ing come over here starting f-ing shit you've chosen the wrong f-ing place to do that" my reply was "who owns the kid in black" I was furious so It came out sounding rather rude but I wasn't going to be spoken to like shit by this thing. He proceeds to say " if you keep f-ing speaking like that ill f-ing punch yours and your f-ing boyfriends heads in i dont f-ing care if your a female or not" to which made me even more furious I replied "maybe if you teach your f-ing c-word of a kid some respect I might be a bit nicer" to which he again said "shut your f-ing mouth before I punch your f-ing head in" at that point I was that furious and seeing red that I said "try it and see where it gets you" he repeated it again so I said "come on then f-ing hit me" he started walking towards me stopped and said "get in your car and f-off" to which we did or I would have been the one punching his head in (I'm not so nice when extremely angry and a guy freely says he would punch not only a females head in but a pregnant female! What male freely admits he is a women basher in the middle of the street in front of a group of people? Some people in this world need to be shot! His brats are known in he street to be disrespectful a-holes and he does NOTHING about it I hope his kid don't turn out like him even though it already has! Sorry about the words in it didnt know whether to put them in or not if there not ok to be there let me know and ill edit the post
  21. We play COD here. What my partner doesn't realise though is the other controller comes in handing when he doesn't listen and I turn the ps3 off in the middle of shooting someone haha or the tv remote works too
  22. Sasha decided to go back to bed and move all the blankets was wondering what the scratching noise was! And less then a min later "Did you have to disturb me mum!" Now she's gone back to sleep on the floor lazy little shit haha
  23. Love the birthday photos there so cute! Your pack are adorable!
  24. Aww they are so entertaining some of the things they do are so funny lol My first 6ft tank have 5 oscars and some other fish then my ex decided to put a turtle in it and it killed all of my fish except my Oscar I told him to remove it in not so nice terms and then I had to move. The ppl that move the tank manage to break the base which was a double base you can just imagine the oh so pleasant words that come out of my mouth lol There relaxing to watch I didn't have my tank set up for a few years but as soon as I got my own place that was the first thing to be set up haha didnt have a bed to sleep on the first night because I set up the tank instead oops!
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