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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. That's my OH all over but I'm just as bad with the games haha he also choose to do that when there's stuff to be done typical male haha
  2. Haha this one would be he jumps out of the water bites fingers and all the stuff the oscars are ment to do I think my oscars and my gold fish traded bodies without me knowing! Haha Now to add to the mix I've got two pairs of convicts Arrh that's not going to be fun they are getting so aggressive I'm expecting to see babies soon. Really was hoping none of the, would breed but only my luck that two pairs decide to get together!
  3. Thanks. They do look really nice when there big our twos whistlers look too big for there head and body haha but the albinos still have a bit of catching up to do haha Ill have to upload my under water photos of my fish the gold fish tried to eat my camera when I was trying to take photos haha
  4. Thanks Hopefully it is only a reaction to something and not ZRD but shall see if it comes back after she finishes her antibiotics
  5. We had to take dozer to the vet yesterday to check his chin as it was bleeding really bad he somehow took a chunk of skin out of it but hes fine now while I was there I showed the vet the photo of it and he said it was a reaction to something she has put her nose near which is what I thought in the first place because our grass was really long from all the rain and there is a bush out the back that we need to get rid of again when it wasn't there her nose was fine now that its come up again and she is sticking her nose in it her nose has started again so she is on antibiotics and we are in the process of getting the back yard back to normal if it happens again after we fix it all up ill ask the vet about ZRD.
  6. How do you know if there male or female? I read it some where but can't remember what it said I want to get it a friend but not sure what to get. I had a Severum I got when I bought the terror but he died the same day but don't know why and the terror was sold as a Texas so won't be going back there even though they had a massive range compared to most places near us. Are your pipes just pieces of PVC? If that's what you call it over there lol or are they some thing else?
  7. My convicts love the ship lol that's what my previous fish were like I had 5 oscars and heaps of other fish they had rocks pipes ships and other stuff to hide in I'd take the stuff out to clean the tank and they'd get the shits and attack my arms while I was cleaning I put them back in and clean the other side and they left me alone haha silly fish! I think tropical fish are boring lol except for my gold fish he's crazy haha
  8. Nice tanks:) how are your green terrors with the other fish? I have a green terror and its being a big meanie to all my other fish I had to move it to the other tank not sure if that's because of the types of fish I've got though. Have to edit my post about my fish wrote the wrong name in oops!
  9. Sasha has been scratching her nose on everything again from the carpet, the walls, me and even the concrete outside. Last time she went to the vet I asked about it and they said it might be a reaction to something and gave her something to stop it itching (cant think of the name of what it was sorry) it helped for about a week she started scratching every now and then but now she's scratching it a lot more then she was I looked at her mouth and chin last night and noticed she has a lot of small lumps on her chin and around her mouth and she has also lost hair around the area I'm taking her to the vet on weds or thurs depending on when my partner gets paid. Any clues as to what it might be? I can't think of anything that's changed in her diet or around her other then her kibble but this started way before I changed that. Sorry the photos aren't very good she didn't want us to touch her nose but I managed to get 3 photos of it I looked up her nose to what I could, I couldn't see anything. The brown section on her chin and under her nose is where she has lost hair not sure if that's from the scratching or not though Is there anything I can do to help her with the scratching or am I best to wait to see if the vet can tell what it is? She isn't going to let them touch her nose let alone get near her to look even if we get her a sedative before hand unless it knocks her out more then the last one did Any advice/help is much appreciated
  10. There so relaxing to watch unless you have spastic fish like mine haha then all you can do is love at them I've got another tank in the garage but nothing in it now not sure what I want to do with it lol
  11. Thought I'd share my other hobby and pets my 6x2x2ft fish tank and my OHs standard 3ft tank. My 6ft has now got 3 black tiger oscars, 1 albino tiger Oscar, 3 convicts, 4 albino convicts, 2 bristle nose sucker fish and the one that doesn't fit in but thinks he's one of them the goldfish! Haha And my OHs tank has only got my Green terror in it now as he was bashing my Oscars so hes in there for now until either my oscars and convicts get big enough to fight back or I decide to sell him I love his colours but I don't want my oscars bashed up and killed or my OH wants to keep him in his tank but he only wanted tropical fish so don't think that will work haha Sorry the photos aren't very good the iPad doesn't take the best photos!
  12. That's cute! Sasha does that to me haha
  13. Oh wow poor pup I've never used it that's another reason I want to change sashas diet I've noticed her poop is a bit soft hopefully with this food she will be better not sure if its her diet or because she eats my cats food or some other reason. I've heard people say dogs and cats shouldn't eat each others food because of the salt difference not sure how true it is? My lot seem to be fine sharing each others food and they love it lol
  14. Bambi92


    Some really nice looking tats here I only have one at the moment but after our baby is born ill be looking into getting his name on my arm under my current tattoo some how and attempting to make up my mind on some tattoos for my animals not sure how I'm going to put all them together though haha This one is for my family but needs to have a touch up because its lost its colour in parts
  15. Hope it still works I put my old Nokia through the washing machine only found out because it rang while in there and some how I heard it lol it worked for a few years afterwards they don't make phones like they use to.
  16. Is that the Supercoat kibble your talking about or the black hawk? I was talking to one of the rescue groups I follow which deal mainly with husky/mals/Akita and they use the black hawk for there dogs they said its great for them and helps there coat look nice and stuff like that. I buy the kibble in the big bags because its a lot cheaper then buying small bags lol Until I joined the forum I'd never heard of TOTW. The vets recommend optimum and for specific diets they use science diet I think it's called I've heard a few use the black hawk as well.
  17. Sasha is the same she has always done it she went two days without eating one time don't know how she did it lol
  18. Yes I mean kangaroo meat and kibble lol sorry so use to using those terms Well tonight I gave her the choice of the kibble and her meat. She only ate the kibble I gave her 1 cup of kibble (half supercoat and half black hawk as i dont know if giving it to her all at once will upset her tummy) but she went crazy for more i haven't given her anymore not sure if I should or not? When I say she went crazy I mean she ate all the kibble in less then 3mins (a record for her) kept going to the box with the kibble in it and when my partner got up she barked, wooed, jumped up on him and pretty much tried to push him over to the box HAHA I've never seen her do that just for kibble! The kibble has heaps of vitamins and all the good stuff in it would that be enough for her? Plus what ever scraps she gets during the day she gets veggies when we have them but will only eat them with mash potatoe and gravy (she is very picky) she hasn't touched the meat and its been down for over an hour now which means she won't eat it unless Missy (partners Maltese) goes to eat it but I'm stopping her from eating out of sashas bowl as sasha has decided it's a great idea to start getting snappy when food is around now I have to get her out of doing that she use to be fine I could touch her mouth move her bowl and all that before but now she's started to snap when ever food is around. Is 1 cup of kibble enough? Or should I give her 1 and a half? It just doesn't look like enough but Im also not use to giving her a certain amount of food.
  19. Hi all I'm thinking about changing Sasha's diet as she is starting to turn her nose up at her food (again) she does this every few months. I'm changing her biskets to Black Hawk Pro biskets I just have her a few to see if she would eat them and I've never seen her want biskets so much she loved them which is a first normally she looks at me as if to say "your kidding right mum" lol she also gets her dog meat roll (megabite) she doesn't really like it now. We ran out of food one night and I sent my partner down the shop to get more but they didn't have her normal food so he got her roo mince and it had something else in it can't remember what though but she loved it only problem was it stunk that bad it made me sick lol she loves roo meat though. Sasha now gets Supercoat biskets (she likes them but won't eat them with her meat she eats them an hour later or the next day and she gets about 300grams of the megabite dog roll. And gets snacks during the day if I don't eat all of the food I have. My cat also eats her food if she leaves any in her bowl (not sure why but they both eat each others food lol) so if its roo meat she is getting my cat gets a bit to so she does eat sashas when she is trying to eat it. My questions are 1: is roo meat ok to feed her all the time or should I give her something else as well? 2: should I give her a certain amount of meat and biskets? If so what would you recommend? (The biskets say to give her about 200-250grams for her weight is that enough for her? She is just over 20kgs) 3: what do your fur babies eat and how much do they get? Do they get breakfast and dinner or just one meal? Sorry it is so long or there is another topic on this and thanks in advance for the advice
  20. Bambi92

    First Smile

    She is beyond adorable! Such a cutie beautiful eyes too
  21. Yay finally got a husky hat!

  22. Sasha does that all the time lol it's worse when she decides to do it when I have a skirt on and she insists on covering her head with it haha that doesn't look right That's cute though they are strange animals these huskys lol
  23. Sasha does the same thing to me and does the pawing at my arm thing too for belly rubs haha it's cute when she does it. Agree with the above being affectionate
  24. She's beautiful girl good on you for saving her and giving her a loving home she has come a long way by the looks of it and looks happy
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