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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. That's adorable I want one of those hats!
  2. That's an interesting idea you've come up with happy birthday for tues
  3. Bambi92


    If they do go and it turns out bad I'm concerned that they will want me to (if it goes to court or anything like that) go and say what my concerns were and stuff and then they will know who it was and they only live down the road I'm not sure how it works here as I've never done it before when I should have seeing something's I've seen but I guess if the animals end up helped if they need it then that's all that counts and I know I've done the right thing for them. Ill find there number and ring them see what they say hopefully they will go and look and not just ignore it like I know they have done in the passed and its been bad!
  4. Bambi92


    I'm contemplating ringing the rspca or someone about this person that has pups for sale. Two weeks ago or so there was a sign with the same number selling bull Arab pups this time they are selling boarhounds (great Danes?) but the part that's got me wanting to say something is the fact that they state they want $100 for them and they are not vet checked or wormed. To me that raises extreme concern that there is something wrong with the dogs or they are BYBs I've only been here for about 6mths and I've seen two lots of bull Arab pups for sale and now the boarhounds. What do you think I should do? I want to ring them and find out about the pups and see if I can view them but don't know if I should put myself in that position considering they seen me watching them when they were writing on the sign and if they put two and two together they might start something and I don't want that to happen. I'm not sure if the rspca will do anything about it though as in dont have any proof of the other signs that have been there. I'm more concerned about the dogs then anything. Do I put myself in that position or just ring the rspca and see what they can do? If anything.
  5. Well Sasha went to the vet they put her on antibiotics in case she has the start of a uti or infection and also said the going potty every 20-30mins could be a reaction from the needle she had and should settle down in a week or so. You can imagine my relief when they said that haha Now I've just got to get better myself
  6. That soo cute Sasha does the same thing with all her toys why play with them when they can sleep on them haha
  7. Taking Sasha to the vet tomorrow I hope they can give me an answer as to what is wrong with her Thank you everyone for the replies If it is a bladder infection or uti what's the treatment?
  8. Poor thing hope she gets better that looks sore I've seen that on a dog before but didnt know what it was now I do thanks. Speaking of pads hers are a bit red around the edges and very rough not sure if its normal or not?
  9. Thanks everyone. What is ZRD? Haven't heard of it before she doesn't have any legions on her face that I can see. she is scratching the front side of her nose around where the little slit before there nostril is. When she's walking she doesn't look like she's trying to scratch her feet come off the ground a little bit then her feet sort of cross and she almost falls over its hard to explain how she does it Not sure if I mentioned it above but even though she is drinking the amount of water she is her mouth is dry her lips sort of stick to each other because of it.
  10. I don't know if I'm just being paranoid or something really is wrong with Sasha. Since I took Sasha to the vet last week she has been different I'm not sure if its something to do with the fit, her being wormed or the cortisone injection she had. I took her to he vet about her fit and also mentioned she was scratching her nose A LOT! And he gave her the cortisone for that and said she will drink/eat more but since then she hasn't eaten more she's been eating less and drinking a heck of a lot for then she did before and she is going potty every 20-30mins at least twice when she goes out and a few times she has come inside and 10mins later she will pee on the carpet (she has never done that before and she is inside for a few hours at a time when we aren't home) she is still sleeping a lot and just looks sad all the time. A few times I've noticed when she is walking outside her back legs will pretty much fall over each other if that makes sense. I was feeling her belly last night and something didnt feel right on one side it felt hard but was only in a line cant think of how to explain it though. I'm taking her back to the vet tomorrow or weds depending when the vet I want to see is on. Any ideas on what it could be? Last time she had cortisone she was fine a day later. I'm at the point where I'm not sleeping properly at night because every time she moves I wake up to see if she's ok and the fear and anxiety that something is really wrong is really starting to get to me which isn't good considering the fact that I'm pregnant Sorry this is long Any ideas/advice is much appreciated! Forgot to put in that she is starting to scratch her nose again on everything and anything and also keeps coming up and wanting me to massage her hips and back end if I just scratch her she gets the shits but when I massage her she almost falls asleep standing up
  11. That's one way to sleep haha that's cute!
  12. Looks like another sleepless night making sure sasha is ok :( everything seems to be going wrong now! :(

  13. Well said! That's one of the best statements I've heard in a long time! It's so very true dogs are defenceless creatures that don't deserve to have all this crap put on them and to me it's happens so much because (Australia's) government and legal system is a bunch of crap and gives people a slap on the wrist for animal cruelty not sure what its like over there (UK) but from the animal shows that follow the stories of SPCA they get so much more for animal cruelty over in USA then they do here its BS!
  14. Wow I don't know why people think its a great idea to do that. As far as I know there banned here if they end up in the pound or some where like it they get put to sleep without even knowing what there like it's just wrong! And it's people like the BYBS that make it worse for the breed
  15. Exactly right it is all breeds I've had people say stuff like that about Sasha as well and she isn't aggressive she just has anxiety issues try and explain that to a douche that thinks he's right and knows everything about my dog! I've seen him a few times on our walks and he's said something every time I've gotten to the point where I want to punch him in the face and see if it knocks some sense into him lol but if I do I'll end up in jail so not a good idea if only I could get away with doing that to all the owners that don't deserve dogs! (I have anger issues if you can't tell haha)
  16. The pic says it all I've always loved pitbulls there beautiful dogs but are so misunderstood. It's not the breed its the disgraceful owners that have had them that make them the way people see them! Makes me sad and angry when ever I see or hear about pitbulls
  17. Wasn't recent but I was going through hell a few years back and needed to do something to keep my mind busy and was sitting in the park one day when an elderly man came and sat with me and was telling me about how he just lost his wife and had no family left all he wanted was someone to talk to so I went over his place a few times a week to help him out with his house work and just to chat he was so gratefully and it made me feel like I was doing just one thing good in my life it was so sad when he passed away
  18. Thank you all she's doing ok so far hopefully it stays that way
  19. Aww Azzor is such a cutie love the first photo Sasha tries to do that still but she's too big to fit there haha
  20. Hi and welcome Jazz is gorgeous congrats on the new addition
  21. I'm crossing my fingers and toes that it doesn't happen again I don't want to see my poor girl go through that she's been through enough in her life but at least if something happens we can deal with it and she will be in the best hands
  22. Well Sasha went to the vet this afternoon about her legs falling out from under her the vet said it could be with epilepsy or pain related he said to keep an eye on it and see if it happens again he can't treat it as epilepsy because it has only happened twice and it hasn't happened in a space of 2 months. So just have to keep an eye on my baby and cross my fingers that it won't happen again if it does happen again then she has to have a blood test Arrh she is going to hate it if that's the case:(
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