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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Thanks not really sure what she is I found her in a church car park and took her home as a kitten. She's a tortie (tortoise shell) but she has some else In her vet just put her as a DSH. She's very smart though she knows how to sit beg and paw and she walks on a leash which she didn't do until she was about 3-4. I think I've got to much time on my hands teaching my cat tricks haha
  2. It is a bit sad but its a well done video Did it take Niko long to be like that with the cats? That would be so cute watching them do that haha Sasha and Delta chase each other through the house and every now and then will lick each others noses but that's as far as it gets lol
  3. Haven't put up photos of Sasha for a while here are some of her most recent photos. That looks comfortable (only to a husky) haha Sasha in her thunder shirt Decided dads bed looked comfy either that or she misses him when he's gone. The way Sasha loves sleeping hmmm Sasha holding her toy Sasha sleeping with her mummy Sasha and my partners dog Missy Sasha with goggles on And Delta request an appears Sorry there is soo many photos I have better photos on my camera but haven't connected my PC back up yet and can't find my 3 laptops chargers how I lost that many I don't know haha Enjoy!
  4. Haha cute! Sasha does the same thing even if we are sitting on it she will try to push us off if she can't push us off she lays on top of us then gets the shits and walks off haha
  5. Ill be taking her to the vet ive been around a few dogs with epilepsy it isn't nice I just have to cross my fingers and hope for the best. Thank you for the replies much appreciated Sasha is going to be angry at me again for taking her but she has to go. She has been so sooky after this has happened it's kind of scarring me because she isn't normally this much of a sook she usually runs away from the bathroom when she hears the bath water running but she has been laying next to the bath when I'm in there and she has to be near me where ever I am.
  6. That's the same with me before change over I could see the vids on my iPad but now it's just the blank space as said above
  7. Aww wow yay for Angel! Definitely a great pick for it she is gorgeous
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m99aIPUR2vk&feature=em-subs_digest-vrecs I can only hope my two would ever be like this haha don't think that will happen! It is a bit sad at the end but its cute Not sure if it worked? I can't see some videos? Hmmmm
  9. Aww lunar is sooooo beautiful!
  10. Hi and welcome Dozer is such a cutie
  11. That was my first thought I sort of shit myself when it happened but I knew I had to be calm for her. We got home and She went out to the toilet came back in slept for about half hour then it was there dinner time she ate a bit of it (about a quarter of it) had a drink then went back to sleep she has been asleep most of today but she got a burst of energy and played for a hole hour not like her to play that long then come in and slept. She does normally sleep a lot but not this much she just looks really tired and sad she is normally a super happy go lucky little shit (in a nice way).
  12. Sasha does that most of the time if I don't cook dinner and we buy something she will eat her food out of her bowl but leave 3pieces of meat and a few biskets in the bowl for Missy (partners Maltese) it's funny she pushes her to the bowl and stands there till she eats it. And if I cook she refuses to eat until after we have eaten washed up the dishes and sitting on the lounge then she brings the food into the Loungeroom one piece at a time and eats it takes her over an hour to eat it but she gets there haha
  13. Didn't think of that but she has had ticks before but there were bush ticks so non paralysis and normally from what the vet said last time and what the vet shows I watch say if its a paralysis tick they will go down hill quickly. But I will check her over I've checked the main parts of her where they were last time but ill check the rest of her over. If it was a tick I think she would be a lot worse then she is now. She has flea/tick treatment stuff on they all do as my cat is allergic to fleas
  14. 4-6 years sorry thought I put years I there. I'm taking her on the weekend because the vet I want her to see is on then hopefully she will let him help her this time round (not likely but there's always hope) and hopefully they can tell me what's wrong without her having to be put right under for them to be able to do it and only have to have sedation for her to be helped everything goes wrong at the same time so damn stressful
  15. She is between 4-6 I think and her back legs just fell to the ground and it was like she just sat down on the side of her leg if that makes sense but her front end was still up and she was supporting herself with her front legs. I sat down next to her put my hand on her chest her heart was beating faster then normal but once i had my hand on her she calmed down and she just stared at me it was like she wasn't there for those few seconds she was starring then she went to get up and walk off like nothing happened but I made her sit there for 5mins. I couldn't see where her tail was, when she fell it was under her legs, her ears were up but not like normal there were a bit further back. She was sick 3 times last night but that might be from being wormed when ever she is wormed she ends up throwing up. She has been a bit more sleepy but other then that she is like her normal self.
  16. We took Sasha out today to get the dogs and cat there worming tabs and after we come out of the shop we walked up the street a little and Sasha stopped looked at me went to rub her nose on the ground then her back end fell to the ground and her back legs sort of shaked. I made her sit there for a few mins then she got up and kept walking she has done it once or twice before and it's only when she is in a place that she is a bit stressed in or doesn't know well. What should I do? Do I take her to the vet and stress her out heaps and hope they can tell me what it is without being able to get near her to do anything or wait and she if it happens again then take her? I was going to take her back into where we were because it was the rspca care centre but there vet was finished for the day and she didn't want a bar of going back there she just wanted to walk the other way.
  17. That's what I see everyday where I live haha
  18. Sasha is the same she has all most no nails. I thought it was from being on concrete for all the time she was in the pound and who knows what her life was like before hand her nails don't grow at all.
  19. Lunar is stunning! Love her face
  20. I've had a few dogs as well I've missed the others 1passed away we had her for 14yrs and one I still get to see but I miss sasha so much more haha there like babies well mine is she's a big sook! I go out for less then an hour and when I come home she's at the door to greet me as if I've been gone for weeks HAHA
  21. Hi and welcome Aska is gorgeous! And you have so many animals I would lose them all lol
  22. I'm the same with my girls I have sasha and delta (my cat) and there like my kids I'm going away for a week in a few weeks and I'm going crazy just thinking about leaving them lol has to be there unconditional love for us
  23. She's soooo cute! Good luck with her
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