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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Sasha most days will sleep most of the day until my partner comes home from work and she goes crazy and talks his ear off until he gives her a cuddle and throws her toy haha when she is outside she goes crazy running around with Dozer and playing until she's had enough and taps the door to come back in This is where sasha is currently sleeping not a very good photo
  2. Congratulations beautiful ring
  3. There was a net around it but sasha didn't think it was ment to be there and jumped through it on one of her crazy runs around the yard lol she isn't aloud on it unless I'm watching her but every now and then she goes crazy within seconds of going out the back door and goes flying on it after I've walked away from the door. There is no real way to make them safe unless I go out and buy on without the springs but can't afford that. So ill do what I can to cover the holes when it's dry again and hope she doesn't go through it again. I don't know why she decided to love playing on it it took her a month before she went any where near it I guess it's just the crazy dog she is haha
  4. Awwwww she is soooooo darn cute!
  5. What a cutie Sasha hates being brushed but loves her scratches haha
  6. Great photos! Love the one there touching noses in too cute and the puppy is adorable!
  7. That's cute sasha does the same thing with crickets love how there heads go sideways haha
  8. That's a good idea lol I need to be more creative haha ill have to bundle some stuff up and hope it stops raining in the next week hasn't stopped for two days now thank you for the idea
  9. Have most of that stuff lol I have 3 different sized hammers and a sledge hammer haha that part won't be a problem haha
  10. Thats a good point that stuff fixes everything lol ill try and get a pic when it stops raining (its raining heavy out there)
  11. Ill get a pic of it tomorrow to buy a new mat for them is expensive unless I'm looking in the wrong places.
  12. That's cute! Wish my dog and cat were like that instead they chase each through the house haha
  13. That's what I was thinking but not sure if that will help with the way these two silly buggers slide across the mat onto the tramp lol sasha goes crazy running around the yard then pretty much flys onto the tramp haha
  14. Hi all, My heart almost jumped out of my chest not long ago. All I heard was sasha yelping (almost screaming) went out and she had her foot stuck in the spring on the trampoline lucky she didn't move to much and it didn't hurt her think it just scared her me and my partner ran out to help her I had to hold her in one place so he could get her leg out. Now my question is how would I make it safe for her to play on so her feet won't slip through? It has the mats around it but its a two piece mat so it has an open section on either side I've tried to pull them as close to each other as possible but there's still the gap her foot went through and got stuck Sasha and Dozer both like jumping and wrestling on there and I can't stop them from going on it unless I take it down which I don't want to do unless I can't make it safe for them. It's the first time she has gotten her foot stuck and I don't want it to happen again specially if I'm home alone.
  15. Beautiful photos makes me want it to snow here
  16. Beautiful photo and gorgeous baby (can't wait till our baby is here)
  17. Great pics looks like they had fun! Skyla looks so fluffy, love her coat, gorgeous
  18. Bambi92

    Snuggles :d

    That's soo cute! I need a couch that long 2 in a row isn't big enough when sasha stretches out haha
  19. Yay my baby girl is home still can't walk properly though and the poor thing is starving. She was a bit of a shit head at the vet though oops I did tell them that she gets scared, hates small spaces, may bite if they come to close and won't go up to them if they want her too. She couldn't wait to get out of there she fell over on her way out poor baby
  20. That's wrong on so many levels! One of my now ex-friends did something similar to his dog poor thing need vet care urgently and the (not so nice words) didnt take her. She ended up passing away the next morning need less to say the only place he was visiting was a hospital when I found out then I had him charged with cruelty and other offences now he's not allows to own a dog. Some people are so cruel to defenceless animals yet not much gets done about it when it's reported or at least that's what it's like here!
  21. Sorry if its in the wrong spot wasn't sure where to put it. You've most likely already seen Mishka the talking husky but I had to share Mishkas YouTube channel its so cute. When ever I'm having a bad day I watch Mishka and Sasha does too (sasha tries to find where the noise is coming from haha the.starts howling too) I'd love to teach sasha to talk, she use to howl and stuff when I said talk but I didn't keep it up as I had other issues to deal with at the time now she looks at me like I'm stupid when I try to get her to do it haha http://www.youtube.com/gardea23 I'm not sure if it worked not sure how to put a link in haven't worked that part out yet
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