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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Thanks I get to pick her up in less then an hour I'm soo excited you'd think she was gone for a week haha
  2. It is. I was thinking I would have to just sleep with my partner and his Maltese ( she gets in the way while sleeping she ends up squished half the time haha) but now I get my baby as well nothing like waking up to her head either on top of mine or on my belly haha
  3. Haha that's funny! My kitty gets a bath every month like the dogs. She has allergies and since I've bathed her every month she hasn't had to go to the vet and have needles for ages if she's in the bath she is fine if its the shower on the other hand the shower curtain gets destroyed and she makes best friends with the shower head and hangs off it haha
  4. I got a call from the vet when I seem there number come up only phone I almost died but thankfully it was ok I had to go down to the vet to show them where it was and what it looked like they said its most likely her blood vessel and that its normal for them to be large sometimes so she doesnt need anything done but as the vet said it was better to knock her out to get a good look in her mouth to make sure it was all good then not get near her at all and it been something bad so I'm soooo damn happy that it is nothing bad now just have to call them in 2-3hours to see how she's waking up and then I get to pick up my baby girl and bring her home! YAY!
  5. She is more likely to cuddle upto my partner haha she will snob me and give me evils for a bit before she comes for cuddles that's what she did last time lol this day is going to go so slow because I want to see her And thanks as it gets closer to seeing her ill be happy as long as everything has gone well
  6. Thanks I know she is going to be fine I just don't like the fact that I can't be with her and can't be there when she wakes up
  7. Hi all, Sasha is now at the vet awaiting her surgery and she did not want to be there one bit I had to pick her up to take her out the back so she could have a sedative so they can put her drip in and stuff I put her in the cage and gave her a kiss and cuddle and closed the door and she gave me this look that she's never given me before like 'why the hell are you doing this to me' I had to give her another kiss and walk away or I was going to cry not sure if she is coming home tonight or not depends how she goes I hope she comes home ill be a mess tonight if she doesn't in all that I forgot to take her toy with her (great mum I am). Going to give them a call in a few hours to see how her op went and see if I can bring her home. Fingers crossed everything goes well.
  8. Nice pics looks like they had fun wish it snowed around here
  9. That's so cute! Love the mouth
  10. Aww what a smart dog sasha wouldn't bother trying lol she too lazy
  11. Thanks all. Thinking about training sasha in guard dog training not sure if she would do it but she's a smart girl. Or trying to teach her what dozer does and bail people up if they come in the yard and can't walk out haha I'm so happy dozer was there I didn't want to ring his owners saying there dog was missing didnt sleep last night was hoping the person would come back but they didn't grrrr
  12. I'm soo glad my girl isn't out the back while no one is home and the dog that is out the back wont run away! We came home to our back gate being open. Dozer scared the shit out of me when he came upto me from beside my partners work truck must of been in the gate or near it I automatically put him in the yard made my partner and dad go out the back and I went to make sure sasha was inside still. If they didn't open the gate they would of still been in the yard and I would of had some fun with them! I have a feeling it may have been someone we know because of the way the gate was opened and nothing was touched. If they intended on stealing something they would have went for my partners truck considering you can see that it's not locked! I'm sooooo angry right now. From now on my girl will not be outside if no one is home she won't stay near the house like dozer does she will just run and being next to a main road if she goes right I don't want to think about could happen. Sasha has been running across the top of our lounge as well so I'm not impressed!
  13. Went out today and bought Sasha a Thundershirt and to my surprise she didn't attempt to take off. I put it on her to make sure it fit properly and she didn't want to take it off she laid on the floor eating her pigs ear she attempted to steal from the pet shop haha cheeky girl. hopefully this will help her I know it won't work over night but hopefully it will calm her enough for next Tuesday when she goes to the vet for her surgery hopefully she will at least let them close enough without me having to hold her head away from them to sedated her so she can be prep'd for surgery. Fingers crossed it helps her. i tried to upload a photo of her wearing it but it wouldn't let me so ill try again later
  14. Love the last 2 nice pics axe is beautiful
  15. Oh no poor baby sorry to hear that shes a cute pup
  16. Sasha is about 4-5 this year I think anyway not exactly sure I'd only be doing it in my back yard which she can't get out of unless she digs (which to my surprise she doesn't) or someone lets her out so the off lead part I'm not worried about I don't think sasha would handle a competition with her anxiety problems that are still on going and I wouldn't be able to handle the pressure of it either.
  17. Hi all. I'm thinking about attempting to train sasha in agility or flyball but im not sure if she will do it or she will be to scared of the course I only want to do it for fun as something to try and keep her focus on me and to keep us both active now my question is for those that have done agility with there dogs do you think she would be better off going to classes or just making a course for home for her to try? When around other dogs she goes into play mode and all she wants to do is play like a typical husky no matter how big or small the dog is and that's my worry if I put her in any form of class unless I put her in obedience classes first what do you think would be best for her to try first? She is obedient when she wants to be or when there's food or a bottle of strawberry milk around. I don't want to stress her out to much in trying to do this with her. What was your dog like at first when they did it? did they have any other form of training or go to other classes before doing agility? If so what were they in? Any advice is much appreciated i won't be doing this for a few months as she is having her surgery next week and I haven't got the money for anything after paying for it and depending on what comes of the surgery depends on when I think about starting it with her.
  18. Haha that's so cute. Sasha won't take anyone else's socks off but my partners. She puts them either in the bathroom if the doors open or in the laundry smart dog lol and she has a habit of pulling the blankets off us if she wants to play in the middle of the night haha little shit and you can't sit on the lounge with a blanket over you she pulls it off and sits on it haha
  19. Ooooo might have to get a few when I've got more money sasha needs a new collar was ment to get her one for Xmas lol
  20. Stuff going to the cold at winter lol although it would be good to have a cold summer/winter time instead of silly weather like we're having now its crazy!
  21. I had sasha do something similar but she got out of the yard I didn't see her till she was across the road near the lane way I automatically ran after her while yelling at my partner to come with me (in the area we were in I wasn't letting sasha out of my sight) she ran along the footpath and stopped at roads an waited for cars like I've taught her to do and she ended up running for half hour in total to a Doberman we've never seen before we caught up to her and she thought I'd be fun to do laps around the tree in the yard we had to tackle her to stop her I looked pretty funny holding her like a baby walking back with her that's the only way she would sit. I called her she would stop and look but kept running. Now if I think she will slip her collar I raise my voice and say stop she sits and looks at me.
  22. Haha yeah I'd love to go over there but I'd need 10 layers of clothes HAHA I'm a whimp when it comes to the cold.
  23. Nice pics they all look so cute! And those collars are pretty wish we had some like them here
  24. Where I am it was 43.6C the other day I wouldn't put sasha through it even in winter here there's a few people I've seen scootering in the blue mountains in winter when it snows (doesn't snow that much where these people were doing it though) the poor dogs looked so tired and sad and where it does snow as far as I know dogs aren't allowed there which sux I'd love to take sasha to the snow. haha I don't like taking my car to car wash places I washed it at 9pm last weekend and it was still 29C the car wasn't the only thing that had a bath haha
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