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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Lol I tell sasha to leave her alone and she looks at me as if to say "but mum I wanna play" lol it's too cute I really thought sasha would of hurt her because she's a bit clumsy when excited but she's been good so far lol Your girls are gorgeous I love Maya's eyes there soo pretty Lol I don't know how to put names in otherwise I would have lol
  2. Two of ours are inside but I feel sorry for Dozer (rotti/kelpie) were looking after him and I'm under strict instructions not to left him inside as they don't want him to be an inside dog when they get him back (but ssshhh he has come inside a few times for an hour or 2) haha
  3. To my suprise sasha hasn't eaten my bunny yet. They follow each other around the house and lay with each other. I didn't think sasha would be nice or even go near Dakota. Have you put your fur babies in the same room as a rabbit? Heres a pic of them
  4. Hi and welcome Ozzy is gorgeous happy new year
  5. I was thinking about trying the anxiety jacket similar to the thunder shirt. Last night she was really good with the fireworks that were around which surprised me I was so proud of her she only ran and hid once and that was because I went outside for a min then someone thought it was a great idea to let 6 off right outside my house and sasha went crazy she was sound asleep then that happened she didn't have anywhere to hide because she can't get under my bed so she laid on top of me with her head under the pillow for 20mins poor baby
  6. Hi and welcome good on for what you do for these babies. There lucky to have people like you around to love them and help them to give them the life they deserve
  7. Her hair is constantly shedding doesn't matter how many times a week I brush her its never ending lol it comes out in clumps in the beginning of summer once I've brushed her 2-3 times her coat is fine. And it's a mission and a half to bath her because she doesn't like the bath lol
  8. Aww my partner bought me a cute lop-eared bunny I have no idea what to name her though I was thinking Dakota or misty but I don't know
  9. What is a thunder shirt? Haven't heard of one before. That's what I'd be worried about sasha doing with one of the diffuser things or the other dog that's here
  10. http://www.freewebs.com/sydneypetrescueandadoption/appealforninjasfamily.htm Sorry for posting something like this but why do people think its ok to do that to 2 poor defenceless dogs?!?!? I couldn't help but cry when I read this that poor family can't imagine what there going through now. i didn't think pounds were legally able to shoot an animal if they are legally able too then the government are just f*****! And need to change the laws regarding animals. im sorry for the way I wrote this it makes me soooooo angry that places do this and get away with it!!:@
  11. I had a look at the adaptil site I've heard a few people talk about that and saying it works. They have a sound sensitivity questionnaire not sure if its much to go by but I did it for sasha and it said sasha has a serve reaction to loud noises and "recommends" long-term medication and behavioural therapy would the results of it be anything to go by? If I can help it I don't want to medicate her. I don't have a lot of money but ill do anything to help her no matter what the cost is.
  12. Haha I hate taking photos of myself and that was the only mirror around I have over 300 pics on my iPad and over 1000 on my camera and out of them about 10-15 are of me lol rest are my animals
  13. I was thinking about getting her a treadmill but I don't think she will go anywhere near it because it moves if I can find one that's not expensive i might try it thanks
  14. Some pics of me and my girl me a few weeks ago Me and my girl sasha And one from beginning of last year with what was ment to be red and black hair haha sorry its sideways
  15. Hi all sorry if there is already a post about this topic. Sasha has an abusive past and when I got her she would run away and hide as soon as someone raised there hand/voice or there was any form of loud noises she has never bitten me or anyone she has been around unless its playing and she only puts your wrist in her mouth but doesn't bite down. She has come along way but the main things that scare her now are the vacuum, fireworks and loud banging noises like a hammer hitting nail or the mop falling on the ground. Now in saying that my partner stupidly let a few fireworks off in the backyard on Xmas day sasha and the other dogs were in the garage with the door closed at the time when I went to check on her she was standing on the lounge near the door and jumped into my arms like a child does I know I shouldn't have but I caught her (almost fell over in the process) and hugged her because she was scarred and shaking she hasn't been the same with my partner since she will go up to him for a pat but other then that she looks at him with a really sad and disappointing look and walks away and comes to sit with me. how can I help her be less scared of these things? I was ment to go out on NYE but I'm too scared to leave her alone because of the fireworks. I can't have her getting out of the yard because she will get hit by a car/truck as soon as she goes over or under the fence. She is always inside when there are loud noises around and she sleeps inside at night. sorry this is so long I didn't really know how to put it. Any advice is much appreciated as I really want her to be ok with these things I hate seeing her scared or upset
  16. The dog I'm looking after loves destroying toys got him a penguin with a Xmas hat on it no longer has a hat on (5mins after he got it) lol sasha loves to sleep with her toys more then play with them haha my cat got 8 toys and a fishing rod mouse lol
  17. Haha that's what my baby girls pile looked like after she stole the other toys lol
  18. Wow some very lucky doggies out there. I still have to get my mums dog something yet lol every time I go to visit he gets something from me haha not sure what to get him though.
  19. Love the stocking haha there will be a lot of happy pups out there this christmas glad I'm not the only one that loves my babies more then humans lol sasha decided to steal all the toys out of the stocking that was ment to be shared between the other dogs haha she's sleeping on all her toys too cute gotta love huskies lol
  20. That's exactly right they are apart of the family my lot has 2 toys each and treats to share and a collar each to come haven't found any i like yet haha they do deserve presents more as they love you unconditionally thats cute my cat has a stocking but the dogs have there presents wrapped
  21. Cute pics love the last one lol
  22. Hi all merry christmas to all hope you all enjoy your Christmas now to the topic... I keep being called an idiot because I bought my animals 2 presents each. I'm not the only person that buys there animals presents am I? I don't have kids this christmas so I buy my furbabies presents its sooo annoying when people call me an idiot for it anyone else buy there animals presents and what did you get them?
  23. That's cute hope you feel better soon. My girl tries to make me go back to bed when I'm sick lol
  24. Thank you That's what I was going to do just let sasha be around the baby but wanted to see if anyone else did that. I think she might be good with the baby I had my friend over with her baby (6mths) and all sasha did was walk up to the baby and sniff her feet gave her a little lick (that's what she does when she approves of someone) and walked away if the baby cried she walked up like she was checking that she was ok then brought her toy over to the baby and tried to give it to her lol was soo cute think I was worried for nothing but could be different with my own child guess I wait and see Thank you all sooo much for the advice:)
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