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About pauline_d

  • Birthday 02/10/1990

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    Reading, UK
  • Occupation
    IT Analyst

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  1. thank you very much for all your advices... I am going to do that then. I really think that its to do with the food he is eating. But he definitely doesn't eat enough from my opinion, not even a bole of food a day. Actually I tried to give him rice once but he left it, I would only eat the chicken. I will get some pumpkin tomorrow as well. thanks
  2. Hi everybody, Alaska has had digestive issue the last couple of days, every time I take him out he has diarrhea, more water than anything. I went to the vet the other to check him out, everything was fine, he is 30 kg, but he is really big, I also think he lost weight.... the thing is Alaska is so picky with his food, I currently feed him with Purina one, but he only eats the meat bits, so I bought him Purina One with only meats beat but again, he doesnt eat that much, and normally a transaction should be made with food, but he will only eat his new food, and not the previous one.... I can't remember where I read it but apparently pumpkin is good? I start to worry a little bit about this diarrhea issue and the fact that he really doesn't eat that much otherwise no other sign of being ill, he looks fine other than that ... Any good idea would be much appreciated ! otherwise back to the vet !
  3. I did steal a few pics for facebook too...
  4. Thank you very much, I really enjoyed it too ! All the photos are amazing as well, thanks to Diesel, Alaska is really,really tired now lol It was great to meet all of you and I am looking forward to the next one !
  5. pauline_d


    I hope they will find him very quickly... I will keep an eye on Gumtree and various websites.
  6. I am definitely going to do that
  7. Thanks for the advices, however I have always been of a stressed nature and I can live with it and be happy at the same time. I came here to ask some advice on how I can limit the chances for my dog being taken away. Unless you are a psychologist, then I would happily take your advice on how not to think about it too much and relax
  8. Did they give you a treatment or not yet?
  9. *link removed* this add was on yesterday about a missing dog, not long after you could see this add *link removed* the dog looks exactly the same and its in the same place too. What do you think? I tried to call the owner of the dog but it doesn't ring and I sent an email already.
  10. It was an article I saw while I was looking at Aurora's(another dog that was stolen) details where she was last seen. Other than that, I just got to read another article and don't really know what to think about it... " Some years ago, I heard about a pair of dogs (I believe they were huskies), that had been stolen from the owner/breeder. The dogs were searched for; rewards were posted, all to no avail. But, a year or two later, a vet who was treating the dogs happened to scan them for microchips and discovered that the person who had taken the dogs to him/her for treatment might not be the owner. Thankfully, there was a happy ending, and the dogs were reunited with their original owner. (Or, so the story goes.) My question is: DO vets regularly check for microchips in the pets taken to them for treatment? And, if so, if it should it turn out that the pet they are treating doesn't belong to the individual who brought them in, would the vet contact the owner listed in the microchip registry, or at the very least, contact the registry service to determine who the owner really is? This is a big concern of mine, because microchips are great, but they serve virtually no purpose if the pets aren't scanned for them. I know that shelters regularly scan all pets for microchips nowadays, but if vets aren't doing so, there are probably thousands of pets that aren't being reunited with their rightful owners. I see this as an ethical issue, and feel it is the obligation of vets to scan all pets when they are treated. I would expect this of my vet, and if I was a vet I would do the same. After all, if you were treating a pet for an ailment, particularly if the ailment will entail a costly procedure, and it turns out the person presenting the pet is not the owner, wouldn't you want the true owner to have the option of having their pet cared for? My pets are all microchipped. They also have collars with tags, but they've often lost their collars while out romping on our farm. I'd like to feel that if one of them wandered just a little off our property and someone picked them up, or if someone outright stole them, I'd have some chance of getting them back."
  11. Thank you Stormy, you are right I can't do much else, I will try and relax a bit more. It also frustrates me because I know that so many people who steal dogs could be found if there was some proper help... In France microchip is not so common, usually it is a 'tattoo' on the ear, I might do that too because I've read that they take the chip off and put a fake one, but how are they going to get rid of a tattoo?!
  12. I usually keep him very close to me like you do, I realized that people will think that he probably is an aggressive dog. I think I might do what Valkyries does with Odin. To be fair I am gonna have to find a way to walk two dogs at the same time without being walked myself. I am more worried in the house when I am not around. If I am in the house I always have an eye on him, or he is always following me. But he would definitely welcome anybody trying to get into the house, and he doesn't bark ...
  13. Yes he is chipped and is wearing a tagg with number and address. You are right having two can actually might be better. I thought about geting those GPS collar but if someone wants to steal it he will definitely take it off...
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