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About Alodia

  • Birthday 05/01/1995

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    Sydney, Australia

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  1. Thanks guys so much, I guess I just need to be more persistent. Thanks for the speedy reply i'll do a photo update when I get back on hop on my computer
  2. Hello all, it has been a while since I last logged in. Alodia is now 8 months but I am still having slight difficulty with these issues. I don't really have much experience to disciplining unwanted behaviour and am needing advice. 1. She loves to bite/nip hands, or anything that is being held in your hand. Whether you are reaching out to pet her head or back, she would snap at you, not out of agression though. She does this when she's excited. And if you're holding onto something in your hand then she would try to reach for it. I had tried the yelping method, the time-out, and firmly holding her jaw, but none of them work. It has become quite hard to play with her when all she wants is to nip your hand. 2. Jumping on people Odie gets extremely excited when guest arrive, and would proceed to jump on them. We have tried ignoring her until she calms down, but she never actually does calm down. She would dig into your hip when you turn your back towards her and jump repeatedly. 3. Door scratching. As it is winter here and raining I've been letting her sleep with me on my bedroom floor. Most nights she would sleep soundly nti. sunrise. However she recently she always wants to go OUT (as in roam the house freely) rather than sleep at night. She would scratch the door and whie for hours on end until she either sleeps or I escort her back outside to the backyard. I do give her plenty of exercise except it has been pouring outside lately so we've put off our usual jogs. What else can I try to train her? I would also like to know why she does this to understand her better. She's a really good dog and sweet, but I just don't understand her and I think there is a miscommunication between us. Any help?
  3. absolutely stunning pictures! It looks so fun
  4. Hey guys, it'sbeen a while. Recently Alodia has been biting - NOT nipping or play biting, but as in lunging at my hand and sinking her teeth in. I've tried giving her time-outs, the alligator jaw, replacing my hand with a toy but I'm starting think it's not playing and rather she's demanding something. But that's just my assumption This also happens sometimes when I touch her head (not all the time) and when I slip her training collar around her, she will snap at my hand. I have to distract her with kibble in order to not get bitten. She's not aggressive, she's sweet as honey, with a little toothy habit. What can I do to teach her not to bite? When taking her for walks occasionally she would lie on her back on the middle of the footpath and refuse to budge. I usually encourage her to get up again by telling her to come but she's starting to ignore me and just lie there. What's the reason for this? Is this the age of rebellion? She's now 17 weeks old.
  5. Those are gorgeous pictures! I love those little glum faces where they watch Wookie eat his chew, and that shot peeking through the window is amazing!!
  6. soooo adorable!!! great shots!
  7. Haha, been there done that! You might say she's a monster, but at least she's a damn adorable and beautiful one ) I'm always a sucker for those eyes
  8. they're only a few seconds of short snippets of Alodia's shenanigans. This is her going after the toilet roll (she was so small, had to jump!) And this is me teaching her the leave it command. she can now wait for more than 20 seconds, and with more than two treats on each paw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5Ij6TFF3X0
  9. haha thank you very much! She's getting so big now, whenever my boyfriend comes over he says "It was only yesterday she was (the size of) my foot!" We get a lot of compliments especially about her eyes, but I extremely like her black tip pointed ears and the tiny splashes of blonde here and there on her coat, though unsure if they're going to fade when she starts growing her double coat.
  10. These ones were taken back in January She had this pretty black stripe than ran down the middle of her back. It kinda faded over time though. And these are more recent ones: Doesn['t she look like she's smiling? Happy chap ^^ My cat can only tolerate her no more closer than that Me and Alodia at puppy preschool And here's a puppy preschool group photo. Unfortunately the picture cut off where the beautiful Akita was at the bottom of the picture.
  11. She's great! Yeah she definitely has grown, even I can see her progress with my own eyes. Still a little nippy at times but improving, and almost grasping the "leave it" command (I even put the treat on top of her paw and she waits for the 'ok'). I'll post pictures when I transfer them to the computer x)
  12. Alodia loves to run, so we've attached one of her doggy toys on a rope and tied it the the hills hoist (it's a rotary washing line in Australia in case you don't know) and she'd chase it in circles. As for treats, I usually just give her her usual kibble, but I think she is more swayed by liver treats
  13. Had to roll up the living room carpet and store it away when my Alodia moved in with us. Now she's 12 weeks and we've moved her to the laundry which is separate to the main house because we still haven't set up the baby gates to block off the entry to our bedrooms. It's a nightmare on rainy days, but it is nothing compared to the underworld that is my brother's bedroom is.
  14. Recently Alodia has been guarding her food and growling, barking and nipping at my hand whenever I reach towards her bowl. At the moment it is not severe and it doesn't hurt (yet) but I'm afraid that it will turn into a habit or behaviour problem and eventually receive a real bite. I do make her do tricks (sit, down, paw) and wait until I put the bowl down and give her the "ok" command before she can eat. I also hand feed her meals (again, after I get her to do her tricks). Is she scared that I'll take her food away from her? If so, how can I get her to trust me? She's okay with me standing and sitting next to her as she eats, just putting my hand on her food elicits the growling, and sometimes when I touch her all over (sometimes she does get all bitchy, sometimes she doesnt). I'm sorry if this is a frequently asked question, I am still flicking through old threads for topics on food guarding. Advice is much appreciated Also, today I just gave her a raw cow's bone (pretty big so she can munch on it without swallowing) and she loves it. It is really heart warming to see her chew on something that makes her so happy. ^^
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