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Everything posted by Julieanne

  1. Sounds like you all have fun in each others company, for those of you that have children I have a feeling they don't know this side of you, that their parents are really big kids. They would never take you seriously again lol.
  2. Orange Slice (The ones with the orange cream in the middle) Not a huge biscuit/cookie person though.
  3. He sure knows he's in trouble.
  4. Not long now until you get her, must be hard to concentrate on other things with the excitement of your new addition Will be interesting to find out if her personality is as sweet as her looks are....
  5. I can't imagine eating enough fresh food without being 10kg underweight Humans need Protein and CALORIES, which many fresh foods are low in (including what you mentioned) If you can eat a huge amount of all fresh all natural food to stay healthy which includes protein then I take my hat off to you.
  6. Yuk? Have you looked the back of most food labels these days which contain like 90 different ingredients, many of which we all have no idea what they are lol.
  7. I'm in no way put off red meat, unfortunately many things which happen in the world can seem very wrong but it's easy for people to be blind to them then face the fact that animals get killed in inhumane ways and that ex-race horses get sold for this reason. It is interesting to know though that there is an abattoir not far from a well known race course in my country, pretty sad Again, I'm not put off meat as it is a such a good source of protein and every dietitian i've talked to considers red meat to be a very important food for those who are not vegetarian/vegan. EDIT: By red meat I mean Beef and Lamb I would NEVER eat horse, They are pets in my mind and black beauty was one of my favorite childhood movies. I also use to follow the horses out in the bush when I spent time on a station years ago. They are beautiful animals.
  8. In this photo Broder's face kind of reminds me of Lady in Lady and The Tramp or some kind of disney character for some reason lol. Great pictures
  9. What animals a person will eat depends a lot on how they view that animal. I see cats, dogs and horses as companions so NEVER would I eat that meat, it doesn't anger me that people choose to but I do feel saddened that they don't see them the way I do. I use to eat pork but something about it has turned me off. At the end of the day there are a lot of gross things in food (not just meat) so it's hard to avoid unless you are overly obsessive.
  10. Name = Rafeal Age = 4 months Sex = Male Eyes = Blue and Brown/Blue Parti Color = Wolf Grey/Dark Grey Hight = Unknown Length = Unknown Snout = Of normal length lol I haven't measured. Weight = Healthy, though would be overweight under his own choice's Bought/rescue = Bought, 8 weeks Personality = Thinks he is king ping and acts like I'm such a nuisance to have around. Food = Anything edible or not so edible (fluff), though he loves carrots, they were the first thing he sourced out of the bin. Enjoys = FOOD, getting wet, sitting in the freezer on a hot day, turning objects into sculptures with his teeth Treats = Carrots, Cauliflower, Milk w/water Crate = No Sleeps = In corners and on his back against cupboard Howl/bark = Mainly barks, occasional howl when desperate. Social : VERY, loving to everyone, known to sit at the bottom of the social ladder and is often bullied by other pack members who sense his insecurity.
  11. The first husky I saw was a black and white at a cafe. He/she was so beautiful and I remember feeling disappointed when I was walking past the cafe again a few minutes later to see the guy with the husky had left.
  12. That's great to hear you still have her, hope she keeps fighting. Four huskies...That must be a lot of fur lol. Sorry this has gotten a bit off topic
  13. I read off a breeder's website once that a husky puppy can have true green eyes but they will change over time to blue or brown. That's just from memory though.
  14. I'm saddened to hear that . From your profile pic though it looks like you still have plenty of fur babies to give lots of love and attention <3
  15. So they were listed? I hope I didn't offend you at all, it was something that came to mind and I still think it is a good thing to have and look for in a breeder. If there was an incident with any of their respected breeders then I'm sure they would want to look into it.
  16. I think the KC have a list of reputable breeders (KC assured breeder scheme) and it's likely that the registered breeder isn't on the list. Being registered doesn't mean much unless their on that list. Dogs from puppy mills can be registerd in the US but I'm not too sure about how things are in the UK.
  17. I call Rafeal Bunny because of his ears.
  18. Do they still have the husky?
  19. A breed doesn't say much alone, it depends on the dog and how they are treated. Some are more outgoing and dominant, while other's like mine choose to play with a piece of pumpkin which he had mistaken for another animal and cry when the cat bullies him. We have a chihuahua who is much more dominant then Rafeal.
  20. If you go to the bottom of this article it will give an example of Tux while he was growing into proportion, also it talks a bit about good breeding being part of whether your husky is close to breed standards. http://cowgirl0216.hubpages.com/hub/The-Difference-Between-a-Siberian-and-a-Quality-Siberian Rafeal's almost four months and his ears are growing faster then any other part of his body, so your not alone in noticing this
  21. My male chihuahua mounts Rafeal quite often and I never even thought of it like that, I always thought 'Coco hasn't realized Rafeal is a male' Can you imagine the type of person he will get his next puppy from? No one with their head screwed on will let him have another any time soon.
  22. One time I gave Rafeal a piece of steamed pumpkin which splattered over the floor and he though it was alive and wanted to bark and play with it. I could imagine him next to a budgie with no thought of eating it, it's not really strange though sorry, it could just be a puppy thing as to why he doesn't have much of a prey drive.
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