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Everything posted by Julieanne

  1. When I saw the tenth photo from the bottom (the 'posing') one (first post). It reminded me of that expression Lindsay ellingson has. http://www.google.com.au/imgres?q=lindsay+ellingson&start=342&hl=en&client=safari&sa=X&tbo=d&rls=en&biw=1920&bih=942&tbm=isch&tbnid=DnN6-glW4dqdBM:&imgrefurl=http://sonocy.com/lindsay-ellingson-3&docid=VZzChiphsxgPYM&imgurl=http://sonocy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Lindsay-Ellingson-3.jpg&w=640&h=960&ei=dSj6UNjqEs_VkAX874GoCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=440&vpy=111&dur=859&hovh=275&hovw=183&tx=53&ty=155&sig=105940868078649100259&page=5&tbnh=142&tbnw=96&ndsp=58&ved=1t:429,r:46,s:300,i:142
  2. I though I would post some of his younger pic's along with some new ones (the picture with the caption though is a bit outdated, but I really wanted to add it). He's now twice the size he was when we first got him and is developing jet black circles around his eyes.
  3. Actually I would have to say I was wrong. There are reputable breeders that don't show but some of the dogs they produce could be used in conformation, so I agree with you on that one.
  4. I don't know exact measurements, but the crate Rafeal came in when he was 8 weeks old would be considered a medium size dog crate. Larger then a cat cage but too small for a full grown medium size dog.
  5. I think a samoyed would go well with a husky, they do have some similarities. Though it really depends on the individual dog.
  6. It's not just to discourage the unreputable breeders, it's also because people want to make sure that in the long run, even if you have to wait a bit, you wont have to regret your choices. Maybe if there is a breeder on this forum you could send them a personal message with a link to the breeders website so they can have a look for you if that's okay by the rules for using this site.
  7. What is your opinion on people who breed and set up fancy websites which say they 'breed to improve the breed' (why no mention of health testing then), only breed purebred dogs (even though you have no papers) and don't like the idea of showing (I bet if their dogs were eligible and with a chance they would. Where both in morals and from a legal point of view do you think they take these kind of claims too far?
  8. I'm subscribed to them. It's so sad for the people that actually value their pets that they don't live as long as humans. RIP Sweet Shiloh <3
  9. This is Coco, our chihuahua who is four years old this year. Ever since we got Rafeal he's gotten even more cuddly and loving. One time I was patting him while Raffy was next to the bed and anyway my mind drifted on to Rafeal and Coco let out a loud growl. It was as if he could tell I was thinking about him which I found really unusual :eek:. Anyway something interesting to share is that we didn't pay a single cent for Coco who was still a puppy at the time. The lady (Mel) decided to give him away for free as he was getting rough with the other pups. We had never met Mel in person though she sent Coco to us and payed for the shipping and trusted the money would be sent back to her (which was of course), glad to know there are people out there like that
  10. I think you shouldn't rush your choice since this is a 12-15 year commitment. Though there is of course a chance you will find one around that time. I think you should look up whatever is the AKC equivalent in the UK and search for a breeder there. Good Luck and I hope you find what you're looking for
  11. I don't know the name so i'll just have to say 'the white husky' (for now) is So Tiny beneath all that fur. It's cute the way her/his collar pulls it all in. Love the photo's.
  12. I Like them both, which should I use?
  13. I wonder if, as kids, these people ever had a pet that they loved, watched a dog movie they liked or if, there is even maybe some kind of pet that they value now. I really hope it's a yes to maybe just one of those things.............
  14. I have two photo's of Rafeal which I can't decide between, one is of him just sitting in front of the camera 'showing off his cuteness' and the other is with his head turned to face the camera with a big smile.
  15. I love the markings around Loki's eyes
  16. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could share with me their experiences with how their husky changed in the first two years. At what puppy stage did your husky most resemble itself (coat,body, etc) as an adult? Hope I'm not bothering anyone with another thread :/
  17. Hi Linda, Alodia is gorgeous I was just wondering what kind of situation he/she (from the Al bit I'm guessing a girl?) came from, six weeks is so young! I'm sure though that Alodia is in good hands.
  18. If I were the breeder I would probably only give them any leftover money from reselling the puppy once you take out the cost of feeding the puppy while it was with the breeder and seeing as the puppy is no longer at the cute stage when they first got it, it would possibly be taken in by someone for less then the original price. Also, I think it's really rude they called up asking about their money, they seem more concerned about that then waiting for the best home.
  19. Gary, Rafeal also likes to tip his water bowl over which is why we got a heavier one, though he now splashes all the water out when he doesn't get his way. Normally it's because of his never ending love for food.
  20. Hi, I'm new to this forum so I though i'd introduce myself and my 12 week old husky Rafeal. We have had him since he was 8 weeks old and he is the first husky we have ever had. It was a long journey to his new home as he had to stay at a kennel at the airport overnight before he could get to us. When we picked him up we heard from passengers that he had been out of his crate during the flight and got breakfast too! He has since settled in well though i've never known a dog to get so scared. In the first week we had him he had his front paws on the lounge and when he went to put them back down he fell backwards and let out an ear piercing squeal and I thought he had seriously hurt himself which was a real scare. At other times it's because of the cat chasing him off that he gets frightened. I'm not sure if this is something to worry much about but he doesn't seem to care about the situations he gets himself in and is always interested in anything unusual so I'm guessing he is just a bit of a sook perhaps? As you can see in the photo's he LOVES water, since we have been letting him out the backyard more it seems like he is constantly wet which definitely doesn't leave him smelling too nice. I have plenty of photo's of him since he was two weeks old which I would love to post in an album but I haven't been able to find anything like that on my profile to post them on. I could write a lot more on Rafeal but I think I will leave it at that, Thank you for reading
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