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  1. Matthewj


    Hahah...I thought loki was the only dumbass that did the kangeroo thing!!!...and he can go for ages as well if he sees a squirrel/dog/cat/bird/piece of paper or leaf in the wind.............................
  2. Matthewj


    Best way to teach not to pull on the lead...fed up of it being me that gets taken for the walk...oh and jumping up in the air and twisting to break my grip?..........????........... Matt
  3. Hi Guys, we are thinking of getting a second dog to keep our husky Loki company. He is really good with other dogs and is not yet a year old. My question is does anyone have an opinion on whether it would be better to get another husky or a malamute. We have been told that a Malamute will help keep loki calm where as getting another husky is asking for trouble?? Matt )
  4. Brilliant thanks i will check out those shampoos and refrain from bathing him for a while ...Thank you
  5. thanks for all the info guys seems i am not the only one with a sensitive husky then i will look out for the TOTW food as like the above post Lokis poop is very runny most days and his coat has dulled its near on impossible to clean up when we take him out and he must feel awful ,anyway thanks again
  6. So, Loki our husky has had an upset tummy. I came downstairs the other day to find that he had messed in his crate(not his fault - upset tummy) anyways he was covered in poo and so a bath was very much in order. Happened again the following day and he was again covered, hence another bath. He is fine now, but for some reason he now absolutely stinks, as in his fur and general BO!!......I know they don't need many baths, but these two were not really avoidable and now his coat smells rotten( poor loki)...any idea's on how to get him back to normal?/ Thanks Matt and Stinky!
  7. ahh thank you didnt see that thread before ,will get reading ,thanks for the diet info your dogs are beautiful
  8. Loki is now nearly 7 months and has had terrible problems with food ,he will be ill for a couple of days if anyone feeds him something he doesn't usually have we have had to change his food to a meat and rice with no added wheat and jerky for snacks/treats ...we have recently been told about the raw meat diet and are just wondering if anyone else feeds their dogs this and if so what?
  9. Seems like she will be ok, We had the same problems, with sudden loose poo, and we had not changed food or anything. Lasted a few weeks and was then ok. I spoke to some others, who said that it was all part of their developing digestive systems etc...so it should be ok, good luck
  10. hi, we had the same problem with my husky Loki, we stopped all rough play and when he nipped he was told firmly " NO BITE".........took about a 2 weeks, and now he's fine. He will still nip if he gets overexcited but the NO BITE words stop him straight away...good luck
  11. Hi Emma, we feed Loki, also 9 weeks purina beta - puppy food.......he has "lovely" poo....nice a soft and easy to pick up. Research told me that feeding them too much upsets their digestive system. We currently feed loki 3 times per day.....one large handful per sitting, he seems to be doing fine with that. We had a check up at the vets yesterday, and he is the correct weight for his age etc..... Here is the link, one bag lasted 1/1/2 weeks. Matt http://www.petsathome.com/shop/beta-complete-puppy-food-with-chicken-3kg-and-15kg-12598?cm_mmc=Google%20Base-_-%20Products-_-%20Products%20-_-Products&gclid=CN7ngsLiiLYCFabLtAod5CcAPw
  12. Hi, welcome.......I only joined over the weekend, and have already found excellent info on this forum, and very helpful, friendly members....my own husky is 9 weeks, have had him for 2, now, having the same "puppy" issues" as you...so keep in contact as our pups are exactly the same age...I also have two children and he is nippy with them. I do not however have any cats....I do have a rabbit, but he is safely out of harms reach!!...good luck
  13. Hi, Im very new to this, but just like you I did a ton of research before I got my Siberian Husky, mine is 9 weeks and we "almost" have him house trained. I say that because we still have the odd accident. What I read and this did work for me was this As you have already started, keep "potty" times as regular and consistent as possible. We worked out that Loki needs to go within 5 mins of waking up and about 2hrs after a feed. When he goes outside for his scheduled potty time, DONT come back in with him until he has been potty, now this meant on one occasion that I was in the garden with him for over an hour before he went!!, but it was worth it, as now I am able to put him out at potty time on his own and he seems to now understand that he wont be let back in until he goes potty, so depending on his desire to get back in, he normally goes within 10mins of putting him out. This methodh as worked for me 9 times out of ten. We also use the litter pads indoors and these really did work as, if I have not gotten him outside in time, he does go on these, saving our carpets. One thing we were struggling with was having the same consistency with his peeing, but I just saw on your post that you are not supposed to let them have water all day, so I'm going to take your advice on that and only give him water at meal times and when he gets back in from play and see how it goes.....good luck, Matt
  14. Hello, I'm having a similar issue with Loki, my nine week old pup. He likes to bark at the children(9 and 4yrs) when they are on the sofa. I think he wants them to play, but when they dont get down and play with him, he tries to jump up and "nip" them.......he doesnt bite anywhere near as hard as I know he could, but it still upsets my 4yr old daughter......I think if he continues, even with me giving him a firm NO,then I may try that spray that someone has advised you about......good luck.....happy Sunday
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