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  • Real Name
    Olly wilkinson
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    Bishop auckland
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  1. She's 11 month an she's just comin out of her first season poor thing her heads bin in bits but like I sed she's come on realy well am so pleased with her
  2. Hi guys it bin a while but everything is great Mia is comin along brilliant she has settled loads an training has come on leaps n bounds but the other month she got scared by a loud boy racer car an since then she s bin a bit freaky wen a noise se doesn't like . She saw a hot air ballon this mornin it was quite low an she turned on her heels an draged me bak home ., I'm a bit worried this is gona stay with her any one any idea as to how I calm her cos she s not interested in anything even treat s she's in season at the mo could this b makin this worse ?
  3. In the shop today at the doggy isle I noticed there were some dried fish skins an just wondered if they would be ok for Mia , any ideas peeps ?
  4. Well for years I've tried to get meg to hunt with her nose but Mia has impeccable eyesight and smell wen she's out it's nose down tail up but wen she has nowhere to go ie garden her eyesight is used to look at things far far away she's one very alert pup
  5. I know it's only a film but when the huskys in eight below zero when they go mad at the sight of the northern lights :0)
  6. Hi all , I watch Mia whilst she's doin her thing , and I think she notices more than a normal dog would do ie another breed , like birds high up in the sky she watched a distant plain tail light like a flashing star she watched it till it was out of sight , things on the tv watches it for ages . It's like a wild thing in them, I think that attracts people to them
  7. Would av bin nice to see the dogs maul these idiots it's the only way to reckon with scum but of corse as per the victims are victimised an the criminals protected by the law wat can WE do about it the law stinks
  8. Mias rule If its mine its mine if its yours it's mine if I've got it its mine if its on the floor it's mine if I can reach it its mine generally it's all mine unless it broke then its yours untill you've fixed it then its mine again :0)
  9. Hi and welcom which part of the uk are u from and can't wait to see your pics of your pup :0)
  10. I would never give up on her or ny dog for that matter although I may say she's goin wen I'm throwin a strop but it makes me feel worse an I always remember wen I was training meg never leave it on a bad note allways fin on a good one
  11. Mmmm the pieces are starting to fit thanks guys watch this space al keep you's posted :0)
  12. Mia has realy let me down these last couple of days she has pooed an weed in the house after lettin her out just before we went out for only an hour and on a night her routine hasn't changed at all she seemed to of come on loads when we got her diet right she has started diggin at the fence she slipped her lead an ran off after another dog an made a bee line for the gate when I was going through it she has been realy naughty and its upsetting me cos we (Mia an me) were doin well snow it's like goin bak two month wats goin on !
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