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About shellneil

  • Birthday 07/31/1981

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  1. need link for this please...one on post doesnt work
  2. kodah would eat through both if NOT supervised.
  3. thanx . but i have those allready, was looking for something like the style the people put on there bikes maybe
  4. needing a retractable lead for kodah..looking to hook it up to my atv..for walks thru the muddy woods....its great exercise for kodah as he can run as fast as he wants witrhout pulling me, or having to pull the atv....of course i would never ride to fast dor him either...right now i have about a 45 ft lead on it but it not retractable and it gets caught up if i dont pay attention, or shall i say when he stops abruptly to sniff...i have pole mounted high so he can move left to right....but never behind..any ideas would be accepted,,,,would like something maybe with a spring to take the tension of sudden pull/jerk..and koadah would wear a harness not a collar as i dont want want any pull on his neck area. no snow here in the south means no sled...so we country folk ride atv's its great for kodah explore woods with me, and protect me as well
  5. ever since getting kasha (female sibe) she has molded my other dogs to be more aggressive towards strangers, they actualy bark at strangers immediatly, they never did before, i'm happy about it, feel a little more safe now as they alert and i will shoot!
  6. i would say she was wrong huskies mix well with all types of dogs, of course i would bring yours to meet the new addition and see if its a match. i have 2 huskies and a beagle and a corgi mix, and they love each other very much and are a very tight pack, sleep together, eat, run together, they even groom eachother, my corgi mix of course is alpha he my oldest, of course some dogs dont get along just like us humans but that wrong to say they only like huskies. i have 1 male and 1 female husky, my corgi mix is male, and beagle is female... all nuetered of course
  7. my 2 mix breeds are much more protective than my sibes...but all my dogs dont like when strangers startle them.....and they all bark and alert me of people coming or a leaf blowing by......i dont want mean dogs i have a big family and company all the time...besides i got my glock for protection!!!
  8. just wanted to expres how thankfull i am for my fur family.....they bring me piece on my most gloomy days, exercise when my lazy self rather sit in frt of tv with bag of cheetos, give me sense of responsibility, and all they want to do is please me. i just love all my fur baby's, even though they get under my skin sometimes tear up stuff act hardheaded i would never trade them in for anything in the world. as i'm sure they feel the same way too. thank you for all your love kodah, kasha, buddy, babygirl
  9. its great stuff for pet stains and smells...... i used it alot as my dogs were pups...basically you blot up the pee then saturate the carpet all the way down to floor boards and let try...voolla..no smell no stain...but this time it left big brown ring..its a enzyme cleaner..not ment to be used in machine...but the wife is going to steam clean the area after this is completly dry
  10. as many of you knoiw..koadh had his surgery... i had him shacked up in my room to get rest as he was still pretty doped up...however while i was busy he must of gotten up to move and lay down..well while doing that he pee on himself which is where my carpet lies...so of course went got bottle of nature miracle..did exactly as i've done when he was a pup...but it left a huge brown ring in the rug.......so now its doesnt smell like pee but looked like someone pee'd...anyone else have this issue?
  11. kodah would prolly chew those up then get the snacks..we just use bottom cupboard for pots and pans and tupperware..he doesnt ;like any of that stuff
  12. i truly believe my kasha girl is part husky and part kangaroo..she can jump 6ft in the air standing still
  13. kodah being being the smart-ass he is knows what cupboard the dog treats are stashed in, so of course he opens the cupboard and eats as many purina dog bizkits as he can!!! like 5 lbs worth.....needless to say he doesnt feel to well after but he doesnt care.....i then moved all snacks up high...but he relized snacks were gone so he went in the bottom food cupbaosrd and ate ramen noddle packets......i have caught him numerous times in bottom cupboard...so ive learned nothing edible on the bottom cupboards..he'll chew a can if you let him.....he's cooky
  14. kodah 16 months 52 lbs kasha 3 yrs old 32lbs
  15. kodah is back to himself today ...had to go get some natures miracle because he had accident last night..so i took him for carride to go get it.. he was his usual perky friendly self..wanted everyone to pet him...of course he has managed to get his"lamp shade" off so it now has electric tape all over it so he keeps it on...i let him outside today as he wanted to lay in the sun being the weather good and all..of course kasha was cleaning all his wounds
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