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About Stacy-Ann

  • Birthday 10/18/1986

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  1. Play with fire....... Gets your fingers burnt.
  2. Just to let you all know I have reported this matter my local police station earlier today at 1 pm. They have made me aware that it is a civil matter and the we are to deal with the situation as peacefully as possible but if Kaia is found they will assist us to prevent breach of the peace. They also advised me to make you all aware of what Colin is like so you all dont get sucked in by him and reprt him to all organisations to prevent him from getting any further animals from rescue homes. Also to add further to details. Colin has also had a further 2 dogs Tikaani and Desil that he has also sold in the 10 months.
  3. Thanks i got times out with what you said to do lol
  4. If anyone is upset to exactly how truthful I have been with what this man is truthfully like then I do apologies. The point of it all is he has effected so many people its untrue and used innocent people from off the forum as his excuses and its not right. This man deserves everything what he gets but most important the people he has hurt should know we are all here for them and mostly the dogs too and to all help in the aid of returning kaia back safely. Everything I have stated is the truth and we need the help of everyone in returning kaia and to do so safely inmy personal opinion you all must be made fully aware of what he is capable of to benfit yourselves and for him not to con anyone else. Many Thanks xxxxxx
  5. If anyone is upset to exactly how truthful I have been with what this man is truthfully like then I do apologies. The point of it all is he has effected so many people its untrue and used innocent people from off the forum as his excuses and its not right. This man deserves everything what he gets but most important the people he has hurt should know we are all here for them and mostly the dogs too and to all help in the aid of returning kaia back safely. Everything I have stated is the truth and we need the help of everyone in returning kaia and to do so safely inmy personal opinion you all must be made fully aware of what he is capable of to benfit yourselves and for him not to con anyone else. Many Thanks xxxxxx
  6. Right everyone along with Karen who has already posted I am here to set the record fully straight to make you all aware of what has happened. A very good friend of mine handed Kaia over to Colin at the sutton Park walk last month and the deal was Colin was to pay for her the following week which never happened on several occasions of when colin was coming to visit he was supposed to have brought the payment and never did 2 weeks after the hand over Colin Sold Kaia for £90 and never informed my friend. In the mist of all of this Colin had informed me he had cancer and only had months to live and in this because myself and my friend are the only people he trusts he was leaving all 3 dogs to us both to take care of. Colin came up to visit me for a BBQ as at the time we considered each other as good friends on this visit he told myself and my friend that his partner sue had seperated from him after cheating on him and stole the dogs later that evening. Apparently one of his dogs ruby had been run over broke her leg in 3 places and unfortunatly passed away in theatre so colin rushed back home to apparently be greated by 6 baseball bats and put in hospital. Whilst in hospital Colin decided to start dating my best friend Rachel to which I had to put a stop to as I found it to be severly wrong timing he had been beaten up plus dying of cancer it was not fair to start a relationship for her to get hurt so it ended. Colin had asked em to locate him a property up where I live for him to move to so that on his poorly days I can help him and also help take care of the dogs but then suddenly he decided he was moving to Somerset to die alon on the beach with his dogs. 2 Weeks ago he brought Ruby up here for her to be bred with my friends dog she was underweight slightly nervous and her nails were extremely long and her coat slightly knotted and also out of season my friend took good care of her and sorted some of these problems out before he returned ruby back to me last monday. Colin asked me to take care of ruby for a few additional days as apparently he was suffering alot of pain. On the day he came to collect her he arrived with **name removed by marc** who he was now engaged to and had been seeing whilst all of this had been going on and he had told her the same as me. Upon his arrival he explained that sue his ex had attempted to sell Kaia and Mia and the police was now involved (weird its a civil matter). At the beginning of this week colin had explained he had been making wedding arrangements and asked if i could go to birmingham to sign forms as he wanted me to be his executor of his will. I MUST STATE EVERYTHING HE HAS SAID WAS ALL LIES. Colin has not got cancer was never beaten up was still living with Sue and also engaged to her but also at the same time engaged to **name removed by marc*** and also asked me to marry him last saturday. Colin sold Kaia several weeks for £90 to take **name removed by marc** and her kids to the saffari park whilst telling sue it was to attend his uncles funeral. When he came to visit me for the BBQ he told Sue he had gone on Keaths Stag do in Blackpool Keath is getting married to a woman called cassandra (please let us all know when Keath) and I'm having a raving affair with Keath turned up on the night and apparently so did cassandra a huge fight started and we all got arrested so he had to go home LIES. More of his lies are Myself and Chris Crewe was engaged but i cheated on him My fella who is 30 is apparently in his late 50's im a physcotic mental patient he has used other forum members as excuses to spend nights away i.e emily's husky has damaged its hips and needs help taking care of it chris crewe is having a poker night. Up until earlier today he was lying in a hospital bed but has now been discharged as he has been caught out as a liar and a cheat.This man is a liar and a con man and deserves everything he gets. Please everyone I need your help in finding Kaia and returning her safely. But at the same time I need you to realise exactly what he is like to keep yourselves safe he has caused that much hurt and pain to my dear friend Chris, Karen, Sue, myself, and anyone else he has got his claws into please dont be next. I have posted a picture of kaia below. Please look out for her and note she will be with new owners. Please help as much as you can unlike him were all a family on here and must stick together and show our support. Thanks for reading Love Stacy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  7. No he He doesntt have glasses he is a smallish fat guy bald head if you look on the group photo he is towards the end with a wolf grey and white bitch stood next to a short dsark haired woman hold ruby a red and white bitch xx
  8. Thanks for the reassurance guys it means the world to me. I have already found her a new home in glasgow with a lovely man called harry who has a huge house a large garden and plenty of places to take her. He has previous experience with misbehaving/agression animals and works from home with no kids or other pets so he can give full 24/7 1 on 1 care and training and all the love in the world and promised to keep me updated. I have informed him of all her issues i thought it would have put him off her but he is now more adiment to help her. So im afraid I have just over 13 hours left with her. I just want to say a huge thank you to every single one of you especially keath for all the help guidance support and reassurance with her. Im going to miss her like crazy and its going to kill me tomorrow seeing her walk out of my door for the last time im crying again now god what am i going to be like then. But what is keegan going to be like he loves her so much and as soon as i pick him back up from his dads on sundays its not hiya mummy its 'go see tannar' he cries if she is not in his room when he goes to sleep how do i explain to a 2 year old? I cant type anymore im a wreck i just want to say thank you all of you again xxxxxxxx
  9. Thank you so much hunny that means alot. I never wanted to make this choice so im heatbroken i have had to but keegan comes first always xx
  10. ok thanks im not posting anything until i habe got hold of her
  11. thanks guys i cant stop crying now i feel guilty. Im going to be very picky who she goes to though i know that much. I cant get in contact with the previous owners at all and now im sturggling to get on fb and yahoo to attempt to contact her on those and i just keeo getting white screens. Ill keep you all posted on what happens and thank you all so so much xxx
  12. Hi guys, I have spent the last 3 painful days thinking about this and this mornings fight has made my decision for me unfortunaly im going to have to rehome her. However just to answer some question that was asked i train them both together and then also do 1 on 1 aswell. Laika i cant fault him he just needs to get his pulling under control and thats it he is brilliant next to no begging unless it fish thats being cooked and he has a lttle attempt and doesnt even bother with dropped food or anything but her she is practically on your knee ready to snatch. I even struggle at times to do 1 on 1 with him as Tannar gets very jealous and runs and in and nastly gets a grip on his arse or neck. She has her playful growls and her nasty one and she is using her nasty one alot more at the min. I have her walking undercontrol for first 2 mins out of the door she is a bit giddy wanting to know where abouts she is going then she will walk by your side but not until she has had a quick aggressive fight with laika. Yes i do walk them both together as I do spend alot of time out about with my fella and his 3 huskys who are extremely well behaved. Jim has even attempted to have a go at helping me train her but she is not willing to listen to either of us no matter how firm we are not even when we went back to basics. She has been spade so it cant be her coming into season keegan now leaves her well alone and sticks to playing with laika and ill play with her. They both do get plenty of exercise as they are always out with me apart from supermarkets and when i got my work at weekends but they go down to jims then playing running up and down on the riverbank. I have been very persistant with everything and dont let her get away with anything. When i first got her her previous owners let her sleep with them from a pup as she used to cry and they felt guilty so they never even went out as she would kick off it has taken me an awful lot but i have now just got her sleeping downstairs and not making a peep it used to only be able be for an hour and then she kicked off now i have got her to stay down there till half 6ish then se would howl so i get up let them both out seperatly now as they fight and then they can come upstairs for an hour before we all get up. Keath i gave up tug or war ages ago when she put me on my arse lol that was funny and hurt an extra bruise or two appeared we do more retrieving games with her and i make toys for her. This is absolutly killing me i love her to bits and worked so hard trying to get her better and under control im just ashmed i failed her, but keegan is my life and like you said I cant replace him. Ill be devasted well that aint the word words dont meet it if anything ever happened to him. Thank you all for the support and advise your giving me i love my husky owners family your all the best so i have had to rep +1 to all or slight bit of advice or suppert given xxxxxxxxxxx
  13. omg poor myshka I hope she will be ok let us know how it gets on at the vets hun. Husky hugs and kisses from here xx
  14. Hi guys, I am now offically at melt down Tannar has got worse not improved. I have tried and been persistant with all tips and advise I have been given and have got no where and I mean NO WHERE i had slight improvement with walks, recall and getting her to sleep in the kitchen and thats it i mean slight only. My neighbours have now reported her as she is kicking off now at all hours of the night and her and laika and no longer really getting on. For the past 2 weeks I am constantly having to pull her off a very submissive Laika as she is attacking him and its getting worse today she injured him. How long before Keegans near by???? Laika can be fast asleep and next min she is attacking him. So now im constantly trying to keep them seperated or her calm at least to at least give him 5 mins. Please please please help me I seriously cant cope anymore with her and feel ashamed to have to admit this. A very desperate stacy xx
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