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I would like to get to know your husky


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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

She won't look me in the eye and she finds a place where she thinks I can't see her.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

High five, sit, lay down, stay, and stop. We're working on drop it and come. (She's been through two rounds of obeidence training, she thinks it's funny to train Mama.)

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

On the tushy.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Nope. One of our trainers told me to never put her in a harness, and once we stopped that she walks right next to me (unless she's excited of course).

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Depends on the item. She'll play for a few good throws with my little boy.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

No, thank goodness!

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Trying to open the trash.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Morning walks along the ditch bank.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

She actually loves her crate - as long as the door is not locked.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

She ate my shoes! My good shoes!

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Ha! Never. Though I am glad, because you never know what is going to happen, and it would kill me if she got away and got hurt.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

She tolerates me? She lays next to me while I read, just to be near me. :)

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

- After Rex disobeys he gets really guilty and wont even look me in the eye.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

- Sit, stay, come, drop(down), drop on recall, paw, highfive, go get your toy, go to the window, go to your dish, speak. Now were working on hand signals, come, stay, sit, drop, go right, go left. And many more.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

- Underneath his collars.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

-He doesn't always heel, as most of our walks are in the woods, or on paths, but he doesn't really pull either. My friend had a lab puppy and I found him harder to hold then Rex. If I run then he stays by me.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

-Rex loves playing fetch, but he doesn't always bring it back.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

- Nope, he's perfectly healthy.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

- Nope, I don't think so. I love everything about him. Besides everyone has flaws. I figure if he can handle all mine, then his few are like nothing.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

- Rex loves going for walks, as soon as I say the word ''walk'' no matter the tone or the volume he runs to me and whines excitedly.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

-I would say his comfort place is where ever I am. Not that I mind...Seeing as how my comfort place is where ever he is.


10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

- When Rex was a puppy and we went outside without him he would jump up on the table and walk around.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

- Rex runs free around our house, but its not really limitless as he is trained to an inground fence. Also when we go to my Grandfather's camp Rex runs free, he's actually the only dog up there who doesn't chase vehichles and 4-wheelers. Before he was trained to the inground fence he would sometimes slip out the door, and he only goes to my neighbours for about 30 mins, and then comes back to our step. Or we could go get him and he just jumps right into the car as soon as he sees it.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

-The number one reason that Rex shows me that he loves me is when he looks at me. There's just something in his eyes, trust, and most importantly unconditional love.


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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Well lately he talks back...but otherwise just ignores me pretends he doesn't hear a word haha

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

night time, sit, lay down, lets go home, (kinda stay)

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

on the tummy

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

no not always

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

yup he does

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

not that I know of

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

it doesnt always annoy me but sometimes when I'm tired and he gets wet he has now started to jump all over the bet with his wet self

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

pounce on things haha

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

either his kennel or behind/under someones legs

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

hmmmmm he's still young give him time haha but atm id say he somehow found and stole my toothpaste one day, oh an that bird accident where he caught and ate that poor poor bird that was just trying to eat a strawberry

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

HAHAH no not loki he will run and run ...and run

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

he will give kisses, go out of his way to lay next to me, lay on my feet

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Storm - 18mths old and we're his 4th home. Adopted via SHWA (I feel this is significant to his behaviour!)

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Does what the f*** he wants <_<

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

When there is food there waiting as a reward - sit, paw, down, wait, no....when there is no food what the f*** he wants <_<

Storm is perfect at retrieving a toy...drops it in your lap, he will do this for ages.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

He likes the top of his head and hears stroked

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Not when he's walked on his own..he just trots along. If we meet husky friends then he pulls like a steam train

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Perfect every time

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Nope (fingers and paws crossed!)

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

where shall i start - eats the cat food (at least its not the cat!), doesnt listen, sits on top of the garden table, bites me when i put his harness on (it really hurts), steals food at every opportunity

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

anything to do with water. although i havent ran him yet and i think he's gonna lurve it!

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

He prefers is Daddy over me :( No idea why cos i feed him the most, do most of his walking but he gets all the excitement in the morning and i dont :(

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

for me the worse thing is his biting when i am trying to put his harness on...it hurts (its getting better though)

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

No way, just wouldnt take the risk

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Loves his cuddles, likes to always be touching you, pleased to see us (albeit paul gets more than me :(), stretches up to kiss us, just wants to be with us all of the time. (he's currently spread out on floor with his nose touching my foot!). Storm has the loudest of deep barks, he actually sounds more like a lion roaring. He often does this to talk to us...its so nice & has got the neighbours asking what we have :lol:

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Just a few questions to understand what type of personality your husky has. I am always enamored by the different personalities that huskies can have and would like to compare your husky's personality with Smokey's. Unfortunately I can't meet all of them so show me yours!

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

nanuq just ignores me...selective hearing!

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

in the morning i open the door and say right.. out for pee pees! he does on demand. i wil say to him..speak, he barks and i treat him. ill say to him give ur wee mummy a kiss and he wil slabber all over my face. will howl when i tel him his dads comin home...he really knows what ..leave.. means, drops his head and looks at me under his eyes

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

head.ears and tummy

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

oh yea

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

loves it...would do it all day

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

jumps on all visitors and has to stick his nose in every female crotch he can find! he chases my cat, forty times a day, until it jumps over the fence and then he cries non stop for him. he wil walk past a plant ,i have lovingly watched bloom into flower and snap...flower gone..spat out in a heap!!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

running with the boss!

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

he loves to sit up high and does so on a chair i have in the kitchen and he loves his crate. he likes to lie with the cat but there is a question mark over his real desire to do so...hence i have one eye on the moggy when hes cuddling him!!

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

he puts his bum on either me, the boss or the sofa and places his front paws on the floor and sits like that for ages

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

afraid i dont trust him...tried once and he took off and was found in a chicken coop!

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

first thing in the morning i have to sit on the step at the back door and he puts his face on my shoulder and just stays like that until i move. its lovely and thats when hes most affectionate, otherwise he lies on my feet!

I have a lot more but I'm sure this list is already too long and I don't want people to be deterred by the midpoint if they get tired of answering questions. I will definitely post more later! :o)

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Aska - 4 and a bit months old (19 weeks), female.

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

She will look away and down, but will actually still be watching you, hoping you don't notice. While she does this, her hearing is very selective.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, Stay, Wait (followed by a release word 'okay'), Off, Down, Crate, High 5, Dance, Shake, Roll Over, go toilet, fetch, come. She will turn a deaf ear to all of these when we are outside however, so will be working on these.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Definitely on her belly!

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Right now when she is being leash walked, every smell is so new and exciting to her - so she doesn't necessarily pull, but she definitely wants to go where she wants to go. Usually it's off to one side or the other. I can get her going forward with some excited coaxing (e.g 'whats over here girl?') so its not too bad. All bets are off when she sees a bird though!

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Always, she will run it back and forth until she literally can not stand if it's up to her :P! When she brings it back, she wants to have a bit of a play for posession rather than giving it straight back, I still need to teach her drop it - but otherwise this is one of her favourite games.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

None so far. She has just gotten over a spot of worms - her tummy had bloated up a bit as a result (this was when I first got her) but this has gone down now. She's a bit hot and cold with her appetite at the moment, I'm waiting with baited breath to see how this developes.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Goes mental trying to get to the cat. We're still working on socialising them together - all I have to do is take her out of the room and bring her back in though and she quickly picks up that behaving in this way puts an end to play time. She then behaves very well.

Unfortunately the cat was ultra skittish before the pup, so I don't know how sucessful this training will ever get, from the cats point of view.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

DEFINIATELY digging. We have set up a special digging area just for her, which she loves to bits. She will dig until she can't stand anymore, at which point she will lie down and dig with just one paw. When shes even too tired for that, she will lie down with her face in the hole, and slowly push dirt around with her nose.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

She loves to lie with her head under the couch, spread out flat like a lizard. She also likes to curl up in the games room along the wall with her head resting on my wifes shoes.

Otherwise she loves her kong toys, and enjoys sitting on your feet while you do the dishes.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

When we eat dinner, if we eat at the kitchen table, she is an angel. She quietly sits down, then lies down flat like a lizzard waiting for you to finish dinner - not bothing you at all. If you eat on the couch however, she goes beserk, like the food is for her and you're just tormenting her by not giving her any.

We never feed her from the couch, or have done anything to encourage this behavior, so we think it comes from the previous owners. She's slowly getting better with this as she becomes accustomed to our rules.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

I believe I could trust her, but won't - no matter how small the risk is, the price is too high.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Each morning as soon as she is let out of her crate by my wife, she comes bowling through the door to me in bed, hops up with her paws (she knows shes not allowed on the bed), gives me a big excited lick, then quickly lies down and rolls over, then literally pulls my hand to her belly to be rubbed.

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  • 4 months later...


1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

She'll turn her face away and give me one last 'whatever mom' look before walking away!

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, stay, stop sit (for when we're out walking and waiting to cross the road), paw, both paws, drop, down, off, treat, walkies, huskies, kisses, who's that? (means Daves car just pulled up, go wait for him at the front door), do you want this (she'll woo woo) , what do you do? (means your excited, sit and wait for me to pet you) and go toilet.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Belly, back legs (loves them massaged) and her fatty cheeks!

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

For the first 5-10 mins, calms down them but still walks in front.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Yes, loves playing fetch

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Jumps in the pool for a swim (10 times a day) and then runs inside the house and wets the floor, carpet and everything she touches.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

running, swimming and we've recently let her pull us on our bikes, she loves doing that

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

A purple rubber octopus, treats it like its her puppy

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Escaped from the garden, ate a pair of my shoes, ate the blinds and stole chicken off the kitchen counter.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Just in fully fenced areas.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Her excitement when I get home, tail wagging, ears pinned back, looking like she'll explode if I don't pet her! She gives 'kisses' (licks my chin), and she lets me know when it's time for bed (she'll walk in and out of the bedroom to living room and look at me like 'come on Mom') and won't settle till I go to bed (she sleeps in our room).

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I'll answer for Shad, my 13 year old, and then for various other dogs I have or have had...

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Shad doesn't usually disobey (without good reason - he wasn't finished "going", for example), although he is getting a little more inclined to do as he wants (wait a minute, I'll BE there in a minute!) as he's getting to be a cranky old man. He will, however, at times pretend he doesn't understand what I'm saying (see the next question).

I have several dogs that will do the play bow then scoot around the yard daring me to catch them - I always do (lol), because it's fenced and I won't give up! I have one that will lie quite effectively - Jazz. Was having a problem with her taking a dump in the inside of her run (it's an indoor/outdoor kennel) right after she'd had her turn out, so made a point of going out and reminding her to do what she needed to do. She pointed at a pile I knew someone else had made when I told her to "go poop, darn it!", and when I told her I knew Strider had done it, she went out into the yard and squatted like she was (but didn't)! The next night, I blocked the way from the yard into the kennel (the gate was shut, anyway) and tried to convince her to go. She suddenly looked up and out at the road and the drive, as though someone had pulled up. In the split second I looked to see if someone WAS there (she was convincing!), she dove around me to the shut gate, and couldn't get in! wink.gif

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

I will swear that Shad understands pretty much everything I say (I think he reads my mind!) - Becky (Austinville) has said the same thing about him. Unfortunately, he also expects me to read his mind! He will occasionally stare at me when he doesn't want to do something - as though he has no clue what I just said (maybe I was speaking Chinese?). He surprised me one night when we were walking in town, as we approached a cross street. I told him to "be careful, there might be a car coming!", and rather than keeping going as he had been, he stopped and looked both ways, then looked back at me as if to say, "Nope, not yet!" and went on ahead!

I speak to all of my dogs as though they were human, and they learn a lot of words/commands. All know sit, down, off, wait, come (they know it - I didn't say that they will do it reliably!), "Don't make me come get you!", breakfast, supper, let's go!, truck, some of the sledding commands, kennel up - probably more that aren't occurring to me right now.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Shad loves to sit and put a paw up so you can scratch his arm pit and his chest. He loves to be scratched anywhere, though, and will come sit in front of me or on my lap if I'm sitting on the floor to have his back and neck massaged!Belly rubs seem to be an overall favorite, although behind the ears and at the base of the tail are also very popular!

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Shad doesn't, and hasn't for a long time. He will pull in harness - or would when he was younger!

I strongly discourage pulling (I'm old enough and have been dragged enough behind the sled to have injured enough to where it really HURTS!), so usually train them to not pull with a prong collar, making a game of watch me/don't let me escape as I change directions when they get ahead - then give lots of praise for walking on a loose lead and keeping an eye on what I'm doing! They usually will pull in harness!

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Shad?! Not generally - too undignified! (Although he will occasionally condescend to play fetch inside with one of his favorite toys - or would when younger!)

Rebel, on the other hand, LOVES to play fetch, and as a young dog, would much longer than I was willing to throw or bat the ball (plastic bat and ball)! My first Siberian, Joy, was obedience trained, and would retrieve a dumbbell - under a certain amount of protest (also considered the whole human commands / dog obeys thing to be very undignified!).

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Shad (and my 14 year old, Roller) is/are getting some age related health issues - arthritis, touchy stomachs, vision not as good as it used to be, loss of muscle mass....

So far, I've been pretty lucky as far as health problems go, but I've gotten my dogs I've bought from reputable breeders who knew what they were doing and tried to produce healthy dogs. I've learned from their advise and experience as I've bred my own dogs. Most have eventually succumbed to cancer around age 14 or so...

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Shad's almost perfect, so - not really!

Roller, who lives in the kennel, is absolutely, totally, and completely convinced that he is and should be the most important dog, not only in the kennel, but in the world! HE should receive every right and favor before anyone else - and he says so very loudly and continuously! He doesn't just talk, he talks nonstop and at a very loud volume - yells at me, actually - when I'm going down the line, letting out groups of dogs, and cleaning kennels, or as I'm feeding. It's unfortunate for him (and probably for me, too!) that his kennel is the last one in line... Oh - he thinks "SHUT UP ALREADY!!!" means "Yell louder, please!"

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Shad still likes a walk, although he isn't capable of going any great distance anymore. He'd go until he dropped, though!

Pulling a bike, rig, or sled would probably be first choice, walks are very good - probably second choice, playing in the yard is great fun, and Angel likes to bounce up and down in the kennel in anticipation of getting let out!

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Shad is happiest when he's near me. He loves to come with me where ever I go, and just sit in the truck, although he's beginning to rethink this as he ages if I tell him I'm going to be gone a long time! He has a bunch of stuffed (all make various noises - the odder, the better - squawks are wonderful, as are pig noises!) that have to be out and around where he lays.

For the rest - me, although many of them have a favorite "friend" in the kennel that they prefer to "hang" with when I'm not available!

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

I took my first dog, Joy, to an obedience match. She was doing Utility, and had to find a dumbbell scented with my scent in a pile with a bunch of others carrying another person's scent. She didn't want to do it, and so was taking her sweet time about picking the correct one out. I impatiently told her to "hurry up!", so she gave me a dirty look, looked back at the pile, and then squatted and peed on MY article! Fortunately, it was a Siberian Club match, and the judge was a Siberian person - we all were laughing so hard we were crying!

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Shad can be, and has been since he was about 3. I had to chase him down and catch him when he took off on a walk, and used my ex's belt as a slip collar to take him home. He didn't get off lead for a while afterward, and evidently decided that being off lead was worth the price of being obedient, because until recently, I haven't had any problem - now, in his old age, the only thing he does is wander off to one of the outbuildings on my property, in search of his feline friends!

His son, Tux is fairly reliable off lead, and if there weren't cats hanging about (which he would dearly love to catch when I was too far away to prevent him from it!), I would probably trust him. He would kill the cats, I think, but wouldn't be very inclined to take off. Some of the rest, given work and training, would likely to be the same - others, NEVER in a million years!

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

When I've been gone for quite a while and come home, Shad will sometimes forget to be dignified and greet me quite enthusiastically, even give me kisses. Usually he's more restrained, and merely gives rather dignified "hugs". He'll sometimes wrap his body around my leg, pressing up against me (he does it for Becky, too - she loves it!), or he'll press his head against me if he wants to hug for a little longer time.

The rest of the crew is a mixed bag - all are more effusive than their Patriarch! His son, Kodi is very submissive, and usually won't jump up for hugs without being persuaded, but loves it when I do talk him into it! Most of the rest love to jump up and give hugs and kisses, and many of them "talk" a lot - lots of woooo-wooo's and aroooos!

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Kody just backs his ears down, talks back and walks around you in circles. If hes been really bad and you shout, He will run off to the bedroom.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

He only responds to Sit, Down, Stand Up (jump up to get some food), Bed, Outside, Inside and come here.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Everywhere, when hes done with one spot he will start to put your hand in his mouth until you move else where.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Always, I've never discouraged this, and only ever use a harness.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Rarly, most of the time its a case of looking at you as if to say "what did you do that for"

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Nothing, when hes bad i love him, when hes good i love him, always brings a smile to my face. Only time he made me mad was when he went number 2's with diarrhoea

on the bed, while i was asleep in it!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Walking and fighting with my hands

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Seems only to be interested in me, no toys or anything, just has to be where ever i am. He seems most happy when your in bed and he curls up as a husky does

wedged into your chest with his nose under my chin.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

See point 7 above. Diarrhoea all over me while asleep.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

If its secured from traffic hes great off the lead, always comes back unless there is another dog. Taught him from day one off the lead and to return.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

As he is currently in Quarantine he sees the staff more than he sees me, yet when i visit he completely ignors the staff when we go into his run, and spends the next hour or so, jumping all over

me, screaming like a baby and finnishes off by pinning me to the wall and the lying over me as if to say "your going nowhere".

Great post bw :)

Best Regards

Rich & Kody

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Kaya - is one in a million and never disobeys Spirit - answers back with whooo whooo's with his bum in the air and chest on the ground thinks its all a game

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Kaya - sit, down, come, paw, crate, leave it, drop, side ( used for getting her to heel) Spirit - sit, paw, leave it, drop, bath (he loves playing in the bath with the taps running :-)

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

both prefer tickles

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

kaya - Walks to heel when needed on roads etc, pulls brilliantly when bikejorng spirit - we are still working on his walking, loves pulling when bikejoring, so run him on the side to curb him pulling due to his age

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

no, no and no, they both chase it get it and run like looney tunes!!!

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

nothing, I love them both to bits, warts and all :-)

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?


9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

kaya - loves her crate spirit - loves socks!!!

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Kaya - chewed my brand new leather boots Spirit - destroyed his brand new bed (guess he didn't like the design :-)

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

never tried them and wouldnt ever risk it. They have only been left off lead in a secured field with high fences

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

kaya - comes up to me out of the blue and just snuggles up Spirit - jumps on top of me and licks my face :-)

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc

Usually stands there and won't look at me..

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit/Down/Up/Paw/Wait/Hike On/On By

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Behind his ears or on his back thigh.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

He has a mad five minutes no matter what he's on - but he's allowed a little more freedom to pull on his harness than when he's on his half check..

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

If he's in the mood to. lol

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Scratching at the door

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

He loves his walks round our local pond

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

The sofa for cuddles

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Chewed a single shoe from a pair that had been purchased earlier that day

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Never tried.. and probably not

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Neo will always give cuddles and it's not always food related lol

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc

Viggo usually just acts like I'm not there. It's amazing how Huskies only relly hear what they want to. :-)

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, Down, Paw, Speak

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?


4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

No- Viggo wears a prong choke. No pulling on that.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Viggo is really good at fetch. I think it is because he is the only dog in my household, lol.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Feels the need to sit between my boyfriend and myself on the couch.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Dog Park or visiting his brother Tika

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

He seems to really like my boyfriend for some reason.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Ripped my leather couch.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

I have no desire to try this and I know the answer would be no anyways.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Viggo sleeps on the couch with me and in the middle of the night, I will wake up and he is using the small of my back as a pillow.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc

Aleu turns a deaf ear, the little devil!

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, Down, Come, "Touch", Paw, High paw (double paw or high five), play dead, roll over, "Find" (finds things on request around the house), toilet (yes she pee's on command ='D)

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Under her Chin

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Not always, she does pull when she see's another dog, but otherwise she doesn't

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Sometimes, we're working on this lol. Normally she runs at it and runs back.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Cries (occasionally) when I'm in the next room ¬.¬

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Out on a walk.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

She likes to sleep with her head on my foot.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Put a hole through a wall and bitten a hole through laminate flooring.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

I'm actually not sure, she returns on the command "come" but I've been too scared to try her off leash.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

She sit's right up against my leg and touches my hand with her nose, sometimes she'll lick me too

The last one wants to stay in blue for some reason lol. And now it's decided to go red... ok then lol my computers being silly.

Stacey xxx

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Andy just turns away and pretends he doesn't hear us.

Jackson keeps on doing whatever it is he's not supposed to do.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

They both know sit, wait, shake, and down, though Andy knows down better and Jackson still needs some prodding.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Andy loves a good belly rub and Jackson just crumbles to the floor when you scratch the side of his head.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Jackson always pulls until about half way through our walk, but he's never been on a leash until he came to us. Does better with the walky dog on the bike. Andy likes to forge ahead, but learned quickly how tight his no slip goes and doesn't pull past uncomfortable.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Andy plays fetch, for a few throws. Jackson does not, and overall, is just still learning how to play.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Thank G-d, not yet. They both have terrible gas at times though!

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Sometimes Andy just won't stop talking...and he will jump on my back, but it's more endearing than drives me crazy. Jackson just doesn't really have manners and eats very fast, thus causing bloat and gas!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

I think they like playing in the yard running their "track", but they also love to go for walks.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Me, both of them, during the day. In the evening, Jackson will snuggle with Dad and always wants to be touched. No favorite toys, but Andy is a bone gatherer.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Andy ate a half a plate of chicken within the first couple weeks we had him and he was in the kitchen alone (it was dad's fault for leaving it out), Counter surfing, and Jackson brought me a dead mouse in the house the other day!

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Absolutely NOT unless it's fenced.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

They are both just always so happy to see either of use when we come home, and they love to snuggle in the bed.

I have a lot more but I'm sure this list is already too long and I don't want people to be deterred by the midpoint if they get tired of answering questions. I will definitely post more later! :o)

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc

Just sits there and looks at me as if to say "and???".

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, Paw, Down, High 5, Touch.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

On his belly. My favourite place to stroke him is the top of his head as it is so soft.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Yes sometimes. The worst times are when he sees a person or dog he wants to go and see.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Yes and he was never taught, he just did it one day and continues to do so.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

No apart from he has the common Husky sensitive stomach!!!!

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Biting me (hopefully this will stop when his teeth are all through and he gets older.)

Jumping up people, and going nuts when people visit the home.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Getting me to chase him around the car when he won't come inside.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Me, his red dog teddy (which isn't a dog toy and has no tail and half an ear on one side). Favourite place to sleep is in his room by the back door or by the front door on the cold tile floor.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Has eaten his own poo. :blink: Has also pooed in his cage and spread it everywhere. :blink: And yesterday he crept up behind the plumber and pinched his wire wool and destroyed it!!! :lol:

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

No absolutely not. Would never risk it personally. The other day his lead came undone and he luckily didn't run off.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

He has this "look of love" where his ears go back, his tail wags constantly and you can see the love in his eyes. He looks so cute when he does this. He also smothers me in kisses and sometimes nibbles me while getting over pleased to see me. He also howls if I leave him with his dad and go out.

Wanted to add this one myself.

13. How has having your Husky changed your life?

He has changed my life so much for the better. I could never imagine life without him now. I love coming home and would rather take him out than sit on my laptop. (or wash up)!!! I feel such a tremendous rush of love when I see him especially when he does his "look of love". I was talking about getting another one yesterday, maybe in a few years we may get a rescue but I want a red one with blue eyes.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

ZOEY- She avoids looking in your eyes, and walks away

CESAR- He talks back, complains at you, and then after a few minutes, does what he was asked

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

ZOEY- She knows sit, stay, come,shake a paw, high five, hugs (jumps up and puts her paws on your shoulders), gentle (when taking treats) and leave it

CESAR- He knows sit, down, hugs, kisses, gentle, leave it, go get it, come

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

ZOEY- She loves her ears scratched (when we brought her home she had an ear infection that had been left unattended for MONTHS)

CESAR- He loves his belly scratched, and his hips

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Both of mine walk nicely on leash, only pull when they see other dogs (they're super friendly and think they can meet everyone) oh and if they see a squirrel!

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

ZOEY- Will chase, but won't bring it back

CESAR- Will chase and bring back a few times, but then loses interest

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

ZOEY- Had a bad ear infection that we've cleared up, and she has minor food allergies (Only Performatrin or Taste of the Wild kibble sit right with her)

CESAR- Is in perfect health

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

No, I love everything they do, especially their faults :D

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

ZOEY- loves being let off leash at the park to play with her two best friends, Chase the Shetland Terrier and Chloe the Golden Retriever

CESAR- loves roller blading or bike rides (he CAN'T be off leash)

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

ZOEY- she has bonded very closely with my boyfriend Andrew, and she was most likely abused as a pup (we adopted her) so she hides under tables and sleeps with her head under our bed to feel safe

CESAR- he was banished to the backyard at his previous home, so he enjoys being part of the family group, sleeps on our armchair or at the end of our bed

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

They both ate an entire package of frozen steaks at my mom's house! Whoops!

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

ZOEY- Yes, she is off leash trained perfectly and will not leave your side

CESAR- Not ever!

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

ZOEY- She will lick your hands, rub her face against yours and look you dead in the eye

CESAR- He gives lots of cuddles and kisses, and he talks a lot when he's happy

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Shaer wont look you in the eye

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, lie down, paw,high five.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

At the back or her ear

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Usually at the beginning of walks or when we go somewhere new

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?


6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Scratching doors

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

By fighting talon

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

She curls up at the side of the bed

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Destroyed my Tommy Hilfiger Coat

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Shaer is allowed off the lead where there are no livestock or roads,She is very good off the lead.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

When we have been out without her she licks us to deaf

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

He talks back a bit

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

sit, stay, heel, shake, lay down, wait, fetch, speak, watch me

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?


4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

No, only when he's really excited (walking into the dog park or seeing a small animal)

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?


6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

He'll ring the damn bells on the door to go out after he's JUST been outside to potty. The pup abuses the system!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Zoomies around the house. It usually goes living room-hall- jump on bed and wait for mom to follow- leap off and jump on and off the bed a few more times- zoom back to the living room. Repeat.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Miko is definitely a Mama's boy, and his comfort place is behind the couch.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

He chewed up a Halloween decoration Mommy was particularly fond of.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

I only let him off leash at a fenced in dog park. For his own safety I will never let him off leash if it is not fenced.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

When I get home he lays his ears back, whines softly and circles me like he hasn't seen me in for.ev.er. It's sooo cute! If he is in bed with me he'll lay his head on my pillow and look at me/ try to give me kisses.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Logan talks back but doesnt look me in the eye, if hes feeling really adventurous he will very gently mouth me then run away as he knows hes not allowed lol

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

He understands sit, down, paw, high five, high ten, hop, fetch, bed and talk.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

His belly and scratching anywhere around his neck.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Yup, not so much when we are i residential areas but at the park he pulls a fair bit.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Yes he will play up to around 5 times before he doesnt see the point lol

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Not that we know of, hes 100% fit and healthy (touch wood)

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

When he wants to play he walks onto my chest and drops his toy on my head, then if i ignore him he wrestles with it on top of me lol

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Running at the park, full out sprint and hes in his element.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

He loves his crate and also the big part of the couch for cuddles when hes allowed.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Umm eaten cat poop, makes me feel ill just typing it.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Ive never done it but im 99% sure he couldnt be, when we are out on his flexi lead if he comes close to a bird or squirrel hes off!

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Logan gives big kisses and his ears go back against the top of his head. He also whines until you give him attention when back from work.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Turning their head and walking/running around. With Glala, when you tell her off she doesn't know how fast she needs to lick you all over your face. :rolleyes: She is really sensitive.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Zit (sit), naast (heel), kom hier (come here) (Glala only partly when outside!). Probably some more, but it wasn't me who trained them.

Some more words they understand but we haven't thought them: Koekje/snoepje? (Cookie?), lopen? (walk?). Both mean insta-excitement.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Belly. They lie and paw you in such way you can't scratch them anywhere but their belly :lol:

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Not so much. Glala only sometimes. Lately *I* have to pull Dana to get here going :lol:

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Fetch: Yes. Bringing back: No.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Well... literally running up the wall maybe?? :lol: Well, no. That's not really that bad. What kinda drives me nut is their endless sniffing to every frickin tree and lamppost they see. I understand they are dogs and smells are part of their world, but do you really need to sniff EVERY lamppost on our walk?? Okay, one dog is okay. But when Dana is sniffing a leaf 10 minutes, Glala starts pulling because she want to get going again. So I pull Dana, walk 3 meters and get pulled back by Glala because she also founds a leaf she wants to intensively investigate. Dana starts pulling in the mean time because she wants to continue the walk. This can go one endless. WAAARG :wacko:

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Glala: Running on the walls across the whole house, 2 times faster than the speed of sound.

Dana: Errr... Sleeping?

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Everywhere, everything and everybody

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Shredding the carped to pieces no bigger than 10cm. Oh yeah, and locking my outside of the house at the same time <_<

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Glala can't. Dana can. She does listen quite good to "come here" but I suspect she only does this because Glala is still near me. I usually have her only offleash when I let them swimming.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Coming to their home and get overwhelmed by kisses from two huskies at the same time for 10 minutes straight. Best thing in the world :rolleyes:

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

looks at me then makes a wierd snappy bark yelp type noise...

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, touch, down, find the single women in the park :) (so far it hasn't worked quite like i hoped) bring the dead frozen mice to the neighbors 3 year old.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

On his back right where his tail starts

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Yep! or rather yep :(

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

No, he always brings back something other than what was thrown

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

mental maybe :)

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Marking of terrtory...which included me..once.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

He plays with a timber wolf on a farm

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

If outside it is by the basement window that looks into my room, if inside he just takes some on my clothes and lays on them close to me.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Pulled the shirt...well acidentally ripped it of a women at the park..long story...funny pictures.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Well...mo I don't really think so. He shook off his collar not three days ago, ran across 3 roads and a highway before coming back...plaayed keep away with me but sat for a stranger who held him for me. Not likely to let him off again, plus now his collar is tighter.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

nibbles ears, no really if I am away from him for any amount of time he actaully nibbles my ears

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Bo would turn a deaf ear. He knew exactly what he was doing wrong and would look you in the eye to be sure you understood that he knew precisely what he was doing. Almost daring me to discipline him. (He also knew that this was a quick way to make me laugh and therefore forgive him for his outrageous behaviour).

Ryn on the other hand varies between not looking me in the eye and talking back. She's going to be a great communicator like her grandpa Shadow. She totally understands what she is doing, but likes to see how badly I want her to do as she is told. Her famous last words, given with her eyes or 'spoken' : You being serious Mom?

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Bo would shake, speak (When he spoke, you could tell him he was too loud and he would give you a softer voice and if you told him you couldn't hear him, he would get louder) he also talked, saying 'I love you' and 'Out' and the occassional 'N0!' He also rolled over. Anything else was if the spirit so moved him to do it.

Ryn knows: sit, shake, down, pretty (sitting up on her behind with paws in the air) and is learning to roll over. She also rings a bell to go out to potty. She is much more willing to please than Bo was (and is also a show-off to some extent - there's nothing she loves more than coming to work and showing all the "visitors" here all the wonderous things she can do). We're also working on fetching the dumb-bell, waving and others. She also loves the tunnel at G's and really loves doing it with the pack.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Bo loved to have his belly rubbed but his absolute favorite was having his ears rubbed. They were so soft and wonderful that I couldn't help myself.

Ryn is also a belly rub lover and likes to have her ears rubbed as well. She also thinks that foot rubs are wonderful!

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Bo did as a youngster, but as he aged he discovered that slow comfortable walks were more enjoyable.

Ryn is learning that on a walk, pulling is inappropriate. We're both looking forward to learning all about pulling sleds next winter, when she's older.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Bo was entirely too dignified to bring anything back. He let me know more than once if I wanted something that badly I should have kept it in my hand or gotten a labrador. Siberian to the bone!

Ryn can, though she finds it insulting that I would throw something and then request her to get it for me. It's almost like she's telling me that's what Chance is for (lab/rottie cross) "Princesses DON'T have to retrieve, Mom."

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Bo was 15 years when he passed and we dealt with all the many aspects of arthritis. As a pup, he had parvo once and (yes, this is true...) he had pneumonia twice.

Ryn is Ryn. She's my accident prone pup and has a difficult time keeping teeth. Thank god we're just now loosing the puppy teeth and time is in my favor.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

I suppose there was with Bo, but after a certain age, you forget those things. I know 'doggy hot laps' throughout the house annoyed me for a period of time, but as he aged, that was one of the funniest and happiest times we shared. Go figure.

Ryn is obsessed with the cat. She's fairly certain that Kat was put on this earth for her to chase throughout the livingroom. She loves it when I tell her, "NO! Mommy's kitty." She laughs at me, I know !

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

For Bo it was walking as it is for Ryn right now. I suspect that once G and I get her in front of a bike or sled, that will be the cat's meow, so to speak.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Bo loved to lay behind my chair, eventually this became laying on the couch as his arthritis got worse. He didn't have to be near me, but preferred that I be within view. (Just so he could be sure I didn't need him for anything important - like licking out a bowl.

Ryn loves to lay in front of a chair so she knows when you get up. Definitely doesn't want to miss anything! At work, she lays at my feet under my desk as she is doing right now.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Bo once chewed through the supports of four new kitchen chairs. He also dined on my parakeet one day - all that was left was one tail feather. Though Bo was pretty happy....RIP Tweet.

Ryn, knock on wood, has been pretty good. Let's not jinx that.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

By the time he was eight or nine, Bo could be trusted off lead at home. We lived on 5 acres along the river bottom. At this age, he would stay in the yard, taking an hour excursion around the yard and then be ready to come in. When we moved, we moved along the highway and even though he was older, I couldn't take the chance of letting him run there. We'd find fields for him to run in then. The older he got, the less he cared about running anywhere.

It will be a long time before I even attempt this with Ryn. She's a....well, she's Ryn and a Siberian and she'll take any chance. She loves to go to G's and play in the yard. That's the lump sum of letting her off lead.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Bo would verbally tell me. He was also certain that I was within sight as he had to be sure I was ok. Often he would put his face up to mine and was known for giving some of the best husky-hugs around. (G's Shadow is pretty darn good at 'em too!)

Ryn is becoming more and more affectionate as she grows. I can always count on a hug from her (just like Grandpa!) and she likes to 'give momma loves' - a kiss on my nose. What a girl!

I'm a very luck husky-mom!

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