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I would like to get to know your husky


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This is wonderful!!! I'll answer for all 3 of the girls.




1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Calleigh talks back big time!! She gets very mouthy. She also turns a deaf ear, kind of like "You won't yell at me mommy." then walks away.

Roxie runs away. I think she was abused before we got her and as soon as anyone raises their voice, she bolts. She puts her head down and burries it under her tail.

Maya really doesn't do much. She will pretty much just ignore you and walk away to see what everyone else is doing.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Calleigh knows sit, lay down, shake, jump up, speak, howl, leave it, and stay.

Roxie knows sit, lay down, shake, jump up, speak, and howl.

Maya knows sit, lay down. We are still working on shake, speak, and jump up. She has only been with us a few months, so we've still got time.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Calleigh likes being scratched on her chest.

Roxie likes being scratched on her stomach.

Maya likes being scratched behind her ears and on her stomach.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Calleigh definitely pulls on the leash. She likes to be in front of the other two.

Roxie pulls quite a bit. But usually it is just so that she can try to be neck and neck with Calleigh.

Maya doesn't pull too badly. She is usually just busy weaving in and out of the other two and zig zagging back and forth.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Calleigh acts like playing fetch is beneath her! She will not bring anything back! (Spoiled much?!?!)

Roxie will occasionally fetch. It really depends on her mood.

Maya is the one who will fetch most often out of the 3. She likes to chase whatever you throw, and probably 8 out of 10 times she will bring it back and drop it at your feet.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor issues?

Calleigh has no health issues.

Roxie has no health issues.

Maya has no health issues. She is a little underweight at the moment, we are working on putting some weight on her.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Calleigh likes to dig. And the only time it drives me nuts is if I catch her doing it and then she waits two seconds then goes right back at it.

Roxie begs at the dinner table. No matter how hard you try to break her, she still does it. Almost like she is afraid that the other 2 are gonna get more than her. She also is constantly licking people. Her tongue is always licking someone or something!

Maya begs at the dinner table. She also is constantly in the cat litter.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Calleigh goes to a weekly social hour for dogs at our local grooming parlor. Also daily walks.

Roxie goes to a weekly social hour for dogs at our local grooming parlor. Also daily walks.

Maya goes to a weekly social hour for dogs at our local grooming parlor. Also daily walks.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Calleigh sticks around me most of the time. She doesn't really have any special toys. She likes to sleep at my feet on the bed.

Roxie tends to stick around my husband. She loves stuffed animals!! Especially her stuffed parrot. She sleeps on the floor at the foot of our bed.

Maya sticks around me. She loves empty pop/water bottles. Especially if they are filled with treats. She starts off sleeping between the two of us in bed, then ends up on the floor.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Calleigh sleeps upside down with her eyes open.

Roxie is constantly licking everything. She has claimed our leather recliner as hers. She gets very protective of it. Also, she hoards all the stuffed animals for herself.

Maya is the nosiest dog ever. She has always got to know what everyone in the house is doing. She enjoys playing with our kitten the most.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Calleigh would be long gone if we let her off leash!!

Roxie probably would not go far. The few times that she has been off leash she has not gone further than the end of the driveway.

Maya is pretty good off leash. I think it is because she is afraid to leave us.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

All 3 of my girls show me daily that they love me. By the way they look at me, the way they follow me, the way they cuddle up on the couch with me, and the way they play with me. They have made my life challenging, but rewarding. I wouldn't trade them for the world!


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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Ignores me.. sometimes all of the aboverolleyes.png

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

sit, lay down, shake, roll over, bang (play dead), speak, go get it, whisper, slow down, twirl left, twirl right, back up, crawl, shake, look at me, crate, come here, stay, wait, leave it, touch, leash, jump up, bed...

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Belly and rubbed between the eyes

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

when walking around the allotment no unless there is kids playing or other dogs. When in the woods - yes but only so he can pee on every single tree/branch/rock/leaf

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

He used to with a frisbee but we haven't worked on it all winter so I'm assuming no..

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

He will bark in your face to get you to play then take off when you move and repeat over and over

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Walks, going to the park and running

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Me, he has a bit of a separation issue

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

He has chewed holes in all of the couches and has eaten/chewed up way too many of our things including - a taxidermy pirana we had sitting around that was a souvenir, a curling iron cord, the lamp cord, macbook cord, the carpet, christmas ornaments...

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Only fenced in areas

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

He jumps on the bed and snuggles with me in the morning when we wake up and when I come home even if I'm gone 10 minutes it's like he's missed me like crazy with kisses and butt wiggles. He also will come over and check that I'm okay every so often.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Wont even look at you and puts his head down

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, Lay down, up (stands on back legs for a few seconds),shake

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

His neck

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)


5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Yes he does bring it back, he loves to play fetch

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

possibly, but not completely verified yet

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Still goes in the house! He just does NOT get potty training(been training for 8 months now)

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Bark park, its so much fun watching him play with other pups

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

He is always by my side! He sleeps next to me and follows me everywhere

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Broken out of his crate! We had to twist tie the thing up to get it to hold

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Only at the bark park!

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

He follows me everywhere, and when i pet him he will place his paws on me

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

He looks at me like he KNOWS he's done wrong and sulks

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Paw, Sit, Lay

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

All over his back and belly

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Not always

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

No, I wish!

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Jumps the fence whenever he gets the chance!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Play with other dogs

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

His dog bed and me.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Hmm.....got into a fight with a german shepherd. Oi.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

No way!

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Lots of kisses and hugs. Also, he will come sit on my feet or lay on them. He will just lay there and stare at me

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Talks back and suddenly goes deaf :D

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, paw, other paw, lay down, roll over, back (also does housework!!! Long story but it envolves fetching cutlery, plates cups etc lol)

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Nice rough scratch around the neck area

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Lead mainly no, apart from when he knows your on the phone or atlking when he thinks your not keeping an eye on him. Bike will pull untill a while down the way.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Inside yes, out in the garden hell nooo!!!! Too many other things to chase out there :D

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Not so much annoys me but likes to torment out other dog into giving in and playing with him

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Walk, run, play fetch. He's not fussy how he gets it :D

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Not really, but favourite sleeping place is under our bed.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Does housework, very odd!!!!

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Not tried him , but compared to the others he could be a very good possibility. He is very bonded to us unlike Shadow who was very aloof and independant. Has slipped lead once and stayed by us and came straight back. Previous owners used to (they werent husky aware, this might be why they chose to rehome him at the magic 9 month age lol if only they realised how special he is)

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

He does more than Shadow did. She more a lot more aloof and independant. He is more layed back, loves to be with us and is only happy when my husband and I are sat with him. He likes sitting on sofa next to us and lays on feet. Shadow would never do this.

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Just a few questions to understand what type of personality your husky has. I am always enamored by the different personalities that huskies can have and would like to compare your husky's personality with Smokey's. Unfortunately I can't meet all of them so show me yours!

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Neeka runs away and goes deaf

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

sit, down, sort of stay, leave it,

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

under her neck bellow her collar

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Yes, working on it only had her 6 weeks

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

loves to fetch ball

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

hates being in her crate

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

walk, run any where, jump anything

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

corner of the couch so she can put her head on the armrest

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

has eaten my moms taxes, and the back pillow of the love seat

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

my 6ft high fenced in backyard

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

when I hug her she doesn't pull her head away like most dogs she leans into the hug!!

I have a lot more but I'm sure this list is already too long and I don't want people to be deterred by the midpoint if they get tired of answering questions. I will definitely post more later! :o)

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1. When your husky disobeys you how does he do it? i.e talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Poppie occasionally talks back, but mostly she stares at me then runs away (when she's feeling cheeky) or just runs away

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

I've only had Poppie for 3 and a half weeks so all she knows atm is sit, lay down and we are currently working on wait...

3. Where is you husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Poppie loves being scratched all over, particularly when i use my nails and give her a big long scratch from her tail all the way up to her neck, stops her every time :D

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Up until today she wouldn't stop pulling, I tell her to sit just before we cross a road, slowly getting the hang of it.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

She Loves to play fetch, I can throw it about 5-10 times before she becomes distracted.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

So far so good she's 2 and a half months old, so still a long way to go.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

She purposely chews on things she's not allowed to just so that I will chase her! also she likes to jump up and bite my fingers when I'm walking past her.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

So far we just go for walks, occasionally I will do a bit of a Jog until she becomes distracted and comes to a complete stop

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

She loves her squeaky toy, no one else is allowed to have it unless it's being thrown for her!

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

The strangest thing I've seen Poppie do is howl along with her squeaky toy whilst she was chewing it.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

It's to early to tell but I think I might be one of those people who are too scared to let her off the leash. I love Poppie to much to risk it

12. How does your husky show that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

When she's sleepy she sleeps at my feet and if I move she will follow me around till i sit down again, or if my kids let her out of the bathroom (thats where she sleeps at night) in the mornings she runs and jumps up on the bed and lays next to me, till she gets bored and tries to bite me ears lol.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Completely ignores me

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Stop, sit, lie down, stand, this way, No, show me the belly, kisses,

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?


4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Not always she pulls for the first mile with me usually but walks better for Phil

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Shes only just figuring out this game

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Sensitive tummy and some dry flaky skin but nothing major

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Digs up my rose bush, always the same one too

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

She lurves bouncing around with the foster dogs, likes to play in the park on the 100ft lead, likes her walks

so I don't think she really minds

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

She likes to lie and the bottom of the stairs, toys are for killing and it she'll curl up in between us on the sofa but I usually get the head end

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

She bullied a couple of our foster dogs but I think she was just trying to figure out her place, shes dug crators in my lawn and keeps digging up my rose bush thats planted in memory of my grandad. In general though she's not a naughty dog.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Nikitas just discovering her confidence she was very timid when we rescued her so we could let her off and she would stay by our side, now however she will run but comes back coz she gets treats for coming back. Shes still a little wary of people but other dogs she just wants to play with so depending on the place she can be trusted

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

We get kisses, she lies at our feet, she sits between us on the sofa for a cuddle

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

I have two of them, Loki will look at me when I tell him off and run off and cower where as Nanook lies down in front of me and puts his paws over his snout. We have only had Loki for three weeks though and as he is a rescue he is still learning the meaning of "NO" and learning to trust that we won't beat him, Nanook just seems to know what will make my heart melt the little bugger as he knows I have a soft spot for the endearing

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Again Loki is learning what words and voice pitches mean but Nanook who is also a rescue but whom we have had longer does most things that we ask of him although sometimes it is reluctantly

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

they both love to have their bums scratched the most

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Nanook not as much but yes they always want to get there faster and it can be a bit of a strain when they are both trying to pull me over or if they decide that they want to go in different directions

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

I don't know about loki but Nanook will chase a stick then lay down and chew it or he will follow in the balls direction and carry on running, we haven't had the chance to see if Loki will bring things back although when he is in the garden and nanook isn't being a pain he will bring things to me

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Not really Loki is underweight due to being starved and abused by his previous owners but both of them seem to be fairly healthy and have no major issues as far as we can tell

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

the fighting for food or dominance as they are both boys but we are over coming that and the howling when they can't be in a room they want to be in as we are eating, or the scrounging of food from where ever they can get it, the bin diving meaning we no longer have a kitchen bin and the begging although Nannok doesn't do it as much now

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Running and bouncing over each other, play fighting and swimming in the local duck pond whilst chasing the ducks Nanook was off lead but Loki wasn't so I nearly went in the pond with the the little buggers

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

they both loved being curled around me

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

raided the bins and raided the laundry basket, they played tug of war with my daughters dirty knickers

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Nanook can be but not sure about loki yet

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

they both come to me for fuss and cuddles

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When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

talks back....a lot.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

sits, shakes hands, speaks (sometimes doesnt stop) He understands more than I think he leads us to believe

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

the belly

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

He pulls badly at first but then walks well after a while.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Brings back a ball indoors but I dont trust him outdoors enough to try it.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

He is extremely strong and healthy

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Nah..he is great but he bites my wife on the bottom :)

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?


9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

tennis ball and me the owner

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Destroyed the room while left alone...papers, stuff we havent seen in years

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Nope cant trust him

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

He kind of hugs us or leans up against us. different things with different family members

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Talks back, Stamps his front paws, pretends not to hear me, won't look at me... I could go on :)

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Depends what he is getting out of it - Clay will sit on verbal command and also through hand signals, he understands the word bed and chair, and has finally learnt the concept of fetch!

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

The top of his head between his ears, he'll nudge your hand into place.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Yes... unless distracted buy something to sniff

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Finally has caught onto this concept - after months of trying, much to my dismay as he now brings the garden toys in if he wants a game of fetch!

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

None at the moment (touch wood)

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

His playful half an hour when I first sit down with my other half to watch tv/a film... & never letting me sleep in past 6.30 if other half has gone to work.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Long walks or running round like a lunatic in the garden.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Currently favourite place is the garden - on wet days it is his chair, any toys that can be thrown or eaten, and he is a bit of a flirt so any person who will give him a fuss!

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Getting into a bin bag of own poo and covering himself in it - smelt none too pleasant!

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Never going to happen - although when he did slip his harness at the beach he stayed quite close and allowed me to get it back on - it just isn't worth the risk.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Comes and checks on me if he has been in the garden playing, will cuddle up on the floor next to me of a night, hasn't left my side in the last few weeks, brings me his blanket if he seesme curled up on couch without one, and brings me his chews of a night time & morning cuddles!

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Oisin- just carries on as though I never said anything

Indigo- talks back and runs away

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Oisin- Sit, Paw, Get out!

Indigo- sit

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Oisin- his back just before his tail

Indigo- behind the ears, her scruff

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Oisin- ALWAYS until he's a bit tired then he walks nicely

Indigo- Usually, yes

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Oisin- Nope

Indigo- only if it is her squeaky space hopper toy

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Oisin- No idea, only had him 2 months now, seems very healthy!

Indigo- Nope, healthy girly!

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Oisin- Nothing, he's an angel!

Indigo- Woowooing at me when i try to get her indoors at night, she wakes up my neighbour's kid

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Oisin- The Pawtrekker

Indigo- the 100ft lead in the feilds

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Oisin- me! He's my baby boy!

Indigo- Her pink cuddly hedgehog, she likes to mother it

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Oisin- pee'd in the food bowl while indie was trying to have her dinner

Indigo- Ate the wire on the outside of the house for our sky dish. so now we are without tv for a while

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Oisin- NEVER

Indigo- NEVER

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you?

Oisin- Loving little looks and lots of snuggles, he is my cuddly bear boy!

Indigo- Lots of cuddles and jumps all over me

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hen your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Deaf ear most of the time. Sometimes she'll just look me as if to say " really?" and then go right back to it.

What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit. Down. Stay. come. do business. speak. we're working on paw and roll over.

Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Behind the ears

Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

If we are just out in the yard she will pull and run, but on long walks she is pretty good and just trots ahead without pulling.

Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Yes. And she is also the one who usually starts the game to begin with.

Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Nope thank goodness.

Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

She likes to bully my Mom's chihuahua sometimes

What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Run! Run! Run! ...and walks in the woods.

Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Her bed beside the couch in the living room.

What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Doing her business right on top of the tallest hill in the park on a crowded day

In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

There is a old pasture behind my house from when we had horses some 20 years ago where I have let her off leash to run around. I am getting a little wary of doing it though since last time she took off into the woods and did not come back out for close to half a hour.

. How does your husky show you that he loves you?

Wakes me up every morning with nuzzles, licks or a paw to the face.

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I've only had Kita a Month so the answers to these questions will likely change ;)

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

turns a deaf ear, she hasn't disobeyed to often..... yet ;)

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

atm - Sit, Lay down, Stay and come.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

back of the head, just behind the ear

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Not always, she's more interested in sniffing and what not atm.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

In the back Garden a big yes! She loves it. I've seen her playing with fetch herself before lol

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

All Healthy so Far

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

She loves to wake me up at about 6.30 with a ton of licks, pawing my face and being all excitable.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Playing with dogs she knows and is comfortable with

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Most defintley me! She follows me alot and If she gets scared (the Hoover!) she jumps into my arms and buries her head into my arms

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Ripped the laces for my work shoes, or managing to break our blinds.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

So far yes, she doesn't really wander to far from me off the lead, though I am keeping a close eye on it, especially when she moves towards adolecense

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Playing with me, lots and lots of licks, gets very excited and happy when I walk in, jumping up licking and excitable noises

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? He acts deaf most of the time but sometimes he show me his innocent "whaaaat?" face

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand? "No!", "Come", "Sit", "Shakehand", "Other hand", "Down"

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched? Neck and belly. Isn't all dog the same?

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? No he walks nicely on the leash. He knows I'm his mistress.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it? My husky never fetch

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues? Minor health issue-->ear canal infection.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you? yeah, I hate it when he begs for food.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise? A long walk. A VERY long walk. Three times a day. No, four.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc? As long as I'm there it will be his favorite place. No he has no fav toy. His fav person is Mr. Everyone.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done? He eats plastic pots, a twig, plastic bag, dirt, shoes, newspapers and even a rug x)

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? No fences means no off-leash walk!

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? He follows me wherever I go LOL! I used to think that one day I will rename him into "Stalker" or "My Second Shadow"

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? She ignores any and all communication! Sometimes she'll avoid eye contact and tuck herself in a corner or small space.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand? sit, stay, down, come, roll over, speak, paw, and pretty (two paws)

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched? The top of her head and her belly, she's a hussy.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.) Anytime she's on a leash

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it? Sometimes, until her brother barks in her face and annoys her.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues? Nope

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you? Digging holes, escaping, and peeing on the carpet.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise? RUNNING!

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc? She loves to spend time under our bed, and carries around a stuffy toy

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done? Gonna have to say when she pees on the carpet while casting us a dirty look (I'm sure it's out of spite for something we did wrong in her eyes).

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? No, she runs like a steaming freight train.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? By howling when she's happy, and laying at my feet while I work at home.


DSC_1174 by twizhimself, on Flickr

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Just a few questions to understand what type of personality your husky has. I am always enamored by the different personalities that huskies can have and would like to compare your husky's personality with Smokey's. Unfortunately I can't meet all of them so show me yours!

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Deaf ear, or she just walk around pretending nothing happened, and talk back of course

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, stay, give paws, hi-five talk on command, lie down, give kisses, and im working on give hugs, and roll over.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

The BELLY!!!! and everywhere else, she is a sucker for affection

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

She does , to pull of my arm, so she has a Halti, but now she is just great, and she love bike joering and runjoering...

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

She LOVES fetching, but if i throw a ball, she will bring it back few times, then run away with it. At the dog park, she steals the ball from another dog, and love to play, runafterme kind of game, she she is running so fast thatonly few dogs can catch up with her. then she is so proud

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

She is getting allergies from time to time with running nose and pink eye... i know

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Dig holes in the back yard, but really everywhere, we have to built a sand box for her and when she is jumping on the couch with her muddy paws...

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Walk, run, bike, dog park, hide and seek (on rainy days) fetch , and sometimes she blow a fuse outside and run like a mad dog for 10 minutes i never quite understood this behavior, but its like she got some mental syndrom happening... quite funny to watch actually.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Her crate, the couch next to me, under my chair on the computer and her blanket,like on the picture.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Eating our deck, really destroying the deck sides.....

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Well, i dont know for other, but Nanook is still quite young so i dont trust her yet, but im working hard on the call back, and even at the dog park she comes back when i call her. I will maybe try it , maybe not. But not right now for sure.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Wagging tails, sleep next to me, one paw on my leg, sleeping in the kitchen while im cooking in the afternoon, sleeping in the bathroom while im in the tub, she's a lover.....

I have a lot more but I'm sure this list is already too long and I don't want people to be deterred by the midpoint if they get tired of answering questions. I will definitely post more later! :eek:)

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it?

She runs away

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, paw and kisses!

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Top of her head and between her eyes

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead?

yeah to start off with then she walks in front

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

god no!

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Taking up all the bed space!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Running round the fields

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

The sofa (all of it!!)

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

She ate the hubbys army issued boots

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash?


12. How does your husky show you that he loves you?

Sings to me, jumps up and licks me to death!

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Turns a deaf ear

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit,Paw, slowly, lie down, See ya (means come here) and several others. She's spent most of her time teaching me all the commands I need to know (lol)

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Top of head between ears or back legs

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

She used to but is getting much better as she gets older

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Only with a stick and only near water.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Yes, HD and now a 2nd torn cruciate ligament

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Turning a deaf ear but I've got used to it

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Walking, Walking and Walking. She's like me and doesn't really do running

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

In the garden sunbathing or on her dog bed

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Ripped 4 padlocks of her cage before breaking out of the cage and ripping a big hole in the kitchen door. I couldn't stay mad at her for more than a couple of minutes

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)


12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

We are seldom apart but when we are Polee pines for me even though she's usually with my Ex her mummy. She's never been overly affectionate but you can always tell if a dog loves you.

I have a lot more but I'm sure this list is already too long and I don't want people to be deterred by the midpoint if they get tired of answering questions. I will definitely post more later! :eek:)

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? Talks back, if he's been naughty, he goes sits by the front door and won't make eye contact.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand? A lot more than he is willing to show anyone, if I'm alone with him, he'll do all I ask, if the Wife or kids are with us he just ignores everything.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched? Along his back and his hind quarters.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? Always pulls in harness, pulls a little when on collar and lead but soon settles.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it? No, finds that sort of thing beneath his level of inteligence, though will kill to get to the ball before his little sister Daisy(Collie), then he'll give it to her to bring back, cos he's proved his point.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues? None that are apparent.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you? No. He's Boone and he is/does what Boone does, I just love him to bits, the little git !LOL!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise? Pullying my shoulders out of joint at every oppertunity, he loves scootering, and can't get enough o it.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc? Not really, just picks on someone/something when the mood takes him, though he does have a tiny teddy that was given to him when he first joined our family, that teddy still survives unscathed though all other toys are destroyed in minutes.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done? Nothing really, he's just him and that's what you put up with.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? I unfortunately would not trust him one iota, not that he's aggressive, but he is dominant plus he would not come back.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? Takes me half an hour to get in the house when I come home from work, not aloud to say hi to Daisy until he's satisfied with a tummy/ear/back/head/hind quarters/chest scratching. He will stay at my feet alnight long after he's been knackered out on his walkies.


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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Turns a deaf ear to me & wont look me in the eye

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, paw, lie down, roll over as in head first lol

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

inside hind leg, make sure that where you scratch her

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)


5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?


6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?


8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Walking and playing with other dogs

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

From the day we brought her home she took to being below the stairs and has now made it her home

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Nothing really but does like to raid the kitchen worktops for any food sitting around

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Where I live I have a few options that are very good for Luna to be let off as she cant get away and they are large areas as well so I now stick to them. Have tried in public parks also but not a good idea and dont do it at all now.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Love to snuggle up and when stressed, scared climbs on me and puts both paws round my neck and head under my chin (tends to fall asleep this way lol)

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Runs away then looks back at u but keeps on running.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Shake, high-five, sit, down, come, stay, leave it, and watch me.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

On the tummy

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

We use a prong collar but it has caps on the metal so he doesn't pull as much, but without it and just with his harness he wont usually pull.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

We will throw it but he'll just take it and go find a place to hide it

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Going potty in the house

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Going to the dog park and cornering small dogs

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

In his cage with his wubba

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Ran away and went into the woods for about 30 minutes until we found him

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

He cant because we know if we do let him off leash he will still find a way to run away, he has ran away about 6 times in the past year

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me


My husky, he puts you hand in his mouth but he doesn't bite down


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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

plays deaf :P

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

sit, wait, come on, come here, walk, right, left, paw, lie down, turn around, toy, leave it

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?


4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

for the first 15 minutes then she walks nicely

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

fetches it, brings it back, put it on your lap and then chews it to death!

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

none that i know of

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

when she grabs my arm to have a fuss and im busy!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?


9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

she likes to lie at the top of the stairs (overlooking the front door), her favourite toy is her rope tug toy.

would like to think im her favourite person but she loves everyone!

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

pulled so hard that i fell over, then dragged me half way across a road to get to another dog!

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

she has never been off lead as i havent been able to find an enclosed space, i wouldnt let her off unless we were in a fully fenced area and her recall was much better

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

runs about and jumps like a mad thing when we come home, follows me around the house and cuddles up to me and nick

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

diesel usually runs away from me then comes back howls at me me then runs away again lol he definatly knows when he has done something hes not suppose to tho.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

sit, stay, paw, other paw, lie down, play dead, circle and up

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

he loves been scratched all over but his favourite places are under his chin and first thing in the morning when i cum down he rolls onto his back for me to scratch his tummy :)

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

At first YES lol but once hes had a run around he calms right down and doesent really pull on the way back unless he sees another dog lol

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

diesel will play fetch all the time in the garden if i throw any of his toys he brings them straight back, if i throw sticks while were on walks he will bring them back until a more interesting smell comes along

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

no none but he is only 5 months old

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

when its time for his walk he knows and if im running abit late he is really annoying hel walk back and forth back and forth jump all over the sofas howl at the front door until i take him, and another thing is he is obssessed with food the most greedy dog i know ALWAYS trying to nick food off the side, i found a sausage roll buried outside in the garden the other day lol

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

anywhere in the countryside he loves :) and he loves chasing my partner on his bike lol

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

diesel loves laying outside on the patio thats were i always find him, sometimes i try n bring him in to come and cuddled me but he doesnt stay there for more than mins and he wants to be outside again, also he loves his fury blanketpost-2224-13586073650997_thumb.jpg he loves been all snuggled up in it.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

he does quite alot of wierd things, he ate a frog while on holiday it was jumping all over in his mouth which made him start jumping lol, he jumped in my mums pond and was thick in green slim then jumped on all her sofas, he digs my plants up all the time. but i wouldnt have him any other way :)

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash?

i dont care what people have to say about this, but diesel has always been off lead on fields and in the countryside walks i take him on, and hes always been brilliant he is like all other dogs, ive seen far worse dogs on the field for not coming back and running off, yeh he likes to go say hello but he always comes back and always listens to me and have never had any trouble with him ever off leash.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

he likes his own space like i said earlier he loves been lazy outside by himself with the rabbit and guinie pig lol, i think the 2 kittens inside annoy him. but he will jump up and give me cuddles and stay there for ages and hel put his paws on me and nuzzle his head into my arms and sumtimes hel come and sit on me and i can hardly breath lol but i feel mean telling him to get off :)


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