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I would like to get to know your husky


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When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.


2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?


3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?


4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)


5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?


6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

NO :)

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?


8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?


9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?


10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?


11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)


12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)


I have a lot more but I'm sure this list is already too long and I don't want people to be deterred by the midpoint if they get tired of answering questions. I will definitely post more later! :eek:)

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Just a few questions to understand what type of personality your husky has. I am always enamored by the different personalities that huskies can have and would like to compare your husky's personality with Smokey's. Unfortunately I can't meet all of them so show me yours!

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

He turns a deaf ear when refusing to come. If he gets into something he shouldn't...he flaunts it and thinks it's quite funny for me to yell.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Come (which took some serious work), sit, wait, down, go to bed

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

He likes a good face rub, but only when we are alone

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

oh yeah. We use a gentle leader.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Sometimes. He has to be in the mood and it has to be a squeaky ball.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

He cries in a really high pitched voice when I leave him. I have to have people walk him away from me.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Run, run, run and some swimming. He runs off leash in a couple of different nature areas.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

My bed and his fake pet hamster.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

I bring him to work with me sometimes and one day while I was setting up a seminar, he pooped infront of the podium while I had my back to him and then came over like nothing happened. One of our faculty pointed it out to a maintenance guy who, naturally, came straight to me

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Yes, but we really worked at it. We took two different classes on recall and probably worked on it from age 4 months - 18 months before it really stuck.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing) Well, he doesn't usually when people or dogs are around. I think of him like a teenage boy with his mom at school :) If other dogs start loving on me. He will get in between us and rub on me like a cat. He gives me kisses when in the car (don't ask me why) and sometimes at home alone. He rolls over for me to rub his belly and puts his face against my hand/arm so I'll rub his face.

I have a lot more but I'm sure this list is already too long and I don't want people to be deterred by the midpoint if they get tired of answering questions. I will definitely post more later! :eek:)

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Tries to sneak away or talks back

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Speak, sit, down, off, hunt, come, I love you which is more for fun and bed.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

His chest or ribs

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

He pulls but then he'll walk with me to enjoy it more. He's young.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Almost every single time. He loves it.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Skin got a little dry but omega pills have cured that perfectly

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

When he doesn't talk to me :(

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Fetch, walks or romping around the yard

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

I think I'm his biggest comfort. He loves his bed tho

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Moro got out today but he came right back once he realized he was going away from me lol.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Not yet, he's still too young and stubborn

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

He puts his ears down, not back, wags his tail and oooooooooooo's at me or says I love you

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Grimm, "Woos," [like he is aurguing!] drops his head and won't listen. LOL

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, Down, "Go to your room," [Meaning crate- he loves his crate] Heel, Offleash heel during the duration of the walk, "Okay," [Release from heel] Recall, Leave it.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Hubby says, "Behind his ears," He seems to enjoy a belly scratch from me.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

No. He has been trained to walk both on and off leash at a, "heel," command. He will not pull unless he is hooked to a harness for pulling reasons.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Believe it or not, Grimm LOVES playing fetch, with anything. About after the 10th+ throw though- the ball or toy becomes his, and its a game of keep away :)

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

None, Vet passed him on all medical, and due to his oddly calm and well behaved nature combined with markings and health- she suggested breeding. LOL. Talk about flattered. [Won't happen though]

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Common Husky trait- DIGS!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Fetch/Keep away, Swimming at the beach, Jogging, walks and daily romps with other dogs :)

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Comfort place- His crate or the car. Item- a blanket he took over- he carries it to where ever he lays :) Person- Me ofcourse. I spend 24/7 with him and have since he was a pup. I worked endlessly on training, he went to work with me every day and has traveled with me everywhere!

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Recently, we had just set up or baby's room. Grimm's crate needed to be cleaned [due to a foster dog borrowing it-] so we went ahead and put him in her room. Mind you he has NO HISTORY of demolishing things... I opened the door to find the crib moved across the room, the stuffed animals shredded, the rug rumpled into a corner and there was Grimm, on the floor- Tail wagging with a tube of A&D ointment in his mouth! I was SO FURIOUS! LOL

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

I dont want to start an arguement of any sorts, but would like to be able to answer this without being bashed for my opinions/choices. Grimm is aloud offleash often, this is because I have worked and still work on his training daily, he has never NOT obeyed his recall command, not left his heel command with out my okay to do so. I only do it in environments I know well and feel comfortable with. I WOULD NOT ADVISE ANYONE ELSE TO DO SO.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Lots of Wooooo wooo woooooing, licks, mouthing and he rubs his face all over me like a cat. He cuddles me often :)

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Turn a deaf ear and looks down knowing she wasn't listening.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, lay down, dance, paw(low) high five(paw high up) and stay

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Belly and under the neck near her ears.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Sometimes when she is excited or ready to go.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Yes, she is full of energy.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Yes, chasing her tail, biting and jumping when your trying to put your shoes on.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Running outside and playing with her toys

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

No, it varies.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Stealing clothes or whatever she can find. Also, going under the bed getting stuck. We had to lift everything up so she could get out. I guess she thinks she is little enough to fit but she is not.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

No, not at the moment but we are wanting to work towards that.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

She licks and wags her tail. Also, she will come and lay down and give loves/snuggle.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

It depends. If he gets into trouble and he knows he being naughty, he gives the super pathetic "I'm sorry" gesture, which consists of sitting beside me bowing his head and peeking up at me. Or if I draw a boundary, like stay out of the kitchen or wait for a treat, sometimes I get talk back/pleading (hops on two legs and begs with both paws). If there's something he does, that he doesn't know is bad, he usually makes direct eye contact till we get it sorted.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, stay, wait (long term stay), lay, bang bang (play dead), up, come, shake, other paw, watch me, good, okay (break command), crawl (only does this for treats and haven't worked on this one for a while), door (shuts back door after coming inside), off, leave it, drop it, take it, get busy(bathroom time), speak, where's momma/daddy? (looks for momma/daddy), where's your toy/duck/doughnut/bottle? (gets it), what? (indicate what you want), give me kisses, no lick, heel, back up, hike, gee, haw, whoa, easy (let some slack in the leash) and sing (my fav!) Some of these are tied with hand gestures. He knows a ton of other words.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Belly/back of ears

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

When we put the Taiga harness on him, it's time to mush. When we put on the leash, we sometimes have to remind him (easy).

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

He usually does, till gets bored.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Juvenile cataracts and a partially detached retina. None of these impair his ability to perform.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Not the end of the world, but when he deliberately does something naughty.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Walks, running in the backyard, mushing, batting his plastic bottle (he's doing it right now)

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

His cage/pillow (see profile)

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

He used to chew and got my electric toothbrush. That and he bolted hard one time out the door. Thank goodness he LOVES car rides.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

I only do this when he is with a group of people or dogs. When it's just me or the wife, I do not.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me )

Body language. That and always wants me to pay attention to him.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc. Depends on how feisty she's feeling. She definitely turns a deaf ear, talks back, sometimes stares me down (I always win that though). If we're out in the yard, she'll often run away laughing.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand? Sit, stay, come, lie down, off, OUT!, back up, out of the kitchen, go to your room, go to Daddy, kisses, shake, quiet, no nibbles, and no bite off the top of my head. But sometimes, just to annoy me, she'll lie down when I tell her to sit. She doesn't like being told to lie down. I don'tknow if it's a leftover thing from her prior owner, or just trying to assert her own dominance.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched? Back of the neck.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.) With me, no. She's used to me handling her leash when we're walking and if she starts to pull, a gentle tug brings her back into place. The hubby? They haven't found their rhytm, so she wanders back and forth in front of him a lot, and tends to pull him a bit.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it? Yes but she gets bored after about 5 throws. And she doesn't like to give it up.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues? No, she's freakishly healthy, actually.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you? Yes. She won't stay out of the kitchen and hse doesn't like to get up int he mornings to go out. When I'm trying to get out the door for work, this drives me nuts. And she sings and cries and howls a lot when she's outside (to come in).

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise? Walkies!

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc? Her crate, and me.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done? She snuck into the kitchen once at a friend's house and being a tall girl, helped herself to leftover roast chicken (no bones, don't worry!) that was on the counter.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this) Absolutely NOT!! the gates are padlocked and she is never allowed out of the yard or house with her pinch collar and leash securely in place.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing) She stays within about 7 feet of me, usually, and when she wants something, she'll come to me first. She's not a big cuddler but when she's scared, she runs for me. She tolerates cuddles best in the early morning (when she's half asleep). Sometimes she'll give me kisses when I ask for them.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Talks back and also nips the ankles (he is still a teenager)

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, stay, drop, give, stop, come/go, high five/ shake, over, under, left and right.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Under his mouth the breast/neck area. He goes into a trance!!

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Atm when he sees something he likes or is in a new exciting place however we are trying to stop this. He is only 6 months.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Most of the time...;)

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Not as of yet! Fingers crossed he doesn't in the future!

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Attempts at dominating!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Playing rough with my partner and or with other dogs!

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

He feels safe in his cage and probably gets most comfort from me.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Naughtiest is getting out of his collar near a main road!! My heart stopped!!

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

We are wanting to get there with him and have been advised to start young. However, my nerves aren't great and if his personality just won't work with it then no, time will tell.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

His constant need to be near us and always wanting to be involved in what we are doing.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Grimm, "Woos," [like he is aurguing!] drops his head and won't listen. LOL

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, Down, "Go to your room," [Meaning crate- he loves his crate] Heel, Offleash heel during the duration of the walk, "Okay," [Release from heel] Recall, Leave it.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Hubby says, "Behind his ears," He seems to enjoy a belly scratch from me.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

No. He has been trained to walk both on and off leash at a, "heel," command. He will not pull unless he is hooked to a harness for pulling reasons.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Believe it or not, Grimm LOVES playing fetch, with anything. About after the 10th+ throw though- the ball or toy becomes his, and its a game of keep away :)

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

None, Vet passed him on all medical, and due to his oddly calm and well behaved nature combined with markings and health- she suggested breeding. LOL. Talk about flattered. [Won't happen though]

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Common Husky trait- DIGS!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Fetch/Keep away, Swimming at the beach, Jogging, walks and daily romps with other dogs :)

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Comfort place- His crate or the car. Item- a blanket he took over- he carries it to where ever he lays :) Person- Me ofcourse. I spend 24/7 with him and have since he was a pup. I worked endlessly on training, he went to work with me every day and has traveled with me everywhere!

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Recently, we had just set up or baby's room. Grimm's crate needed to be cleaned [due to a foster dog borrowing it-] so we went ahead and put him in her room. Mind you he has NO HISTORY of demolishing things... I opened the door to find the crib moved across the room, the stuffed animals shredded, the rug rumpled into a corner and there was Grimm, on the floor- Tail wagging with a tube of A&D ointment in his mouth! I was SO FURIOUS! LOL

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

I dont want to start an arguement of any sorts, but would like to be able to answer this without being bashed for my opinions/choices. Grimm is aloud offleash often, this is because I have worked and still work on his training daily, he has never NOT obeyed his recall command, not left his heel command with out my okay to do so. I only do it in environments I know well and feel comfortable with. I WOULD NOT ADVISE ANYONE ELSE TO DO SO.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Lots of Wooooo wooo woooooing, licks, mouthing and he rubs his face all over me like a cat. He cuddles me often :)

Both my husk and my GSD are off leash dogs. I train them using shock collars. Has worked wonders for us. Thanks for your post!

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Sierra gets really mouthy. I'm amused by it, my gf is not, lol.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

she'll sit, stay (sometimes), shake (other paw too), down (sometimes), if we say bath she hides under the coffee table.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

belly mostly. she flips onto her back as soon as she can to get her belly rubbed, this is for anyone including people she's never met before.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

sometimes, though not terribly.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

bring it back? nope. you throw it, she chases it then without picking it up, she looks at you as if to say 'ok, throw it again'. sometimes she will pick something up and throw it herself to indicate that she wants you to throw it.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

luxating patella (her knee pops out if she twists the wrong way)

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

she whines when she wants cheese in her bone. keeps doing it until someone gives in.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

she wants to explore everything anytime we go outside

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

her spot on the couch, with her pillow and monogrammed towel

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

she humps her blanket when she is bored or doesn't get her way.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

NO WAY. I wouldn't even risk it.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

she lays on my feet, she will lay on her stomach and scoot across the floor to you, she does summersaults into my lap when I sit on the floor, she climbs on the couch next to me and just sort of flops over onto me while trying to lick my face, if either of us sound like we are upset she will try to give kisses until we 'feel better' and so on. she's one of the sweetest most loving dogs I've ever met.

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Both my husk and my GSD are off leash dogs. I train them using shock collars. Has worked wonders for us. Thanks for your post!

:) I trained my husky with tons and tons of praise. I got him semi young and was his ONLY human and figure in his life for a long time so I feel like he is bonded to me. I love him. :)

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Storm folds her ears back, ducks her head and wags her tail and gives me guilty eyes, Shadow runs away and pees and then looks me in the eye as if to say "what"

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?


come,sit,stay,pin,kisses,again (means repeat the last command),let me see (means surrender whatever you have to me),have a look (means she can look out the window),up,huphup (has many meanings, depends on context),touch,high-five,stand,jump,speak,lay,down,paw,other one (means touch or paw with the other paw),leave,this way(means go right),RIGHT or uh-ooh (means she's in trouble),in,out,off,stairs,pussycat,catch,teeth (means I'm going to look in your mouth),which one (I hold two treats and she picks which one by touching it with her paw),say hello,stop (means freeze whatever you're doing, not performed flawlessly yet),ready for a walk (during a drink break when running she'll use her paw to let me know when she's ready),shake (shake the wet off your fur),back-back,budge (means I need to be where you are, doesn't always work),shuffle (shuffles backwards while sitting),away,steady (same as heel),on your bed,2 minutes (means Shadow's going for a pee so stay put),hurry up (her toilet command) and where's Shadow (means put your paw on Shadow)


Work in progess

come,sit,stay,leave,touch,high-five,down,up,huphup (mostly means get on the nearst path atm),stairs,in,RIGHT,speak and hurry up.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Storm's is her shoulder blades and belly and Shadow's is his neck and shoulders

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Storm has worsened since getting Shadow, but am teaching them steady together like teaching Storm from scratch again

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Storm has never been interested in fetch, the closest she came was retrieving my inhaler but she'd pick it up and just drop it where she stood, Shadow is showing more interest but is a little unwilling to surrender the object, he'll come back to me with it, lay down at my feet and try to chew it first

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Can't think of any

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Shadow when he pees inside after being out for 10 minutes

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Storm loves running with the bike and Shadow loves running too but have to limit what he can do as he's still developing

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Storm has her sofa and Shadow has my lap

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Storm ate half a packet of chocolate digestives luckily no bad came from this and Shadow, when he was a baby pup, he stood at the side of the bin and done a straight jump up in the air and landed squarely in the bottom of the (empty) bin, made me laugh for days

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

yes and no, I will do short stay sessions off lead but never walk or allow them to play off lead in an open area

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Storm's whole butt wags if I've been out a while and does the play bow and Shadow wakes up every morning by stretching (and scratching) on my chest, lets out a big yawn with a hellooooowoowoo, makes me smile :)

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Ignores me and walks away

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Wahya knows some basic commands, sit etc and also "give it" for giving toys etc

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Her nose!

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Yes...something we need to work on lol

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Wahya loves to play fetch; most of the time she'll return it (or bring it back halfway & make me get it lol)

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

No, thankfully

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Not really...although sometimes it's a little annoying to find husky hair in everything...and I do mean everything haha

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Playing fetch and/or chasing & being chased (she and her "little" bros chase each other around in circles sometimes)

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Me, but also her "little" bros (the three little dogs in the house), she always seems to go to them for comfort

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Naughty, hmm...well she ate my eraser once!

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

No...I wouldn't trust any of my dogs off leash in a non-fenced area, for their own safety. They have a giant yard at home to play in & get to the dog park as often as we can.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Wahya comes up to me & presses her nose up against me. If I don't respond she PUSHES me with her nose (she's literally moved my hand off the mouse lol)

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Just a few questions to understand what type of personality your husky has. I am always enamored by the different personalities that huskies can have and would like to compare your husky's personality with Smokey's. Unfortunately I can't meet all of them so show me yours!

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Mine talks back to me by barking ;-)

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, stay, down and come

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

His belly

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Depends on his mood; some days he will walk right beside me, some times he will pull

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

He will fetch his toy, but he will keep it to himself ;-)

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?


8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Running and attacking his toys

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

His squeeky ferret-like toy is his favorite, and he LOVES to run under the bed and talk back to me when I try to get him out

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

He chewed the carpet up and lifted it from the floor

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Absolutely not!

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

By licking my face

I have a lot more but I'm sure this list is already too long and I don't want people to be deterred by the midpoint if they get tired of answering questions. I will definitely post more later! :eek:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Zelda (the one on the right in the picture): Her body will face me, but her head will turn away, and then she'll run away.

Blue (left): He'll run away

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Zelda: sit, stay, NO!, high-five, lay down, lights off (but only sometimes, and only when the switch is above a carpeted floor, she doesn't like slipping on other surfaces!)

Blue: sit, stay, roll-over, lay down and NO!

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Zelda: On her head between her ears

Blue: Belly

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Zelda: No, but it took a couple months

Blue: Yes for me, but my bf usually walks him anyways

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Zelda: She's never cared :(

Blue: Yes!

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Zelda: No

Blue: He's just finished his shots for being heartworm positive, so hopefully things will be good for him now

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Zelda: She's so adorable that I usually forgive her

Blue: same

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Zelda: playing with Blue, walks, dog park

Blue: same

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Zelda: She's so random, I can't seem to tell

Blue: The crate, and possibly Zelda, he hates to be alone without her

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Zelda: This was kind of a 'my bad', but for about a month I was testing keeping her out of her crate while I was away and she was perfect! Then one day I thought I'd take away her crate and replace it with a less clunky dog bed. I came home and found her on my bed with my eyeglasses in pieces, even the glass was chewed in pieces, along with some poop on her new dog bed.

Blue: He pulled his leg up in an attempt to mark Zelda, luckily I stopped him in time! So he didn't actually do it, but I can't think of anything else

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Zelda: One time when I was cleaning out my car I tested having her without a leash outside my house. She stayed by my side the entire time, and then kids with bikes came by...

Blue: Probably not

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Zelda: She'll stare at me and smile

Blue: He cuddles

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Sasha turns away the second I speak to her, I'm still dealing with the feelings of rejection. LOL

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

sit, stay, NO, paw, lay down

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Around her muzzle,and she loves a tummy rub.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

In the beginning of the walk and always if I am walking one of her brothers, too.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Nope never interested.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Not at this time.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

She doesnt give up easily, so stubborn. She always tries to get her way, over and over.

What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Walks and playing with her brothers.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

At my feet where I am or under the bed below me.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

At three months she slipped thr0ugh the bottom of the crate (my son didn't lock the bottom) and pooped on the floor. I think that was the only incident that I can think of.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Never ever.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Licks, mostly when she knows shes going for a walk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

He talks back to me, if he knows im really mad he looks at me sideways as if to avoid me looking at him.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

sit, paw, high 5, wait, no, lie down(occasionally) he also knows, run away, and dont listen, which he does without me telling him lol

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

between his eyes, and his chest

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

allll the time, but we have now aftr 16 months just about got him to heel on short lead, but when nr other dogs i have no chance

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

only in the house with his toy

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

none at all

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

just the pulling near other dogs (my arm will never be the same again)

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

he loves to walk and run

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

me or my daughter

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

ripped my kitchen up in the past, pulled me over a few times

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

he was off lead for several months never left my side, 5 weeks ago he bolted off and has been bk on a lead ever since

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

he will randomly come over push his head into us and close his eyes while you talk to him and rub his head sometimes just the way he looks at me shows me that.

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Just a few questions to understand what type of personality your husky has. I am always enamored by the different personalities that huskies can have and would like to compare your husky's personality with Smokey's. Unfortunately I can't meet all of them so show me yours!

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

ignores all rants and carries on in his world

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

none unless there is something in it for him

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

about the head

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

thats what he is designed to do unless he is on a halti

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

he will once or twice then hes bored

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

his internal alarm clock is set to 6.30 am every day and sock theft

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

chilling out in front of the fire, lazy git

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

comfort place by the fire, any toy and any person

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

eaten the vynal floor in the kitchen

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

yes in an enclosed field or on the beach with no distractions

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

big hugs on meeting him after being out and he constantly wants to be within ear/eyesight of one of us, as I type this he is lying under my computar chair :)

I have a lot more but I'm sure this list is already too long and I don't want people to be deterred by the midpoint if they get tired of answering questions. I will definitely post more later! :eek:)

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the main habit Sanka has is I cann't have my breakfast to myself, whether its jam on toast or cereal, he has to have half of it. Not sure if this comes under love, annoyance or just bad ownership, whatever it comes under it allways brings a smile to the start of my day :)

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

She talks back yes definetly, she does also do the sweet innocent face when she has done something wrong.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit/Lie down and roll over kinda/drop

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

definetly on the belly, behind the ears

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

yeah she does, when we walk yes she does abit when she smells something new, re running she abit young at the minute


5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

yes she plays fetch but prefers plastic bottles to her toys

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

howling at 6am lol/eating my mail if post man comes and she beats me too it

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

walking with our 2 other dogs, running with me gradually,

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

toy she has a husky teddy she likes chewing and tearing to pieces, place she likes cuddling my partner on the sofa

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

i bought some headphones from amazon, i had her on the sofa next to me after been on nights i was shattered. Our postman delivered my amazon headphones and she shredded them to bits, jiffy envelope, plastic packet.

excaping her cage one day and eating and tearing to shreds one of my partners steiff bears, 150 pound didnt go down well.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

yes but am not 100percent sure we are letting her off the lead but only with our other 2 dogs, she comes back when they come back but am not convinced 100percent. She does not come straight back all the time.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

licks my face,hands,arm feet,legs etc

comes and jumps on sofa and cuddles me.

I have a lot more but I'm sure this list is already too long and I don't want people to be deterred by the midpoint if they get tired of answering questions. I will definitely post more later! :eek:)


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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Totally ignores us.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, down, off, paw, leave, drop. That's what he understand, whether he'll do it is another question.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Between his front legs.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Not always, he's learning to walk to heel.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

He'll either run and get it then bring it near us but not drop it or run past it and ignore it.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Whines and pulls to go and play with the rabbits.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Playing with us and his ball.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

He has a teddy that he's had since we got him.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

He hasn't been too bad.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

I don't know, we've never let him off.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Licks us, climbs on us, lets us cuddle him.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Casper turns his head away, and grumbles, not quite a growl, but definitly a huff

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, but only when there is a treat involved - we are working on other stuff

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

around his neck

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

YES!!! And even more when there is anything moving in his eyesight, even tractors he pulls to these!

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Sometimes, but he gets bored easily and prefers me to run after him

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Currently is producing high volumes of ecoli. It's under control at the moment

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Not yet - other than having absolutly no recall

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

We run together - or he loves the beach

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

No, but while he waits to be picked up by my dad he likes to sit on the window sill from when I leave, till he arrives

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

So far, chewed the beading in my dads house, luckily nothing yet in mine

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Nope, not even half a chance!

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

He lies with us until we are asleep then goes downstairs to his own bed

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Alf rarely disobeys but if hes playing with other dogs or gets on the scent of a squirrel or rabbit he will turn a deaf ear

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

sit, stay, laydown,come, paw,turn around(360), rollover, speak(i love you)

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

on his chest and under arm

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

i run with Alf alot and for the first half mile he tends to pull a bit but soon settles into it which is handy because the first mile is always worst. lol

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

he does but soon gets bored with it.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

he suffers a little from seperation anxiety and will jump and howl if left alone for to long which is a bit upsetting for us however we now leave on the radio when we go out without him and it seems to sooth him. he tends to like classical. lol!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

he loves running with us and enjoys socialising with other dogs in many different parks we visit.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

he has a few toys but nothing he particually latches onto other than us.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

ate our kitchen chairs. grrrr

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Alf is extremely good off the lead and always has been. we have met people in the past who are amazed by his obediance

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Alf often comes and rests his head on your lap in the evening and likes to sit on you. he also tells me he loves me, literally. lolol


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a few questions to understand what type of personality your husky has. I am always enamored by the different personalities that huskies can have and would like to compare your husky's personality with Smokey's. Unfortunately I can't meet all of them so show me yours!

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Mischov drops and belly-crawls to me, puts his head on my foot, and does the slow eye-roll up to me" ...sorry Mommy..!"

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Down, move, come, no begging, load up, stay(sometimes), beach, wanna go for ice cream..

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Belly and snout.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

The only time he doesn't pull is if I'm not feeling well. He's very careful when I'm sick, but makes up for it when he can!!!

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Never brings it back, just chases and kills it then wants something else!

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

He's very jealous! He will actually herd people away from me, and has a howling memees fit if he sees someone kiss me!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Chasing seagulls and herons. He doesn't understand why he can't fly too!

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

I am his person, comfort zone, and favorite chewtoy.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

I took him out to the woods to let him run, and was waiting by my Blazer for him to finish when ho booked for the river. Not wanting a wet dog I took off after him, leaving my car doors open. I reached the river only to discover he had doubled back and was sitting on my leather drivers seat ripping off my lunch!

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

I try to keep him on-leash around other dogs just because his manners are poor but generally have no problem letting him run in a safe place. If I hide from him he comes running back crying like a little sissy!

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)He follows me everywhere, stares at me adoringly for hours, sings to me,

knows I'm getting sick before I do, and his face lights up when I talk to him!:heartbeat::yahoo::heartbeat:

I have a lot more but I'm sure this list is already too long and I don't want people to be deterred by the midpoint if they get tired of answering questions. I will definitely post more later! :eek:)

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