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I would like to get to know your husky


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Just a few questions to understand what type of personality your husky has. I am always enamored by the different personalities that huskies can have and would like to compare your husky's personality with Smokey's. Unfortunately I can't meet all of them so show me yours!

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Hmmm Raya sometimes doesn't maintain eye contact, makes huffing sounds or walks away. Rude young lady!! Especially when she knows exactly what I mean!

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Raya knows 'Leave', 'Off', 'Stay', 'Paw', 'Other paw', 'Sit', 'Wait', 'No'. 'Time for bed' 'Walkies', 'come here'....she knew nothing when I first got her. :)

She knows 'bad dog' but doesn't tend to hear it.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Inside leg!!!

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

90% of the time, yes. She is better after being out on a walk for 20-30mins though.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Not exactly. If I throw her ball, she rushes after it, picks it up and then I say 'come here' and she lets me take it from her mouth. She's good with things like that.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

No thankfully!

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Her dog aggression is annoying because she's such a nice girl but has an issue there...

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

A good run/jog.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Her favourite places to lie are on the bed and on the sofa - she likes to sit with us and know where we are. She doesn't have a favourite person (sadly!) ;)

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Worst thing is grab another small dog by the neck and hang onto it. No blood was drawn and it was dominance but it was horrifying to see.

Naughtiest is escaping out of the back door and thinking it was a game by running off....she also LOVES to sniff in my handbag and pull out things to play with, ensuring I see her do it, so I chase after her and she drops it. Attention seeker!

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

I would say no. She's a free spirit!!

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

As strange as it sounds she has a 'look' in her eye. We get lots of Raya kisses. She loves her cuddles and when she wags her tail with a 'happy' face on. That's fab. When she comes over and rolls on you to get a fuss. That's nice.


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the main habit Sanka has is I cann't have my breakfast to myself, whether its jam on toast or cereal, he has to have half of it. Not sure if this comes under love, annoyance or just bad ownership, whatever it comes under it allways brings a smile to the start of my day :)

He wants it because it's YOURS! Mischkov does the same thing. I took him for ice cream yesterday and was holding his dish in one hand and my cone in the other, I looked away for one moment and he grabbed mine! Good way to give him veggies though!!:shrug:

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Meeka will drop her head down and sit by her water dish... haha such a weirdo :)

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Meeka knows- Come, sit, left paw, right paw, lay down, leave it, kisses

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Inside leg :)

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

When we walk- she's wonderful- If I start to run and get ahead of her she cries and will lay down

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Actually yes! She plays fetch really really well, but will only do it once or twice and then she tries to bury her toy/ball

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

No thankfully!

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?


8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Playing with her best friend Stanley the bulldog

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

On the couch- She can't sleep if one of us moves- she has to see what we are doing, same if the cats move...

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Shes only 3 months so im sure she has lots of naughty things to come- as of right now she sits on the top of the couch with the cats

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

We have 2 acres- and shes on a 40 yard lead but its not attached to anything- she hasn't wondered off yet- but again, she's still a baby

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Her ears go straight back and she does this thing where she shoves her head in your arms or in between your legs and of course kisses kisses

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1. When she doesn't listen she usually turns a deaf ear. Sometimes she just lays her head down, as if she is too sleepy to respond.

2. She knows: Lay Down, Sit, Come, Paw, Touch (The tip of my finger/Pen with her nose), Through Legs (Walks through legs), Crate, Leave it.

3. Her favourite place to be scratched is right behind her front legs near her belly.

4. She was horrible on a leash when we first got her. She would both pull and serve, right under your feet, and often got stepped on. We tried multiple techniques to correct her. Once by turning the opposite way she was pulling. It was very effective for me, but not for my boyfriend, when he was working with her the attention was on me, and when I left to let them train one-on-one she threw a tantrum (pretty well panicked because I was gone). Also going in the opposite direction wasn't ideal for regular walks. I couldn't just reverse directions all the time, so it was very ineffective. So we tried to use a choke collar and this helped a lot for my boyfriend, it stopped her from suddenly bolting, AND serving under our feet. But I thought that the problem with this method was I wanted her to be alert to our movements and not behaving only because she is being hurt when she is wrong. So I tried body blocking. Where she walks in the middle of me and my boyfriend for walks. It was highly effective. I think it was a mixture of the three techniques that really helped her understand. And when she is not on the choker and I am alone I try using a quick tug to let her know she's pulling, and she walks on a loose leash. She is so wonderful now I can't believe we made such progress. There are some days she's more interested in going off the sidewalk and I notice it's the days where it's rainy and everything is more fragrant (she loves to sniff the same areas she walks by without a care for, when it's rainy). So I'm prepared to deal with her nonsense when it's wet outside.

5. Yes. She fetches and brings the item back. But this doesn't mean she won't put up a fight to keep it. I usually throw another item for her to fetch, or bargain with her for another item she likes more only when she drops the item. I don't think she fully understands this game yet. I just have to be patient with her.

6. She doesn't really have any major health issues. But she does suffer from worms, which we've had difficulties trying to get rid of. And she has an abnormal dew claw on her back leg. But besides that she's fine.

7. She has separation anxiety. When she was left alone in her crate, just so I could take a shower she would whine, howl, scratch, and deliver some of the strangest sounds I never knew a dog could make. I found it terribly annoying. I couldn't enjoy a movie with my boyfriend because she was literally crying as soon as I would shut the door. She's made some improvement in this area though. I grabbed a stopwatch and recorded how long it took to make her cry when I left her alone in her crate. The longest was 1 minute and the shortest was 10 seconds. So I gave her some of her favourite treats for being able to be quiet for 30 seconds. And when she cried I sprayed her with water and said "quiet". We did this over and over. And she got better, slowly. I increased the criteria for the amount of time she needed to be quiet to get a treat. The longest she made it to is 10 minutes. But now it seems like her attention span stops there. She's crying after 10 minutes.

8. Running. She's still young and I expect she'll love to swim and enjoy other methods of exercise, but I think that running will always be a favourite.

9. She enjoys her crate, during most parts of the day. And she loves me and my boyfriend. I live with roommates but she loyally sticks by us, following us when we leave the room, at our feet in the kitchen, falling asleep at our feet while I do the dishes, or while we watch a movie.

10. Once she ate cat poop. It was disgusting. She lost her puppy breath that day.

11. I wouldn't trust her off leash yet. But I think she has potential. She has wonderful recall. And I have taken her outside several times without a leash, although we don't have a fenced in backyard. She comes when called, even when playing with another dog. And I know what draws her attention (birds, moving leaves, other dogs, people running). I think that if I can get he to ignore these tempting distractions she would be good off leash. She's never attracted to the road, which would be my number 1 worry.

12. I think so. I live with 2 other roommates, beside my boyfriend and my dog is very loyal to us. She cries when she sees me leave. I try to be sneaky and leave without her notice but she always catches me. And when I walk away from her when someone else is holding her on the leash she goes nuts. Lunges, pulls, barks, whines, screams like a banshee. And in the morning she loves to sleep beside me. And when we leave her with sitters she always welcomes us in such a loving way.

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1. Turns a deaf ear

2. She's only 14 weeks, she understands sit, come, crate and no (when she wants to), starting to learn down

3. Belly

4. She is in training at the moment, she does pull but when I walk her i keep the leash short so she is always beside me, she doesnt pull very hard when i have it that way unless she sees another dog or person.

5. yes, especially her rubber chicken

6. none

7. the cheweing on anything she can find (im hoping its just the teething) and the digging outside trying to dig under the fence to get out, i hate when she whines, i think she may have some separation anxiety

8. playing with other dogs, and going for walks

9. probably her rubber chicken

10. dug in the mud till she was no longer white/chewed the foam out of the table chair

11. I dont think so, but i have never tried....i have had her on a 30 foot leash and she doesnt go far enough to make it tight, she likes to stay near us

12. Not too sure yet,but her ears go back and she gives me this cute little face and shes just so excited to see me (sometimes she tinkles lol)

Here is a picture of her post-7709-13586039855314_thumb.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Maverick (Alpha male)- Talks back of course and stands his ground.

Koda- male- Rarely disobeys, he hides when he does something wrong

Starbucks-male-Talks back, then runs away.

Delilah- female- Comes to you with her head down.

2. Maverick- sit, lay down, paw, inside now! :)

Koda- sit, lay, drop it, inside now!

Starbucks- sit, lay, give paw, get your ball, inside now

Delilah- sit, stay, lay, give paw, come back (only offleash dog), inside now

3. Maverick- strangers-dont touch me, husky mom- behind the ears

Koda- Big love bug, scratch him anywhere and get kisses

Starbucks- you can scratch me if you catch me

Delilah- Cuddle bug as well, scratch her anywhere

4. All my huskies pull for the first 5 mins of excitement. Then they calm down and walk nicely unless they spot a squirrel or cat.

5. Maverick- I will run after the ball like I know what I'm doing, look at it, then walk away.

Koda- Yes, I will fetch a ball if I feel like it and bring it back.

Starbucks- Plays fetch with a ball until his legs fall off.

Delilah- Will play fetch and bring it back if she beats her brother Starbucks to the ball.

6. Koda has skin allergies. The rest are healthy.

7. Maverick- Challenges every dog at the dog park no matter how big.

Koda- Jumps on you from behind when you least expect it.

Starbucks- Likes to take my couch cushions off the couch.

Delilah- Whines loudly when shes doesn't get her way.

8. All dogs love the dog park, hiking, the beach, camping.

9. Maverick- his kennel with his blankets

Koda- Loves to cuddle with anyone

Starbucks- his favorite thing is his tennis ball

Delilah- loves to be cuddled on the couch

10. Maverick- he chews too much stuff to count, threw the television cable three times!

Koda- He peed on my vaccuum once. I dont know what that was all about.

Starbucks- Bit Maverick's ear sending him to the vet with 12 stitches.

Delilah- Eats things out of the cat box, so gross!!

11. Delilah is the only one trusted off-leash.

12. Maverick always vocalizes until he is able to give you a kiss.

Koda leans on you for attention, sometimes play biting your hand.

Starbucks stares at you until you invite him on the couch.

Delilah is a cuddlebug.

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I'm gonna do a little one of these for Freya - I know I've only had her today and don't really 'know' her yet, but I'm going to do this again after I've had her a few months and see how my answers change :)

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

She doesn't really know much at the moment, but she does seem to have her 'deaf' moments when it seems like she should know what you're asking but completely blanks you. She's definitely a LOT less responsive to my voice than Kiska.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit and paw... =/ I'm working on 'down' with her but I'm a bit more interested in teaching her some manners!

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Anywhere but her head, she'd a bit head shy but loved a cuddle :)

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

I've only taken her out once, but yes! She was bunny hopping and everything. The size of the lead she came with didn't help - it's about 15 inches long! But she either chooses not to or can't pull that hard. Nothing compared the the male lab I walk anyway! :P

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

I haven't tried but I doubt it - she 'guards' toys though so I doubt she would. By 'guards' I don't mean aggressive, she just obviously doesn't want to give up the item she's got.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Not that I know of, but I doubt it with her only being 5 months old.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Not yet! It's all a novelty and she's getting better and better by the hour anyway :D

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Don't know yet but she didn't know how to deal with the long line today! =S

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Not exactly, but she's attached herself very quickly to me, so for example today when she was meeting Mindy (my house mate's dog) for the first time and she scared her, Freya ran straight for me instead of any of my friends that were with me and hid between my legs, so I'm guessing I'll be her comfort blanket.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

So far she's not really done anything! She had a funny 5 minutes where she was laying on her side and trying to dig at the carpet which would be the 'strangest' thing so far :P

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash?

No! Absolutely not! Never! She's 5 months old right now, technically this is the period in her life where she should be most reliable....and she's AWFUL! Not even a slight inclination to return. She's never coming off the lead.

12. How does your husky show you that she loves you?

She doesn't, yet ;)

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Orion - Pretends he can't hear me

Isis - Flops over on her back usually, runs away sometimes

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Orion - sit, stay, come, heel, lay down, give paw, high five, high ten, fetch, crawl, hup (jump on or over something), and "be cute" (sit up on back legs and waves paws in the air)

Blue: sit, and "do you have fleas?" (scratches her ear when I say that)

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Orion - Belly

Isis - Belly

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Orion - No, never

Isis - No, never

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Orion - Yes

Isis - Not yet

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Orion - No

Isis - Had one seizure at a couple months old, but has had no more since

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Orion - Claws at the screen when he wants inside

Isis - Nothing yet lol

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Orion - hiking

Isis - hiking and playing with the other dogs

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Orion - Not that I have noticed

Isis - Not that I have noticed

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Orion - Figured out how to jump the fence... had to make it higher

Isis - Nothing yet

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Orion - Yes, on our property. We have 6 acres and go hiking on that and the property behind us. He always comes back when called.

Isis - Trust her 100 percent on our property

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you?

Orion - Crawls in my lap

Isis - She's a licker and loves to cuddle

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

He just goes completely deaf and flat out pretends I'm not even there!

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Outside, go business (potty), sit, down, paw, hi-5, hike on/start moving

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?


4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

He's only a pup so still learning... He pulls when excited but is learning well. He tends to go most nuts when there is no set 'path' i.e. open space, or in areas of dense vegetation.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Yes but he doesn't give it up too readily.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

His Jekyll/Hyde personality. One day he can walk really well, heel, be polite to strangers, be really settled, have no toilet accidents... The next day he can just have an outright 'bad' day. The routine is identical I think it's just the husky way!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

He's only a pup so I'm not doing too much at the moment... So at the moment walking.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

His crate. He also had a teddy we got him from day one which was almost like a babies blanket for him. Unfortunately he's now destroyed it!

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Barked angrily at his own poop! He was very upset with it! haha.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

No, not a chance... I don't trust any dog 100% off lead - even a sheep dog. It's all about reduction of risk though - 1% with a sheep dog, 99% with a husky!

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

When I return home after popping out or see him in the morning when I come downstairs... He greats me like every minute I was away he was missing me... (although I suspect he's softening me up as he wants his breakfast!).

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  • 1 month later...

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Kyra will talk back to me but when she gets fussed on by her daddy for not listening she runs from him and comes to me haha

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Right now Kyra knows sit, stay, lay down, roll over, shake, high five, and jumping through hoops. After I take her out to potty the first thing she does when we get back inside she will look at me and sit then give me a high five for a treat. High five for a job well done with going potty outside ;)

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Kyra loves her belly being scratched but even more her chest.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

She does so good on the leash when we are walking. But if she likes the destination (ie PetSmart, Dog park) she pulls me haha

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

She will and she does it all the time at home. But if we go to the park she will just run after it and touch her nose to it and leave it for me to go get. haha

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Not that we know of.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Her crate is right beside the bed (and on my side of course) and in middle of the night if we actually have the crate door shut and she wants out she will bark. Not just her normal bark. She makes it a very high pitched bark right in my ear.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Kyra loves the dog park. She wants to run and play with the other dogs for hours! We have been there for 4 hours one evening because she just wanted to keep running with them. That and she loves swimming.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Kyra likes to sit or lay down on top of our vents and let the cold air blow on her. She follows me around everywhere I go when we are at home. She is a momma's girl for sure!

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Nothing outrageous (YET) but when she graduated to her large crate she pulled a Houdini and when I got home from work I found her upstairs running around and the crate was downstairs in the living room with the gate still shut and locked. Took me forever to figure out how in the world she managed to get out!

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Her daddy thinks so but since I worry all the time I will say no. It bothers me soooo much when she is running loose. So many things can happen!

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

If it's bed time Kyra will crawl up on your chest and put her paws on your shoulders and just lick you all over your face. Her ears are laying back so cute and her tail is just all over the place. She is a very happy puppy and she loves her mommy and daddy.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

He will blatantly blow me off and avoid eye contact. Depending on how upset he is he may talk back and whine at me. Also, if he has something he knows he shouldn't he'll keep running away and make a game out of it.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Ziggy knows sit, come, stay, free (release from stay), down, up, bring it, get it, leave it, take it, roll over, shake, other paw, high five, kisses, look, go potty, off, and we're working on spin (going in a circle)

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

He loves his legs and belly scratched and the top of his head, between his ears.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Usually he will pull when we first leave the house, but then he calms down. He is almost always walking ahead of me though; I can't get him to heel for the life of me. We have an easy walk harness that has the martingale loop in the front that we really like. Its reduced his pulling significantly.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Yep! Only at home though. He doesn't really play fetch at the dog park (not sure why).

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Not as of yet; hopefully it stays that way :) He did have an un-descended testicle though, which wasn't too big of a problem as he got neutered.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

He guards his water bowl around other dogs; has some resource guarding over rawhide bones, which drives me CRAZY; insists on ripping the eyes off of every stuffed animal he can find haha! That one drives me crazy, but I can't help but laugh. He steals underwear and socks. I think I have holes in every single pair of socks and undies I own. Peeing in the house when he's mad at me is another massive annoyance. One time he peed on my shoes because I took too long to take him on his morning walk! I was so mad, but couldn't do anything except laugh because it was so ridiculous. I'm sure there's lots of other things he does too, but I think you have an idea of his lovely quirks :P

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

He loves playing tug, running around the house, walks, going to the dog park, playing fetch, and playing in his pool. Not sure which one is his absolute favorite though!

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Zig has all three. His comfort place is usually right behind me or under my feet. He uses his kennel for a comfort place as well. He chews his nylabones/bully sticks like crazy when he is anxious or upset; he doesn't like going to bed without some sort of stuffed animal or plush toy by him (he loves his I-Qube). I am by far his comfort person.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

He has an uncanny ability to pee INSIDE shoes. Its hilarious, but oh my goodness does it suck! He's peed in my friend's shoes before too haha! I suppose the peeing on my shoes for taking too long to go on a walk is perfect for this question too.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

I will never leave Ziggy off-leash unattended because you just never know what could happen. That being said, when we go over to a friend's house who have 3 or 4 acres of land I do let Ziggy run free. I leave his leash on him so that if I can't catch up to him I can at least step on his leash to stop him and I never take my eye off of him. He stays generally close to me, but he is a wanderer and wants to explore everything he possibly can. I try to stay within 10-20 feet of him at all times so that I can grab him if needed. I'm currently working on a solid recall with him too.

A few weeks ago his tie-out actually unclipped itself from the aerial lead (we think it got caught on something) and Ziggy came around the house with his lead dragging behind him, not even realizing that he wasn't connected anymore. Needless to say, I think I almost had a heart attack!!! So now we have the leads pinned together with a metal cable fastener (not sure what its called exactly) and I check on him constantly. Your typical clip on a dog lead is NOT dependable. I've been putting carabiners on everything because I never want to experience anything like that again. Back to the original question, I *think* I could probably trust Ziggy off leash in our yard, but will never risk it because its just not worth the possibility of something bad happening.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Ziggy insists on always being near me (in the same room) and he HAS to see me or else he gets upset (if I do leave his view, when I come back he acts as if I left him forever and ever I get lots of kisses); he greets me at the door when I come home with his ears back and he cries, jumps all over me, and kisses me to death; he comes to me when he's upset or scared; if I haven't paid much attention to him lately he will come on the couch and curl up in my lap to where I can't do anything except cuddle him :D He always acts super annoyed when I go lay down next to him to cuddle or pet him, but I think its just a teenager thing ;)

Edited by Jenn&Ziggy
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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

steals things he's not supposed to and hides under my bed. (like tweezers, underwear, bottle caps...)

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

he's still very young but he can sit. stay. paw.(shake) and he plays fetch.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

his front right between his legs. weird place to describe.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

not yet ;)

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

yep. he plays for awhile.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

BARKS constantly. i thought huskies didn't bark but talked. drives me crazy.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

sprinting in laps around the yard.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Me. when the oh disciplines him he runs to me for protection. ;)

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Chewed the corner off of my NICE dresser :(

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Luka can never be trusted off leash unless he is in an enclosed area with me watching

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

yes. he gives me kisses and cuddles with me every night. he also gets so happy when i come home everyday.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Cally will majorly talk back to me! She just starts barking and wooing at me

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Cally knows sit, paw, other paw, lay down, up (on couch,bed,car etc),up(from a lay down position) roll over, fetch, speak and we are working on sing.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

She loves to be scratched on her tummy and behind her ears!

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.y

She didn't for a long time and only recently started so we started her with a harness instead of regular collar when walking

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Yess :)

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you

She will pick the most annoying ball (squeaky) and continue squeaking it even though there is like 5 other non squeaky ones laying around

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise

Off leash at the dog park!

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc

I would say her comfort toy is her pug or monkey and her comfort person is definitely me

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done

Hmm.... this sucks but she did roll in cat poo last week and it was all over her face and all over the carpet :/

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Yes, I have let my husky off leash at the dog park, schools with big fields and also at the cottage. I pay very close attention to her though

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing

Cally rarely ever cuddles but when I walk in the door even if it's only been 5 minutes she greets me with kisses and telling me off for how long I've been gone. She also is always following me around the house, and cries when she's too far away from me

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Panda usually walks away and pretends he doesn't hear you, occasional talking back depending on who.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, stay, down, paw, sit pretty, play dead, speak, cross( goes under and through my legs back and forth), up, rollover, touch.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

on the side of his head.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Pulls in the beginning of walks when he's excited, mid way he slows down is ahead but not tension on lead. Eventually he will relax and walk at heel, unless he see's something of interest (small animals)

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Rarely! Depending on his mood and where, most of the time he will run to it touch it and just leave it.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

When he has his sudden bursts of energy and does circles on walks, or when he pulls like crazy to try and get to something.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Dog Park.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

comfort place, where ever i am or his sofa if he's in the living room

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Peeing while walking zig zagging in circles.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

At the dog park he sticks close to me and recall is decent (comes 8/10 times), anywhere i don't think id trust him.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Whenever he see's me he sits up and looks at me until i go greet him, which he then lays on his sides and plays with me with his paws.

Tries to give me kiss's but i don't like getting slobbered in the face.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Cj will ignore us and put her head down and pout.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Easy, Lets Go, Sit, Shake, High Five, other one, Wait, Stop, Up, All the way down, Bed, Sit Pretty, Army crawl, check 'em/ Find 'em (gopher holes/critters)

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Her Belly

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Not really....and It depends on how strict dad wants to be.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

No...but she does actually like a ball now!

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

None that we know of.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Nah....but it would be nice if she cleaned up her own fur every once in awhile! :D

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Walks / Runs /Off leash dog Park

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

She loves her Mommy (Dad can be home when mom leaves and she still cries cuz mom's leaving)

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Broke out of the backyard / chewed up the couch and blinds / tried to chew her way out of her Aluminum Crate!

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Not sure.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

She tries to find dad, tail wags, rolls over for a belly rub, I even get an occasional whine

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

She talks back and turns a deaf ear and picks up a toy to play with.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sky knows sit, stay, lay down, we are working on speak

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Under the chin / ears

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

walking no running / bikeing yes

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

hmmm sometimes

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?


7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

wakes me up at 6am every day on the dot

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?


9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Skye loves her teddy she can not sleep without it she will lay on her bed mussel up to it

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

She eat my wireless internet dongle Bad girl

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

i would love to think so but most advice i get is off leash should be in a enclosed space

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

She will rest her head on my lap and when i stroke her she will lick my hand.

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  • 1 month later...

Let's see.

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Tashi talks back when I tell him not to bark out the car window or grab him--the usual "woo, woo, I don' wanna!"; Kochyak gets all cute and demure, rolls over, profers tummy and wags.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

The usual; come (when they feel like it), sit, wait (for a few seconds anyway). They don't do tricks--they're funny enough on their own!--but understand words like "dinner" (especially Tashi!), "do you want...", "dog park", "beach" and a few others. If we use those words in a sentence not directed at them, they're right there with pricked ears and a bright eye! They both know to sit and wait for me to put their food in front of them, and won't touch it until I say "okay", but they do it without "command". Tashi knows "off" to get him off the bed--Kochak knows it too, but considers it a game.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Tashi, his butt; Kochak, her tummy. Tashi doesn't like to be touched on top of his head (which everyone instinctively does, of course) but likes his ruff and chest scritched.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Yes, yes, yes! Tashi is the worst, but he's also, tho' handsome, dumb as a fence post. And I don't mean "husky dumb", I mean actually DUMB. Kochak grasped heel very quick and only pulls if she's walking with me and Tashi...when Jim takes her, she's a peach.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

GASP--a husky FETCH!?! Omigawd, how embarrassing! ;o) Actually, in the house Kochak will madly fetch toys; Tashi runs to the toy and stands over it, but doesn't fetch. Lately at dog parks he's pissing me off by going after other dogs' balls...he doesn't know what to DO with them, but he chases them then stands over them or grabs them. Embarrassing...

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Nope. Tashi's been a bit itchy, but vets, etc., said get him off food with chicken in it, so I have.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Are you friggin' KIDDING me?!? They're HUSKIES...the list is far too long. Worst is probably counter surfing...no, worst is not coming when called, AFTER that is counter surfing. When I try to make the beds, Kochak wants to be on top of the bed, and when told "off!" thinks it's a game.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Running! When they can, of course, and we don't let them except in a few places. The beach is the best thing since sliced bread, in their opinion. Unfortunately, one of the best dog parks we go to has become "hunting territory" (loaded with gophers, etc.) so they don't get much out of the danged dog park, won't play with other dogs, etc., just want to go from hole to hole and play Great White Hunters.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Hah! Ours are spoiled rotten...nobody uses the couch, so they "own" it now; dog cushion on floor in front of big front window, another next to the heat vent, then of course my husband's bed and my bed outside, as well as the three old mattresses we piled in the back of the yard...that's their favorite "wrestling ring".

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Let me count the ways... Maybe my husband's iPod earplugs; they seem to really love them and tho' he tries to keep them out of reach, he's been through four pairs. As for strange; Tashi walks around with his favorite toy in his mouth and CRIES--we've never figured out why.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

Yes in some places, safe places far from roads. The longest I've had to wait for them to return is an hour and a half... But they always come back, they know the areas we take them to really well and don't stray away from those...so far...even when chasing deer, they come back when they get pooped.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Two different "types", are mine--and that's not unusual. Tashi is aloof from people mostly, friendly but aloof, and he gives kisses sometimes. Kochak gives lots of kisses and "butts" us with her nose--but that's usually asking for something or complaining about something I'm doing. Both of them burrow their heads in us when on the bed, which is terribly endearing and I wonder if others do the same. Lots of tail wagging and noise making when Jim or I come home, and they want to be all over us, so Jim has to get to his bed quickly when he gets home from work to be properly greeted. Tashi "washes" Jim's beard regularly (especially when he comes home), which might be pack behavior, since that's the only "fur" on either of us. Both of them will sit/lay on TOP of us, but I think that's more dominance than love...maybe a mix 'cuz Kochak knows it makes us laugh and wags happily when we do.

Fun questions!

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

All of the above...

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Hike, On-by, Gee, Haw, Sit, Lay, Wait, Okay, Up, Off, Sing, Potty, Let's Go!, Heel, (Whistle) "pay attention to me"

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?


4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Trained to pull in harness (she used to at least, we don't expect a lot out of a 13 yo), heels on flat collar.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?


6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Nope! Just passed her CERF exam!!!

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

When she thinks she is being ignored, she grabs her metal dish and drops it continuously on a concrete block.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

When she was younger she liked pulling little kids around the neighborhood in a modified red wagon together with her friend Belle the Akita.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Under our feet.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Was acting like a hussy against the fence line when a neighbors dog was loose. (one of those "surprise! I'm in heat!" from before we were well educated in sib quirks)

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash?

NO, with the exception of when she isn't feeling well.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you?

She is a kisser, but she also will follow me everywhere, even outside off-leash, when she is sick.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm answering about Laika. :D Chester is still in training, so I'll speak about him later :P

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it?

Well, turns deaf ear..

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, stay, down, roll over, bow, bark, wait, jump, come up, under, slalom, up, spin, give paw, come here, all mushing commands ( gee/haw, hike, whoa, easy, come over, on-by,go home) heel, out.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

On her chest. :D

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead?

Laika walks in my rithm, by my side, and when bikejoring/skijoring, always in front, she's the lead dog .

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Not always.. only when she wants.

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Nope! Perfectly healthy.

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Screaming very loud, when ignored.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?


9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Near my bed.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Jupmed over a high fence to kill a cat...totally unexpected behaviour from Laika.

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash?


12. How does your husky show you that he loves you?

Follows me everywhere.

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I don't think I've posted in this yet, but if I have let me know cause I can't remember xD

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it?

Yuki argues with me. She will sit and howl until I stop scolding her.

What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, down, crawl, beg, shake (both paws), bow, speak, sing, quiet, wait, go ahead, leave it.

Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Behind her ears

Does your husky always pull the leash/lead?

Only if there is something interesting ahead.

Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Definitely not. She chases anything I throw but then hogs it like a hoarder.

Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

None that I know of.

Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Yes, when she chews on Cloud's legs as if they're chicken legs, he's not a chew toy!

What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

The dog park, so she can bully all the smaller dogs.

Does your husky have a comfort palce, or toy, or person?

Her place would be her crate, her person would be me.

What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Chewed my laptop cord and restricted my internet access for a week.

In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash?


How does your husky show you that she loves you?

She likes to jump up and cling to my waist with her front paws and also give me kisses on my chin.

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  • 1 month later...

1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

He talks back, ignores me, and looks at the ground.

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, Stay, Come, Shake (both paws), lay down, speak, catch.

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

All over!!! I love to scratch behind his ears because it's so soft there...I also love pushing my face into his neck. So comforting.

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Not always. Sometimes it is taught, but he never really pulls. Haven't tried running with him yet.

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?


6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Nope :)

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Not that I can think of. He used to shred blankets.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

We have wood floors in our house, and rugs at certain places. He will run, and jump from one rug to the other... or we always go for a walk in the morning.

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

He likes his crate, that's usually where he is if I can't find him. He also likes to lay in the doorways to rooms. When my husband is home, he lays at his feet and also follows him around the kitchen when he cooks. His new thing lately is taking his big bone we got him and carrying it around the house. He doesn't chew on it...just carries it around.

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Ate our unity candle from our wedding.... :(

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

We let him off the leash at my parents house because he plays with their lab, Penny. Penny has the underground fence collar on and doesn't leave the yard. Diesel follows her and won't go where she won't go. Of course, he is always closely watched and never let out there without supervision.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

He sets his head on my lap, leans into me, talks to me, and lets me nuzzle my face into his neck.

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

Nush: Runs away, sometimes talks back,

Koda: Talks back

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Nush: Paw

Koda: Ha, her attention span is too short, she does High 5 actually

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?

Nush: Neck

Koda: Belly

4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

Nush: Only when she sees something furry

Koda: Always

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Nush: Yes, but doesnt bring back

Koda: Will chase only

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Nush: None, touch wood

Koda: None, touch wood

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Koda's attention span and pulling on the lead.

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

Both: Run, wrestle, run, fight, run

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Nush: Miss Independent likes her cage/bed

Koda: Suckles her toys and makes cute little noises

I am both of their comfort person

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

Nush: Opens the stair gate and lets herself upstairs (dogs dont go upstairs) but she shuts gate behind her so others cant follow

Koda: Eats everything and anything

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

We have never taken them off lead, unless enclosed space. We never will.

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

Both are very affection. Kisses and cuddles. Nush on her own terms. Koda is a serious sofa deweler,

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

talks back!! sometimes runs (or skips) away :)

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, stay, down, come'here, speak & paw

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?


4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

YES, it used to be a sit down & not go anywhere theme, now he loves it so just keeps trying to bolt ahead, he's a work in progress :)

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

Nope, that one's a dead in the water trick, maybe he'll do it if he feels like it but it doesn't really seem to interest him at the moment

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

Nope! *touch wood!

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Not really, he did used to have a real problem with meeting other dogs & nipping their faces which he still does every once in a while & they don't find it very social, that can be a pain but with socialisation he's alot better than he used to be. Aside from that he managed to find his first pair of my shoes yesterday (despite them all normally being kept hidden out of reach, my poor flip-flops were left on the ground), he wasn't exactly in the good books then!!

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?

runs at the park with his dad

9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

he's quite confident most of the time so not really, his favourite sleeping position though is up against the wall, belly up, paws on the paint, messy but cute

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

the weirdest thing he does do actually, is be a drama queen! if he whacks his tail & it hurts him a tiny bit (no damage, we check) or if a friend jumps out from behind a wall while he's playing & shock him, he'll howl & howl & howl to us & ask for a cuddle! I thought dogs were meant to hide their pain or fright lol, we try not to really encourage this though

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)


12. How does your husky show you that he loves you? (This one is important to me because I can't tell if Smokey shows me affection without me knowing)

he's pretty vocal, whenever we come home he'll 'talk' non-stop, put his ears close to his head, almost 'grin' & come for a cuddle where he places is nose as far into your lap, or sit as close as he can without jumping onto you (which he still does sometimes) as possible, he just about purrs, it's pretty lubly <3

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1. When your husky disobeys you, how does he do it? i.e. talks back, runs away, turns a deaf ear, won't look you in the eye etc.

He just stands there and stares at me, waiting for me to tell him again lol

2. What commands/tricks does your husky understand?

Sit, wait, down, kiss, speak, paw (Left, Right & Both), spin, gently, jump & High 5

3. Where is your husky's favorite place to be scratched?


4. Does your husky always pull the leash/lead? (when you walk, run, bike etc.)

No, when we walk he will pull for the first 5 minutes then he’s fine.

When we go to a meet however and there are other huskies/dogs, he pulls most of the time

5. Does your husky play fetch and bring back the item more than once if you throw it?

He will, not for long though lol

6. Does your husky have any major/minor health issues?

He has very sensitive ears and gets Exma

7. Is there anything that your husky does that totally drives you up a wall and annoys you?

Not really, every time we go out he throws his food out of the bowl and takes the empty bowl outside… We have gotten used to it lol

8. What is your husky's favorite way to get exercise?


9. Does your husky have a comfort place, or toy, or person etc?

Nothing, he’s a very content pup

10. What is the strangest/naughtiest/worst thing your husky has done?

The food bowl thing really… he’s generally a good dog

11. In a safe but limitless place, can your husky be trusted off leash? (Am asking because I've seen pictures of huskies off leash of leash on this)

No, it’s like I have lost my voice lol

12. How does your husky show you that he loves you?

Many little ways that are hard to explain, you can’t beat the greeting when you get home from work though

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