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prong vs. chain collars


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I started off Nira with a regular nylon buckle collar, which is what she wears just hanging around the house and the yard. However, she seems to be extremely skilled at

escaping from these collars even when snug and after several scary chases around the neighborhood, I switched to a chain collar for walks. When we started taking

basic obedience classes the trainer suggested switching to a prong/pinch collar. I found several sources online that cite research suggesting the prong collar causes less

neck trauma and is better than the chain. Of course we still use the harness for bike riding and a combination of a nylon slip collar and a harness when she goes out with

me and the horses.

She's very well behaved on walks and heels nicely with minimal corrections. My mother (who also walks her on occasion) feels that the prong collar is scary looking and harsh,

but I think its fine as long as its used correctly... I was wondering what other people use or how you guys feel about this collar?

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Bec will give u an excellent reply oin this but she wont b on till tonight i think

i use a canny collar and a harness with a lead connecting to the 2 on Blaze - he too slipped a normal collar so i switched to the half check then the harness then back to the half check for training him now im on the canny and harness combo i use an extendable and a harness on Skyla and an extendable and a collar on Bings aswell

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I have always used harnesses for mine, they have flat collars to wear for ID purposes but always walk on their harnesses. They pull a small amount but for huskies they are very good and I have put alot of effort into training them to walk "steady" essentially calmly and not yanking my arms out of socket!! LOL so have never really used anything else! :)

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Well I started using the chain because she can't slip out of that one like she can a nylon collar. I switched to the prong collar based

on a trainer's suggestion that it was safer for when she does need to be corrected. She is overall well-behaved on walks, but she

does have her moments and still needs correction time to time (Nira still isn't convinced that the little yippy dogs aren't chew toys).

Before buying the prong collar and I did some research online and came across a German study that found that as many as 48 out of

50 observed dogs had some sort of neck trauma due to the use of a chain collar and that only 2 out 50 who had worn a prong collar

showed the same trauma. In this case the scientists had attributed the difference to a more even application of pressure by the prong

collar when properly used.

I'm not sure if there are other studies that confirm these findings or even oppose them? When I first got her she was really bad about

pulling and I tried a head collar (similar to the canny collar but different brand) but for some reason despite trying multiple sizes the fit

was never right. I wanted a half-check collar but was unable to find one at my local pet stores and had temporarily banned myself from

online shopping. So anyways thats how we ended up with the prong collar.

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It seems I may have to break my no internet shopping rule for a half-check collar. I've tried every pet/animal store in the area and couldn't find one.

Thanks for the suggestions and comments :)

There are a couple of girls on here that make half-checks and semi-slips that are very good Huskamute Help is one of them, she made my dogs harnesses and their very good quality! And techiqually if your just buying it from a recomendation on a forum I wouldnt count that as internet shopping! ;)

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There are a couple of girls on here that make half-checks and semi-slips that are very good Huskamute Help is one of them, she made my dogs harnesses and their very good quality! And techiqually if your just buying it from a recomendation on a forum I wouldnt count that as internet shopping! ;)

I like the way you think... Wonder if the man will see it the same way?

I also failed to mention that Nira's prong collar has those little black rubber "comfort" tips on the prongs. She doesn't seem to mind it as she comes running

when she sees someone pick it up, but maybe she just loves walks/runs that much. I just think that she has improved to the point where it isn't necessary

to use that type of collar anymore.

edited cuz I cannot spell to save my life

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We use Haltis. . .all 3 have semi slips and we are gradually switching over from the haltis to the semi slips. At the same time on the semi slips they are getting one on one training to walk loose lead beside us using the turn and walk in the oposite direction method. When out on a proper walk with all 3 if they get into serious "draggy" mode. Next walk back on the haltis and more training.

Never considered prong collars

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Im tryin 2 go from Haltis 2 collars at the mo n its hard cos 4 the past 10 yrs Haltis have been all i know but prong collars r a no no 4 me.

On sat i went 2 a huge event in Cornwall wit thousands of people n i started on collars n spring leads, just me wit 3 big Huskies ........................ lets just say the 1st stand i got 2 was Fal Vally Farmers n 3 new Haltis were bought n i put them on short leads.

Just keep tryin lots of diff things its taken yrs 4 me 2 sort mine out n now im tryin new things, think im a glutton 4 punishment !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I walk my boys mainly on ezy dog harnesses and sometimes walk them on either a semi slip or half check - personally for me the half check ones work best :0 I'm not a big fan of the chains or the prong collars

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Im tryin 2 go from Haltis 2 collars at the mo n its hard cos 4 the past 10 yrs Haltis have been all i know but prong collars r a no no 4 me.

On sat i went 2 a huge event in Cornwall wit thousands of people n i started on collars n spring leads, just me wit 3 big Huskies ........................ lets just say the 1st stand i got 2 was Fal Vally Farmers n 3 new Haltis were bought n i put them on short leads.

Just keep tryin lots of diff things its taken yrs 4 me 2 sort mine out n now im tryin new things, think im a glutton 4 punishment !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I completely sympathise Emily.

We have 3 dogs and it only takes one of them to be trying to drag your ass in every direction to make you look like a complete dick.

So Haltis or any of the various heaadcollars give you enough control ALL the time.

If you only have one husky then you can devote your full attention to keeping it under control. But 3 in a crowd with other dogs and smells and interesting things to drag you to is damn near impossible.

Which is why we are doing the one on one reverse direction training (when we have time) to help curb these natural tendancies

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Well I only have the one husky and she's only about 40 pounds, but one we first got her Nira pulled like crazy. We tried the changing direction thing but it only

got her more excited so we started stopping and making her sit until she was calm everytime she pulled. It was annoying as heck at first having to stop every

other second and then waiting forever for her to calm down, but it really seems to have worked with her. Now she sits automatically every time we stop and

doesn't pull (most of the time, the odd rabbit or goose sets her off).

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What sort of things do you need to correct her for in the training class?

I would try a half check collar myself, but that is without having seen your dog. Nothing against prongs but I use martingales/slip collars myself and I've never needed anything more than that to give a correction. I prefer half checks and prongs to head collars myself, head collars are not suited to all dogs and I find from a training perspective prongs and half checks. are the more effective training tool.

Though for obedience I do most of my training off leash on a flat collar.

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Just wanted to let you know that I got a cloth martingale / slip collar for my husky for the same reason, so he couldn't pull out of it, and I found it at PetSmart. They have a big collection of collars of all sorts of colors, and you have to look carefully through everything they have, because the actual cloth martingale section is very very small, and they might not always have the right size in stock. If that's the case, ask them when they restock the store and you should be able to find one like that. I am quite pleased with mine, it does the job it was made for. Just wanted to add Petco probably has them too, if you have one close to you.

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For minor corrections, we really like our half-check (ours is half nylon, half chain). Dakota can't pull out of it, but the nylon part limits how small it can go, which makes me feel comfortable with it, because it can't choke him if he pulls or something.

I've heard good things about prong collars but haven't used one; I was scared off by the look of them.

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I use a prong collar on Pongo for walks and training. The reason for this is he is really hard to control on the EZYdog harness or normal collar. He doesn't listen worth beans without the prong, but again you have to know how to use it.

Since you live in the states there might be a Petsmart or Petco by you and they do have the collar you are looking for. Sometimes they are hard to spot since they look almost like normal nylon collars on the shelf. Here is a link http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3189023&lmdn=Dog+Collars,+Tags+%26amp;+Leashes

For biking and that I would NOT use a regular collar as the dog can choke and recommend the most loved harness on this forum EZYdog harness. We own one and it is awesome.http://www.ezydog.com/fxstore/product/542/Harness.aspx

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