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HAHA yeh ur hard!

BingBlaze n Skyla

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took dogs for a walk - blaze was looking scruffy so i decided 2 sit on front garden n give him a brush - just finished about 2 go in n these 2 girls start shoutin abuse at me i cudnt rly hear them except them shoutin that im a goth and tellin me 2 go slit ya wrists ya emo ill knock u out - erm no love im not a goth or an emo i dress how i want - then they sed summin bout blaze n then sed oh w8 nah theres two dogs there ent there - my reply - what those 2 standfin by the bushes yeh? :lol: well then they started shoutin more abuse - turns out its the girls who mum own the black lab and if blaze attacks it they r gonna get him put down - good luck love its UR dog off the lead mines on his lead and undercontrol - he wud just b defending himself its not his fault he will attack if an offlead dog runs at him - so then they walk off so i gather up blazes fur and go in sort blaze out (take his harness off ect) then go upstairs 2 chat 2 ma mum - windows are open - they come round the OTHER corner and start mouthin off - so i go out and walk over 2 them n shout over what did ya say - but they walk off (thought they were gonna knock me out??) then their mum comes round the corner n starts havin a go too and who shud join them but the offlead lab - she told me 2 stop havin a go at her daughter (and her m8/sister?) erm hold on a minute i was sittin on ma garden mindin my own business brushin my dog when they started shoutin abuse - so i merly gave abuse back :D - tell ur daughter 2 stop shoutin at me n i wont retaliate - 2 which she kept makin excuses n changin subject till my dad came out n sed the exact same thing i did n so she said she wud have words :blink: <-- sure i just sed that!?

was well funny after tho when she tried 2 get her dog and it kept running off away from her n not listening - she finally got a collar on it and she STILL cudnt hold it :lol:

rant over sorry - any1 who reads all that and replies gets TEN cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao

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That was funny. . . Chavs n brains. . . lol

Never the twain shall meet.

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lol nix u is a right old trouble maker all they wanted to do was have a civilized converstation with u and u had to start lmfao

i know i know lol

lol i know what ya gonna do - i just love a fight me - ive had a crap week tho i dont need hassle off slags

That was funny. . . Chavs n brains. . . lol

Never the twain shall meet.

lol indeed lol :P

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we get knob like that in our area, as soon as u step up to them they cack their pants and walk away.

i usually get shouted sat by teen's asking y im not on a lead...

i tie my dogs securely and walk over, usually saying 'me on a lead!!!, you need to be put down love'

or silly boys who say something along the lines of ' yo blud that dog is like nang!!! its a wolf ing do innit?'

um in english!!!!!!

'nah man what is it???'

usually by this time echo is 'talking to them' lol

i say 'the two big ones are angry and the little one is hungry so carry on'

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I'd take my dogs & let them toilet by their house every night, just inside their gate, see - you can't go in & clear it up as you'd be trespassing on their property, so you'd just HAVE to leave it! wink.gif

Some people just live to cause trouble ... you wanna record some of the cr*p they come out with, without them knowing, then when you have a few recordings & they're still on about having Blaze put down, blah, blah, blah, advise them you have many altercations on record if they'd like to take it further....

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took dogs for a walk - blaze was looking scruffy so i decided 2 sit on front garden n give him a brush - just finished about 2 go in n these 2 girls start shoutin abuse at me i cudnt rly hear them except them shoutin that im a goth and tellin me 2 go slit ya wrists ya emo ill knock u out - erm no love im not a goth or an emo i dress how i want - then they sed summin bout blaze n then sed oh w8 nah theres two dogs there ent there - my reply - what those 2 standfin by the bushes yeh? :lol: well then they started shoutin more abuse - turns out its the girls who mum own the black lab and if blaze attacks it they r gonna get him put down - good luck love its UR dog off the lead mines on his lead and undercontrol - he wud just b defending himself its not his fault he will attack if an offlead dog runs at him - so then they walk off so i gather up blazes fur and go in sort blaze out (take his harness off ect) then go upstairs 2 chat 2 ma mum - windows are open - they come round the OTHER corner and start mouthin off - so i go out and walk over 2 them n shout over what did ya say - but they walk off (thought they were gonna knock me out??) then their mum comes round the corner n starts havin a go too and who shud join them but the offlead lab - she told me 2 stop havin a go at her daughter (and her m8/sister?) erm hold on a minute i was sittin on ma garden mindin my own business brushin my dog when they started shoutin abuse - so i merly gave abuse back :D - tell ur daughter 2 stop shoutin at me n i wont retaliate - 2 which she kept makin excuses n changin subject till my dad came out n sed the exact same thing i did n so she said she wud have words :blink: <-- sure i just sed that!?

was well funny after tho when she tried 2 get her dog and it kept running off away from her n not listening - she finally got a collar on it and she STILL cudnt hold it :lol:

rant over sorry - any1 who reads all that and replies gets TEN cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao

sounds like a case for the husky mafia!! :D

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we get knob like that in our area, as soon as u step up to them they cack their pants and walk away.

i usually get shouted sat by teen's asking y im not on a lead...

i tie my dogs securely and walk over, usually saying 'me on a lead!!!, you need to be put down love'

or silly boys who say something along the lines of ' yo blud that dog is like nang!!! its a wolf ing do innit?'

um in english!!!!!!

'nah man what is it???'

usually by this time echo is 'talking to them' lol

i say 'the two big ones are angry and the little one is hungry so carry on'

oooh go u kelly!!!!!!! i might have 2 use that last 1 one day :P lmao i get the chav thing too but they ent that bad they just walk past like yes mate those are sick dogs! - well no actually they r very healthy but ok :P

I'd take my dogs & let them toilet by their house every night, just inside their gate, see - you can't go in & clear it up as you'd be trespassing on their property, so you'd just HAVE to leave it! wink.gif

Some people just live to cause trouble ... you wanna record some of the cr*p they come out with, without them knowing, then when you have a few recordings & they're still on about having Blaze put down, blah, blah, blah, advise them you have many altercations on record if they'd like to take it further....

ooh me likes them ideas too :D

sounds like a case for the husky mafia!! :D

yeah lets give um what for! - husky meet in cov soon?? :P

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Next time they start if they do just call them Plastics as my 16 yr old daughter does she is always being bullied because of the way she dresses called emo, goth, it was hard to begin with as she had no confidents to fight back but in the end when she got to year 10 she found her back bone and has ago back saying things like dont stand in the sun you will melt. All the other kids just laughed at the girls which made them feel very stupid...........lol.

Good on you not letting anyone push you around.

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