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Just getting it off my chest


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Just feeling the need to bare all - and NOT in a rude way before any of the guys get the cling film out for their keyboards!!!! unsure.giflaugh.gif

I have 2 stepchildren, Louise, aged 13 who lives with us and Matthew aged 8 who lives with his mum but comes to stay every weekend (both kids have different mums confusing I know lol)

Anyway, Louise has been bullied and picked on for most of her life and has always had the support of her dad and me and her family. Today at school, she bumped into a year 7 lad who's milkshake spilt on him, he found this amusing and they laughed it off...............until a year 9 lad grabbed her by her hair, dragged her over and made her apologise! Which she did and then trundled off...........was this good enough for him - NO

The year 9 lad grabbed her back again! and bent her fingers back, she said ow that hurts get off me! To which he replied, yeah it's supposed to !!! I mean COME ON!!!!

This lad is now facing expulsion and I am planning on taking this further, this is assault and a nasty form of bullying - I WILL make this stop, no one hurts my family let alone my kids (yeah whatever technically not mine but as bloody good as!!)

Louise is a lovely girl yeah we're getting the chatting back and the attitude but she has manners, she is considerate of others feelings and because she doesn't do drugs, smoke etc she gets this sort of crap! Don't think so angry.gif

Both my boys have the runs and have been sick today :( they've eaten nothing different and are crated so can't get to anything when we're not around either yuk, just glad Marc had to clean it up and not me :D

To top it all off - mum was referred to a consultant neurologist who has advised her to go for a brain scan, heart scan and some sort of scan on her neck as they think she has had a mini / tiny or whatever stroke! She is diabetic and the other week i rang her and she couldn't understand me at all, was confused and i had to keep repeating what i was saying - she tried to read and couldn't as the letters were there but she couldn't co ordinate her brain to put the letters into words.....she's not dyslexic or anything so I have no idea what these scans are going to show up :(

Will try and end this huge post (sorry!!) on a good note though - Marc was made redundant but has now secured himself a job so that's one good thing - now just need a few more good things to make all this bad crappy stuff disappear!

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*hugs* hun - good on you for not lettin the lad get away with it - louise is a lovely girl (she was when i met her lol) shes a teenager now so cnt help u with the backchatting attitude ect - she will grow out ov it tho if that helps - i was a right bitch when i was younger lol :P

hope the boys r better soon xxxxxxx

*hugs* for you and ur mum hun hope all her scans go well and its nothing bad xxxx

well done marc :D congrats n good luck with the new job xxxx

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Sounds like you are going through a pretty tough time Sarah!

I hope the lad does get expelled as there is nothing worse than bullies!!!! Jack was bullied just once at school this year and I must say the school were really good at sorting it out - hope it can be sorted out for Louise - it really is awful seeing your kids go through that.

Hope they find out what it is with your mum and that she's soon on the mend and that the boys are better soon.

Good to hear Marc's got a new job.

Sending hugs from us all


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good on you hun for not letting the lad off, get your as to self defence classes with Louise that will shock them.

with the boys it could just be the heat as took it out of them hun hugs to the boys xxxx

Your mum my fingers are crossed all goes well for her hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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what a nasty little sh1t he sounds!!!!! glad your not letting him get away with either huni.....i dread to think what i would do if anyone ever laid one finger on chloe- id prob end up in jail or summat!!!!!

sorry to hear bout your mum huni...hope everything is okay xxx

congrats marc :) things are on the up now!!

oh and poor kimba and kasier :( hope they get better soon xxxx shiloh was ill all weekend...alot better now though thank god!!

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Yep Louise & Matthew are lovely and I think you are right in taking it further. That twit in year 9 needs teaching a lesson especially if he thinks he can get away with it, bullying a girl!

Fingers crossed for your mum & well done Marc for getting a job.

Hugs for the boys, maybe they are feeling the stress?

Rant away, I thought that is what we are here for ;)

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that 1 thing about school, there will always be bullies, but sometimes it goes WAY to far, i hope the kid gets expelled to be honest........ hope u get that sorted......

hope the boys get better soon, prob just the heat, as it is quite hot at the moment.

i send my best wishes to you mum, hope she gets better soon xxxxxx

Well done Marc on your new job :)

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saz this is exact;y why we're here!!!!

ur mum, i went thru the exact same thing.....2 years ago they thought i was having mini strokes but it turned out that I had ME. she may well just have a trapped nerve or something, or that her diabetes isn't as under control as she thought-but they'll get to the bottom of it

the boys.....how strange!!!! maybes it's the mad change in weather we've had over the past couple of days??


and i've made my feelings on the stuff with lou perfectly clear on ur facebook. get the police involved. if someone is having violent outbursts like that at that age and just being expelled (seen as kudos amoongst some groups then he's never going to learn. i just hope he has sensible parents who are going to come down on him like a tonne of bricks xxxxx

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saz this is exact;y why we're here!!!!

ur mum, i went thru the exact same thing.....2 years ago they thought i was having mini strokes but it turned out that I had ME. she may well just have a trapped nerve or something, or that her diabetes isn't as under control as she thought-but they'll get to the bottom of it

the boys.....how strange!!!! maybes it's the mad change in weather we've had over the past couple of days??


and i've made my feelings on the stuff with lou perfectly clear on ur facebook. get the police involved. if someone is having violent outbursts like that at that age and just being expelled (seen as kudos amoongst some groups then he's never going to learn. i just hope he has sensible parents who are going to come down on him like a tonne of bricks xxxxx

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what a piece of work Saz...i mean picking on a girl and well it's not just picking on the girl it's just the nastiness of it...

your poor mum, and poor you...i really hope that it shows up something simple and not malicious...

big hugs for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

(oh and cookies too!)

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She is diabetic and the other week i rang her and she couldn't understand me at all, was confused and i had to keep repeating what i was saying - she tried to read and couldn't as the letters were there but she couldn't co ordinate her brain to put the letters into words.....she's not dyslexic or anything so I have no idea what these scans are going to show up :(

Saz. . My step dad is 86 and also diabetic, in the last 6 months he has had a couple of these. . "confused" periods each lasting a few days. It could be something as simple as an infection (usually a urine infection) or perhaps onset of dementia (sorry not trying to scare you).

It could also be an insulin imbalance, don't forget one of the classic symptoms of diabetes is appearing to be drunk or confused.

i find that he fixates on something and won't let it go. He overthinks the problem (which usually isn't a problem) and he goes around and around in his head, getting more confused and upset. But won't let it go.

All I can suggest is calm support, try to reassure her that everything is ok.

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Big, big, Diesel-sized hugs, hun, xx

I've always found Louise to be polite (well, she cuddles Big D so she'll do for me!) - and I understand you wanting that lad expelled - I just worry for the poor sods where he'll get transferred to, someone has got to come up with something to deter kids from bullying, not just move them on to another school to continue their reign of terror.

Diesel has been sick & off his food the last few days, I put it down to the weather, he's still drinking normal so not overly worried at the moment - hopefully it's just the same for your boys & they're feeling better soon.

I agree about the diabetes, it can have that effect, I have everything crossed your Mum is fine & whatever is causing this can be sorted pretty easily, xx

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Nothing to add that hasnt been said accept to say big huge husky hugs all round! Hope the boys and your mum get well soon, good luck getting the little $hite expelled and had up by the police for assult and good luck to Marc for his new job!

Just an aside: theres a great movie with Patrick Swasy and Welsley Sniped play drag queens and Patric interups a guy beating up his girlfriend.. tells her to go sort herself out and says to the guy "So I hear you like to hit women?" the guy not knowing that Patrics a dude in drag says "some women need to get hit" So Patric turns around and says "well conversly some guys need to get hit back" and knocks the guy clean off his feet..... This just goes to proove the old saying what goes around comes around!!! :lol:

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Oh no, thats awfull.... I am so sorry to hear about you mum, hope all is ok, brilliant news about the job!! If your not happy with the schools handling of the situation , contact the education authority, they work wonders with schools which have a laid back approach, to bullying. Also inform your local MP they are good at dealing with bullying issues if nowt else ;) We had a similar issue with my son about 4 yrs ago, the schools response was no where near satisfactory:angry: , so we informed the above and the boy never returned to the school :lol: xxxx

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I to cannot stand bullies but what goes around so hope it bites the lad in the butt. Schools are so hot on this subject so all fingers crossed for Louise and your mum. Congrates Marc on your new Job. Keep your chin up Sarah we are all here for you so whittle on as much as you can write...and hope the boys feel better soon.

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