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worried - think jasper is now finding his feet

slaves to kaya

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Hi everyone,

Well I have said that jasper is fitting in well, and although in MANY ways he still is, last night he had Kaya pinned to the floor :( a few times. He is very submissive to dougle (our old English- he is twice the size at the moment) but is becoming quite domineering with kaya. Also on walking him this morning we were approached by a pit bull full of wagging tails, but jasper lunged at him, teeth baring and barking his head off. Luckily the pit bull walked off. Jasper then barked at him until I finally managed to get his focus back on me. He also barks at people walking near us, and goes wild at next doors dogs (these do run at our fence barking their heads off though) but our other dogs just stand and look at them whilst jasper is up on hind legs biting the fence and is very hard to distract. Would put this down to him not being introduced to them yet, but they are new neighbours and none of the dogs have met yet. I am wondering if this is a pack issue and he is fighting for top position, or maybe he is insecure or if there are more serious issues ...... please help

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i think the thing with kaya is them figuring out who is top dog of the house, which he is obviously going to try to be the more dominant one. the lunging at other dogs, maybe not socialized enough as a puppy?

sorry not much help as i've never had to deal with this.

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it could be he is insecure and trying to find his place, huskies often play fight, and if you watch them there are little signs of dominance all the time. micha and suki will pin each other then let go and be pinned

if you can i would see a dog psychologist/trainer to see what can be done.

you need to spot the trigger and distract before he launches into barking fits

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Yeah will try to find the trigger but seems to be everything on either 4 or 2 legs at the moment:), I am sure he will settle down, its still VERY early days, he hasn't been here a week yet bless him.. Will definately focus on the socializing element over the next few weeks. May try this with him on his own first, then with our other dogs to see if there is a difference. Him and kaya have just had another fight, I think its mainly play fighting going a little to far. Maybe he didn't get the training on bite pressure from the litter :lol: and is being a little rough;) and it turns into a war. If it continues we will get a trainer involved.

Thanks for all you help guys xxx

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

Best of luck with him and keeps us up-to-date and hope he gets settled.


Max - BITE HIM back what peter does to me wen I bite him

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:rolleyes: Hi Allison or Justin

Dogs that live together usally work it out. Gracie is 3 and I have had her for 3 months. She started out acting the big aggressor in my house and I thought she was going to be top dog. After awhile Tuff got sick of it and put her in her place a couple of times and now he is boss and she doesn't challenge him. She still bosses Angus but he is a big mellow dog and doesn't challenge her. Bottom line.... no more fights although play can sound scary.

The thing with other dogs/people might be harder to solve. :( He probably is insecure/fearful. I second Davids thoughts of working with a trainer/behaviorist if one is available to you. They can at least get you started in the right direction.

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hey ali,

i'd say he's just trying to settle in and find his feet, and like people said just trying to work out his place with kaya.....

i think that with regards to the other dogs ozzy used to be like this and the more and more socialised he is the better he is getting....dont get me wrong he still doesn't like being humped or dogs barking at him but he's 1000 time better than he was.

keeping my fingers crossed everything gets better for you


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:rolleyes: Hi Allison or Justin

Dogs that live together usally work it out. Gracie is 3 and I have had her for 3 months. She started out acting the big aggressor in my house and I thought she was going to be top dog. After awhile Tuff got sick of it and put her in her place a couple of times and now he is boss and she doesn't challenge him. She still bosses Angus but he is a big mellow dog and doesn't challenge her. Bottom line.... no more fights although play can sound scary.

The thing with other dogs/people might be harder to solve. :( He probably is insecure/fearful. I second Davids thoughts of working with a trainer/behaviorist if one is available to you. They can at least get you started in the right direction.

That's reassuring thank you sooo much. Thought it was just a pack re-shuffle issue, as he is brilliant with me and my hubby and fantastic with our children.They are doing really well seeing as we have only had him with us a few days. Will see how he goes with the stranger response and keep you posted. Thanks again

Ali xxx

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

Will you be at the october meet, if so we can meet the lil pup and we can test him lol


Max crashed out

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A book im reading "The dog listener" by Jan Fennel, could offer tips and advice.


Thanks Peter,

Will have to have a look out for it. We have been watching "It's me or the dog on tv, with dog trainer Victoria stillwell and that offers good tips on all different issues too. Also Jasper was neutered only last week before he came to us ..... so maybe he is still showing he is still a man hee hee :lol:

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You have two separate issues here.

1. Dominance with Kaya.

This is quite normal playfighting, and yes they are sorting out who is ALPHA in the pack. It is usually harmless there may be a bit of squealing

but the growly tone is very low key. My two Daughtry (7 months) and Darwin (just over a year) are always playfighting,

lots of flashing teeth and batting each other with paws. Grabbing each other by the throat and the scruff of the neck, and pinning down.

Nipping at legs. .

All just playfighting.

and they will do this AAAAALLLLLL day. . .lol

You'll know the instant it changes from playfighting to real, because the tone of the growly noise becomes a snarl and the body postures are completely different.

Everything becomes very harsh and much higher pitched.

How to deal with it. . .

Some say get in and separate them, (though you risk the chance of becoming a casualty yourself)

Others say let them get on with it.

Personally when Echo (2yr old GSD) and Darwin "get Real" I wait until one or the other is clearly winning, or there is the sign of blood, then I will grab a collar and pull them apart.

2. Barking at other dogs and people.

Jasper hasn't been socialsied with other dogs or people very much and feels he must "protect "you and the other dogs

We have this with Echo.

It is very difficult to get anyone to approach you when they are obviously aggressive so socialising him will be diffcult.


You will notice that it's all just noise, warning them to stay away.

If you can get someone to approach slowly and calmy you'll find soon Jasper is letting them stroke and pet him

(the moment they move away He will go off again) but this kind of interaction will help, and as many different people as you can.

It is a long and slow process.


We have started taking Echo to Husky meets and she is learning she can walk with other dogs and not be aggressive and mingle with people and not bark at them.

If you can introduce Jasper to other dogs in a safe enclosed area then let them off lead to mingle he'll bark a bit but will soon settle down to playing and sniffing.

If not . . .then try to take him to as many Husky meets as you can.

or ask your freinds and neighbours when they take their dogs for a walk can you bring Jasper, he will bark at first but once you start walking he'll calm right down.

and this will help socialise him.

Meeting dogs head on in the park is confrontation, walking alongside is socialisation.

Just my ramblings, but hope you can get something useful out of this. biggrin.gif

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

Man he no longer a man lol. That show is ok in some ways but is so fake.

The book ISBN:978-0-00-653236-1


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Will you be at the october meet, if so we can meet the lil pup and we can test him lol


Max crashed out

Would really LOVE to come, and its only up the road from us too!! but its my friends wedding on that s aturday down in Wales, All I need are some clones of us to go to the wedding then all would be great....any ideas?????:lol:

It would be super though to get jasper and kaya with other huskies.....oh what to do????????

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Would really LOVE to come, and its only up the road from us too!! but its my friends wedding on that s aturday down in Wales, All I need are some clones of us to go to the wedding then all would be great....any ideas?????:lol:

It would be super though to get jasper and kaya with other huskies.....oh what to do????????

Cardboard cut outs for the wedding. . . join us on Sunday.

We are there from friday to monday biggrin.gif

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Guest Spider_Crazy_Removed

urm thats a sticky one. Maybe you could be ill for the wedding and be at the camp ground, might be hard to explain if gernalists and your in the papers lol

Maybe try attending the next oct husky meet?

Peter xx

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You have two separate issues here.

1. Dominance with Kaya.

This is quite normal playfighting, and yes they are sorting out who is ALPHA in the pack. It is usually harmless there may be a bit of squealing

but the growly tone is very low key. My two Daughtry (7 months) and Darwin (just over a year) are always playfighting,

lots of flashing teeth and batting each other with paws. Grabbing each other by the throat and the scruff of the neck, and pinning down.

Nipping at legs. .

All just playfighting.

and they will do this AAAAALLLLLL day. . .lol

You'll know the instant it changes from playfighting to real, because the tone of the growly noise becomes a snarl and the body postures are completely different.

Everything becomes very harsh and much higher pitched.

How to deal with it. . .

Some say get in and separate them, (though you risk the chance of becoming a casualty yourself)

Others say let them get on with it.

Personally when Echo (2yr old GSD) and Darwin "get Real" I wait until one or the other is clearly winning, or there is the sign of blood, then I will grab a collar and pull them apart.

2. Barking at other dogs and people.

Jasper hasn't been socialsied with other dogs or people very much and feels he must "protect "you and the other dogs

We have this with Echo.

It is very difficult to get anyone to approach you when they are obviously aggressive so socialising him will be diffcult.


You will notice that it's all just noise, warning them to stay away.

If you can get someone to approach slowly and calmy you'll find soon Jasper is letting them stroke and pet him

(the moment they move away He will go off again) but this kind of interaction will help, and as many different people as you can.

It is a long and slow process.


We have started taking Echo to Husky meets and she is learning she can walk with other dogs and not be aggressive and mingle with people and not bark at them.

If you can introduce Jasper to other dogs in a safe enclosed area then let them off lead to mingle he'll bark a bit but will soon settle down to playing and sniffing.

If not . . .then try to take him to as many Husky meets as you can.

or ask your freinds and neighbours when they take their dogs for a walk can you bring Jasper, he will bark at first but once you start walking he'll calm right down.

and this will help socialise him.

Meeting dogs head on in the park is confrontation, walking alongside is socialisation.

Just my ramblings, but hope you can get something useful out of this. biggrin.gif

Thats super advice, thanks sooo much. we meet friends of ours every wednesday morning with their dogs and go for a long walk. It will be jaspers first introduction tomorrow so fingers crossed this will be a great opportunity to see how he reacts to both dogs and the adults....may wear body armour just in case hee hee! I am sure he will be fine :D

thanks again

Ali xx

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urm thats a sticky one. Maybe you could be ill for the wedding and be at the camp ground, might be hard to explain if gernalists and your in the papers lol

Maybe try attending the next oct husky meet?

Peter xx

:lol:Hee hee...pull a sicky ain't had to do that for years !!

Truth is we would rather go to the husky meet, we love camping and it would be fantastic to meet everyone .....will have to decide what to do !!

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hey ali,

i'd say he's just trying to settle in and find his feet, and like people said just trying to work out his place with kaya.....

i think that with regards to the other dogs ozzy used to be like this and the more and more socialised he is the better he is getting....dont get me wrong he still doesn't like being humped or dogs barking at him but he's 1000 time better than he was.

keeping my fingers crossed everything gets better for you


Hi Diz,

Thanks sooo much. Yeah I am sure your right......will take him to the doggy park more I think....which is handy as there is a nice beer garden near hee hee ;)

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Thats super advice, thanks sooo much. we meet friends of ours every wednesday morning with their dogs and go for a long walk. It will be jaspers first introduction tomorrow so fingers crossed this will be a great opportunity to see how he reacts to both dogs and the adults....may wear body armour just in case hee hee! I am sure he will be fine :D

thanks again

Ali xx

Hope it goes well, When you first meet your Friends try not to stand around chatting, start walking as soon as you can then Jasper will calm down.

you may find if you stop to give the dogs a rest and water, Jasper may kick off again, it gets better over time.

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