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Two Topics


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This first item does not really upset me too much. After all, we are all human. It does have to do with this forum, and with all forums for that matter. It's not unique to any one forum but seems to be fairly universal. Not sure what to call it, so I'll call it "sidebar chatting". It's when someone posts a new topic. Then others chime in, but somehow, two or three subsequent posters end up having a dialogue between themselves, which at best, is only loosely related to the original topic. It's almost as if these "sidebar chatters" are inspired by the subject of the post, and then almost take over the thread as their own. I don't see it happen very often, maybe once a month or so, if that often. It is refreshing to see a post following a "sidebar chat" that does address the original topic and the original poster, which often times, gets everything back on track. Nuff said.

This second topic really gets me fired up. The topic is dangerous or vicious dog lists. So what's the deal? There is a pseudo list of dangerous dogs. I say pseudo, because finding a specific document is so elusive and there are several sources that refer to several lists. It seems that the first dog on most lists is the Pit Bull. The second is most-often the Rottweiler. Third, most common is the German Shepherd or the Alaskan Malamute. But fourth, our beloved Siberian Husky? How can anyone who is familiar with Malamutes or Huskies, even think of placing either of these breeds on a dangerous or vicious dog list?

One town in Iowa, a few years ago, passed a city ordinance that any dog over 100 pounds was considered a dangerous dog. So a fat overweight and cumbersome Lab would make the list, by default. Oh, but they also had specific breeds listed. One of which, was the Siberian Husky. Show me a Husky that weighs 100 pounds.

A co-worker of mine, recently had his home owner's insurance carrier drop him. Why? Because he owned a Siberian Husky. The dog never bit anyone, it loves kids. Oh, but it's on this list, so they dropped him. How did they find out? He mentioned to his agent that he had installed a fence in his back yard to keep his dog confined. When asked what breed he had, he replied, "Siberian Husky." The agent never said a word to him, but a week later, he received a notice in the mail.

Don't know how it is in the UK, but in the US, attorneys (I think you call them solicitors) can advertise and many do. So this one ambulance chasing attorney, advertises that ". . . if you've been attacked by a Siberian Husky or other vicious dog breed, call us immediately. You may be entitled to a large cash settlement." That is so unfair. Nuff said.

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Hijacking threads does go on and always will not that I believe on propose in most cases to the original poster it can be annoying, having said that sometimes it promotes posting so am really on the fence with this one.

The topic dangerous or vicious dog lists I don't think its the same in the UK for huskys as the insurance seems to be the same as other dogs of there size, least in your country you have the chose to own which ever dog you like in this country a lot of dogs like pit bulls and the like are banned.

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Edit: D'oh!

Now on the topic, Pitties shouldn't even make the list. It's often a misidentification and many pitt crosses bred for fighting are the cause of injury. Anything with a broad chest and cropped ears and wide muzzle are considered "Pitt Bulls" nowaday. The American Bulldog is often misidentified as a Pitt, for example and Mastiffs are often bred with pitts for fighting.

With Siberians, it is also misidentification. people think any dog with blue eyes is a Siberian (I've heard people ask if hounds and pointers with blue eyes are Sibes. Or if Sibes are wolves or coyotes etc.) and also comonly confused with the Alaskan Husky, the Alaskan Klee Kai (Which can be very aggressive if not socialized properly) and Malamutes (Who are more cautious and not quite as stranger bubbly as Huskies). Not to mention the wolf-Husky hybrids which are usually illegal and very dangerous.

So a lot of these dogs get a bad rap for people who can't tell the difference between a Beagle and a Mini dachshund and a lot of cross breeds.

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I have been in the past a famous Hijacker of threads.

NOT intentionaly, I will be answering the main thread, someone else will comment, and as you said a dialogue happens that spurs off from the main thread.

I remember one where the thread was about a backpack that you could attatch a lead to. this lead to a combat vest with rings you could attatch a lead to

this then went to full combat gear then onto adding combat boots and weapons, this lead onto Stargate (TV series) and on and on.

I AM sorry. . .lol. . .but it does happen.

As you say occasionally someone needs to nudge it back on track.. . . biggrin.gif

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I've hijacked some threads myself, starting out with introducing wet and raw food and ending up about completely feeding raw diets. (huh, now that I say that, it's not that off. lol.) Anyways, I've been guilty of starting side conversations and not taking it to the PMs.

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Thread hyjacking as you say we're all human and it does happen dont think Ive ever side chatted but I aapologise if I have!

While the DD list in this country doesnt list huskies (small mercy) it is just as rediculously over the top and if I remember rightly several years ago was voted the most pointless law in force by the majority of people asked. It actually lists a couple of breeds that have never even come into this country in the first place!!! :blink:

My personal opinion is that it should be scrapped completely in favour of harsher punishments for puppy farming and dog fighting and all forms of animal abuse as these are the largest culprits of creating animals that are aggressive and there for more dangerous.. anything with teeth can bite and cause harm but its not that end of the lead I worry about its the person in charge of the animal that has the ability or lack of that can make the animal a threat to itself and others. dry.gif As you say very hot topic!

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The American list of dog bites is to my knowledge a factual list of all reported dog bites. Not sure when it is updated or if there was only ever one list that constantly makes the same rounds.

Huskies are always in the top 3 to 5 on the list. That is because that is the type of dog reported to have bitten.

We can all argue that our 'insert pet dog name here' wouldn't bite anyone, but that doesn't stop the statistic being accurate.

What does slant the statistics is that husky type starts to cover a multitude of dogs, with prick ears, curled tails, blue eyes etc etc so many crossbreeds, alaskan malamutes, alaskan huskies and just general mutts that have husky characteristics get included in the figures :rolleyes:

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I have been in the past a famous Hijacker of threads.

NOT intentionaly, I will be answering the main thread, someone else will comment, and as you said a dialogue happens that spurs off from the main thread.

I remember one where the thread was about a backpack that you could attatch a lead to. this lead to a combat vest with rings you could attatch a lead to

this then went to full combat gear then onto adding combat boots and weapons, this lead onto Stargate (TV series) and on and on.

I AM sorry. . .lol. . .but it does happen.

As you say occasionally someone needs to nudge it back on track.. . . biggrin.gif

LOL I seem to vaguely remember that convo :rofl: That certainly couldn't have been me that contributed to that one could it?

I remember seeing that Sibes were on that list after earlier this year a baby in Minnisota was killed by one. Unfortunately there are dog haters out there with little to no knowledge of the larger breeds beyond the fact that some attack humans so they all must attack humans and I did notice however that Chihuahua's are not on there and they are far more likely to harm or maim a child than a Sibe nor are any of the other far more aggressive yappies

The American list of dog bites is to my knowledge a factual list of all reported dog bites. Not sure when it is updated or if there was only ever one list that constantly makes the same rounds.

Huskies are always in the top 3 to 5 on the list. That is because that is the type of dog reported to have bitten.

We can all argue that our 'insert pet dog name here' wouldn't bite anyone, but that doesn't stop the statistic being accurate.

What does slant the statistics is that husky type starts to cover a multitude of dogs, with prick ears, curled tails, blue eyes etc etc so many crossbreeds, alaskan malamutes, alaskan huskies and just general mutts that have husky characteristics get included in the figures :rolleyes:

I do agree there especially with the last part, but it does negate your previous comment of not stopping the statistic being accurate. Problem is that certain breeds get bad press because of people being ignorant of which breed is which.

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