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congrats to you all 2000


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Congratulations to our ever growing extended family, today we reach a staggering 2000 member’s.

As most of you know this forum was born only 21 months ago, by our leaders sarah and marc, it’s thanks to these two lovely people that we have this wonderful place, where in our different ways we have all benefited.

It’s a place we come for advice not only for our beloved husky’s but for our selves, family and personal life. We can come to let off steam in the steam room and no one will judge us, if any thing they will help us.

Some of us have been lucky enough to fine our fur babies on the site, I got one of my boy’s through this forum and I will be forever grateful for that.

It does not stop there it’s also a forum where people help each other in many ways, not just word, people have offered their homes for others to come for holidays, dog sat other members fur babies, in the swap shop people have sent items others need, the help people on here give each other is way beyond just being a member. It’s things like this that have turned this forum in to one large family.

So many people have made wonderful new friends out on walk’s or on the annual HO camp, it’s a great way for us to meet but also to socialize or pet’s and children.

Not contented with what they have achieved they also run competitions, challenges they travel miles around to meet there members, now to me that is devotion, commitment but also shows they respect each and every one of you.

We have had our sad time and happy time and we have pulled together on many occasions to help each other through so much and I believe this family will continue to thrive and grow.

So all I want to say is thank you to Marc and Sarah for giving us a place like this which as helped so many of us in different ways.

Also thank you to each and every one of you for helping the family grow as it as, congratulations to each and every one of you long my we continue to grow and thrive xxxxxxx

Sarah, Marc we thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Wow......2000 members.........doesn't feel that long ago that I was signing up myself!!!!

Infact it was only February 2010 that I logged on here for the first time, and I've found the place such a friendly and heartwarming place to be that this forum has turned into much more than just a place I log on to from time to time, it has become 'home'.

I have found so many amazing friends through this site, people who mean the absolute world to me and I know that Ozzy is much better off since I joined.

It's not just a place to come and check something to do with his food (or his poo!!!) or even if something has been mistakenly eaten-it is a place where I come to talk about anything and everything, from the illness in my family to the joy of getting a new job and that's what I love about Husky-Owners so much. Everyone has got so much time and advice for everyone else and you can always 100% know that everyone is there to help you out and not judge you in any way.

I have never had such an active social life before and since joining here I must admit I've never been so healthy (from all the walking!!!) however I must admit I don't think I've ever been covered in mud, or pee or water as much either (usually due to Sarah's influence!!!)

Just think.......if Marc and Saz hadn't have started the forum where would we be now???

Well I know Ozzy wouldn't be half as well looked after as he is now and I would still be lonely in a new City.

So thanks to Marc and Saz for starting Husky-Owners off and thank you to you all that make this site such a welcoming and funny place to spend my time!!!

Love to you all and here's to 3000 members!!!



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WOW, i have to say that this is such a great place, since i have joined this forum i have learnt so much, and also talked to some GREAT people............

Thanks you SOOOOOOO much everyone for making me feel so welcome..........

But most of all i would like to thank Marc And Sarah for starting up this Great Forum :D :D :D

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thanks sarah and marc - dunc - linda - sid - val - diz - and all other members - without the great staff (how i miss being apart ov that lol) and all the great members - i wouldnt be where i am 2day - i have 3 wonderful dogs - even if only 2 ov them our sibes - uve helped me when bings had problems too - ive loved meeting every1 i have and i cnt w8 2 meet every1 im gonna :) - u all supported me when i started blazes VERY late training and were there for me 2 offer advice and give me ur kind words when i got sad and frustrated - a extra big thank you to sarah marc dunc and amy (siberian-wolf) who were there for me when i went thru a rly bad time in my life last yr - without u guys i dont think i would have coped with everything quite so well as i did

2000 members - wow - and heres 2 many more!

i love this forum - and the friends who have become like family to me thru it :)

heres also 2 many more happy days as 1 big happy family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:laola: :laola: :laola: :laola: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :party: :laola: :laola: :laola: :laola:

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I joined this forum 29 January 2009 as we had what we thought was an unruly dog & didn't know what to do with her. Not many people had huskies around my area & vets were not very clued up, so I went on the internet to look for answers & do some research (after the fact :rolleyes: )

I came across this site & for the first few months, being quite shy, just watched the fun from the sidelines while gathering more & more titbits of info to help with our husky, Myshka. I was made to feel welcome from the start & when I finally plucked up courage to post the odd comment, I was given credit for asking questions, not belittled or shouted down. I was encouraged to join in more and started having fun.

A few months later, as more members joined, a big meet, the forum's first one, was arranged in Leamington Spa - what a turn out! The only other huskies I had seen were Myshka's litter mates & parents! My funniest memory of that meet was getting out of the car, seeing 20 - 30 huskies & only Nix's Bingo (staffie) howling his head off in true husky-style! :lol:

Then it planted the seed of getting a second husky, a companion for Myshka, after reading about how they are easier to handle in pairs, etc, so we went on the hunt for another. We went to see quite a few who, although stunning & fantastic dogs, did not seem to fit the picture somehow. Then we came across Diesel and well, the rest, they say, is history.

Since then, I have been lucky enough to meet more & more members, make great friends across the world (who I probably will never meet) and see all different sizes, colours & mixes of husky that are definitely a breed apart. I have been camping with 30 huskies :blink: , on Page 3 of the newspapers (not bad for a 41 yr old :P ) and become part of an ever growing family of like minded people.

All this is because 1 person had a dream & a husband who knew how to run websites - Saz & Marc, you now have a following of 2,000 - here's to the next 2,000

Thank you xxxxxxxxxxxx

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A few months later, as more members joined, a big meet, the forum's first one, was arranged in Leamington Spa - what a turn out! The only other huskies I had seen were Myshka's litter mates & parents! My funniest memory of that meet was getting out of the car, seeing 20 - 30 huskies & only Nix's Bingo (staffie) howling his head off in true husky-style! :lol:

that meet was amazing - we need another leamington meet :P lol

i still cant belive out ov how ever many huskies were there that bingo a STAFFIE X WHIPPET is the only 1 who howled!!!!!! lmao :lol: - and it was thanks to myshka's wooing that he did :D xxxx

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have to say i love being on this forum and theres always interesting posts and people on here,..obviously its a great forum as we have a huge amount gathering for the camping trip,.....like everyone else says congrats and heres to more members :) xxx

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to marc and sarah,

i dont know how i would have dealt with daughtrys dicky belly or how we would have got darwin if it wasnt for this forum.

this is my new first place to go in the morning and i have made so many friends, most of you guys are like family to me

this is the best and most friendly forum and it wouldnt be anything without you guys, so hugs and a massive thank you from me and everyone else who has the pleasure of knowing you



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Wow! All I can say is Ditto!!

I have found out sooooo much since being on here and hopefully my furbabies are greatful for that!:P Its been awesome to actually be a able to meet people on here and put names to faces. I have felt so enriched by the fact that the people on here are the warmest,friendliest,most helpful and lovliest people I have ever met and are willing to do anything for you even though they may have never even spoken to you or seen you before!

I am honoured to be part of such am amazing place xx

THANK YOU Marc, Sarah for having such a great idea & everyone else for making it the place that it is :D

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Saz & Marc thank you for creating this wonderful forum :D

I'd never used a forum before but with a little help from Teflon & not fogetting Steve pointing us in the right direction in the first place I became a member. I've met so many wonderful people & furbabies because of Husky-Owners & made some great friends.

Congratulations & thank you again for such a fabulous forum & family :D xxxxx

:laola: :laola: :laola: :laola:

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Congratulations Husky-Owners! 2000 members is a true milestone. Hats off to Marc and Sarah!! Thanks for providing all of us with place to call home, and the opportunity to share and to learn.

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Thanks Sara, Marc and you too Dunc - I am extremely shy (painfully so), and it has always been a struggle. I know I come across as stiff and formal in anything I write, but believe me, I love this place. The first thing I do every day is feed the dogs, make my tea and log on to the forum. My husband is encouraging me to find other husky owners in a 50km radius to us and organise walks in the forests and areas around our us - this is NOT something I would have ever even contemplated, but I am determined to have a Husky-Owners group of South Africans following Sara and Marc's example.

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Thanks Sara, Marc and you too Dunc - I am extremely shy (painfully so), and it has always been a struggle. I know I come across as stiff and formal in anything I write, but believe me, I love this place. The first thing I do every day is feed the dogs, make my tea and log on to the forum. My husband is encouraging me to find other husky owners in a 50km radius to us and organise walks in the forests and areas around our us - this is NOT something I would have ever even contemplated, but I am determined to have a Husky-Owners group of South Africans following Sara and Marc's example.

Rosemary - you are anything BUT stiff and formal in your replies hun!

Wow that'd be amazing if you get other husky owners together, you'd be surprised at how much fun it is - you always have something to talk about as well :)

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WOW 2000!!! well i said it befor and i will say it again, it's an honour being the best of a bad bunch....:D

Well done to all who have taken on important role's in the past and to our current Mods and admin staff, and a special well done of course to Sarah and Marc and i suppose Dunc:rolleyes: for making this wonderful place for all to enjoy.....

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Rosemary if it wasn't for speaking to you so much when I first started on this forum I don't know if I'd still be here!!!! It was Nix that was first amazingly helpful to me the first day I logged on but every day you were here telling me about your Ozzy and your family and despite the fact I'll probably never get to meet you you're still a crackin friend!!! Lots of love xxx

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A BiG HUGE thank you to marc and sarah and everyone else on here. Without this site I wouldn't have my boy Jasper with me now and without your help and advice I would still be running around chasing my furry tail :lol:

2000 members thats amazing!!!! We met 2 other husky owners over the weekend and gave them this forums details so here's too many more members to come!!

Thanks again everyone, you have literally changed ALL our lives:-

Kaya and Jasper have found each other

I now have another 4 muddy paws running through the house

Another wet nose waking me up in the morning

My kids have lost their mum because any spare minute I am on here!!

My housework.........Ermmmm what housework????

I have met other husky owners on our walks because I HAVE to go and talk to them to tell them about this place!!

I now realise I am not the only crazy person in the world who's life is dictated too by a fluff ball

But most importantly I have met loads of lovely people, who I consider my friends, even though I could pass you on the street and not know what you look like, I know once I got home , picked up the poo in the garden, brushed as much of the the hair off me as possible,....I make a cuppa, turn on the laptop and there you all are........

A Big thank you from us all, and big husky hugs from Jasper and Kaya ( and the rest of our herd!!)

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :lol:

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