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Was I right?

Ron Tao&Sky

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My Daughter and her boy friend paid us a visit this afternoon. Tao had been in his paddling pool in the garden and came rushing in to great them. He jumped on her boy friend who shouted "Get Orf" and threw him across the room:angry: He had the most nasty look on his face, so I told him if he does that again to my dogs I will do the same to him. It caused a bit of upset between me and my Daughter and Wife. I was told that he is the father of my grand Daughter so I should have let it go and not said any thing. I don't like any body who ill treats any animal. What would you have done:frustrating: .....Ron

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Your dog can't speak for itself - that's where you step in.

Hear, hear. . . couldn't have said it any better biggrin.gif

An A$$h0le is still one even if he is almost family.wink.gif

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I have just been informed that he will not be visiting again:happy: .......Ron

I'm just sorry it may drive a wedge between you and your daughter (and grandchild)

because she WILL see him as more important.

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wanted 2 add there was no need 2 chuck him across the room when mine jump up i turn my back n they get down straight away! not hard is it or even just gently hold their paws and let go so they end up back on the floor - no need 2 use force on a dog specially 1 who was just happy 2 c ya

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Oh - result!

I have never liked him for the way he treats my daughter and talks to her, He runs a business on EBay and pleads poverty to the local council to avoid paying rent and council tax. He sells reconditioned washing machines that he has supposed to have reconditioned when he is not a qualified electrician and carries no public liability insurance. I once pointed this out to him and asked. " What he would do if he sold one and it killed or maimed some one" his answer was it would be there fault not his.

I feel that I should report him to some one.........Ron

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any civilised person would have removed the dog gently or asked you to stop the dog, if you let it go what happens next time? the dog gets hurt or he gets bitten, i would have said something too,

He used to but in when Tilly the Springer used to bark when she wanted feeding or a drink of tea. He used to say that she had issues and needed counseling. The thing is he does not like dogs only cats. Even the German Shepherd Kia does not like him as she bears her teeth when he went near her. She has never done this to any one else........Ron

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If he treated a dog that way, I'd also be concerned about how he would treat a child. I think you made the right move Ron. I would have said the same.

I do, however, think you should try to mend the fence so to speak. Give it a few days, and suggest you two have lunch and see if you can clear the air. It may be awkward, but if you don't get the issue resolved, it may fester and grow into bigger problems.

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hmmmmm me thinks that your animals are sensible and have a natual instinct and dont like him.

And yes it sounds as though you should report him. i guess trading standards at the local council. he will know its you and blame you that its out of spite and then your daughter will take his side....etc etc etc.

Thanks for your reply. I will have to mull it over for a few days and weigh up the pro's and con's and then and only then will I make my decision. :frustrating: ......Ron

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I got very sore with my mother's husband because he was cursing my puppy out for doing puppy things. So I left.

I would stress that, yes they are your kin, but they moved out of the house and they are now at "guest" status. When you grow up and leave the house, you should not expect to live there like you did in your childhood. The dog is family and still lives there, if they mess with that family member they should expect to be treated as an offender as such. They have movedout and started their own lives, they can not set the rules at both their house and your house. If they can not respect you or your belongings and family, you need to ask them to leave until they can civilly comply by your requests.

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I got very sore with my mother's husband because he was cursing my puppy out for doing puppy things. So I left.

I would stress that, yes they are your kin, but they moved out of the house and they are now at "guest" status. When you grow up and leave the house, you should not expect to live there like you did in your childhood. The dog is family and still lives there, if they mess with that family member they should expect to be treated as an offender as such. They have movedout and started their own lives, they can not set the rules at both their house and your house. If they can not respect you or your belongings and family, you need to ask them to leave until they can civilly comply by your requests.

They had a key to my house and when I asked them for it back they was not at all happy to hand it over. When I asked them for a key to there flat I soon got my key back. My Daughter when she visits will go up stairs into the bedrooms without asking and start nosing around. I have mentioned this to the wife and I'm told "Is she hurting any thing" It seems that I just can't win. I'm told that I must mellow out.:g_confused: .......Ron

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That seems extremely invasive to me. I still have a key to my mum's house and visit, but she stresses that I do and I have offered the key back numerous times.

I think that you need to have a sit down chat alone with your daughter and then with your daughter and wife and share your feelings and try to get their side of the story and how they see the situation. Ask if they feel that it is unreasonable for you to feel the way you do, or why they continue to put off your own requests and concerns. You need to be heard and more importantly- your dogs need to be heard, because they don't have a voice. At that point I believe it goes beyond disrespect for the animal and transfers to a disrespect for you and they are using the dog as an excuse to focus that on.

There needs to be communication, you obviously are becoming fumed and are being unheard, eventually that will build and grow into more than it is right now. It starts with a simple cross word, now it's become physical with your animal, they've been invasive on your privacy. What will you have left soon? If nothing is done about it now, then the problem will only grow and evolve into something much uglier that might hurt your family.

It is ALWAYS a concern when someone will have no respect for an animal. It is one thing to not like them, that's perfectly understandable. But they should be treated with respect, if not for being a living being, than at the least being the possession of someone else; a property which should not be meddled with disrespectfully.

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Some really good advice posted here so far. You are of course in the right.

My sisters long term boyfriend isn't welcome in or near my parents house, things were strained for a while but now when she visits its like everything is normal and no one mentions him.

You're probably at the stage in your life where you really can't be bothered pretending to get along with some one you would rather bury for the sake of not makin ripples in the pond. I'm not sure anyone could begrudge you that in all fairness :)

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To be honest if i walked into someones house lets say my brothers and his dog ran upto me after being in a pool of water and jumped all over my clean clothes i would tell the dog to get off and push him away and not be to pleased that my brother let him do it.

The amount of times Grey does it to people who come round like my mother and i have to appologise as its my fault for not having him under control even tho he is only being friendly, dont have to apologise anymore tho as everyone is use to him now and know what to expect..

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ron there are some serious respect issues going on here. your daughter seems to have a complete lack of respect for you and your belongings and she needs to be told. i'm glad you've got your key back.

as for the waste of space that is her bf i think you need to do as was said above, clear the air but obv make it clear that if anything like that happens again he wont be welcome in YOUR home.

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Ron i would have done the same! how dare he come into your house and treat your dog like that- what right does he have?? Saz is right, your dog cant speak for itslef so you just stuck up for him........i dread the day when i have to deal with all the confrontation that comes with teenage daughters- i was exactly the same with my mum when i was younger :( i always put my bfs first, i know its wrong but at the time never could see what everyone else could see

hope it doesnt cause problems with your daughter...maybe she'll see sense and realise what her bf did was wrong and see it from your point of view x x

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