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Is this email ok?


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This couple came to view my pups but I wasn't convinced about them...they were very keen straight away to put a deposit down etc which I told them no I wouldn't take a deposit on the first visit...he has text asking when he could come to pay deposit but I have sent him this email...

Do you think it's ok? I always worry about hurting peoples feeling but my pups come first :S


I just realised I don't have a direct email address for you but thought it wise to reply here as there are a few things I'd like to discuss first before deposit and contract are sorted out.

You were both very excited (understandably so!) when you visited and I didn't get the opportunity to sit you down and have a proper discussion and cover everything that I normally would.

I in no way mean this to be patronising but there were a few red flags for me which I'll mention now. Please don't be offended by anything I say my concern is solely for the pups and to make sure the new owners are 110% prepared.

Ok, I know XXXXX has had a husky in the past but I am concerned as to why it was rehomed...and sold on? Obviously, as I am sure you can understand this is a big worry for me as I want the pups to go to their homes and stay there permanently. It is very stressful for a young pup/dog to be rehomed because the new owners aren't prepared or don't realise how much work they really are or don't put the effort in.

Am I right in assuming XXXXXX works through the day? So it would be XXXXXXX taking care and doing the toilet training when you are at work? The reason I ask is that XXXXX doesn't have experience with Huskies and also I am not convinced XXXXXXX knows what she is getting herself into with regards to how much work they really are (XXXXXXX, what dog's have you had yourself? Did you have them as adults or pups?)

to give you an idea here are some websites, please have a read through them -

http://www.shca.org/shcahp2b.htm great info on the breed.

http://www.google.com/images?rlz=1C1ASUT_en-GBGB385GB385&q=husky%20damage&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw=1366&bih=641 (this one shows images of husky inflicted damage...this is common, most huskies can and do do this. It's not something they can be trained out of and will be like this their whole lives. You just cannot trust them alone in your house. They should be well exercised and crate trained but also not left in the crate for more than 4 hours at a time)

http://www.canismajor.com/dog/siberian.html and to reiterate...they will steal anything and everything from your counters and bins...again this cannot be trained out of them. You leave food up there, it's gone...leave dish cloths about and they will be shredder. You cannot give him in to trouble for things like this as this is the way they are...you have to change the way you keep things in the house if ya get me? eg. I didn't have a bin when my dog's stayed inside I put things in plastic bags and put the directly outside. as they will knock it over and spread everything out over your kitchen floor)

www.husky-owners.com/forum is a great place to go for advice and info as well.

Another issue for me is the idea that you were both so adamant about the light coloured pup...this is exactly why I don't like people picking solely based on colour as personality wise this could be the totally wrong pup for your circumstances. Some of the pups as they develop I can tell straight away who will do better in single dog houses and who really needs doggy companionship but I cannot tell this till they are a lil older. Each pup is very individual and I wouldn't be happy about a very obviously hyper and vocal pup going to a home with no other dogs/huskies. Another thing is their colour will change...he will not stay that colour. Check out www.huskycolors.com and you will see how much their colouring and markings change. All the pups will be either sable, wolf grey or grey and you can see how much these colourings differ on that site and again I cannot tell how dark each pup will go. Last years litter one of the lightest pups ending up being the darkest as an adult (sable)

Again, please don't be offended by anything I've outlined here. As I said my concern is to make sure the pup's are put into homes that know what they are getting themselves into and homes that I am 100% confident in.

I've text XXXXXXX letting him know I've emailed....and am free tomorrow till about 2 if you want to call to go over these details.



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That is Excellent Kelly,

I wish more breeders were as conscientious as you.

Most just want the money and are happy to sell them on to the first person with enough cash.

Well done for holding off until you find the RIGHT people to be owned by your pups. biggrin.gif

+1 added

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Hi ya kelly

I think the email is fine. If I was looking to buy a pup I would be re-assured if I had an email like this one from the breeder that the pups were well cared for. At the end of the day you have to be sure your pups are going to forever homes as so many end up being shipped from home to home. I would invite them back for a long chat and find out how aware they are of the breed without giving too much info yourself. That way you can be assured that they have done their research.

Good luck and keep us posted xxx

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Thanks guys.

Ah man it's so tough lol. I'd rather keep pups till they were a few weeks, couple months older than have them to go homes that I worry about them in! I had someone text me yesterday saying "can you keep me in mind if you drop your price?" lol eh naw.

Glad it's ok though, last thing I wanted was to come across as being a bi*ch but like I said my pups come first.

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Thanks guys.

Ah man it's so tough lol. I'd rather keep pups till they were a few weeks, couple months older than have them to go homes that I worry about them in! I had someone text me yesterday saying "can you keep me in mind if you drop your price?" lol eh naw.

Glad it's ok though, last thing I wanted was to come across as being a bi*ch but like I said my pups come first.

omg i cnt belive sum ppl - if u cnt afford the price the pups are at how can u afford 2 look after them!? :blink: sum ppl r just stupid

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I think it's more than fine.

Bottom line is, if they go through the effort of addressing those issues and making sure you are comfortable with it, then not only will it show that they really do want a pup, but that they are willing to put in the work required.

If they go "this is too much work, lets go find another breeder" - then they're obviously not willing to do the work required for a Sibe.

In a way, I can understand a lot of the concerns, but I also know with at least some of the issues, they can be resolved - but it is HARD work. Some of the circumstances are similar to how my own are/were.

I had owned a German Shepherd growing up, and my wife had never had a dog before. Before hand however, I spent a good couple of months lurking on these forums reading every scrap of info I could find, as well as reading books and other web information out there. I then made my wife do the same. She is now great with Aska, but it is one of the hardest things she's had to do so far in her life!

The rehoming of a sibe in the past really is a huge red flag like you've pointed out though. It may be that they have a legitimate reason that satisfies you once they let you know what that is, but I cannot think of many at all that would meet that definition. Ultimately I think its great you are taking such care in where these pups will go.

I hope you have good luck with finding forever homes for the pups!

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Its a good email Kelly but reading though what you already know about them do you really want them to have one of the pups ?

Its this that put the flags up to me " Ok, I know XXXXX has had a husky in the past but I am concerned as to why it was rehomed...and sold on? "

That would of been enough for me to say no :(

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Well Dunc yeah exactly...but I do want to give them the opportunity to explain the rehome situation first off. Right now I'm a no...but like I say I will give them the chance but it would need to be a really good reason to sway me the other way.

I get that some dog's need to be rehomed for whatever reason....my real issue is that he was sold I don't like that yanno? Too money orientated for my liking. In my contract it states that the pup is returned to me if it needs rehomed for any reason BUT no money is returned and the pup is not sold on. So my thinking is if they sold one before then how likley is it they'd bring the pup back to me knowing they aren't getting money for it and that I'd be placing it in an experienced Husky home for free as opposed to them being able to sell it on for some of their money back.

Arrgghh I have such a sick feeling in my stomach...I kinda already know it's a no but I do still feel bad

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That sounds fine to me Kelly and if their the sort of people who would get offended at that very polite email then you know they're not the sort you want as owners as the reason they will be offended is that deep down they know its true and dont want to admit it to themselves!

But if their anything like me they will be reassured that your looking for just the right family and just the right pup for that family and will be there throughout that pups life if they ever need an extra helping hand or a bit of friendly advise! Just wish every breeder was as careful when choosing homes for their pups and then maybe we wouldnt have quite so many in rescues!

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seems okay to me too huni.....the people who we got shiloh off were exactly the same as you...wanted loads of info on us before they even let us come and view the litter......that to me put my own mind at rest as they obviously wanted to know the pups were going to the right people

and from what you put in your email you want whats best for your pups too :) xxx

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Seems fine to me too, when i met our breeder i felt like i'd gone for a job interview not a pup, if it was me personally and i had any doubts then they wouldn't get one. No need to feel bad about it, you'd feel alot worse if you made the wrong choice.

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I'm always VERY concerned when breeders don't have any concerns about my home or ask further information.

I was really worried that because I specifically wanted a red and white a lot of breeders would do what you did and assume that I just want another dog based on colour and won't consider other options, or am not educated enough. When we got Loki, we originally went to get his brohter, who was a black and white, but he was so hyper and uncontrollable and Loki was much calmer and trained (Even at six weeks!) so we ended up with a wolfgray instead of the black and white we wanted originally.

I have a friend whose husband bought a husky for looks and he's wound up being the dumbest husky I know. He has no self confidence and just doesn't learn any training at all... even with an older dog who sets a good example.

You'll be glad you sent the mail, because what's it worth if your baby just got rehomed when he "Won't stop jumping on people", "Won't stop going using the house as a loo" or "Howls at night"?

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Kelly - that email is perfect - well done to you for doing that. Please don't feel bad for writing what you did - at the end of the day if they're the right parents for your pups then they won't take offence to it.

Added to rep xxx

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Well I got a huuuuuuuge reply and here is the basis of it......

Hi Kelly

I totally understand and appreciate your concerns....XXXX is at the work between 5-6 hours a day and is back in the house twice during those hours ,as he is a kinesiology therapist and works from home so he doesnt even need to work those hours at all so toilet training wont be a problem ,

The reason XXX had to rehome Kito was due to a split. They had the dog for years and XXXX had to take on a job working over 60 hours a week so it wouldnt be fair on the dog as you would understandl

I Myself have brought up 2 pups at my parents one which is a german shepard, and the other a cross breed,and we recently toilet trained the pup we bought for thomas parents

I hope this settles any doubts you previously had and i agree with you 100% that the pups should have the perfect home and loving which we will provide

Im totally a clean freak and theres is nothing left on the kitchen counters, we have the space, time and a big garden to give a pup a loving home and the energy to train him and keep him exercised :) as with the colour that has always been my wish , but as you say its whats best for our family ,so not having that exact one isnt a problem as they are all gourgeos but as long as i can have a blue eyed one lol , Im not offended at all if anything I think its amazing what you do, you do it so well. I also know that it will be hard work but everyone needs a challenge and our pup will be for life

Ive did alot of reasearch and know what they can be like. This wasnt an overnight decision we have been planning this for a long time


I do have to admit I feel better about it now....they are coming around on Friday to see pups again and we can chat some more. But I'm glad I've give them the chance to air their views so to speak. Shall see how I feel on Friday about it!!

Thanks for your advice guys, mucho appreciated! :D

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