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Seventy pensioners threatened with Asbos after 'late night parties, noise and vandalism' at sheltered accommodation

Last updated at 10:03 AM on 29th July 2010

Seventy pensioners have been threatened with Asbos in a row over late-night parties at their sheltered housing estate.

The residents, some as old as 90, have been accused of playing loud music until the early hours of the morning.

The complaints include allegations that a new tenant had been bringing 'outsiders' into the shared common room for late night bingo sessions.

Now council officials have sent the pensioners letters warning them about antisocial behaviour.

Resident Jean Walton moved to the estate in April and vows that the bingo nights she hosts will continue.

Jean, 65, said: 'Our bingo will carry on and it will not stop me. I don't want to vegetate for the rest of my life - we have a room and we should use it.

'They are closing all of our elderly day centres around here and we've got a perfectly good room to use for activities and fun.'

Brenda Gough, 66, has lived on the estate for 15 years, and filled the ASBO complaint to the council.

She said: 'I complained because I heard allegations were made that I had put my mother in a home because I wanted her two-bed home and that I have men around for sex.

'I keep asking if people expect me to sit by while these malicious rumours are spread about me. This place will never be the same.'

Some of those living at the Ash Grove Road Scheme, in Great Barr, Birmingham, have been asked to attend personal interviews to face the accusations.

These relate to a series of late-night gatherings and noise emanating from the common room.

A letter from Birmingham City Council to residents of the complex read: 'To all residents of Ash Grove Road supporting housing scheme:

'The department has received a number of complaints of anti-social behaviour at Ash Grove wardens scheme.

'I wish to make it clear to all residents that Birmingham City Council will not tolerate anti-social behaviour. Therefore if you are responsible please ensure that the above actions cease immediately.

'Action will be taken against those individuals who continue to behave in an anti-social manner.'

At one social evening, which allegedly finished at 2am, partygoers were said to have hurled abuse at people who asked them to be quiet.

Meanwhile one resident was accused of tearing down bingo posters.

Retired June Hill, 62, a former warden at the housing scheme, said: 'My husband, Harold, has been accused of taking posters down at a local shop and I don't know what I'm been accused of - its a huge stress.

'A woman moved in ten weeks ago,and all the trouble started. She is attempting to bring outsiders into the community for bingo nights and dances at the common room.

'People with problems still knock on my door because I was warden here for so long. Now I have been threatened with an Asbo.'

She added: 'Everything could have been solved without these warnings and letters. And now people are thinking of transferring if it carries on like this.'

Her 62-year-old husband has denied involvement.

'The new tenant placed posters into the shops to play bingo in the common room.' he said.

The Ash Grove Road Scheme where seventy pensioners were threatened with Asbos in a row over late-night parties

'The elderly residents here are very wary of strangers coming in to their community. But I had nothing to do with the posters being torn down.

'It used to be like a paradise living here and now its a nightmare.'

Another resident, who did not want to be named, termed the move 'complete overkill' and said the situation had 'got out of hand'.

'We have a new neighbour who has got everyone's backs up and wants to hold social evenings and bingo nights to bring in people from outside.

'We want a quiet life, we don't want late night parties and loud music and lots of people coming and going. That is a common room for residents and their guests.'

Brian Halling, 67, who is disabled, hard of hearing and uses a mobility scooter, identified the offending music as 50s and 60s tunes - as well as reggae.

He said: 'There were some records being played, it was the kind of music we all listen to, old stuff from the 50s and 60s. There was other music as well, more modern stuff, I think it was reggae.

'You could hear it for miles around.'

He added: 'We have parties quite often at birthdays and Christmas, but we don't have them so much any more because a lot of people are dead.'

Residents are now demanding the warning letter, sent by Birmingham City Council assistant housing officer Jacqueline Carbado, is retracted.

The letter states that some residents have 'complained of harassment which consists of intimidation, bullying and spreading malicious rumours'.

It goes on to outline the conditions of tenancy which prohibit antisocial behaviour and threatens 'action' against anyone who continues, which could include Asbos or eviction.

Carol Dempster, who chaired the former tenants' association, said there had been a series of burglaries over the last three years and said residents did not want 'lots of people coming and going'.

Local councillor Coun Dring said officials were 'using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut'.

'Some of these residents are quite old, some quite ill and never go out. The letter is totally over the top,' another councillor said.

A Birmingham City Council spokesman said: 'We takes matters of anti social behaviour seriously and following a number of complaints from residents at the Ash Grove Warden Scheme, which we are currently investigating, we felt it was necessary to remind all residents that abusive, threatening or intimidating behaviour towards their neighbours would not be tolerated.

'We have not threatened any of our residents with an ASBO, but we accept that the letter may be regarded as over-zealous.

'We did not intend to cause our residents any upset or concern and we are sorry if we have. We remain committed to protecting their safety.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1298340/Pensioners-face-Asbos-late-night-parties-sheltered-accommodation.html#ixzz0vBHctNwJ

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