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Sounds like you are pretty prepared. Don't start the hard exercise until the puppy is older. Too much running and jumping while they are young will hurt their joints as they are growing. I recommend taking the puppy to puppy class as soon as possible to get it well socialized. You can start training the basics really young. My pup learned to sit, down, come, sit at my side, and a few other things by the time she was only 11 weeks old. Puppies catch on really quickly.

If you are going to show, you might want to invest in a high velocity drier. It will dry the dog quickly after a bath and can be used on them dry to blow off any loose coat. I plan on getting one soon. I wish I had one already! Also start bathing the puppy regularly to get it used to baths, since you'll be bathing it a lot of shows. If you are going to show, weekly baths are usually necessary and you'll want to get some kind of finishing spray that has oils in it to keep the fur from drying out due to the frequent baths. I'm not a fan of the furminator, since it uses a blade and I can't see how that's good for the dog's coat. But that's just my opinion. Go to conformation shows and talk to the breeders and handlers and learn as much as you can from them. Also go to as many canine structure and movement programs as you can to learn all you can.

I recommend getting a wire metal or hard plastic crate and wire metal x-pen instead of the soft sided crate and play pen. A husky pup will just tear those up! I know! Cause I tried to use a soft sided play pen for my puppy and she managed to chew off parts of it. I would never trust her in a soft sided crate either for long periods of time. I'm sure she could find some way to damage it.

You'll want the dog to be good at obedience if you want to do agility and show in the future. So I'd work on obedience first with a little agility training at first (keep the jumps, table, and contact equipment very low so the puppy does not hurt it's joints. Like 2" jumps or only as high as the puppy's pasterns.)

Have fun with your new puppy!

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that's way to much exercise for a puppy. rule of thumb is 5 minutes for every month old they are. they should not be on a scooter, running with you, biking, rollerblading until they are over a year as it will affect their joint and bone development.

with monthly baths, i only bathe mine maybe 3-4 times a year and i've noticed that's a lot more then most people. you don't want to take away the natural oils in a huskies coat.

with the net crate and playpen, a husky could easily knock it over, you want to get a metal crate probably size large or xlarge and get dividers because you don't want the puppy going potty in it. the playpen would honestly be useless, they grow to fast.

with training, i started embry in basic obedience classes at around 6 months i think? puppy socialization is a great idea to get them used to other dogs and people.

good luck with shadow :D

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James, welcome to the site,

Only advice I will give on the questions you have asked is the pup should get 5 mins walk per day I think per month's age as his joints are devoloping. Any play time in the house or garden will also tire him out at such a young age. Also remember not to take them out or be careful beofre they have had their 2nd injections, usually a week after.

As soon as that is done try and socialise him with other dogs for his development, whether it is on walks or puppy classes. Like Sara said get a wire crate for him, and get one that will size him when he is fully grown, you can always section it off when he is smaller.

As for your weekly guide, I started walking Falkor outside at 11 weeks, training him from day 1 the basic commands. As far as pulling goes people say wait until they are at least a year old.

I am sure many others will give you their advice form their own experiences so good luck

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Way too much exercise. Remember playtime is good exercise & obediance is brain work which also tires them.

Also remember daily checks & grooming - teeth etc. Great way to get them used to 'vet inspections' as they are so familiar.

I would recommend a walking belt when he's older with long lead & a walking bowl which doesn't spill (it was on dragons den) sorry I can't remember the name. If your dog likes water then a kids paddling pool will be loved on hot summer days

enjoy your pup!

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Welcome aboard. Getting a new Husky is always filled with anxious anticipation. It's good that you are posting this now rather than after. Agree with others on the exercise. Too much will end to physical development problems in the joints. I would not consider having a Husky pull until at least 12 months of age, and then only for short distances. Best to hold off until 18 months or so. Also have to agree with the wire crate. A Husky could very easily destroy those you have pictured in your post. Heck, they even sometimes destroy the wire ones.

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Start training from the moment the puppy comes home - but... keep it simple, short, and fun! If you make training too intense, the thing your pup is most likely to learn is that it isn't fun. Play games where your pup has to "catch" you to teach the recall. Play attention games "watch me", and make that the best thing in the world! As for the exercise, watch and listen for what the puppy has to tell you - he'll let you know when he's had enough, usually. If you work on good house manners, and work in sit, down, stand, come, and (for very brief moments to begin with!) stay in that context, he'll learn almost effortlessly! Good luck!rolleyes.gif

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I agree with what every one else has said way too much at such a young age

will the trainer be training your pup themselves or will you be doing it?

Ohhh and i'm curious - who's Shadow - you're location says

Location:wherever Shadow drags me!

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Hi James, welcome to the forum. Nothing to add to everyone else's posts, except that those mesh crates are rubbish for sibes, mine lasted a couple of days:rolleyes:

Whereabouts in Ireland are you? Once the pup is old enough, I belong to a club that has social meet ups, walking etc, as well as dryland mushing, I'm sure we'd have some members near you.

Best of luck doing agility with a sibe, any shows that I've been to in Ireland don't have an enclosed ring, I wouldn't trust a sibe in that situation, too easy for them to make a run for it:lol: If you're anywhere near Dublin, Dog Training Ireland have great socialisation classes and doggy day care, can't recommend them highly enough.

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I did not read what everyone else posted so this might be a repost but the creat and puppy playpen will not work a husky will deff. get out of those! And I find that old towels or the kennel matts work best my husky just tears up dog beds (accept for her dog bed in our bedroom but it is not in her kennel). If you are interested check out the slide show I made of my husky there are pictures and videos of her from when we got her at 6 weeks untill she is a year old and the pictures are in order so you can see how fast they grow! Here is the link! If you go to my youtube page there are other videos of her doing tricks and pulling dog sleds.

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Oh I for got! Get lots and lots of puppy chew toys!! Husky pups LOVE to chew and if you do not provide lots of chew toys they will chew on things they are not suposed to chew on like furniture and so on. Pig hooves and bully sticks are awesome! Also we find all the kong toys are good the only kind of sqeak toy Akira can not chew apart is the wabba kong. She loves stuffed animals but just tears them apart so we buy them at the thrift store and garage sales and give her one every now and then. And Akira has been in training since she was 10 weeks old and goes once a week and that seems to be fine for her. I would also recomend getting lots and lots of books to read about the breed and look into trainers and ask if you can sit in on one of their classes. And teach your pup the wait command and make him wait for everything we have done this with Akira since she was very little and we have never had any dominance issues with her. If you are prepaired for all of the good and all of the bad then you will be very happy with your new puppy! Life is not the same with out a husky but they are also a lot of work and they are like no other breed. If you have any other questions let me know! :)

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Actually, if you get a Siberian who is really motivated by agility, they can do really well! I have a good friend up in Alaska who tends to clean up at the agility trials there with her Siberians! Of course, she's a fantastic dog trainer, to begin with. but it can be done...

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  • 9 years later...

Mean in what way? Pups will pee pretty regularly and especially when they wake up and after drinking, I took mine outside to pee every 30 mins, once they did the pee they had lots of praise and a tiny treat, dogs respond to positive reinforced training, being mean to a dog will lead to distrust and usually aggression.

Sent from my iPad using Husky Owners

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/26/2020 at 5:17 PM, Armida said:

How do you get a pup to potty train outdoors with out being mean ? 

Mean ? 

Take pup out every half hour to an hour and straight after eating,  drinking,  sleeping etc , dont let pup see you clean up any accidents and if they do accident dont punish them just put them outside,  clean it up and move on 

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