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This is very sad!


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I can't even express how disturbing that is.

Poor bear bear, how utterly unfortunate that they were at that park at the same time as this gun wielding moron.

It's husky ignorance at its peak!

But wow, i can't even fathom how the owners were just after the shooting. Like others have already said, i would have gone nuts at the cops. Gun or no gun.

Surely even if Bear Bear were going after the german shepherd, the gsd would have been extremely capable of fighting off an attack? And to shoot first before going in and pulling them apart? WTF.

Hopefully with the amount of attention which is generating the cops step back and let the gutless moron get whats coming to him..

I hope they release his identity eventually.

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Here are some photos from his life. He was a gorgeous dog.

The federal officer responsible for the shooting is based out of Fort Myer. Please call one of the numbers below to politely voice your displeasure in how this case has been handled.

Public Affairs Office:

(703) 696-0596

Director, Public Affairs:

(703) 696-4979

Community Relations Officer:

(703) 696-4979

Command Information Officer:

(703) 696-0584

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The baltimore/anne arundel officers and shooter laughed and joked while Bear lay dying in the dirt for 20 to 30 minutes!!!!

Where did you read that? I'm not so sure how creditable the story on FB is about the taser since it's not in any of the news reports. Did anyone find mention of the taser being used?

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I am so outraged and disgusted by this incident I've been tossing between blowing up and crying my butt off. I feel so sick to be part of the same race as this monster right now. That poor innocent dog. I to would have been completely insane with rage and probably dead next to my girls right now. I have sent complaints to their office and will now be writing to my governor for a plea to push them to prosecute. I cannot write to their's as I don't live them but I am darn sure going to put this cry out to everyone and anyone to get this guy to burn for what he did. He is a danger to society and an insult to that badge he so flippantly carries. I prey that Bear Bear does not hold this against the rest of us petty human beings and that he is playing with others in his new home. As for the owners my deespest simpathies and heartbroken condolences have already been sent. Sometimes I truly hate living in this country; our extensive freedom is often our biggest curse.

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Ok regardless if this will help or not and regardless if this is an overreaction on my part I have been convinced by a few friends of mine to physically write a letter to our governor, the governor of maryland, and the president of this incident and the outrage of this officer getting off scott free. My dad things I'm pushing things but I don't feel that way. I truly hope I'm not wasting my time and that this will get through to SOMEONE out there that something must be done to stop this from happening to anyone else whether it be a pet or person. Wish me luck guys I'm nervous and never done anything like this before but I feel that I need to.

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Ok regardless if this will help or not and regardless if this is an overreaction on my part I have been convinced by a few friends of mine to physically write a letter to our governor, the governor of maryland, and the president of this incident and the outrage of this officer getting off scott free. My dad things I'm pushing things but I don't feel that way. I truly hope I'm not wasting my time and that this will get through to SOMEONE out there that something must be done to stop this from happening to anyone else whether it be a pet or person. Wish me luck guys I'm nervous and never done anything like this before but I feel that I need to.

I don't think you are over reacting, and I do wish you luck.....

but on the sad side of things, i think because of his position of being a federal officer I don't think anything will happen to him angryfire.gifas angry as that makes me feel to say that.....

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Oh how I know it Lena but public outcry has already turned the tide in this and I'm truly hoping to keep this ball rolling and run this creep into the ground. My friend's and I are getting together and writing a respectful yet firm letter to each representative and I'm truly hoping this gets through to someone. The fact that he IS Federal will hopefully work in our favor but it could be a fools hope. Fools have changed the course of history before and I'm counting on that luck to pull this through. Thanks for the well wishes ^_^

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Yes, this incident happened in the USA, but it could so easily have been anywhere else in the world. I am sure similar incidents do take place all over the world, the only difference is, is that it does not make it into the papers. You live in a great country with amazing, caring people, who will go the extra mile to protect the innocent as is shown by the outrage over this shooting.

Most of us are lucky enough to have freedom of speech in our countries - and we must use it with care and pride to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

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He didn't even get charged? What is WRONG with the police? ._. The guy should have waited for the owners to come and take their dog away if he was so bothered, OR, God forbid, leave the dog park with his German Shepherd. Dog parks don't allow aggressive dogs, but shouldn't that go for people too? The Husky was playing. Even if it appeared to be fighting, that is no way to handle the situation.

R.I.P Bear-Bear. Hope you're running freely and happily, wherever you are. [Zoku's post]

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So I live in Baltimore and this is has been the big story of the past couple of days.

Here is a comment I made on Baltimore Sun's website:

My condolences to Bear-Bear's owners. I own a Husky who looks a lot like Bear Bear and seeing this story really hit home for me. I do on occasion take my boy to dog parks so he can run off leash and get some exercise. All dogs are different, but I personally find it hard to believe (based on my experiences with Huskies), that a Siberian Husky would attack a German Shepherd to the point where his/her owner feared for the dog's safety. And if this was in fact the case (which I doubt since the Shepherd was not in the least bit injured), discharging a firearm should be a last resort. I have seen fights in dog parks and always, one owner is able to pull his or her dog off of the other. I frequently shoot pistols for sport and it would never cross my mind to pull a gun if another dog was fighting with mine. Something must be wrong with this police officer's head...

I'll end on this note... when my boy was about 4-5 months old, he was attacked by a large pit bull/mastiff mix. He was injured (had two puncture wounds- one very close to his eye). I personally did not witness the attack, BUT the attack ended when my aunt pulled the large dog off my dog. Now not to make my aunt sound like a wimp but, if she could pull a huge mastiff/pit bull off my dog, this officer should have been able to get Bear Bear off of his Shepherd.

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Yea but not everything gets to the papers, not all details help the innocent ...what gets to the papers is what will raise their ratings.....

First of all, my condolences to Bear-Bear's family. I cannot imagine losing a pet in this manner. I believe that this officer was definitely in the wrong and with the outrage that is now accompanying this, something will be done. I pray that for Bear-Bear and family as well as for husky owners around the globe.

The following is not an attack of the above post, just taking an opportunity to give another point of view. I do not, in any way, support the way this article was written. It was obviously written with a lot of emotion, but with less facts than could have been provided.

While not everything gets into the papers, as a newspaper editor, my job is to be sure that facts are printed -- I, fortunately don't worry about what might sell papers. If what isn't printed isn't factual, I can be sued for libel. I find it interesting that this reporter was unable to discover the officer's name and include that. Also, he should publish vet records for the GSD if he/she can get her hands on them. (What about the history of this dog -- was there a history of prior problems????) . I also find it interesting that he/she made no reference as to trying to contact the officer in question. Every time I cannot get someone to comment, I place the following in the article - people can come to their own determination as to why a reporter's call went unanswered: "Calls to the ____ (police department, officer, whatever) went unanswered, when attempt (s) were made for comment." Or, if the spokesman for the department wouldn't release the officers name, I would have added, "Department officials denied requests to identify the officer." As a reporter, it is my job to make the public aware of who is (and isn't) assisting in getting facts out to the public. Please don't think that all newspapers 'cover' for officials. I certainly don't.

*dismounts soapbox*

Thankfully, they did put in the article a bit of education on the breed, (rough play, history of the dog) As a reporter, I would have also included information on the GSD breed as well.

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Where did you read that? I'm not so sure how creditable the story on FB is about the taser since it's not in any of the news reports. Did anyone find mention of the taser being used?

This came from another Husky site that I am on. The tazer was threaten to be used on Bears owner if he approached his dying pet.

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I am so outraged and disgusted by this incident I've been tossing between blowing up and crying my butt off. I feel so sick to be part of the same race as this monster right now. That poor innocent dog. I to would have been completely insane with rage and probably dead next to my girls right now. I have sent complaints to their office and will now be writing to my governor for a plea to push them to prosecute. I cannot write to their's as I don't live them but I am darn sure going to put this cry out to everyone and anyone to get this guy to burn for what he did. He is a danger to society and an insult to that badge he so flippantly carries. I prey that Bear Bear does not hold this against the rest of us petty human beings and that he is playing with others in his new home. As for the owners my deespest simpathies and heartbroken condolences have already been sent. Sometimes I truly hate living in this country; our extensive freedom is often our biggest curse.

I sent the prez an email even though he is out playing golf and doubt that it will do any good, but he is a federal employee who used extremely bad judgement and technically he is the mans boss.

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"We have learned the identity of the off-duty police officer who shot and

killed the dog named Bear at a dog park Monday night, but we did not

get Keith Shephard's name from the local police. They refused to give us

the officer's name."

If it was you or me, we would have been arrested, charged and our weapon taken away. he was allowed to go home!!!


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After reading the updates on the links, I'm still appalled that the department didn't issue the officer's name in the original release. I know everyone is supposed to be "innocent until proven guilty", but most news articles will state something like "John Doe, suspect in the shooting, was released pending further investigation."

This leads me to believe that there's another story for this reporter/newspaper to follow up on.

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