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Why can't I feel good about doing a good thing?


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Long story:

We stopped at Mcdonalds for ice cream after the dog park today and this guy had just ridden up on his bike and pulled out a very worn kids wallet. The guy looked to be about his mid twenties or so and proceeded to dump all the change he had, which wasn't much really, onto the ground and began counting it to see if he could afford a $1 burger. Now it' was 87 or so degrees today and muggy as heck outside. There was a nice breeze but only enough to take the bite off from the heat. Anyway it just broke my heart to see someone doing that ya know so I asked my roomate to see if he would like us to buy him something to eat. Now I don't go around approaching every hard luck person I see but something just told me to do it. So he did. When he spoke I just felt my heart break. He sounded like my brother does if his mind was a little more advanced.

I feel I need to explain a little about my brother here. He is going to be 26yrs old this October. When he was 17 months old he began having seizures and we found out he was epileptic and he has had seizures now all his life. When he began having them they limited his mind growth to that now of a 5yr old. It is heartbreaking to think of what he won't know but god that kid always has a winning smile every day from sun up to sunset. He's just amazing no matter what he always is bright and sunny.

So this guy sounded like a little kid in an adults body; if that makes sense. I wanted to burst out in tears right there. My personal feeling matter little here I know but I just couldn't help but wonder with all my heart where was his family? Granted he can obviously ride a bike on his own and is much more cognizant than my brother his but his guardian I feel should have been with him in case. Anyway so all he wanted was a double cheese burger. I decided since they have those mini meals what the heck I got him a meal. As soon as I gave him the cup he went and got a drink and was so thankful kept saying we were going to heaven and how nice a guy my roomate was and that he was really really thirsty. I felt good about the whole thing ya know and I'm not trying to brag or play this up I just don't understand one thing.

Why do I feel so down about it? Like I don't know it feels like one good deed, especially today, didn't make much of a difference. Like I don't even know why I did it I just. . .when we saw him dump the change out all of us were just struck with sadness. I don't understand why society has put out people that truly desperately need them to hold them up and yet people who don't need half the luxuries they have just twiddle away in their fancy houses and big mansions and go on these expensive vacations while people like that are desperately trying to get just one $1 burger?

Maybe I'm pmsing or something or am too emotional about the subject but I've been so depressed since that I just feel terrible :( I wish I could just feel good I gave him a few moments of kindess and knowing not all people are terrible and move on ya know?

Eh, sorry for the rant heh but thanks for listening. . er reading and letting me get that out. It helps. :)

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it's people like you that give the world hope that we haven't all become so self involved that we can't even see when a human being is just looking for a little kindness. What you did may be something small but it meant the world to that man and you should not feel down at all. If everyone did something nice like that when they could people would have so much more compassion rather than hate and maybe the world would get just a little better. I commend you darlin'! Always remember when you see someone like that... what if that was you? what if you just needed one person to show they care because that would just make the pain of what you're going through just a little easier... that's what it boils down to... good for you... you have a very kind heart!!

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Thanks Ashley :) That's what was going through my mind on the way home really. I mean what if I know someone out there a relative or friend who is or might be in that position. I would want someone to show just one act of compassion to show that even though I don't have things like them I am still a human being. It's not just people that have disabilities that need help either ya know and it's just rotten. Two months ago I helped a former Vietnam Veteran get a meal who was just plain down on his luck. He was living out of his camper and just wanted a small burger to make it through until his payday in two days. I was just so upset that even our former military is put in these situations. Granted we dont know the history behind how they got the way they did but that shouldn't matter no one and no creature she be left out in the cold when people simply pass by them when all they need is a kind word or just a small meal to make it through. I do feel better though thinking of brighter sides of things.

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i'm glad you feel better! I personally know how you feel. There have been many times i have helped people even with something so small it doesnt seem it would make that big of an impact but it has. my mom is the same way. there was a woman at a rest area with her two kids. they were inside the bathroom wrapped up in a blanket by the hand dryers.. my mom is a truck driver with her husband. she asked the woman if she was ok and the woman replied they were ok, she was on her way to her parent's house for the holidays if i remember correctly and her car broke down and her parents were 2 hours away. so to stay warm they were in the bathroom running the hand dryers... my mom being the thinker she is, went to her truck and grabbed some toys and coloring books she had for my kids which were easily replaced, and some extra blankets for the woman and her kids. she was not allowed to have them in her truck unfortunatly but she could make their wait a little more comfortable. and she did... that woman was so greatful she contacted my mom's trucking company, told them how thoughtful and nice she was.. the company awarded my mom for her kindness and showing that truckers aren't always the cliche meanies and her story was placed in a magazine. she didnt seak the attention she got but she deifnatly earned it... if more people would open their hearts instead of being stingy and selfish this world would be a much kinder place... keep your head held high my dear, you have your heart and mind in just the right place.

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One small act of kindness made one person's day brighter today. Don't feel down. One person cannot change the World, but your one act of kindness may stand in his mind for years to come. Who knows, maybe some day, he will have the opportunity to do the same for another person. You saw a need and you filled that need. How many people don't even see the need, and simply walk on by. If we all did as you did today, what a much better World we would live in. If there was a Husky Do Good Award, you'd have my vote.

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as has been posted before, too many people in this world are too selfish or too blinkered to see what is around them and that what you see as a simple act of passing on $1 meant so much more to that 1 person. It is easy to understand why you would feel down about the situation, but focus on what you did for that individual, you showed him compassion & selflessness and put a smile on his face - one piece of kindness will stay with him for a long, long time & I'm sure if he gets the opportunity to do the same, he will .... well done you for putting a bit of happiness his way :up:

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added to rep

what you did was feed another human being who was in need and that is applaudable!

too many people would have passed him by without a glance.

it shows that you have a good heart and you will have lifted his spirits as he knows that there are some lovely and wonderful people out there

dont feel bad at all

there isn't a lot more you can do for him as you don't know him.

i know myself that if i saw some one like that i would have done the same,

you are amazing

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*hugs* hun you did an amazing thing today helping that person - im sorry you dont feel better about it - just remember you helped out some1 who needed it and even tho u cant hear him ill bet he is still thanking you and your room mate right now

we need more people like you in the world xxxxxxxxxx

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you did a heartwarming act :) feel happy of what you have done, you have made his life for that day just the bit better maybe you even greatly improved his life letting him know that there are people out there that will show him some kindness and hopefully if he has the chance of beginning to roll in some money he will do the same and that person will carry on. maybe you have started a series of events of people helping each other. you should be really proved of yourself :)

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You shouldnt feel so down the world needs alot more people like you im a mental health nurse and i know what some people can be like and im 100% sure he will remeber you for the rest of his life and wouldnt be surprised if he toldall his freinds and family what you did for him good on you xxxxxxx

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