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What is wrong with my husky?!?!?

baja ss

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im new in this forum, and i just found it on google so i said il give it a try and know whats going on with my husky

so here's what happend.

we bought this husky a month ago and i met him 2 weeks ago he was niice and loved me, everyday i clean his place take him for a walk 2 times feed him and fill his water.

not until today at night i heard him barking and making awoooo sounds so i went down to see him, he was really mad and angry, then he calmed down for an hour, while i was doing the normal stuff for him he became a MONSTER!!!!!

i dont know what the hell on earth happend to him he nearly broke every thing besides him, he barked in a way like he wanted to kill me :( .

i never hurt him or screamed on him, so he went more crazy and more crazier i didnt know what to do he was spining on him self annd jumping and barking at me like he wants to attack me!!!!!!!!!

i have never seen a dog in my life do that :o

then as soon as he calmed down i took hiim to his place and he stayed there till my bro came, and my bro told me hes just fine.

BUT HE WASN'T HE WAS A BULL and not a cute husky and he's just 3 months old.

i hate him so much i dont wana feed or play with him again ever.:(

when he saw me later he wanted to come besides me but ignored him and walked away..........

i wished we never got him and i though of the fastest way i can get him back to the petshop.............

but i rememberd how nice he was and playfull.

so can i use some help?

whats wrong with him and what pissed him off?

and what should i do when he does that?

oh yea and hes white and brown.


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Just sounds like a husky burst of energy to me. My dog does this sometimes and will run around the house barking and howling at me. I use this time to do some training with him to focus his energy. I do tricks such as sit, down, stay, heel and things like that with treats as rewards. You have to remember a husky is a very high energy dog and they're also VERY smart so they need physical and mental exercise. a one mile walk is nothing for a husky. Sounds to me like boredom got to him. try taking him for a good run he should like that and see if his behavior changes.

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Ok well you have a typical husky they go nuts every once and a while at 3 months old he is not even aware of proper anger. You need to be firm not physical.

Stern voice be the dominant one show you are in charge.

3 months he will mostly jus want to play.. What games do you play with him.. He will pick up that you don't want him around it will make things worse you can either control it and sort it out before it progresses or ignore it an hate him and end up in worse situation.

But not to have a go did you do any research on huskies they are very destructive dogs not all but a good majority are they have stomachs that can get upset easily from foods and they blow their coats twice a year for about a month at a time and it is relentles.

Monster seems a little excessive for a puppy that is to learn the rules. How long do you walk him for at a time what foods do you feed him and did the previous owners or pet store as it was you said not give you any advice. These breeds or working dogs are hard work. Take a lot more than any average dog a husky is not just a pet they are what you put in to them I would not be so quick to give up on what is the most beautiful dog on the planet.

And may I ask what made you buy a husky?

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+ Rep keath


I agree with keath hun typical husky puppy behaviour, Husky's are very much hard work and you do need to put an awful lot of time energy love and training into them.There are quite a lot of threads on here that may be able to give you some guidance on training etc... The min someone gets a husky your life changes forever. He is only 3 months old and wants your attention love and time. HATE is a very harsh word for a puppy you got to remember he is just like a baby they need that much from you its unreal. But as long as you know what to do the rewards from all your efforts its out of this world but you not going to get them if its not put in. Also are you using a crate? What do you mean his place?

Give us some more info then we can poss guide you a bit better. Also pics please



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My Ozzy did that as a puppy and still does from time to time. They have these amazing bursts of energy where they run around the house, jumping on the furniture, and running in circles. Once they have tired themselves out, they rest. The first time Ozzy did that we thought he was crazy. When he decides its time to let rip, we get to the door as fast as possible and let him outside into the back garden. If you don't have a back garden, I would suggest long walks in the morning and evening - they do need a LOT of exercise. I am not sure exactly how old you husky is, but remember that they need five minutes walk for every month in age. If he is three months old he will need a 15 minute walk twice a day, at least.

He will also need lots of mental stimulation, so you can start training him and teaching him tricks. A few toys will also keep him busy.

Please don't hate him. He is a precious husky, and he needs you to love and care for him.

Thank you for joining the forum. We will help you in any way we can.

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You have a very pack oriented, high energy breed on your hands. You need to spend a lot of time with them and teach them rules, tricks , games etc... Make them part of your family and show them lots of love. Don't ever hate him. Remember he's a dog, not a person. Your not always going to understand why he does certain things and he's not always going to understand what you want from him. You need to learn from each other and that takes time. Keep a strong positive attitude around your dog. Hate and anger will only give you an unpredictable, aggressive dog. Chin up! Raising a puppy is never easy.

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Hey guys thanks alot for the fast replys

i dont hate him but i got really sad

like he was all fine with me.

his place used to be a shower room he has his toys and water and his place were he poops

and what got us to buy him is my bro

but i never ever loved a pet this much in my life

i used to hate dogs and like cats

but now i love this dog more than any pet in the world

but i wish i couldev took a pic of how he looked :(

i dont think that was playing

he didnt look like a husky he was frowning and barking and making scary sounds like GRRRRR

i dunnow what pissed him off

its the first time i ever own a dog

but i have to admit he always walked besides me, when i sit in the chair he comes besides me and lays down

and when i go away for a while he barks until i come

and sometimes i wear my sport cloth just to be able to run with him

im very sad T___T

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I swear that i could live with him 20 more years if hes normal like the past days

but i cant live 1 sec with the way he gets angry

i placed his leash on a swing we have so i can bring him water

he nearly broke the whole swing

and kept distroying the plants

just like he wanted to eat me......

i know him when hes playing

and im not a pro husky trainer

thats why i want to learn from you ppl

and i did some research on him yes for sure.

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I am going to put my video on here... this is my husky at a very mild time, they are super hyper and very playful, go to youtube.com and watch "huskies playing'' it might look like roughness or anger to you but more than likely he just wants to play.. try getting down on the floor and playing with him.. arms out and butt up makes achmed super happy because he knows i wanna play lol ... i know it sounds silly but these dogs have soooo much energy and need a lot of attention, setting that aside they are the best breed in my eyes and i wouldnt trade my husky for the world... i am actually thinking of finding a playmate for the one i have now... hope you find your answers... :D


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I am going to put my video on here... this is my husky at a very mild time, they are super hyper and very playful, go to youtube.com and watch "huskies playing'' it might look like roughness or anger to you but more than likely he just wants to play.. try getting down on the floor and playing with him.. arms out and butt up makes achmed super happy because he knows i wanna play lol ... i know it sounds silly but these dogs have soooo much energy and need a lot of attention, setting that aside they are the best breed in my eyes and i wouldnt trade my husky for the world... i am actually thinking of finding a playmate for the one i have now... hope you find your answers... :D


Thanks allot for ur help

he did the same thing but way more energy

im going to sound like a baby asking this, when he gets like that and keeps doing this......... would he attack me?

and i know i would sound stupid but if i just wanna know what he did was playing?:unsure:

if that was playing and not anger i would play with him all day long :rolleyes:

i dont know if he wanted to play or attack me but his sound was scary,

did ur husky ever bite u?

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lol achmedsmom great video

I wasn't saying it to be rude we just hear all the time of husky's need to be rehomed because people get them based on their looks.

We can all help you but keep in mind he wont be the quiet puppy as they grow so does their energy throu the roof lol

If you fear you're dog you are in trouble. when he acts up interact with him make it a game get a toy some thing you can throw he will chase probs run straight past an then run around going insane it's really quiet funny. as above use treats to get his attention.

Never let him have the treat untill you say it's ok even if you put it on the floor make him leave it untill you say it's ok as untill that point it belongs to you will teach a respect boundery

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Thanks allot for ur help

he did the same thing but way more energy

im going to sound like a baby asking this, when he gets like that and keeps doing this......... would he attack me?

and i know i would sound stupid but if i just wanna know what he did was playing?:unsure:

if that was playing and not anger i would play with him all day long :rolleyes:

i dont know if he wanted to play or attack me but his sound was scary,

did ur husky ever bite u?

oh darlin' the world of playing with a husky is something you definatly have to get used to. achmed will come at me, then skid and turn right around, the closest achmed has ever gotten to actually biting me is mouthing my arm when he gets super excited, he will put his mouth on my arm but he would never ever bite down. You have to understand though, puppies bite and nibble and that is where the stern voice comes in, until they learn your play voice like in my video from your stern voice which means they should stop what they're doing they will keep thinking everything they're doing is ok. that's just natural training, like some above have said, stern voice but never physical. that's not just with huskies though, any dog you have needs to know their limits and know who is dominate. achmed's favorite toy when he was a pup was a tug tug (colorful rope with two knots on each end) something he can bite, and i can pull back on so we are playing but he is learning that his mouth belongs on a toy not on me. and bones to chew on are the best, it keeps them occupied for a long while. take your pup for nice long walks, play with him as many times a day as you can, remember he doesnt know anything until you teach him so teach him everything you want him to do and he will get it eventually. it sounds like you have the patience you were just a little thrown off by a husky's definition of playing... it happens to all of us! if you have any other questions feel free to ask away!

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i just saw the vid

what he was doing was the same as ur husky did at the end of the vid

i thought he was mad at me and he didnt like me anymore

i didnt know that was playing :D

thanks alot achmedsmom

and everyone

helped me alot

im going to play with him tmw

but as i said

i didnt hate him

i just was rly rly disapointed bcz of what he did

so if he wanna do the same thing i let him run everywhere around the house, il try it

oh ya i have a simple Q

here at dubai at the morning is nearly 47 C or 49 C

its rly rly rly rly hot

thats y we keep him in his place its cold over there

but at night time the wether is nearly 32 c or 30 c and some air , isnt hot at all

can i keep him as soon as the sun goes down outside to play everywhere?

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Yes, he would love to play outside when it gets cooler, as long as he has plenty of water and some shade he will be fine. It would be great if he can go inside after he has had enough outside - can you leave a door open for him?

Maybe you could get him a small splash pool for outside. My huskies have one and they love playing in the water. This will help keep him cool when he is playing outside.


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Yes, he would love to play outside when it gets cooler, as long as he has plenty of water and some shade he will be fine. It would be great if he can go inside after he has had enough outside - can you leave a door open for him?

Maybe you could get him a small splash pool for outside. My huskies have one and they love playing in the water. This will help keep him cool when he is playing outside.

this would be a nice idea thanks alot :D

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Advice so far has been great. It sounds as tho he got lonely & wanted some attention. Huskys are pack animals & just want to be with their human pack.

It sounds as tho he is in a kennel in the garden??

How long was he on his own?

How much exercise does he get?

How much play does he get?

How much structured positive reward play does he get?

A 3mth puppy will get tired quickly so it needs to be little & often.

Huskys want to be pack leader (& will keep trying if they can get away with it when they get older) so do lots if research now so you know how to be pack leader. (ideally should be done to determine whether this is the right breed for you). Can you go to any puppy training locally?? This can be really helpful for a new furbaby mum.

P.s- you've come to a great forum for help & support.

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Oh & do remember huskys are much happier in the cold & snow (unlikely in Dubai!). Lots of water play in the shade.

Becareful when travelling in the car cos he will suffer really quickly

also be aware of how hot the path us when walking..it could burn his paws

huskys can get permenant damage from heat exhaution (exercising when too hot - they are intended to live in cold conditions ). Perhaps research this as well??

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What does your Husky look like? i have not seen a pic of him, i ask this as i would like to see his markings if any, alot of Huskies have an evil kind of look due to there marking always look like they are frowning when they are not and people get wary when they start to bark and play as they can look like they are mad....

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from the sounds of it, it sounds like you aren't exercise your husky, hence why he is playing roughly. if he isn't getting people and dog interaction honestly he'll probably always be like this. huskies need LOTS of constant exercise and they love playing. do you guys leave him locked in a room all day and let him do potty in the house:blink: you need to really be spending more time with him, huskies are pack animals which means they need the constant attention of humans and other dogs. a brown and white husky? sure you don't have a mix?

also the barking and awooing, huskies are huge talkers and they love talking to their humans :) it's something we all adore

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Yeah was gunna say what Jennet and Embry said about the growling and barking... you should hear my guy right now! My girl has a toy he wants and boy does everyone in the neighborhood know it!!! Hes making every sound from a really high pitched little baby bark too a low rumbly growl to a woooo woooooo noise that huskies are famous for but none of it is nasty or angry its aaaaall about chatting and telling the world he wants to play! And like others have said my two growl and bark and wrestle eachother and even grab eachother round the throat and shake!! To someone who doesnt know their playing this might look really scary and aggressive but its actually very rare that a husky would be aggressive and even rarer that they'd be aggressive at just three months old so like the others I'd say they he was trying to get you to play with him.

Take heart, be strong and even if he does scare you a little bit do not let him know that he scares you otherwise as he grows up he will try to be boss and you dont want that!

Keep researching on here the best ways for him to know you are in charge.. things like "nothing in life is free" this means he must earn everything you give him.. things like making him sit and wait nicely before hes allowed to eat his food, making him do things like a trick or something before you give him a treat and then there are other things like making sure you and you family eat dinner before he gets his, this lets him know hes the bottom of the pack as in the wild they eat in their pack order with the lowest members eating last, and not letting him sleep on your bed with you as this also tells him he is your equal.

Good luck with your pup and please take some pics and post them up... we loooove the see puppy pics here!! :D

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Dark red is almost the same thing than brown. Brown is mostly red, or it has a red pigment on it. Many says that my red and white husky is brown, she kind of is, but she has a red pigment, and in the sun she glows on red. ;) Colors depend on who is watching. Many times those dark reds is really brown-red. There is still those huskies who´s really a chocolate brown, I have seen those many time. And yes, they were pure huskies. ;)

So, if you haven't seen a brown-white husky, it doesn't mean that they weren't exist or they aren't a siberian huskies.

here is a red-white female, she is really more like brown-red, just like her mother. I'll try to find a pic for brown husky.


And now to originally topic. I think too that it's just a normal huskyPUPPY behavior. I agree what Sarah Nukka and Shadow just wrote..."the best ways for him to know you are in charge."

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