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Ghosts and views :D


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Ok lets start this off with I am not asking if you believe in God or the Devil and not on about religion because i my self do not

How ever past experiences have left me more open minded than ever with regards to.ghosts an such (again not god and the devil)

What are you're thoughts and why on the subject real/false.. and stories??

I'm off with some friends soon ghost hunting at woodchester Mansion in devon in nov and i cant wait

Will need to get me some hired gear sound recorders .thermmal gear and camcorder lol..

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i've seen 2 ghosts,

once as a teen isaw an old man walk from 1 house to another in passageway where the doors had been bricked up for years and the other one i saw was a young boy in a bowling alley that i worked in that was built on a row of old shops bombed in the war and a few people were killed in them. another time one of my workmates in the same bowling alley was stood talking to someone and when we asked who he said it was a woman asking for direction but was dressed in really old cloth's

makes the hairs stand up on your neck

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cheers I cant wait have to admit i HATE most haumted to much screaming and running away from anything to really see or hear what is going on but as to the rest i also enjoy watching them and the evidence reviews :)

I feel the same way about most haunted its really looking more and more like a big cash in ££££££ i even went to see Derek Achora (spelling) live once and omg he was so bad it was comical, i almost got chucked out for laughing.

Has anybody seen paranormal state its a bit like ghost hunters thats pretty good. There was a scene on the last one i saw where 2 of them are in a bedroom in a hotel and they hear something in the en suite the one with the camera goes to have a look and sees nothing then when he is coming out of the en suite you hear some clattering noise behind him he pans back with the camera and nothing but when they look back at the footage the soap dispencer and bits on the sink are all on the right hand side the first time he goes in and when he hears the noise like 10 seconds later and pans back everything is on the left now that was quite cool.

I think i'd like to believe but i'm very sceptical, orbs shadows and evp's do nothing for me at all to be honest i think that can all be explained away i need a bit more than that, can't wait to see what you come up with though Keath

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I saw a ghost floating over a banana tree behind a church.

She's all curled up and glowing with a yellowish aura.

It stunned me for about a minute or so.

I couldn't talk, I couldn't move.

I wanted to come near it but I couldn't move my legs.

I tried making sense of what I saw.

But I couldn't. :P

I wanted to come near but I can't even move my fingers.

That's my one and only experience :P

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Not sure if i have seen this one paranormal state.. I will look it up

This is not to offend any one purely because i dont know what the programe and only seen it twice ever so im in hope that by saying it some one will know the name and i will correct it. It's a paranormal programe that is done in america and by a family coloured people both times I have seen it i was quiet impressed it's 2 sisters a mum and a brother.

Off to check out paranormal state :)

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i've had a few paranormal experiences with ghosts. and i'm convinced that my haouse is haunted, but it may be my great grandmother, and other spirits, as this house has always been owned and lived in by women. and i beleive that they only accept men living here who they know are good eggs, as many of my past 'bad' boyfriends have had people whispering in thier ear to 'get out' Roberts never had anyone say or show him anything and i think its because deep down hes just a really nice and honest guy.

I think imy great grandmother is here because i smelt her smell a few times since living here (been here almost 4 years) and she lived here with my nan, my mum lived here with them also, then later my mum lived here with us as kids, and me and my sister lived here together after that, and now its just me, but i want to stay here my whole life! i love this house, its been in my family for 4 generations, and before that 2 sisters lived here.

some of the other things that people have seen here are legs at the top of the stairs, a girl downstairs walking around, we always hear people whispering to each other when we are half asleep too., oh and the whispering in your ear, i also got touched on my bum twice, and when i looked round nobody was there. i like them, i don't think they hold and bad intentions toward me.

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the woman im house sitting for has a 'gift' - she does readings and things AND she is always off and about on ghost hunting trips ect - she has great fun

I;m very unsure on the whole psychic readings but then again I have seen some very interesting things I guess for some one to make me truely believe i would have to be around them in a situation from start to finish as in from the very moment an idea come up so i could see they have no bacground checking or headsets or anything from the very very start till the end But sounds cool still :)

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Ive never seen anything myself but when we were working on a demolition site at an old steelworks ,one of the lads( who was hard as they come )was driving the magnet crane and saw something out of the corner of his eye .When he took a closer look he saw an old man in a flat cap just floating up into the air needless to say he was terrified and jumped out of the crane and ran off.His boss had to threaten him with his job to make him return to site and he made sure he would only stay for his 40 hours after that he wouldnt work any overtime or stay longer than he had to .When word got round the site as to what had happened some of the older lads who had worked in the steelworks reckoned that a man had been killed in one of the tunnels which were below where the crane was working.

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This subject fascinates me - I class myself as a sceptic too - although I have seen a ghost. I read loads of books on the subject. I bought one in Scotland last week about hauntings in Scotland, looking forward to reading that.

Keath, let us know how your ghost night goes in November, x

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LOL Andy. Grab your Proton pack dude :D

I've seen a couple myself. one when I was 7. I was staying at a friends house, and during the night I woke up to see a womans figure in an old fashioned purple dress standing at the foot of my friends bed. I couldn't have been her mother as she never used to wear a dress on jeans and jumpers. Alsothe house is only about 50 yards from a known haunted pub called the Rose and Crown in Colchester. The second one was several years later when I was in my 20's again in Colchester at the ruins of St Botolphs priory. The ghost wasn't in the priory but in the bell tower of St Botolphs church just behind, Myself and a few friends were stood watching a white face in the window of the tower for about 10 or 15 minutes defore it faded from view.

Saffmonster. I have to admit that I cannot stand that Most haunted. Its far too staged to be believable Whenever Ive seen the parts of the series I tend to get irritated because they make a mockery of those that do serious work in research of the paranormal and I have to turn it off. Though the only one I did watch from start to end was the one they did at Manningtree and Mistley as they are only down the road from me.

Keath good luck on the ghost hunt but I've always found that when you go looking for them you rarely ever find them.

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oh I have plenty of ghost stories! when I was little we lived in a small 2 bedroom condo and it was REALLY haunted. Doors would slam during the day light hours, my mom would hear people talking in the middle of the night and when she would sit up they would stop, I would be lifted out of my bed and across the room onto the floor without me waking (i'm not a sound sleeper AT all), and one night my step dad said "I don't believe in ghosts" when my mom was telling him of her experiences and the lamp came crashing down on his head. My sister moved in after us and they went to try to bless the house with holy water and they heard stomping loud footsteps down the stairs and the front door opened and slammed like someone was leaving. well needless to say the ghost was just playing because they stuck around. The worst experience that I had was with my little niece we were only 4 years apart so we were playmates as young ones. Well we were sitting on her bed playing with barbie dolls when I glanced up at a Jesus picture that my sister had hanging in her room. At first glance I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me because I thought the eyes moved. So I said something to my niece and she looked at it with me and it seemed normal. Then all of a sudden the eyes started rolling in the head of Jesus and I mean rolling around like tops! We were so scared and screamed for my sister and when she came in it stopped.

Then I worked at a nursing home and I would work early morning shifts and came in at 5:30am. Well one day I was showing a new girl how to run the breakfast shift and we had to go to the basement to clock ourselves in. Well on the way down we heard talking and I mentioned that it might be housekeeping here early. We go down and no one was there. So we shrug it off and punch in. Just as the other girl punched in ALL of the 30 gallon garbage cans behind us all moved to the left! We RAN upstairs so fast. Other strange things happened there too like the farm guy in a plaid shirt would be seen by residents of the home as well as us. And things would fly off the shelves and phones would fly off walls. totally creepy.

Then in college my apartment was haunted and I would have ghosts whisper things in my ear! I slept with the lights on for a year in that place lol.

I don't know if i'm sensitive to ghosts or what, but I wanna hear everyone else's ghost stories! this is fun!cool.gif

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hey keath

i want to believe but i would want to see something whilst doing a day to day mundane task

if i were to go to a supposed haunted location i would will myself to see or hear something.

my imagination is on overtime most of the time and i would convince myself of the paranormal to attest to any testimony of experiences told to me on that day, therefore not actually experiencing anything but the power of the mind to mislead and believe something put foward rather than logic or reality

if you see or get anything good...........post it as i am intrigued

have a good night m8

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