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magical Merlin

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I AM so angyr! I'm not angry im Fu**ing p**sed off!!!

Merlin has just been attacked by a dog in the park.

Merlin was on his lead, short so he couldn't get near this great big mastiff that was showing all the signs it was going to have a pop. Trying to drag him away from it this dog runs away from its owner (it was alredy 20ft infront) and plows straight into merlin!

Merlin was already making all the usual noises and this bloke just walks over as merlin and hthis dog are fighting. I had to seperate them! Then i say really nicley "im not being funny but a dog like that should be on the lead incase this sort of thing happens" and he says

"you should have that fing think muzzled or put to sleep love, theres nothing wrong with my dog!!!!""


So as you can imagine the shouting began I walk off with merlin and this guy then lets of his dog and it comes back for more! He shouted at it, it completey ignored him I had to kick the dog to keep it away from merlin! Then hes going on at me about kicking his dog!!!

More shouting and swearing. Dragged merlin to the car and came home.

Im SO SO angry. Going to call the dog warden when i've calmed down a bit and put a complaint in.

His dog jumped onto merlin and was crushing his back legs!!! He seems a bit battered and burised but luckly the hip still seems in place.

I just thought thats it, hes gonna break his leg and he'll die.

ARGHHFHERITorewigjrwoi ugrwigtiowrjf

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Thanks guys,

Im alright tah Kelly. Bit shaken and so angry. I've phoned the dog warden and logged a complaint.

Merls is funny with other dogs, but thats why hes on the lead! So he cant just run up to other dogs and start fights.

Im so annoyed at myself. I dont normally go to that park because there are quite a few dogs, but stupidly I let my father talk me into it. Hes been going on about it for months and months and I stupidly gave in, knowing its not the best place for merlin. He then just stood there and did nothing while the dog was attacking merlin and said nothing while me and the bloke were exchanging words. Then had the balls to tell me that merlin shouldn't have provoked it!

As you can imagine we are currently not talking and I gave him a few sharp words too

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merlin was on lead and the other dog had to get within biting distance to kick off therefore ALL the other dogs fault!!!!!!!!!!

it doesnt matter if merlin was making noises or not!!!, the other dog owner should have better control of his dog and should have collected his dog when it kicked off!!

i hate owners like that

and im glad you gave your dad a few words!!! i would have too. You know your dog better than anyone!!!

i hope the dog warden does something!!!!


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Glad Merlin is OK. We are so fortunate that we have a large yard for Zoya to run in.

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Glad merls is ok now but he doesnt need anything like that does he

I'm well hacked off with dogs of lead myself and only today i had a doberman cross launch himself at storm with the owner doing nothing but calling him, he was leaping at him and snarling....'well he normally comes when i call him'. in the end i told him that storm has just been to the vets and already grumpy he doesnt need your dog to provoke him. the trouble is i'm scared to get 'stuck' in with dogs fighting so i really struggle with things like this.

I didnt think to call the dog warden...i will remember that for next time.

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OMG people like this make me sick :angry: How dare he have a go at you - you had Merlin on a lead!!!

I really hope the Dog Warden in your area is more effective that the one we have round here to who was completely ineffectual the time we had a similar problem with Dino. An off lead lab attacked him while he was on lead and my hubby Mark had to do what you did and go in with his feet - which is the way to separate fighting dogs so I am told - and the labs owner had a right go at Mark for kicking her dog, never mind Dino who was covered in blood!!!

I really hope Merlin is OK - my huskies send whoo whoos to him ;)

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Oh Heather! I'm so sorry this happened.

Merlin is so dear to all of us, we've come to love him as our own. I'm so thankful that you have the love and dedication he so needs. Give him a hug from me and know my thoughts and prayers are with you both....


Take care buddy. Love ya!


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Oh Heather Im right there with you hon! That is soooooo annoying its rediculous! I'd have kicked the fupping owner never mind the dog! And then to add insult to injury your dad taking the other dogs side I'd have been furious! God some people just dont deserve to own dogs do they!?

Big hugs to you and Merlin and I truely prey he is OK with his back legs!

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Thanks guys,

His dog was okay with my two girls (very dominant) but it ran straight into merlin. Maybe i need to keep all three dogs on lead? The girls dont go up to dogs, rosie comes at the drop of a hat and does not greet another dog unless i tell her to "go meet it" because you neve know what another dog will do. I guess its lucky she didn't decide to try and protect merlin because that would have gone really badly.

Merls already has issues with big dogs and this will not have helped at all!

I haven;t heard back from the dog warden. Will chase them up on wednesday.

I know not all dogs get on with all other dogs and yeah it may have been a one off, but from the way his dog reacted to merlin i doubt it very much. Normally off lead dogs stear clear of him once he starts making a fuss but this dog came straight over to him and fronted up to him. That man doesn't deserve a dog. He was far to far away from his dog to have any hope of controling it!

I allow my rosie off lead because she always comes to me to be told she can greet another dog. She is a guarding breed but she has exellent control and has so far been extreemly submissive when greeting other dogs. If she she didn't respond/not greet/come away when she was told then i wouldn't have her off lead. I expect this of my dogs, i dont see why other people dont have the same standards

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