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New Husky Owner


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Just taken in a 8 month old husky and as a new owner was in same boat but tons of advice on the forum and other owners have helped me a lot

Always cage them at night , stops them chewing your home up and at least you know there safe from harm and where they are , my doofus (name given to him by other owner as he is a doofus lmao) lets me know when he needs a wee etc , he will come up to you and maybe growl or woo woos then goes sits by the door , you ignore him he will keep coming till you do take him out , if not oopsie accident city

They keep weird hours at moment he needs walking around every 2 or 3 hours it depends but he will let you know when he needs out

As for there food be very careful , don't keep swopping and changing it as they have very delicate stomachs and will get the runs major

Looks out for a proper dog park , they can run of the lead then , a lot of people reckon retractable leads are not good for husky's but my own personal opinion is rubbish , they can run around like they are free but watch when comes to end of lead as can jerk and maybe pull you over , that's maybe why they say no to one

If you have any specific questions i am sure the guys here will help out , they all have wonderful husky's and other dogs and have helped out loads in the past , just feel your way around there is a post for new owners with lots of tips and stuff i found useful

Ps welcome and have loads of fun , i am :D

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good advice, Mike, +1

Kelci, well done on taking him in & helping him out. Huskies are a handful but they are so loving & rewarding and they are quick learners, so stick with him.

Have a read through our Training section, there is allsorts of information in there that could help you out, each dog is different but the thing with huskies is consistency.

If you have any specific questions regarding training, please shout up, we'll all help as best we can. :D

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We have a five month old Husky...now's the time to get him out of the habit of eating your things when you're around...definately start working on basic obedience and ask lots and lots of questions...everyone here has been sooo nice and helpful since I joined. Welcome and good luck!!!!

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Hi and welcome to the Pack.

We have 8 members already in Hawaii

maybe you could meet up and get some face to face help from some of them.

We all love to meet up and let the Furbabies play together.

to find the other Hawaii members :-

1.Top of any page is a TAB named MEMBERS click on that.

2. On the right hand side is an orange tab named USE ADVANCED FILTERS click on that.

3.look down the page until you see LOCATION, type Hawaii into this box

4.scroll down to near the bottom of the page and click on APPLY FILTERS

This will give you ALL the members currently registered in Hawaii

you can click on each one to see their profile and send them a PM (private message)

Hope this helps. biggrin.gif

Oh, yeah. Post some pictures of Makana we'd love to see him. laugh.giflaugh.gif

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Well, I think with Huskies the basic rules go out of the window and should be used as a starting point for customisation.

I was always bought up to teach a dog to go to bed in a crate. No matter what we tried our little furbaby just would not have it. We tried for 4 months. In the end she came up and slept by our bed (not on it) and was as good as gold. She now sleeps downstairs by herself in the living room and has done for 5 months with no problems.

Definitely agree with the food, running poo is not nice, don't change.

Dog parks in the UK are few and far between. None where we live :( thank god for big gardens.

Get another husky.....they keep each other occupied and definitely make your job easier.

A routine has worked for us very well. Our two know when its time for walks, play, food. Anything other time they get walk/play/food is a bonus for them.

We walk ours about 2.5 mile morning and night. They are quite happy milling around "helping" with the dish washer, gardening etc, playing around with each other and watching a spot of telly between walks.

We also keep a strict set of rules that they have no choice in following i.e. its my sofa, if i want to sit on it they have to get off, no matter how much grumbling they make.

My overall advice would be to use the recommendations as guidelines but do not be afraid to tweak them suit you and your dog.

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Wow, what a bunch of great posts. Welcome to the Pack. I think you will find this forum to be a great resource for you and your Husky. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to post and by all means, we'd love to see some pics.

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Awooooo! Hello and welcome from Chewy, Angel and I. We are glad that you joined.

PS. This is a very nice lady that works at the vet clinic where I take my fuzzles. Please everyone welcome her

and help her smile through her huskies antics, lol.

Some brushing advice: instead of brushing your husky when they are dry, try wetting their coat, spray in a mild

conditioner, and get a metal or teflon coated dog comb off ebay. Then comb them while they are wet. Believe it

or not it is soooo much easier and then they look really gorgeous after they dry.

Have a wonderful day everyone :)

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Thank you to everyone who responded & made me feel welcomed. It's been a hard 4 months with Makana & I'm not really sure if he's pure husky. His fur is not as long as most huskies but Erika told me that not every huskies fur is the same. I hope to gain knowledge from this site so he's stays with us :) One question that I do have is I have a 11 year old lab mix & he likes to bite her & make trouble when she's sleeping. I can't seem to make him stop this habit & stop humping her. I neutered him before he started this humping & only after he started to do it. Please give me advice on what I can do. Thanks! :)

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Milla had a pekinese try to hump her at the park this morning. She rolled him over and sat on him.laugh.gif

She's supposed to be husky x border collie--both of which are very fluffy puppies--but she's not fluffy at all. She acts like a husky, though, and I've gotten lots of great advice from the pack here.

If she's having trouble sleeping unmolested, you might want to crate train her. Milla took to her crate very well and if Makana has a safe place to sleep, he might be more calm during the day. The crate is also very useful for time outs when he's out of control.

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If you can find an obedience training class near you, it might be helpful - not only in training him, but in wearing him out! In my experience, though, keep training sessions short and fun. They tend to be very intelligent, and learn quickly - working on a particular exercise as long as is often done in a class can give a Siberian time enough to become bored. Once that happens, you've lost them, mentally.

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