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for the love of god


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Right as you know (if you have read my other thread about my parents in laws, the GSD and the 2 Great Dane puppies) i have had a hell of a time with them...

They don't listen to me...full stop.

They have been having problems with Angel (the GSD) attacking Bella (small GD) she has been quite sicky and still isn't perfect. She gets on fine with Duchess (the other GD). Well i rang a dog trainer who i worked with Eika with - and i consider her a good aquaintance and she gave me some advice, that potentially Angel will never accept Bella, to muzzle Angel whilst they are all in the same room together and basically it may never happen where Angel will happily allow them all to be together. I also gave them her number and told them that she will also be doing the puppy parties at the vets that i went to taht they are also attending.

Well the first one was last night and apparantly the dog trainer was really rude to them - now knowing A (dog trainer) i cannot see that she would have been intentionally rude - knowing my sister in law, she potentially was rude back, and obnoxious and would have got A's back up. Anyway they're not happy, thinking they've been picked on etc etc - i'm just so mad she's someone i trust and now i feel like a fool having them associated with me! I am going with my sister in law next week as mother in law is working - i want to see what happened.

Apparently A said that they were doomed (words of my sister in law...) and that you shouldn't have more than one female together as they will fight a lot or something - not sure as she couldn't remember what she said (which i know is not true as my parents in law have always had girl dogs, no boy dogs and they have been fine) - that one was what is making me question as to whether she's as credible as i first thought. That you shouldn't have 2 puppies at the same time as when they hit adolesence that they will fight - potential, has anyone else come across this? and a whole bunch of other stuff, concluding in the fact they have got big problems ahead of them.

Now i know none of this makes sense, so i do apologise for the rambling!!! i will have to talk to my mother in law as i think she will remember what was said, without adding a 20 year olds attitude to it - who hates dog trainers as she's the best...

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Oh, Sarah. . . . rolleyes.gif

Why do Friends and family members think that the advice they are given

can be taken with a pinch of salt and diluted down to whatever suits them.blink.gif

Sometimes, you have to turn around to them and say,

"Why do you ALWAYS, ask for my help and advice. AND then completely ignore what I've said

and do the exact OPPOSITE ????????.

I'm sorry but I'm fed up of you whinging about this state of affairs

When you don't do as you are advised by myself, an experienced owner of a difficult breed, AND the

advice of a professional trainer. Then you are shocked when nothing seems to be working.

I feel sorry for your pets, because of YOUR stubbornness they are not getting the care they need".

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that's the thing Andy - i would say it but my husband is asking me to keep a lid on it!

They were going to use a shock collar on Angel the other day (they have one they brought, from the states, as an invisible fence, to keep her from running out the gate - they have a fence etc, but just in case someone left the gate open...) and i said i wouldn't do it if i were you as you could end up having her resent the puppy even more if she gets a shock every time she goes near it...luckily someone broke it (they were playing with it, shocking eachother and it broke somehow, dunno i stayed out the room or i would have gone mental!) and they didn't use it.

But they hadn't even given the muzzle a go - because she flipped the puppy with the muzzle - i said, well at least she didn't bite her! But the whole time i was there on Monday she didn't wear it. Honestly you should hear her talk, it's hilarious she really thinks she knows best on everything.

Mother in law doesn't say too much, it's mostly sister in law that creates the problems.

seriously pisses me off!

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I have texted her, but i suspect she will wait til i see her next week to call/reply - or she's busy working (like i should be!)

it's just getting all a bit tiresome, so when i went over on Monday i just did the 'auntie' thing and was like awww cute puppies...and let them talk and what not about all the crap they have no idea about and just ignored it!

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Sarah, your tongue must be sore from all the "I have to bite my tongue"


As long as Eika is well looked after and loved too much, then you are doing your best.

Hugs ands husky kisses from us here in Oxford. smile.gif

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Oh Eika is my world, she is very well looked after!

On the plus side they have stopped saying that Eika isn't allowed near the puppies, considering she behaves better with the pups than the dog that lives with them does!!! She is a perfect lady with the pups actually, and to be honest you couldn't keep her away from the pups unless the doors closed as she just jumps the baby gate!

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I can understand your upset on this issue, but sometimes its best to just wait, hold your tongue,

and let people learn themselves. Know it all's are a royal pain. Interject and say something if you

should end up feeling like the situation is getting deathly serious.

Can I ask why they are seperating the older dog from the puppy? is it really dangerous aggression?

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They are keeping her separate as she has gone for Bella as well as people who are holding Bella - to get to the pup - quite a few times. I'm not sure if it's dangerous aggression, well it is, but i guess only towards the puppy.

i don't know how they introduced Bella to Angel, i wasn't there...so it could stem from how she was introduced.

Thanks for all your replies - i am going to just ignore everything when i'm there, unless, like you say Erika, it gets serious. I have to think that when i go round, so does Josh...so it gets too bad, well we won't go anymore, can't risk Josh getting hurt.

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right, just to top it off - they have decided they're not going to continue the puppy party classes at the vets - because mother in law wants to do the training and god forbid i go instead. I was actually looking forward to seeing A and also doing some training with a puppy again, Eika just isn't interested anymore and i miss it.

I am now OFFICIALLY giving up. I can do no more.

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