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sick of being treated like this

Lil Miss Bump

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sorry guys but i need to have a bit of a rant/moan/cry/whatever

all my life i have been the person in the group of friends that organised things, kept people together, tried to keep in contact with people and generally just got used and taken advantage of. well i thought i'd managed to stop all that and after coming on here i have got such a cracking group of friends-who are up front-if we have a problem or are annoyed with each other/dont agree with something we just say!!! i much prefer this, which is why i am looking forward to my birthday so much-it is the first year that people have ever actually done things for me and i feel like im being spoilt rotten and my mum, dad and mike are the only people that have ever done that before, to have such an amazing group of friends that are actually making an effort to come from random places in the country and are going to share my birthday with me is just amazing-i am so so grateful, it is always me who is one of those people but it has never been recripricol.

well anyway i have this friend, who has these incredible mood swings and one minute im his best mate and the next minute he's not speaking to me and generally just causing a horrible atmosphere in work as i sit by him :-( i hate it, i cant do right for doing wrong and i'm sick of being made to feel like the bad guy, he's had me in tears before in work because of the way he treats me. he even said to me via text 'its funny how you always use your dad's condition to get out of stuff we have planned' i mean come on-that is harsh. at that point i showed mike the text and mike was ready to punch him. i was just gutted. i'd never use something like that. he's apologised for that but it still stings.

i just constantly feel like im tredding on eggshells and i hate it-i come into work all happy and excited about my birthday......he said to me yesterday 'i hope your birthday is as good as you're hoping as otherwise you're going to be very let down' i mean-i dont need to hear that!!! i hardly ever get properly excited about anything and now im just sat in work on the verge of tears just wanting to go home and let my birthday pass by while i sleep :-( as he's been so horrible this morning.

i've just had enough :-( cant wait to get back home tonight for cuddles with ozzy and mike

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aw diz

that guy is an arse!!!!!

you are a great person and dont need people like that to bring you down.

your birthday is gonna be amazing cos people who love you will be there (in spirit in my case)

you have good friends and we love ya chick

get rid of this guy if he is upsetting you,

and your dad is ill, if he was a true friend he would understand that your dad takes priority!!!!!!

massive hugs and woo;s from me and my pack

chin up hun dont let him see you upset


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Diz these people coming from all over are your true friends, they honestly care about and love you. Don't let someone spoil what is going to be a GREAT event. Sorry to say this, but a true friend will never throw your Dad's illness in your face, for whatever reason. Give the beautiful Ozzy a hug from me when you get home :)

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Awwww, Diz.

Some people are just born Assholes !!!

They are always cynical and look for the bad side of everything.

Feel sorry for them. . .

They make your life a misery with their crap attitude for a few hours a day.

They are like that with themselves 24/7.

You can come home to love and cuddles from the furbabies and it kind of balances out

his negativity, (although you could do without it in the first place wink.gif)

We're here too with virtual shoulders to lean on. biggrin.gif

Chin up hun. biggrin.gif

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Kelly is right, he IS an arse!!!

Great people don't need crappy people in their lives. It's brings you down and makes you miserable :-(

I had a major falling out with a (supposedly) good friend in work. I had to completely change the shifts I work because she made my life hell and I couldn't bare to work with her anymore.

Try and avoid him if you can, or if you can't try and not let him get to you or if he is p*ssing u off then don't let it show... it makes people like that feel better when they belittle others, put them down or are downright rude to others!

Cheer up hun, only 2 days to goooooooo!! :-) :-) xxx

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Diz hun its time to kick him into touch, he's not a true friend because friends don't do what he's doing to you :angry: His ego is taking over his life in my opinion & I've not even met him & personally I hope I never do :angry:

You are an amazing person hun & you don't need this kind of upset in your life :(

You are going to have a fantasic time this weekend & I'm really looking forward to doing the walk on sunday in the daytime when we can see what we are being tripped up by lmao :lol:

lots of love, hugs & kisses hun & team Teflon is here whenever you need anything :) xxxxxxxxxx

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mmmm sounds like he has a touch of evil mouth... some of the women in my family have it, they say the meanest thing they can think of to hurt the person because its how their feeling inside not because they actually meen it. Now because they're my family I let it run off me like water of a ducks back, I just leave them alone to calm down.

But if this guys doing nothing to redeem himself in between the evil mouth then I'd just let him go.. not in an obvious way, just in a stop going out of your way for him, stay polite and friendly but dont include him in your plans and dont invite him to do things with you. If he asked you to do something just say "sorry I cant I'm busy".. dont give a reason just "busy"

Hugs honey, and repetitions of all the message of love above! Really wish I could make your bday party as it sounds like its gunna be a blast, Im just soooooo skint atm saving for camp and also to get Nukka spayed! :(

Looooove you!! xxxxxxxxx

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yeah i have an aunt and uncle who are both complete..........!"£*%£&$^£(**£$£!"^&*!"^s who i just avoid as they are just evil and dont deserve my attention, stress or whatever. but this person is supposed to be my friend. and sometimes they are a cracking friend and we get on like a house on fire but the rest of the time they just make me feel like cr*p.

ach, i am so glad i have proper friends like you guys-i love the fact i can be myself and tell you what i think and feel and altho some people may judge that is just their opinion and at least i'm not ridiculed for it.

thinking back to kelly's vampire thread and the other people that were worried as they feel 'different' i hope you guys-like me have found that most people on here accept you for who or what you are and are actually interested in what you feel/believe. and i love that.


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im with the others on this huni.....who need enemies with friends like that??? if he was such a friend to you he wouldnt even think things like that never mind say them to you!!

your bday is gunna be ace...i know it, you know it and everyone else who is coming also knows it!! we all love you to pieces huni- chloe especially :D

i know its difficult when you sit right next to him but just try and ignore anything that comes out of his mouth........the day will soon be over so you will then be able to go home to mike+ozzy then tomorrow is your bday- wooohooooo xxxxxxxx

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Oh hunny. F* him. he obviously has nothing better to do than be a dick to you. :( Your birthday is gong to be wicked, and so is mine thanks to you, and all the others on here who are coming. We are a family! and we won't backstab you or hurt you like this knobber. Ignore him and think of how much better you are knowing what hes like and realising you don't need people like this. XXX i loves ya, and i'm there for ya, as i know many other on here are. XXX

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My solution for this is a simple four step process:

Step 1: Next time you see Mr. Socially retarded embittered jelous how dare anyone be happy guy...make sure you're wearing boots. They don't have to be steel toed or anything. Just a shoe with some good weight and firm structure.

Step 2: Wait for him to say something hurtful (if I'm reading this right It should take five to seven secods)

Step 3: Kick him in the shin

Step 4: Say nothing and walk away

Step four is almost as important as steps 1-3. Have you ever been kicked full on in the shin...even a sort of half kick is terribly uncomfortable.

Sorry you've got a real jerk in your life...maybe he has some form of mental disability (there are many that encompass social retardedness), and hasn't learned that this behavior is not the way to keep people around you or pleasantly inclined in your direction. I hope you have a wonderful birthday and that eventually your super sensitive "friend" figures out what it's like to ACTUALLY treat your friends in a descent way.

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Hi Diz

all of the above.... i had a workmate/manager that used to be like that and i called her tommy after tommy two face because everyone used to dread what mood she was in when she got to work and even if she was in a good mood when she got there anything would set her off even if someone had looked at her wrong or moved something etc she would not talk to all staff... was a friggin nightmare till i put her straight and told her to stop what she is doing.... straight talk lol she upped and left..

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Diz want me to come down an nut him!? :angry: - ill just get my provisonal next month instead! lol

*big hugs* i hate people like that he is just a jealous a-hole who has nothing better to do with his life then make ppl miserable to compensate for his shitty life - ignore him hun - and report him to the boss ;) keep the nasty texts and show them to your boss - hopefully they will do something about it even if it means moving him away from u

we all love ya diz and ur birthday party IS going to be as amazing as u are hoping it will - well as amazing as it can be without me there :P lol - ill b there with you in spirit tho and ill be sitting here wishing u a happy birthday n having a drink or 10 ;) with u thru ma screen :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Diz, I know it's hard sometimes but just ignore people who say things like that to you. I won't be at your birthday bash, but as you have said a lot of your friends off here will be and I am sure they will make sure that you have an excellent time. :D :D (and of course we want pics to prove it!)

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