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Shot at !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Sarah thats awful, glad none of you got hit. One of my friend's sons got a bb pellet in his finger, it went under the skin, now obviously shot a lot closer than you, but still, these things can hurt and as someone posted, what if they hit a car, startled the driver and they crashed. The police should have taken it far more seriously.

You're right, its probably just kids messing around, they don't think of what could happen, but still no excuse.

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Little sods.....

Glad none of you were hit by anything, BBs and air guns can cause damage, especially around the eyes. I'm surprised at the police (lack of) response - if they'd been informed and not gone round there, and someone had been hit and blinded in one eye 20 minutes later, they'd be in for a load of trouble...

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I'm glad you and your boys are ok Saz. Have you heard anything back from the police ?? i'd guess not angry.gif

This is another reason i have no love for the police ..... i know they don't have time to do every little thing but it's starting to seem like they don't have time to do anything ......... As said before this is pretty serious, shooting at people and cars !!!!!! obviously they won't still be there in an hour aarrgghhh.

On a side note my dad bought me an air rifle when i was a kid, i had a target set up in the garage and if any point i took it out of the garage even to show my friends i would get an ass whooping. I think the general idea was if i had one one and used it properly i was less likely to do something stupid rather than just being told no you can't have one all the time.

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hope you and the boys are ok Sarah. Must have been really scary xxx

With the police bashing - do you know what else was going on that night? No you probably don't, there could have been something more serious, like a domestic violence, accident etc... and unfortunate as this instance was, there may not have been the resources in the station to cover it.

Sadly there are a not enough officers to cover everything - some nights if mike's not on duty he will check the 'box' on his blackberry and see a lot of jobs unanswered purely because there aren't enough bodies in the station as they're on calls already. And yes sometimes they get called to stupid shit because people like to waste the police's time - and if someone is threatening to commit suicide, as a duty of care they have to go to that person - as i said before on a different thread - a man died because some stupid girl said she had taken an overdose and she hadn't and had wasted police and ambulance time - when they could have been going to a car accident victim.

I agree that someone should have been there sooner, but what can they do if they have no one? i don't want to turn this into an argument, as this is more about Sarah and the boys - i just get a bit fed up of the bashing....considering they're going to have budget cuts as well and resources are going to be even more stretched.

Oh and as for the doughnut eating comments - i know my husband is an exceptional officer - but sometimes he doesn't even get time to eat during a 10 hour shift. And i will say that there are some officers who do live up to the stereotype...not saying they're all perfect, i know they're not.

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hope you and the boys are ok Sarah. Must have been really scary xxx

With the police bashing - do you know what else was going on that night? No you probably don't, there could have been something more serious, like a domestic violence, accident etc... and unfortunate as this instance was, there may not have been the resources in the station to cover it.

Sadly there are a not enough officers to cover everything - some nights if mike's not on duty he will check the 'box' on his blackberry and see a lot of jobs unanswered purely because there aren't enough bodies in the station as they're on calls already. And yes sometimes they get called to stupid shit because people like to waste the police's time - and if someone is threatening to commit suicide, as a duty of care they have to go to that person - as i said before on a different thread - a man died because some stupid girl said she had taken an overdose and she hadn't and had wasted police and ambulance time - when they could have been going to a car accident victim.

I agree that someone should have been there sooner, but what can they do if they have no one? i don't want to turn this into an argument, as this is more about Sarah and the boys - i just get a bit fed up of the bashing....considering they're going to have budget cuts as well and resources are going to be even more stretched.

Oh and as for the doughnut eating comments - i know my husband is an exceptional officer - but sometimes he doesn't even get time to eat during a 10 hour shift. And i will say that there are some officers who do live up to the stereotype...not saying they're all perfect, i know they're not.

well said hun, i was thinking exactly the same thing as i was reading that-for every 1 useless copper there are at least 10others that are brilliant at their job xxx

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hope you and the boys are ok Sarah. Must have been really scary xxx

With the police bashing - do you know what else was going on that night? No you probably don't, there could have been something more serious, like a domestic violence, accident etc... and unfortunate as this instance was, there may not have been the resources in the station to cover it.

Sadly there are a not enough officers to cover everything - some nights if mike's not on duty he will check the 'box' on his blackberry and see a lot of jobs unanswered purely because there aren't enough bodies in the station as they're on calls already. And yes sometimes they get called to stupid shit because people like to waste the police's time - and if someone is threatening to commit suicide, as a duty of care they have to go to that person - as i said before on a different thread - a man died because some stupid girl said she had taken an overdose and she hadn't and had wasted police and ambulance time - when they could have been going to a car accident victim.

I agree that someone should have been there sooner, but what can they do if they have no one? i don't want to turn this into an argument, as this is more about Sarah and the boys - i just get a bit fed up of the bashing....considering they're going to have budget cuts as well and resources are going to be even more stretched.

Oh and as for the doughnut eating comments - i know my husband is an exceptional officer - but sometimes he doesn't even get time to eat during a 10 hour shift. And i will say that there are some officers who do live up to the stereotype...not saying they're all perfect, i know they're not.

i should have been clearer when i agreed with someone else post.

the police do what they can with what they have, however its the system that is useless police should be allowed to spend more time policing and less on paperwork.

and sentencing should be harsher. there are gangs of youths round here who commit all sorts of crimes, and when they usually get a slapped wrist

i think when people moan at the police they are just moaning at the system that doesn't appear to work very well

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i know what you're saying david and that's what frustrates me so much, but people vent their anger at police - mike gets it on the streets all the time...because the poeple who have the power to change things people don't see and people sometimes don't know what constraints are put on the police so think it's their fault xyandz isn't being done....not the powers that be.

and i agree on sentencing, it's stupid.

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I agree, David, the officers are, in the majority, very good at their job - it's the politics & paperwork that limits what they can do, that's what's infuriating - as for making more cuts - we're gonna have to start policing ourselves at this rate.

Hope you & the boys are a bit calmer today, hun, I dunno how I'd feel if that was me :( xxxx

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The system is failing i do agree with David 100% and that would be my major gripe but i seem to get the 1 in 10 bad policeman pretty regular. i feel thats slightly more personal as it was the policeman i had a problem with more than the service. i have 3 examples in the last 12 months, i also have nothing but praise for 1 amazingly nice policeman that pulled me over in my car but i would expect the ratio to be the other way around. I know this is only 4 incidents out of millions they have to deal with but it's my 4 incidents if that makes sense. So from my point of view i was deeply unimpressed

Sorry Saz i don't mean to hijack your thread and i really do hope your feeling calmer today,

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I'm ok today thanks everyone :) I've decided i'm going to walk the same way i tonight. I doubt very much they will be there again - to be safe though will have my dogs by my side rather than in front of me so they are not targets however i think we'll be ok

My boys were startled by the noise and looked round but it didn't bother them and the second time it happened they didnt' even flinch so at least that's something :)

No - i've not heard from the police, they did ask if i wanted them to come and see me but i said there was no point as i didn't see anyone, i just heard the noise.

SQWIDGE - i've been given a crime number - how can i track anything on it do you know hun?

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Yeah Swqidge, i fully understand that jobs need to be prioiritised when they get called in and rightfully so. I have also had both good and bad experiences with the Police and know that some are good and some not so good. It appears to be the system that is broken.

As regards the thing i find most diffucult to deal with regarding police prioities in general (not whether there are enough resources to deal with any particualr incident on a particualr evening), although i agree there are far from enough resources, but the system prioirties or the perception we get as the public as to the law enforcment prioirties per se. that affect the daily living of people.In particular, the emphasis on spending time trying to catch and fine motorists. I just wish that more time (and of course officer resources) could be spent dealing with the real neighbourhood issues. It's not a 'dig' at the police for the job they do, its an airing of frustration from a society living in broken system. :(

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Good for you Saz going on the same walky route, i'm sure they won't be back

Maybe get a pepper spray or something just incase unless you already have one ........ not sure if there even legal or not here though you can go all robocop on there ass next time........... you have 10 seconds to comply

I'm really pleased you and the lads are all good

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hey guys,

i work within the youth justice system and i agree the system can be very flawed :( doing my job you can see people that are left to slip through the cracks on a regular basis and until the age of 21 they tend to call it 'the revolving door of young people' as 80% of youths grow out of it....but some go from secure children's homes (10-15) to STC (secure training centres) to then go up to YOIs (15-18) doing various sentences

i have seen people get 2 years for punching someone who then fell and hit their head and ended up in hospital (someone who was straight As, part time job, no other convictions), but then 4month DTOs for robbing numerous people at knifepoint (with history dating back to age of 10)!!! it's crazy......most of the time even their past convicitions/orders are not taken into account.

the problem with sentences that are under 8months is that the max the would serve is 4 months and then be out on licence(tag/curfew) in 4 months there is nothing you can do to help-don't get me wrong, sometimes 4months gives them a real kick up the backside but for others 4 months is time to come in, stick 2 fingers up to everything that the officers are doing for you-cause them no end of hassle, disrupt the whole place and then walk out...........this is why indeterminate sentencing is so good for some youths-where they are not given a release date and have to work and work for release to prove themselves.

i was never a believer of the phrase 'born bad' but i believe some of these kid's circumstances didnt really leave them with much hope-there is a lot to be said for socio-economic factors :(

also i know some people don't believe in ADHD but after seeing a lot of these young people i'd have to disagree....hyperactivity is a problem and some people just cannot concentrate but NOT ONE uses it as an excuse.

sorry for hi-jacking too saz!! maybes all the criminal justice posts could be moved to a new thread so we can continue the discussion??


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