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Do manners matter?


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Imagine this - The Titanic, but in 2009 not 1912. As the lifeboats are launched you don't hear the cries of "Women and Children First" but find people barge past you and knock you over. The first people on the scene are the tabloids, wanting their big scoop, the rescuers come later.

Do you think we seem to have lost our way slightly in society? Do you hear "please" and "thank you" as often as you did 15 - 20 years ago?

Children seem to forget their manners as often as they seem to forget to have a wash these days and my two are no exception!! I occasionally get a please or a thank you but quite often have to remind them that manners have and are still being taught ever day and are still to be used with everyone.

Am I being old and boring or do you find that things are not like they used to be? Do I expect too much from society these days that If i pay for something in a shop and as I walk out saying bye, they grunt a begrudging goodbye, why can't people smile more?

I know that this is a totally different style of post than my usual self but am feeling rather thoughtful today!

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You know what am like for bad manners Sarah I same to spend most of my days and nights because of work saying please and thank you for others in a sarcastic way because they dont use them it winds me up its not hard :mad:

The other one that winds me up is saying good morning or good evening when folk I work with come to work its ignorant not to and I find myself getting in folks faces to embarrass then into saying as much as hello ( some of my colleges say what so f**kin good about it but at least its better than nowt lol )

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Spot on Sarah - manners are becoming replaced by grunts and snorts these days!

Unfortunately there are few people like you (in this world) that insist that manners play a vital role in their child's daily routine, and even in their own. Out of my class of 30 kids at school, there are only 2 children that will use their manners continuously without being prompted the other 28, get promted, reminded, etc and still refuse to use them. So ive got to the piont know at work, where unless i hear any manners I just ignore them - I know its not right to ignore the kids but they finally get the hint and add a please or a thankyou!

The other thing that really grates on me - is answering back - I never a kid would be so blatantly obvious when answering an adult back. Kids these days just dont care!

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No they don't do they, my pet hate is WHAT - If I say something to the kids and they don't hear me they say "What" I don't answer them I look at them and instantly they say "Pardon" manners don't cost a thing, one of the few things in life that are free that actually get you places, when will they learn that ??

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Sarah, you have got such a great point there!!! No one thinks of courtesy these days!

For myself I dont get too bothered by it but what annoys me most is when you have someone in a wheelchir, on crutches, with a pram, etc and they are there really struggling to open doors, browse around the shops, etc and no one stops to help them!!!! That really get me going. They just walk past as if no one is there! What is wrong with people these days!

No wonder most people go shopping online!

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oh god Amy, don't even get me started!!!!!!!!!!!

1) Lifts...it takes longer for a lift to come, use the bloody stairs and get some exercise you fat f**k

2) doors, i am quite a strong disabled person, so to me its no big deal...however i ALWAYS hold the door if i see someone coming behind me, because i ALWAYS look!

3) disabled parent, with partner who has a pushchair (sorry going back to lift!) there have been times when able bodied people have stayed IN the lift and made mike wait for the next one.

4) in sales, people just don't look around and i have been pretty much stepped OVER for someone to get to something

5) trains...i don't go on the train very often, but i was on with my mum once and people barged into me all the time getting on, one person hit me with a briefcase...etc etc!

6) disabled parking spaces, they are there because people need to get wheelchairs out, or can't walk very far, not because they are lazy....i wouldn't care if they put the spaces at the back of the parking lot, as long as i could get my chair out.

I have told people so many times to use the stairs or escalators. I yelled at two young girls in a small lift, i said "if you're messing around i suggest you get out as there are a lot of people who want to use the lift"

Or yelled to people, use the stairs you lazy bastards...it was christmas and i had been waiting for a lift for about half an hour...every single one was full...i was getting so mad, and this lady just looked at me as if, oh well...mad i got i tell ya!

ok i'll stop now

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oh i was so angry with number 3, i was practically running this womans foot over to try and make room for mike...i gave everyone seething looks as we went up...

oh thought of another one..

lifts quite full most of the time...and we stop at a floor where we could have fitted another buggy in...but instead 4 walkies barged their way past this woman to get in the lift. I sat there, after the doors had closed and said, did you not see that lady trying to get in with the pushchair? they didn't say anything, mike's mom was mightely embarrassed tho!

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tell me about it Richard...i would die if josh turned out how some of these kids are nowadays...

for instance at secondary school i wouldn't even LOOK into the 6th form block as i was so scared...when we were in 6th form, we had little shits come running in, and shouting crap at us...

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sorry i'm being really ranty tonight!!! but yeah...

Don't you appologise, you have done nothing wrong!

I can't believe how people can be so ignorant! Its not like your in the wheelchair for the hell of it!

I remember my Grandad had a really bad stroke once and was in a wheelchair for a little while as he was pretty much completely paralised on his left side and my nan has really bad hip problems and has a walking stick to help her get around. Once I range them up (mainly to wish my nan a happy birthday) and nan was in absolute tears, which very rare! I asked her what was wrong and she said they had both gone food shopping with Mick (My Uncle, he has to drive them as Grandad is no longer allowed to drive) and there was a young couple in there shopping aswell and nan was minding her own business struggling to puck the trolly as her hip was playing up, grandad tried to push it but couldn't so they both pushed it together and the shop was packed of people and this couple could obviously see that nan and grandad were struggling so what do they do? They came barging through everyone with thier trolley picking up everything that was on offer (alomost like they didn't want the offers to run out of stock!) and barged straight passed nan and grandad, didn't say anything, and nocked my nan flying to the ground. She fell straight on her bad hip and had to go into hospital to have it ex-rayed and checked out as she couldn't walk and it swelled up really bad and they though she had broken it. Luckily she hadn't broken it but it was very badly bruised and she was in agony!

I couldn't believ how rude those people were :mad: :eek2: :mad:!!!!! Uncle Mick felt really bad as he dropped them off there and went to get his car washed in the garage and wished he was there as he would have gone after them! Quite frankley so would I have!

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bloody hell that's awful. Josh normally sits on my lap if we go for a quick shop, be it Tesco or shop shopping and i once had this guy push his way past me (with josh) to get to something, instead of just saying, excuse me...i turned to him and said you know there are 2 magical words...3 if you're being extra polite.

like i said i have so many things!

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Can you not get one of those stun guns - are they legal in the uk?? LOL And when someone pushes past you give them a quick buzz in their side?? They won't do it again!! lol

I dont know if they are legal but would be a good idea! Imagine how many people you'd get, you'd be constantly buzzing everyone.

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I agree 100%! It's so easy to think it's personal and then you realize some people are just rude to everyone!

I had an aunt who treated everyone, absolutely everyone like she would want to be treated, regardless of how rude they were... I try to follow her example but it's getting very hard. Especially when really rude people also seem to be overly sensitive! LOL

What I really hate is people who will not return a smile. I read once that the Dali Llama said that this is one of the cruelest things you can do to a stranger.

I don't understand the need to rudeness at all.

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omg some ppl how can they do that to ppl in a wheelchair or an elderly person n not say sorry or anythin!!!!!!!!!!!! i h8 ppl who dont say thank you even if its summin little like not sayin sorry when i put 1 ov those shopping divider things dwn a simple cheers wud do me but no! i always say rly loudly well i thank you wud b nice! i find sum old ppl r bad aswell tho these 3 girls had bin to twn on saturday and they were on the bus home n they were gigglin n havin a laff like little girls do n when they got off the bus an old man at the back ov the bus sed they need a good slap shame u cant touch kids nowdays! :eek: me n mum both sed at the same time they arent doin anythin they r jus havin fun n i was like theyve bin in town n had fun wots wrong with that! shocking i h8 ppl who dont have manners i will tell them what i think i had sum1 who had a trolley walk past me n id moved out way so they cud get passed n she didnt say anythin so i sed rly loudly 'a thank you wud b nice!' n i got 1 :) i nearly got slapped for speakin my mind once lol

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lol i've done that before now, normally i shout it in a supermarket "erm an EXCUSE ME would have been nice" Marc cringes!!!! and tells me to shush - tough they don't like me saying how it is go shop somewhere else!! lol

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