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9week Old Husky need help


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ive had her for about 3 weeks , shes now 9 weeks old , i keep her in my laundry , just having trouble at night she keeps crying i dont keep her in a crate or anything as i feel bad doing that she just cries very loudly i dont know what to do id leave her in the house but she does toilet accidents , so i lock her up until i wakeup , i will be buying her a dog house in the coming week or two so she sleeps outside

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my Storm is 10 weeks old and we have had him for 3 weeks. We had at least a week of the howling and crying at night. It does get better, I promise. I didn't believe it when people said that. Just persevere and it will happen. Storm now goes to bed and doesn't howl all night, until morning when he want's to get up and out outside.smile.gif I have an old dressing gown of mine over his crate so it constantly smells of me. smile.gif And he has several fave teddies.

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ive had her for about 3 weeks , shes now 9 weeks old , i keep her in my laundry , just having trouble at night she keeps crying i dont keep her in a crate or anything as i feel bad doing that she just cries very loudly i don't know what to do id leave her in the house but she does toilet accidents , so i lock her up until i wake up , i will be buying her a dog house in the coming week or two so she sleeps outside

Hi I am not an expert but she was 6 weeks when you got her that is pretty young. Did you plan on making her an outside dog? If she will cry in the house she will probably cry outside too. Do you have neighbors close by? They may not appreciate all the yodeling all night! LOL. (Just a thought ;))

I got my puppy when she was 9 weeks old and I got her a crate. The first few nights I moved the crate in the bedroom. Dogs sleep in packs so your puppy wants to be where you are at. There was some fussing in the beginning but we did LOTS of fun stuff in the crate and there were always treats in there :o:D and when she went inside there were more treats and I feed her in there and on occasion I even crawled up in there with her (I got a XL crate since she will not always be that small) . After about 3 days she was fine....a little complaining when she was tired and did not want to sleep but I just ignored it and she eventually stopped. Now she even goes in by herself sometimes when she is tired and goes to sleep. She loves her crate.

I used to think crates are cruel because they look like prison and I never used one with my previous puppies, but they were not husky's either. But honestly, they will make your and your dogs life a lot easier. If done right your pup will love the crate as well. In nature they would sleep in a den so the crate is very similar to a den and it only seems like prison to us humans. hehe

If you want to make her an outside dog, remember that husky's are escape artists and when they "Go" they go for miles. So make sure that the pup is secured somehow from escaping. Zihna is a little over 3 month and she is already trying to dig her way over to the neighbors yard to play with their dog. :lol:

Just my opinion, I am still new at the husky thing too, but from what I read in books, and such this is what I think. Good luck with the puppy! :)

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Whilst you cant change it now, she was way too young to leave her Mum & this is highly one of the reasons why she is unsettled (although pups can be like this when left). She wont be able to go all night without being able to go out for a toilet etc. She is missing her Mum and litter mates and this is going to take some time for her to get used to.

I would use a crate but place it in your bedroom...lots of reassurance etc. I agree use a t-shirt or something so she can smell you. Whilst it may make you feel 'bad', it will offer her some comfort, 'her den' and more likely settle much quicker.

As for the dog house, i feel this is going to create a huge problem....huskys are pack animals (you are part of her pack) and having her outside on her own aint gonna be a nice experience for her (or for your neighbours)- she will get louder and louder. I feel this is going to have a knock on effect to her behaviour as she grows/develops etc. Unless its made of weld mesh she will more than likely chew her way out of it as she grows older anyway.

Good luck

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hopefully it does get better its been 3 weeks and shes been crying almost every night , some nights she doesnt but mostly she does , i could say it was a little bit better when i had bought her a little clock and put it under a blanket and she wouldnt cry as much until she found it now its in pieces LOL so i might try that one again

the person i bought her from told me that she was old enough to leave at 6 weeks as her mother didnt feed her or something anymore , he also told me to keep her inside for at least 2 weeks as shes still young , so what am i looking at once i place her outside , what will she be doing

i am planning as having her as a outside dog ive secured it all well , my backyard is all rocks theres no grass , though she does dig even in the rocks LOL

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hopefully it does its been 3 weeks and shes been crying almost every night , some nights she doesnt but mostly she does , i could say it was a little bit better when i had bought her a little clock and put it under a blanket and she wouldnt cry as much until she found it now its in pieces LOL so i might try that one again

LOL....I got Zihna some Kongs to keep her busy. Also I would try and buy toys with no stuffing. I have this little stuff dinosaurs I got for her before I went to pick her up. it has a squeaky in it but no stuffing and she has not managed to destroy it yet. Look at the toys and ask yourself if it is easy to shred in pieces. Also when you select a t-shirt or something to give her try to use something that is harder to destroy. Zihna likes towels but they never last long, she keeps pulling the strings out and I am running around with scissors all day cutting the strings off. I gave her one of my old sweat jackets and although she put some holes in it she has not managed to destroy it completely. Pillow cases seem to work great too.

Another thing you can try is to play her silly before putting her to bed and maybe sit in there with her till she is asleep then sneak out.....or try to at least...lol. Worked for me although the sneaking out of the room took a few attempts. lol

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LOL....I got Zihna some Kongs to keep her busy. Also I would try and buy toys with no stuffing. I have this little stuff dinosaurs I got for her before I went to pick her up. it has a squeaky in it but no stuffing and she has not managed to destroy it yet. Look at the toys and ask yourself if it is easy to shred in pieces. Also when you select a t-shirt or something to give her try to use something that is harder to destroy. Zihna likes towels but they never last long, she keeps pulling the strings out and I am running around with scissors all day cutting the strings off. I gave her one of my old sweat jackets and although she put some holes in it she has not managed to destroy it completely. Pillow cases seem to work great too.

Another thing you can try is to play her silly before putting her to bed and maybe sit in there with her till she is asleep then sneak out.....or try to at least...lol. Worked for me although the sneaking out of the room took a few attempts. lol

LOL she never falls asleep when im with her , when i put her in her bed she just stares at me LOL then i leave and she jumps on the door and cries ,

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LOL she never falls asleep when im with her , when i put her in her bed she just stares at me LOL then i leave and she jumps on the door and cries ,

Oh no...lol....ok I have one more idea. Do you lock her in the laundry with the door closed? If so...try to get a baby gate and leave the door open. Make sure it is something that she can not climb. (I got Zihna a playpen when she was 10 weeks old and it had bars going horizontal and vertical and she climbed out of it with no problem. They are little monkeys lol) So maybe if you can leave the door open and secure it with a baby gate and maybe leave the TV on or something she will get better.

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Oh no...lol....ok I have one more idea. Do you lock her in the laundry with the door closed? If so...try to get a baby gate and leave the door open. Make sure it is something that she can not climb. (I got Zihna a playpen when she was 10 weeks old and it had bars going horizontal and vertical and she climbed out of it with no problem. They are little monkeys lol) So maybe if you can leave the door open and secure it with a baby gate and maybe leave the TV on or something she will get better.

i will try that i think that would work as she always falls asleep in the living room whether there is or isnt anyone there

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9 weeks seems way too young for a dog to be an outside dog. I don't really know when a good time is, but I'd say at least 6 months? My puppy cried the first few nights I had her home. I just put her in a crate on the air conditioned porch and would wake up every few hours to let her out (they're too young to hold it in at first). For the hours inbetween when she was still crying, I would just put in ear plugs and sleep. She eventually realized that her crying was not going to make anyone come to her, so it stopped. But in your case since you've already had her for 3 weeks, I'd get a crate and have her sleep in your room (get ear plugs though! just in case). And try to wear her out before bed time and give her something to chew on to keep her quiet.

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I would encourage you to look at crate training. We brought Zoya home when she was 9 week old. We put her crate in the bedroom, and she would whine for about 10 minutes, then she'd drift off. A few hours would go by, and she'd start to whine again. I'd get up, get dressed, and take her out for a potty break. She'd go potty, I'd praise her, and then she'd go back in the crate for a few more hours. Then she'd start to whine and we'd repeat the process. This really helped with potty training, and despite having to get up every few hours, I was able to get some sleep. After about 3 months, the frequency of having to go out became less, and when she hit the six to seven month age, she was able to go through the night.

As far as letting the dog sleep outside, I'd be a bit concerned until the dog was full grown. I'd also want to be certain I had an enclosed area that was escape proof, and I'd also want to be certain the chance of someone stealing my dog was very, very, very remote.

As much as I trust Zoya, there's no way I'd let her sleep outside at night. It might be OK for a night or two, but eventually, she'd be gone. We live in a rural area and have a lot of wild life that comes into the yard.

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I'd second that about getting a kennel, we got lucky, loki only cried 2 first nights we had him, and he is crated in our bedroom otherwise I'd never hear him when he has to go potty, but now that is the only time he cries or paws at the kennel. He always has some toys with him in there to entertain himself if he gets bored.

I'm kinda worried, I think thats a bit young to put a pup outside.

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i will try that i think that would work as she always falls asleep in the living room whether there is or isnt anyone there

Great :happy: glad I could help. Let us know how that worked out for you. And GOOD LUCK!!! :) And if that don't work you may want to look into some crate training after all. But I am pretty sure she just feels lonely in there.

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well tonight ive decided that ill leave her to sleep in the living room and wonder around whenever she wants to she also runs most of the time to the laundry and does her business on the pads there but sometimes tends to do it everywhere

so ill give it a try and let her sleep overnight and hopefully she wont do a big mess , then i can just let her sleep there and she wont be crying

ive also booked in for puppy school

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  • 1 month later...

Please don't put your dog outside, it will cause more behavioral problems than it will fix, not to mention making taking care of her fur much harder. We crate trained both of our dogs in less than a week. As soon as we got them, when they were still puppies, all we did was put them in the crate at night. They will cry and scream the whole night for two or three days straight, and you may have a mess or two to clean up in the morning. It sounds cruel and its not easy, but they love their crates now, my husky goes in there a lot of times just to be on her own. For some reason, we have never been able to leave blankets in there with her though because she shreds them into giant piles of fuzz. I've heard a lot of other huskies do this too, its some sort of nesting instinct. One important note is that aside from praising and possibly treating your dog when she goes into the crate, completely ignore her when she's in there. Don't pet her or talk to her, or even look at her if you can help it, whether or not the door is open or closed. This isn't a bad thing or a punishment at all, because her crate will become her own private space that she can go to be alone. I'm sure we all can relate. Secondly, NEVER use the crate as a punishment, for obvious reasons. Crate training was the best thing we've done for the dogs and it works really well, just stick to your guns and stay compassionate and consistent!

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