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Husky doesn't like me?


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Excuse me for not introducing myself before I ask questions, but I just need some help...

I recently saved a husky from going to the shelter because the owner didn't have time for her anymore.

She's about 3 and the first few weeks I had her, she was very sweet, we give her lots of room to explore(about 2acres) and let her sleep with us inside.

She was very mellow inside the house and very obedient when we brought her out.

But now.. I don't know what's going on with her.. She's been trying so hard to escape our home.. and acting very strangely..

She doesn't seem to want to be around us and moves away when we try to cuddle her (and she LOVED cuddling)

she doesn't want to play with us or her toys anymore

She jumped our 9ft fence 4 times, thank god my neighbors saved her from getting away..

She clumbed our kitchen counter, broke through the net and blinds to get out the window

she's starting to pull A LOT when on walks now (and I've tried to do the crazy tactic where when she pulls I walk the other direction, but she still tries harder to pull)

idk.. It just seems like she wants to get away from us or doesn't really love us.. We give her lots of love and spend a lot of time with her each day, walk her for about 2-3 hours a day, I know she's more obedient than this, because she's shown us how mellow she was, even her owners said she was more mellow than a regular husky..

I don't know... We just want the best for her

I've asked many dog owners but they just don't understand like a husky owner would., so I decided to ask here

I'm not an experienced husky owner but I've done my research and has had an Alaskan Eskimo dog before (not the same, I know, but a similar nordric breed)

sorry! Thanks for reading and helping

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Hey there and welcome to the pack... yep you have yourself a bonefide husky there! LOL Its not that she doesnt like you it more likely that shes bored so is entertaining herself and testing your boundaries in every sense of the word! I would surgest enrolling with an obedience trainer, this will help you build a good relationship with her and help to keep her mind occupied at the same time. Huskies get bored QUICK so with the toys Id have a few and rotate them evey couple of days so they always seem new and interesting. Look up getting things like kong toys and fill them with different things to keep her interest. Just hang on in there, give her time and do some training, she'll come around!

Also is she fixed? Hormones can play a BIG and undetectable role in a dogs life so if shes not fix her and this will help. :)

Good luck and as we say to all newbies... pictures please!! :D

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Hi and welcome to the pack

Totally agree with sarah ^^

Sounds like you've got a typical husky lol

She sounds as though she needs mental stimulation - you can get different toys etc for them that stimulate them:

this one - the treats are inside and they have to jiggle the rope around to get it to dispense them


Or this one - they have to slide the compartments to get to the treats


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Oh okay, I see

thanks for the fast replies :)

well I've got her a Kong but she didn't seem to like it with anything I filled it with, peanut butter, raw meat, kibbles, her favorite treats, nothing :( she doesn't seem even a little interested in it, or maybe the fact she doesn't want to get the food out, cuz she's also very picky when it comes to food, she won't eat unless you hand it to her

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I know it's distressing.

We had something similar with Darwin.

We Rehomed him and he was fantastic for the first few weeks.

Then like yours he did his utmost to escape.

Even to the extent of learning how to unlock the windows. !!!

I think what happens is. . .

For the first few weeks they think they are on holiday. . . . yay. . . .biggrin.gif

But then they realise. . .erm no this may be permanent . . uh, oh. . . sad.gif

I gotta go find my old humans. . . ohmy.gif

They try every which way to escape and piss you off so you will take them back to thier original owner.

Be patient they will calm down and settle in.

Don't shout or get stressed.

Patience and calm.

Love and attention.

Rewards for good behaviour

completely ignoring bad behaviour.

Like a three year old child learns they more attention quicker if they are bad.

So does a Husky.

Ignore the bad behaviour.

They will come around, it takes time.smile.gif

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You guys are very reassuring

One problem is that my mom is very old school, you know.. When some used to SCARE dogs into being obedient. So she yells at her a lot. Even like 3 hrs after the bad behavior.

I've been tryin to get her to calm down n tell her that's not the way you should treat a dog.. But she's stubborn and thinks we've gotten "soft"

everyones consistant with the husky except her ><

so... I guess My next goal is to get my mom to cool it >_>

thanks again though :)

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Sorry for asking another question in a thread but I've also had an idea a couple days ago

since huskies like to pull and work, she's probably itching for something to do, and my mom has always wanted a garden but never got around doing so..

The question is: do you think I might be able to train her to pull a small plow or wagon?

Maybe this way shell have something to do and my

mom will appreciate her more.

Though I'm willing to train if it's possible

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Just make sure you introduce the harness as a good thing otherwise she'll probably not allow you to put it on her the second time. Maybe put it on her then allow her to drag you around the neighborhood for an hour or so. I'm sure she'll really enjoy that...lol.

If you're intending on having her pull something with a signifigant amount of weight behind it, I would suggest a weight pulling harness with a spreader bar on the back. I got one when I made a weight sled for my sibe. The spreader bar will help to distribute the weight so it's not so hard on their backs. And don't go all out the first time. Go slow and ease her into it to avoid any injuries. As you can see from the pic, I put no weight on it our first time out. I added 5 lbs every other day and eventually had him pulling 90lbs. And remember, huskies aren't built for pulling really heavy loads like the Malamutes are so don't overdue it. Best of luck.....


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You guys are very reassuring

so... I guess My next goal is to get my mom to cool it >_>

thanks again though :)

Get your Mom a DAP collar. . . . biggrin.gif

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Sorry for asking another question in a thread but I've also had an idea a couple days ago

since huskies like to pull and work, she's probably itching for something to do, and my mom has always wanted a garden but never got around doing so..

The question is: do you think I might be able to train her to pull a small plow or wagon?

Maybe this way shell have something to do and my

mom will appreciate her more.

Though I'm willing to train if it's possible

Great reply from Silver. . . +1biggrin.gif

All I can add is make sure she understands when she's in the pulling harness she's allowed to pull, bur whatever she's in for "Walkies" she not allowed to pull

otherwise all you'll have is superstrong super draggy Husky.smile.gif

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Great replies from everyone rep added! I just wanted to say welcome and it will take a lot of patience with these dogs. I was in tears the first time my 8 week old puppy was screaming in his cage. I thought something was wrong with him! lol. anyways I agree it's going to take time for your dog to settle in and obedience training is the best bonding experience for you and the dog. Find a treat or toy your dog really enjoys and make them work for it. Even when I play with mine, I'll have him drop it and let me have it or make him sit for it. They do get bored easily and you have to constantly keep them entertained or they will find other means rolleyes.gif training tools can work for walks and such. I ended up getting an gentle leader head collar for mine as he pulls like a train lol. everyone here is always super nice so any other questions will be answered happily. keep us updated on the progress! smile.gif

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Sounds to me like your mum needs rehoming!!! :lol:

:rofl: I was thinking more along the lines of Mum needing the behaviourist or training!! :P

Very good replies here, it will take time, you will have the boundaries tested and you don't know what boundaries were set before, but stick with it, it may be a hard few weeks ahead, but it will be SO worth it, x

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Lots of awesome information. Thanks :)

Yeah i wish I could train my mom loll

anyway, no she isn't spayed. The original owners said that they never had problems with her, so they never spayed her

Is there a really big difference when they're spayed?

I can't remember if my other dog had a difference because I was too young to notice :/

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It makes a HUGE difference! When they aren't spayed they don't have hormones rushing every month that makes them moody and stand-offish. Females who aren't spayed have a tendency to only come to you for affection when THEY want it and will run off if they don't want it and you're trying to give it. They can talk back and be really stubborn, but as soon as the hormone flux is gone they're perfect angels again.

... like I said.. just like human females. LOL

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