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Walking 2 huskies ??


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I've been looking at getting a buddy for Sky on and off for a while (i kinda think the right dog will find me) rescue dogs and puppies. I'd like another Husky but my main worry is walking them both together on my own !!!! Sometimes Sky is perfect on his walks other times well not so much .... for example if he sees a bird or something or if he sees one of his doggy mates i tend to get hauled over to see them or even if somebody stops to make a fuss of him he tends to want to jump up and give a big sloppy kiss which i stop, (still only 10 months old though) i'm just thinking would that turn into a nightmare with 2 ???? i had a doberman before and he would walk pretty perfectly on lead all the time so i'm thinking maybe something like that would be a better choice or maybe a labrador or golden retriever ??? or even a smaller dog ?? i know its more down to individual dogs than breed but i'm just thinking out loud here. So part deux of my question is i know lots of you have 2 or 3 or more Huskies on here how do you walk them especially interested in how you walk on the street not so much open areas or parks as that doesn't really worry me. Do you guys have a dog either side of you , both on the same side, one lead that splits into 2 or 2 short leads, or long leads Just curious really ..........

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when we 1st got skyla i had them on a double ended lead together and bingo in my other hand, once skyla got abit bigger and stronger i had to stop when i walk them now i have skyla on one side bing n blaze on the other, or i wrap skylas lead around my wait (i have a double ended lead so can clip it round easily then i have blaze in my right hand bingo on the left

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I've been looking at getting a buddy for Sky on and off for a while (i kinda think the right dog will find me) rescue dogs and puppies. I'd like another Husky but my main worry is walking them both together on my own !!!! Sometimes Sky is perfect on his walks other times well not so much .... for example if he sees a bird or something or if he sees one of his doggy mates i tend to get hauled over to see them or even if somebody stops to make a fuss of him he tends to want to jump up and give a big sloppy kiss which i stop, (still only 10 months old though) i'm just thinking would that turn into a nightmare with 2 ???? i had a doberman before and he would walk pretty perfectly on lead all the time so i'm thinking maybe something like that would be a better choice or maybe a labrador or golden retriever ??? or even a smaller dog ?? i know its more down to individual dogs than breed but i'm just thinking out loud here. So part deux of my question is i know lots of you have 2 or 3 or more Huskies on here how do you walk them especially interested in how you walk on the street not so much open areas or parks as that doesn't really worry me. Do you guys have a dog either side of you , both on the same side, one lead that splits into 2 or 2 short leads, or long leads Just curious really ..........

Hi ya martin,

Although we have only one husky at present, we do have 3 dogs which I walk alone during the day. Our old english sheep dog thinks he is a husky at times, so I walk him on one side with yogi our other dog and kaya on the other. can be a handfull at times but on the whole is manageable LOL. As long as you keep them all on short leads when in busy areas they should be ok. Just think of your upper arm muscles and the workout they will be gettong LOL :D

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Hi, we simply tie the handles of our leads together.

If they are being walked singly they are on their normal half check collar.

However when walking all three of ours together they go on Halti's other wise they become uncontrollable

pulling in different directions and as you say the slightest distraction and you get pulled left right and centre.

The control headcollars are Just one method of controlling multiple dogs at the same time.

Here's a Pic of Kelly with all three.


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hi , i have 3 huskies and can walk them all at once, can get a bit hair raising though with 3, i have quinn (the 1 with roid rage) lol who pulls his tits off on a belt and a proper sled rig with shock line etc so that if he pulls hard i dont get whiplash and the other 2 will walk on leads at the side, you can get the belts from snowpaw store and the rigs and its a lot easier walking because if they pull you can just lean back and slow them down..

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I am not looking forward to finding out how difficult its gunna be!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink::lol:

Apparently Grey is quite strong and does pull so I'll be clicker training with him the same way I did with Kira, so that he learns the correct walking position, if I can find the clicker that is!!

When its just me and the dogs its gunna be path walks only, unless I take them out 1 at a time (dunno how well that will go down with the one left behind!), I just wont be able to hold onto 2 dogs who both have 30ft to gain speed before they hit the end of the lead!!! :lol:

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We recently had this exact situation. We have had Denali since she was 8 weeks old in early March. We have taken her on 2 walks a day every day since we got her. She was doing really well at loose leash walking, and would only pull every now and then when she saw something she wanted (sometimes it was a small animal, sometimes it was just a leaf blowing across the ground). A week ago today we rescued Yukon. He is a 5 month old male. We purchased a short splitter to put on the end of our leash that is about 14-16 inches out to each dog. That allows us to walk both dogs with only holding one leash. I really like it because if one dog decides to go one direction, the other dog can pull them back on track. It is only when the 2 dogs both go after the same item that it puts any stress on the main leash, and therefor my arm. Even if they were on separate leashes in the same situation, there would still be the same amount of pull, it would just be through 2 leashes. The only problem with it that I have found is that the dogs are close enough that it is hard to separate them if they decide to wrestle while on a walk. I always carry a second leash in my pocket, so if I needed to separate them, I could do so. We plan on running our dogs on the front of our bikes when they get older, so walking them on the split leash gets them used to being in close proximity from a young age.

As for getting your second dog through rescue, they will find you if it is meant to be. Yukon had eaten laundry at his old owners house, and it got stuck in his stomach. They could not afford to get it fixed, so they had to surrender him to the vet. The vet performed the surgery, then turned him into a Husky rescue group. The group posted him on their website, and we just came across the posting. It was fairly local to us, and the rescue (who normally works with older dogs) was looking for a home with another younger dog since he is so full of energy. The two of them tire each other out each day. By 8:30 or 9 PM they are both ready to go into the crates for the night. It has only been a week, and having a second husky for Denali to play with has been great. Yukon was not crate trained so he can be a little loud when he first goes in, but after 5 minutes or so he calms down and goes to sleep.

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I have 3 and with their halti's I take all 3 together but tend to take one out (for some one to one time) and then 2 out and vary it each day. When I have two I have one in each hand with a double ended lead on each so I can easily vary the lead length when required :)

I also have a walking belt which is great for long walks (saves loosing circulation in your hands and prevents the lead rubbing so much and causing burns!). I bought mine from Kisi canine http://www.kisi.co.uk/walkingbelts.php mines blue and purple. I will have mine at the camping trip n Shropshire, if your going you can have a try if you want :)

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Thanks for the replies guys. It sounds like its not really an issue as long as i use the right leads or haltis. The other thing is if there's two of them or more are they likely to be slightly less hyper before you even go for a walk ? i'm thinking if they play with each other before hand.

Sid let me know how you do for the first few times

Andy the pic is awesome, Kelly looking lovely and composed with her pack walking next to her, and not caked in mud with 2 Huskies and and Alsatian up front and Kel being dragged across a field, That makes me feel way more confident

Plus as mentioned theres always the bonus of that upper arm workout biggrin.gif

Bottom line i need to stop faffing around and crack on

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Thanks for the replies guys. It sounds like its not really an issue as long as i use the right leads or haltis. The other thing is if there's two of them or more are they likely to be slightly less hyper before you even go for a walk ? i'm thinking if they play with each other before hand.

I wouldn't keep your hopes too high on that one. My 3 are always excited when they are going on their walks. Although it exercise to us, play time and walk time is quite different to dogs. Walk time isnt just exercise to a dog but its like a time for them to explore thier outside surroundings and meet other dogs, etc whereas playtime is more just pack time if you follow me

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when i walk mine and need to have close control of them I put gentle leaders on them so it calms down their pulling instinct a little and I put control (double ended) leads on them and then i wear the leads round me like an across the body handbag then if i need to I have my hands free and i can just correct which dog pulls if they do when they do. Another thing u cud think about (sorry if someones already mentioned) is a canicross or walking belt and have them both attached to that but you may need to use that in a more open environment... Good luck !! Hope u get another Husky its great watching them play together and they dont really play the same as other dogs.


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At the moment I've got a double ended lead, but once Akira gets here I'll be spending a lot of individual time training her by herself on the regular lead without Loki. I'll probably have my friend or husband come in later and walk Loki beside her until they learn to walk peacefully side by side. Afterward, I'll probably move to walking with two separate leads and then using the double ended lead.

When walking, I have anti-pull harnesses on, though I may look into a halti. Not sure if Loki will take well to that, however.

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yeah I have a non pull harness for my boy but dont think it would make much differnce with the girl ha ha ... Just got one to try but may try it on her. Use the gentle leaders as well (same as haltis) ... Dont think any dog likes wearing them but if its a case of either them wearing something they not keen on and me having pulled muscles in both arms gotta go with the gentle leader lol!!


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My two go crazy when the leads come out - it is a struggle to get them to stand still to put their harnesses on.

We have started with a new plan of action. If they don't stand still we take the leads and leave, closing them in the house while we go out the front door. We stay out for a few minutes and when we come back in we try again, by this time they are usually good and stand still while we put their harnesses on, if they don't, we leave again and come back a few minutes later. By then they know, either stand still, or you don't go out. They still get over excited from time to time, but it is getting better :)

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Adam and I have had the same issues with Moose. He gets very excited when we go for walks, and we have to spell it out as not to tip him off. Right now we have a collar and leash, but Adam ordered a harness for him a few days ago. We will use the leash for structured walks and the harness for playtime so that he knows the difference. It took a long time for Moose to learn how not to pull when on a leash, meaning just recently. It's been a struggle but it just his nature so who can blame him? LOL!

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Martin, Im 9.5 stone wet through and walk my two without a problem! My girl is still quite little but hell does she try her level best to pull you over, and my boy came to me with very nice leash manners, I think he was being good coz he was scared he was gunna get moved on again, now he knows hes staying aaaall thats going out of the window! And hes a BIG fella! The way Im doing it at the moment is I have a double ended police lead that fixes around my waist and onto Nukka and then Shadow has his lead also hitched onto the police lead so they are both around my waist (Im getting a walking belt for my b-day so I can still do this but in comfort!) This way they are attatched to me so theres no danger of a lead getting dropped and a dog getting away, and with them being attatched around my waist it lowers the centre of gravity so they pull but dont pull me @rse over t!t LOL!

I do this at least a couple of times a day every day and when I'm walking someone elses dog two that lead just goes in my hand and sometimes that lead is attatched to a large and VERY strong Retreiver cross who Id actually bet on in a tug of war with him and my two! And yet I am still alive and manage just fine!!! LOL

Basically you'll be fine as long as you think it through what equipment you want to use and get a little respect from your pooches!

If you ever want a demo of how we mush on together just give us a shout and we'll meet you! :)

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