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PLEASTE TAKE NOTE all campers in october


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What spray is the best as my girl will be 2 weeks in when we arrive and at what week stage is the come and get me

The come and get me stage witch is what i call the flirty stage is towards the end of second week going into the third week and onwards.Willow is just coming into her 3rd week and she is after a man....lol Whinning and calling the dogs all around us the little tart....lol.They can still mate even after third week so be carefull just as you think its over it may not be.

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i also think it is very irresponsible taking a bitch on heat, if everyone turns up that is ment to there will be over 80 dogs there and having a bitch on heat is going to cause issues. even if you use sprays and things dogs will still pick up on it.its nice you have let everyone know but do you think this is really a good idea ? when you all take them for walks ect the males are going to be trying to get to the bitch, as isdw said they have a rule no bitches in season in there meetings. think this would be a good idea on here and to be honest common sense tells you not to take a dog on heat to places like this especially with how many dogs are going.this is a good site and is about helping other people with issues related to their dogs and i think this is going to cause more issues than its worth. i know this is my own oppinion and people are going to disagree but lets be realistic about this.

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i also think it is very irresponsible taking a bitch on heat, if everyone turns up that is ment to there will be over 80 dogs there and having a bitch on heat is going to cause issues. even if you use sprays and things dogs will still pick up on it.its nice you have let everyone know but do you think this is really a good idea ? when you all take them for walks ect the males are going to be trying to get to the bitch, as isdw said they have a rule no bitches in season in there meetings. think this would be a good idea on here and to be honest common sense tells you not to take a dog on heat to places like this especially with how many dogs are going.this is a good site and is about helping other people with issues related to their dogs and i think this is going to cause more issues than its worth. i know this is my own oppinion and people are going to disagree but lets be realistic about this.

personally i don't agree with the way in which you came across in this post-you don't know keath and you don't know his dogs or how well trained they are. not only would a meet not be the same without keath but i think it's bang out of order that you call it irresponsible-that is NEVER something i would label keath as.

however i do feel that it may be a problem to have a bitch on heat around so many males but at the end of the day it's what dogs do-dogs are also going to fight but we're not saying oh don't bring such and such a dog because they're a pain in the backside....you work with it and know the limits.

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keath is not gonna be the only person with a female in heat!!!!

he is saying that he will keep his away and under control and asks us to do the same and to me that is a RESPONSIBLE owner

we all know keath and his dogs and we will act accordingly.

the dogs will be a bit over excited but they would all be anyway cos there are soooo many

as long a people concentrate on their own dogs it will be fine

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I wouldnt take Kira, but because that would seriously limit who she could meet, as she wont get on with females when shes in heat. if Keath's 2 are fine with other bitches then there's not that worry.

Keath, dont rely on bitch sprays and pills, have cash ready for the mismate and be prepared to hold dogs in a tie if needed, and at night, have them tied to you as they may slip away to see the boys during the night, those with intact males might be better off doing that awsell :)

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Don't realy see what the issue is here, seems like people making a mountain out of a mole hill, all dogs are to be kept on a lead at all times so will be with their owners, not running loose and doing as they please, so where is the problem ???? we only had one fight last year and that was my two boys with each other.

If they are all on leads then the owners have full control over their dogs xxxxxx

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I agree Linda, we have stipulated that all dogs must be on leads, but I think the gist of the posts (and can I say, there is some unnecessary aggression in some of them, too) is the males may get wound up sensing a female in season is nearby & will lead to a bit more of a struggle than would normally happen with this number of dogs in 1 area.

I personally don't see it as a problem, I have been on numerous camps with some of you rowdy lot before & I know who I can trust with their dogs and who acts responsibly. But I can see the OP point of view. It's a long way to go to have a weekend of howling & males wanting their wicked way (and that's just the humans! :blink: ) but I don't see it as enough of a reason to stop a member wanting to come over ... at the end of the day, if there is a female in heat that gets all the dogs wound up, I would hope that owner would be understanding enough to take their female out of the equation, either another part of the site & meet up as & when or, more dramatically, go back home.

Instead of all the quips & exclamation marks, can we have a decent chat about this, please? I don't want members feeling singled out because a dog of theirs happens to have a season at the "wrong" or "inconvenient" time of the year (and no, I'm not defending Keath, he's big & ugly enough to do that for himself! :P ), this is for any member considering coming to camp & their female is in season.

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this post is not aimed at keath or any individual,but it seems some people are quick to to defend and have the wrong end of the stick.i was not calling him irresponsible at all.its just going to be mad enough with all the dogs that are going as it is,without a female in heat adding to the situation.like it has already been said and i quote" dont rely on bitch sprays and pills, have cash ready for the mismate" and also like it has been said some people will be travelling a long way to the camp and spending alot of money

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this post is not aimed at keath or any individual,but it seems some people are quick to to defend and have the wrong end of the stick.i was not calling him irresponsible at all.its just going to be mad enough with all the dogs that are going as it is,without a female in heat adding to the situation.like it has already been said and i quote" dont rely on bitch sprays and pills, have cash ready for the mismate" and also like it has been said some people will be travelling a long way to the camp and spending alot of money

I do not think that Leesa was being aggressive at all and had very valid points for general knowledge and- as someone who does not know Keath or attended the meets- are perfectly responsible and all in good means with their response.

I do not feel that the unneeded "aggression" towards "defending" Keath is necessary, only need to explain why you feel that this statement would not apply. We don't want any cliques here or to single anyone out. To be honest, I'd be more worried if people who did not know the situation were just OKAY with it.

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just thought i would make a revist to this after a PM some very mixed views and appreciate all the posts people have made regarding my 2 after having met them thank you for the support.

The whole point of this post was to make all aware of my situation if people feel it is best off that i am away from the males by all means dedicate part of the field to people in my situation but I will be coming and mine will be with me 24/7 for those who have their males done by all means come and say hi if you feel you're male would act up i will by all means keep some distance I will respect you/re bounderies as you do mine.

If you have a male who is young not fixed and no idea where it's suppose to go (lol) then come and say hi, My sakari makes no attempt for males she does not call and whine to get attention she is one of the most placid dogs around.

And for the last pointabout the walks them selves I will be at the back of the walk so should not be and issue

Regarding some previous posts i dont think i have been to a single meet where some dogs have not started on each other there is an asbo award at every meet up for just such things with out females in season. Will take the weekend as it comes and do what is needed to be done by me as and when needed

Hope this clears some of it up for people with concerns.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I won't comment myself as that would not be fair but can those that took the bitches on heat to camp please tell what a nightmare it was for you and the rest of us to have to put up with and weather we will be putting up with it again..............

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what can i say it was so hard to put up with all the males that were uninterested i my 2 who are in season i mean how do they compet with all the bbq food about my poor girls glet neglected lol.

It was not an issue at any point all dogs were on leads and kept under great control by all owners every single person introduced their dogs some had a skermish not sexual interest one jus a dislike to ech other but you get that anyways.

Big thanks to all owners who came up which was all of you had a great weekend as from what i have read as has every one else even thou i seem to be in no pictures aside from one with my girls i would like to make those that didnt attend i was there in regards to that an they are in season lol

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what can i say it was so hard to put up with all the males that were uninterested i my 2 who are in season i mean how do they compet with all the bbq food about my poor girls glet neglected lol.

It was not an issue at any point all dogs were on leads and kept under great control by all owners every single person introduced their dogs some had a skermish not sexual interest one jus a dislike to ech other but you get that anyways.

Big thanks to all owners who came up which was all of you had a great weekend as from what i have read as has every one else even thou i seem to be in no pictures aside from one with my girls i would like to make those that didnt attend i was there in regards to that an they are in season lol

If I recall, it is my Myshka who has come away with the Humping Award, trying to get to the boys!! :blink: All the dogs were well behaved, testament to their owners who, in the majority, respected others & didn't encroach in personal space to wind up the dogs

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I'm going to be taking a break from this forum for a while, if not forever. There is absolutely no need for this to be reopened and for people to be so cliquey - wow, you guys that went camping together are fantastic, people who question the wisdom of something are not.

Such a shame, but I think that if you want to have a little forum only for people who know each other and meet up for camping, then brilliant, work away but don't belittle other people who haven't met you personally and aren't your 'mates'.

I am disgusted that it was Dunc who started this again. If this was another poster saying something about one of the clique, there would be uproar.

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I don't know how you have got that impression, Karen, I don't understand what your post is about... the LAST thing I am in is a clique & frankly am offended you have put as much! Steve & I promote this forum whenever & wherever we can, encourage new members to join & hope they can see that we are a friendly bunch that get together if we can & will encourage the others to do so, too. We have done this from Scotland, all over the UK ... we are passionate about the breed & understand that huskies are not your normal dog, if we can bring someone to this forum & help, them, give them tips, educate them, then our job is done ... if we also manage to get them meeting with other husky owners - BONUS!!

But I am really offended by your post, I just wish you weren't so blinkered & could actually see the bigger picture.

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karen i don't think it was re-opened in the manor in which you are reading it. we didnt have any problems with any of the dogs......well ozzy did like to hump marley and george did like to hump ozzy........but as they are all males i dont think there was an issue........and i think people were just trying to say that there was so much going on that the dogs didnt have time to cause problems like were predicted.

i dont think that we have any sort of 'clique' i spent the weekend with lisa and dave....... who's caravan i was staying in.......with alex and mark who i've only met twice before........ and spent the rest of the time with members i'd never met before (alex_85, Viamphe, crispy 72, daverace,kernowhuskies) it was nice to put some names to faces and to make some new friends who have some gorgeous dogs.

im gutted that you think that we have clique's like this, people are always going to get on better than others but i am quiet insulted that you think we are narrow minded enough to just stick with the people we know.


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don't think there was any need for Karens post. nobody is being or has ever been cliquey on this forum, we welcome everyone who has the capacity to be friendly, social and non-judgemental towards others.

I have never met, most of the people i met at camp.

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