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Have you ever been hypnotised to give up something


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Well not me personally but one of my old bosses was hypnotized (to quit smoking and it worked) and one of jayces family members did the same thing and it worked for them to.....but yet I've also had a co-worker at my old job go and It only worked for a few months......I think it depends on the person and what you are going for...

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Cheers guys, when I booked my appointment I said to the women that I understand I may not be able to be hypnotised, she replied that everyone can be hypnotised its wether you believe yourself afterwards that you were and that it worked for you!!!!! Ive been trying to keep it a secret as I dont want to be looked at as another failed attempt if it goes wrong - but I am going for a gastric mind band, I will be hypnotised on my 3rd session to believe I have a band fitted and that my stomach is the size of a golf ball.

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I've not had it done but it's all in the power of the mind - you believe therefore you are kinda thing

If it works hun that'd be fantastic! And hey - if it works pass me the number on i'd lvoe to have that done - no surgery and a good weight loss is JUST what i need lol

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Ok, Its the hubby of Honeysmom here, She has texted me to have a look at this thread as I am an experienced, qualifiedand registered Hypnotherapist/Psychotherapist/NLP Practitioner. She thought I may be able to add a little something to the discussion.

Firstly, I agree that 97% of people can be hypnotised (yes some people take more work than others. (davidjk I would suggest/assume that whoever told you you cannot be hypnotised was not very experienced unless you fall into one of the following examples)). I say 97% as there are certain conditions which would preclude hypnosis as an appropriate intervention e.g. epilepsy, advanced demture or bi-polar disorder. In essence, hypnosis is a completely NATURAL state of mind. One in which you are completely relaxed and focussed. So natural in fact, that we ALL slip in and out of hypnosis on average around 15 times a day. We just know it as other things. For example, daydreaming is a state of light hypnosis. When we wake up or we're nodding off we transit hypnotic states. So we can see that hypnosis is nothing to be afraid of. It's while we are in hypnotic state that the subconscious mind is highly suggestible and it is this state that the therapist will use to analyse, adjust where necessary or install new suggestion where appropriate.

In my own practice I am asked about the hypnotic gastric band from time to time. Yes it does work, however, I have a few reservations. Firstly, the gastric band is the last resort in the medical community as it is introducing a foreign restrictive body into your body that can foster it's own complications. I believe (and this is my opinion you understand), that the same should be true for installing a hypnotic gastric band in the mind. As with the clinical intervention, you are installing something foreign into the mind and ask yourself, does it deal with all the other core emotional issues that have had you eating in a way that has got you overweight in the first place? I think not. It's rather like treating the symptom without any regard whatsoever for the causes. I beleive as therapists we must always start with the cause as it follows that the symptom (weight in this case) sorts itself out. Every client that has asked me about hypnotic gastric bands have been happy to go for my well developed and evidenced five step weight management process first. All have been happy with the results and not gone on to use the hypnotic gastric band as an intervention.

Another general thing I've picked up on this thread is there is a lot of "if's and try" language going on. You have to view this as WHEN it works and the word "try" has no place in our vocabulary (unless you're a rugby player of course). To "try" implies failure... just DO IT.

I hope the above is of some interest and value, especially for Michelle. However, if you have any further questions or want further advice, my contact details are on my website at www.insightz-uk.com

I'd be happy to talk to you further on the subject.

Kind regards

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Ok, Its the hubby of Honeysmom here, She has texted me to have a look at this thread as I am an experienced, qualifiedand registered Hypnotherapist/Psychotherapist/NLP Practitioner. She thought I may be able to add a little something to the discussion.

Firstly, I agree that 97% of people can be hypnotised (yes some people take more work than others. (davidjk I would suggest/assume that whoever told you you cannot be hypnotised was not very experienced unless you fall into one of the following examples)). I say 97% as there are certain conditions which would preclude hypnosis as an appropriate intervention e.g. epilepsy, advanced demture or bi-polar disorder. In essence, hypnosis is a completely NATURAL state of mind. One in which you are completely relaxed and focussed. So natural in fact, that we ALL slip in and out of hypnosis on average around 15 times a day. We just know it as other things. For example, daydreaming is a state of light hypnosis. When we wake up or we're nodding off we transit hypnotic states. So we can see that hypnosis is nothing to be afraid of. It's while we are in hypnotic state that the subconscious mind is highly suggestible and it is this state that the therapist will use to analyse, adjust where necessary or install new suggestion where appropriate.

In my own practice I am asked about the hypnotic gastric band from time to time. Yes it does work, however, I have a few reservations. Firstly, the gastric band is the last resort in the medical community as it is introducing a foreign restrictive body into your body that can foster it's own complications. I believe (and this is my opinion you understand), that the same should be true for installing a hypnotic gastric band in the mind. As with the clinical intervention, you are installing something foreign into the mind and ask yourself, does it deal with all the other core emotional issues that have had you eating in a way that has got you overweight in the first place? I think not. It's rather like treating the symptom without any regard whatsoever for the causes. I beleive as therapists we must always start with the cause as it follows that the symptom (weight in this case) sorts itself out. Every client that has asked me about hypnotic gastric bands have been happy to go for my well developed and evidenced five step weight management process first. All have been happy with the results and not gone on to use the hypnotic gastric band as an intervention.

Another general thing I've picked up on this thread is there is a lot of "if's and try" language going on. You have to view this as WHEN it works and the word "try" has no place in our vocabulary (unless you're a rugby player of course). To "try" implies failure... just DO IT.

I hope the above is of some interest and value, especially for Michelle. However, if you have any further questions or want further advice, my contact details are on my website at www.insightz-uk.com

I'd be happy to talk to you further on the subject.

Kind regards

Wow thanks for replying, A little bit about myself will make you understand why I have come to the conclusion to try hypnotherapy, A few years ago I hit 20 stones in weight, I was laughed at on holiday in Lanzarote getting out of the swimming pool, and totally humiliated, I then went on a series of diets and have tried nearly everything available from Atkins, Slim Fast, illegal slimming tablets, herbal tablets, even Reductil which was prescribed by my GP, I managed to shift 4 stones with these. Reductil was then banned in the UK and I started to gain weight again, I joined a gym and paid nearly £500 for a personal trainer, I have even had a 6 week training and diet course with Richard Callender from UKs BIggest Loser programme (my friends were contestants on the show last year), I lost 13lbs in 6 weeks with him and then gained it back last christmas. I joined Virgin Active gym this Jan and up until June I was attending 5 classes a week including spinning and body combat, then I went on holiday gained more weight, it was then the school hols and I couldnt get to the gym - I am now back up by another stone again and I am so depressed, I know I have a problem with food as I have days where I eat the same thing to death then go off of it again, I work evenings and come in at 10pm and eat the wrong thing, my days start off really well with porridge and then by midday its going down hill. The lady I am going to see is seeing me over a course of 3/4 sessions, the first will be to discuss my eating habits and I assume my past and the reasons why I over eat and eat the wrong foods - I also have an addiction to diet coke and have drunk 26 cans since Sunday!!!!!!!!!! on my last session this is the one where she will carry out the GMB where I will be lead to believe my stomach is the size of a golf ball.

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+1 John

"As with the clinical intervention, you are installing something foreign into the mind and ask yourself, does it deal with all the other core emotional issues that have had you eating in a way that has got you overweight in the first place?"

That's true, hadn't thought of that - i joined slimming world and have lost 1 1/2 stone so far and yes i've changed my eating habits and looked at what i can do exercise wise - little things like parking my car at the far end of the car park and having to walk just that little bit further - all adds up - taking the stairs instead of the lift etc.

I am also on anti depressants at the moment and i find when i have a bad day - i tend to eat more

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I forgot to add about my Bodybugg - I purchased one of these in March (I must have spent thousands over the years on dieting) lol

I think I know all there is to know about dieting, its not rocket science cals in cals out, take too many in and dont burn up enough you gain weight!!!! but its not so simple when food controls your day to day life, which is exactly now where I feel I am at, I wake up planning what I am going to eat, I will go to town or Sainsburys purposely to buy something nice, then sit and eat it on the computer and feel fantastic for about half hour then the downer sets in and the guilt and the hating of myself - yet its something I am out of control with again :-(.

Sarah I tried slimming world, preferred Weight Watchers but again I used all my points on the wrong things lol - good luck mate xxx

oops feel a bit ashamed now - I am a newbie and have opened up about myself far too much "blushes"

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Hey Michelle.

Don't worry about opening up on here, to be honest the people on here know me better than almost anyone that I count as family or close friends! Sometimes it's easier to get advice from strangers and people that are completely 'out' of the situation.......people that have their own experiences

I have the opposite problem to you but to me it is just as distressing......

I have had weight problems since I was 12, I was in control of nothing else in my life and controlling my eating (or not eating as the case was) made me feel better, I was 5ft8 and 6st 4lbs at my worst.....I was in counselling every week, had to have blood tests every week to check my iron levels and white cell count as i was basically killing myself. I saw people from couselling die and that and seeing my mum in floods of tears when i was in my final year of high school was what convinced me that something had to change.

i even had to put on a certain amount of weight to be able to go to my prom!!!

I have had a few relapses, again usually when I'm not in control of anything else.

This time last year my whole world fell apart around me and so did I-was signed off for a long time, prescribed antidepressants and since then my life has changed. Although I have put on more than 2 stone, I am happier than I have ever been and am trying to get into a pattern of healthy eating (why i went to weight watchers about 2 years ago-to make sure loosing a couple of extra pounds didn't turn into a landslide again) and trying to keep myself motivated to make sure I dont get majorly unhealthy or a lot bigger!!!

I also am addicted to diet coke-and it is making me ill, it cocks up the levels in my body and it sends your moods round the twist-i'm trying to cut down but it's really difficult if i'm tired esp (which i am alot as i have ME) as it wakes me up.......

put it this way, if hypnotherapy could help me then i'd be doing it, but again the putting control into other people's hands scares the life out of me......i'd be scared that if one thing was being controlled that it would mess up my head again......

i know i'm not really helping but i thought at least reading a different side of the story might.........good luck hun and let us know what happens-you'll need to keep a picture diary xxxx

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Dizzy thanks so much for that, I am just off to the hairdressers, but will reply properly later when I am home again, I really appreciate you posting and hearing you story it amazes me how we are totally the opposite on the scales yet so similar in the way we feel. Hypnotherapy probably would work wonders for you too hun x Speak later x

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Good luck with it let us know how it goes :) weight is such a touchy subject all my life I've been underweight not due to not eating I can eat loads and loads and loads and not put any weight on but I hate it I would love to be a bit bigger but just doesn't happen, people ask me do I eat, why am I so thin?, your so skinny, you'd disappear if you turned to the side, that's only a few things said to me I don't look anorexic as I am healthy and I do eat alot just my metabolism is sooo high I burn it all off im a size 6 but nowadays people are meant to be bigger and ll curvy etc so they judge me it's a horrible thing

Sorry had to rant there lol hope all goes well for you :)

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Hello again,

John the hypnotherapist here again.

Just a few thoughts on what has been posted since I originally posted yesterday.

Firstly, Michelle, there is a recurring theme in what you have said that is so very common these days, in that you have been "yo-yo" dieting for years. This is not surprising as the dieting industry is worth multi-millions in a year and they love nothing better than repeat custom, or for an individual to become reliant upon them so they keep going back. This is why most of them do not address either the emotional issues or any form of maintenance. Don't get me wrong, they are brilliant as a structure for losing weight, but that is it.

Secondly, I would hope that your chosen therapist addresses you emotional issues at the outset and BEFORE going anywhere near the HMB. If she doesn't and you don't feel ready, PLEASE don't proceed. Why? Your eating beahiours appear to be part of a greater coping mechanism. If the ability to use this mechanism is taken away before you have addressed the issue for which you are trying to cope, this could lead to a whole new cycle of depression. Please make sure you are ready for it!

I agree with Dizzy that you shouldn't worry about opening up on here. It is anonomous after all and as Dizzy said you can gain some wonderful advice from strangers. Also the acting of writing (typing) your thoughts down can be very cathartic and focus you on the job at hand. I have used hypnotic writing with some clients and this produces brilliant results a lot of the time.

Dizzy, I would like to pick up on your comment:-

"put it this way, if hypnotherapy could help me then i'd be doing it, but again the putting control into other people's hands scares the life out of me......i'd be scared that if one thing was being controlled that it would mess up my head again......"

You do NOT put control in the hands of the hypnotherapist. This is a common misperception fuelled in the main by the stage hypnotist. Nobody can be hypnotised into doing anything they wouldn't morally do in the first place. For example, if I tried to hypnotise someone to withdraw their life savings and give it to me without even remembering they've done it, they quite simply wouldn't do it. THe only effect this would have is to emerge them out of trance with the question "What did you just ask me to do?"

Again, I hope this all helps.

Kind regards

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thanks john, i didn't think that they would try and get me out of my life savings!! (not that i have any!!) i think it's the control matter as in.....it's not something i can deal with myself....if that makes any sense......dont get me wrong i completely put my faith in billie my hairdresser every time i go but my crazy messed up head is a completely different kettle of fish!!!

storm i know what you mean-i have a friend who is painfully thin but she can't put on weight at all and buys clothes from children's shops and people are constantly asking her if she's anorexic.....i think both sides of the weight problem are ridiculed and both are just as distressing as the other.

well in dresses i am an 8-10.....in pants 12-14 and do you know what i may be flabby round the edges but my bear loves me wobbly bits and all and that is the main thing :-)

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again a quick message, today has been a manic day, even more manic in the pouring torrential rain we had - such a contrast to yesterday!!!! kids are all home from school and Uni and its the dreaded rush hour of the day of them coming in and filling me in with the days events and me rushing out to work.

I am so looking forward to being hypnotised and have had my mine put at rest about the whole "taking your life savings out" thing lol,

Hopefully when I get home from work around 10pm I wont be too tired to reply back to you both xxx

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